private void init(final UserRequest ureq) { startButton = LinkFactory.createButton("start", myContent, this); // fetch disclaimer file String sDisclaimer = (String) modConfig.get(IQEditController.CONFIG_KEY_DISCLAIMER); if (sDisclaimer != null) { VFSContainer baseContainer = userCourseEnv.getCourseEnvironment().getCourseFolderContainer(); final int lastSlash = sDisclaimer.lastIndexOf('/'); if (lastSlash != -1) { baseContainer = (VFSContainer) baseContainer.resolve(sDisclaimer.substring(0, lastSlash)); sDisclaimer = sDisclaimer.substring(lastSlash); // first check if disclaimer exists on filesystem if (baseContainer == null || baseContainer.resolve(sDisclaimer) == null) { showWarning("disclaimer.file.invalid", sDisclaimer); } else { // screenreader do not like iframes, display inline if (getWindowControl().getWindowBackOffice().getWindowManager().isForScreenReader()) { final HtmlStaticPageComponent disclaimerComp = new HtmlStaticPageComponent("disc", baseContainer); myContent.put("disc", disclaimerComp); disclaimerComp.setCurrentURI(sDisclaimer); myContent.contextPut("hasDisc", Boolean.TRUE); } else { iFrameCtr = new IFrameDisplayController(ureq, getWindowControl(), baseContainer); listenTo(iFrameCtr); // dispose automatically myContent.put("disc", iFrameCtr.getInitialComponent()); iFrameCtr.setCurrentURI(sDisclaimer); myContent.contextPut("hasDisc", Boolean.TRUE); } } } } // push title and learning objectives, only visible on intro page myContent.contextPut("menuTitle", courseNode.getShortTitle()); myContent.contextPut("displayTitle", courseNode.getLongTitle()); // Adding learning objectives final String learningObj = courseNode.getLearningObjectives(); if (learningObj != null) { final Component learningObjectives = ObjectivesHelper.createLearningObjectivesComponent(learningObj, ureq); myContent.put("learningObjectives", learningObjectives); myContent.contextPut("hasObjectives", learningObj); // dummy value, just an exists operator } if (type.equals(AssessmentInstance.QMD_ENTRY_TYPE_ASSESS)) { checkChats(ureq); singleUserEventCenter.registerFor(this, getIdentity(), chatEventOres); } }
public PortfolioCourseNodeEditController( final UserRequest ureq, final WindowControl wControl, final ICourse course, final PortfolioCourseNode node, final ModuleConfiguration config, final UserCourseEnvironment euce) { super(ureq, wControl); this.config = config; this.courseNode = node; configForm = new PortfolioConfigForm(ureq, wControl, course, node); listenTo(configForm); scoringController = new MSEditFormController(ureq, wControl, config); scoringContent = scoringController.getInitialComponent(); listenTo(scoringController); textForm = new PortfolioTextForm(ureq, wControl, course, node); listenTo(textForm); configContent = createVelocityContainer("edit"); configContent.put("configForm", configForm.getInitialComponent()); configContent.put("textForm", textForm.getInitialComponent()); // Accessibility precondition final CourseGroupManager groupMgr = course.getCourseEnvironment().getCourseGroupManager(); final CourseEditorTreeModel editorModel = course.getEditorTreeModel(); final Condition accessCondition = node.getPreConditionAccess(); accessibilityCondContr = new ConditionEditController( ureq, getWindowControl(), groupMgr, accessCondition, "accessabilityConditionForm", AssessmentHelper.getAssessableNodes(editorModel, node), euce); listenTo(accessibilityCondContr); // if there is already user data available, make for read only final UserNodeAuditManager am = course.getCourseEnvironment().getAuditManager(); hasLogEntries = am.hasUserNodeLogs(node); configContent.contextPut("hasLogEntries", new Boolean(hasLogEntries)); if (hasLogEntries) { scoringController.setDisplayOnly(true); } // Initialstate configContent.contextPut("isOverwriting", new Boolean(false)); }
@Override @SuppressWarnings("unused") protected void event(final UserRequest ureq, final Component source, final Event event) { if (STATISTICS_FULL_RECALCULATION_TRIGGER_BUTTON.equals(event.getCommand())) { final StatisticUpdateService statisticUpdateManager = getStatisticUpdateManager(); if (statisticUpdateManager == null) {"event: UpdateStatisticsJob configured, but no StatisticManager available"); } else { final String title = getTranslator().translate("statistics.fullrecalculation.really.title"); final String text = getTranslator().translate("statistics.fullrecalculation.really.text"); dialogCtr_ = DialogBoxUIFactory.createYesNoDialog(ureq, getWindowControl(), title, text); listenTo(dialogCtr_); dialogCtr_.activate(); } } else if (STATISTICS_UPDATE_TRIGGER_BUTTON.equals(event.getCommand())) { final StatisticUpdateService statisticUpdateManager = getStatisticUpdateManager(); if (statisticUpdateManager == null) {"event: UpdateStatisticsJob configured, but no StatisticManager available"); } else { statisticUpdateManager.updateStatistics(false, getUpdateFinishedCallback()); refreshUIState(); content.put( "updatecontrol", new JSAndCSSComponent("intervall", this.getClass(), null, null, false, null, 3000)); getInitialComponent().setDirty(true); } } }
/** * refreshing the add elements link to actual structure * * @param ureq * @param struct maybe null -> hiding the add-button */ private void refreshAddElements(final UserRequest ureq, final PortfolioStructure struct) { tocV.remove(tocV.getComponent("addElement")); removeAsListenerAndDispose(addElCtrl); if (struct != null) { addElCtrl = new EPAddElementsController(ureq, getWindowControl(), struct); if (struct instanceof EPPage) { if (secCallback.canAddStructure()) { addElCtrl.setShowLink(EPAddElementsController.ADD_STRUCTUREELEMENT); } if (secCallback.canAddArtefact()) { addElCtrl.setShowLink(EPAddElementsController.ADD_ARTEFACT); } } else if (struct instanceof EPAbstractMap) { if (secCallback.canAddPage()) { addElCtrl.setShowLink(EPAddElementsController.ADD_PAGE); } } else { // its a structure element if (secCallback.canAddArtefact()) { addElCtrl.setShowLink(EPAddElementsController.ADD_ARTEFACT); } } listenTo(addElCtrl); tocV.put("addElement", addElCtrl.getInitialComponent()); } }
/** * @param ureq * @param subscriptionContext * @param publisherData */ public ContextualSubscriptionController( UserRequest ureq, WindowControl wControl, SubscriptionContext subscriptionContext, PublisherData publisherData) { super(ureq, wControl); this.subscriptionContext = subscriptionContext; this.publisherData = publisherData; isNewNotificationService = useNewNotificationService(publisherData); myContent = createVelocityContainer("consubs"); if (subscriptionContext == null) { setInitialComponent(new Panel("empty:nosubscription")); return; } detailsPanel = new Panel("subscription_detail"); allPanel = new Panel("subscription_all"); subscribeButton = LinkFactory.createButtonSmall("command.subscribe", myContent, this); // subscribeButton.setCustomEnabledLinkCSS("b_noti_subscribe_link"); this.unsubscribeButton = LinkFactory.createButtonSmall("command.unsubscribe", myContent, this); // unsubscribeButton.setCustomEnabledLinkCSS("b_noti_unsubscribe_link"); if (isNewNotificationService) { "Notification-Service: " + publisherData.getType() + " is running with NEW notification"); newNotificationService = getService(LearnServices.notificationLearnService); subscriptionContext.setContextId( getRepositoryService() .getRepositoryEntryIdFromResourceable( subscriptionContext.getResId(), subscriptionContext.getResName())); // TODO: LD: move this at construction of // subscriptionContext newSubscriptionContext = newNotificationService.createNotificationSubscriptionContext( ureq.getIdentity(), subscriptionContext, publisherData); isSubscribed = newNotificationService.isSubscribed(newSubscriptionContext); } else { "Notification-Service: " + publisherData.getType() + " is running with LEGACY notification"); notifManager = getNotificationService(); // if subscribed, offer a unsubscribe button and vica versa. isSubscribed = notifManager.isSubscribed(ureq.getIdentity(), subscriptionContext); } updateUI(); myContent.put("detailsPanel", detailsPanel); allPanel.setContent(myContent); putInitialPanel(allPanel); }
public EPTOCController( final UserRequest ureq, final WindowControl wControl, final PortfolioStructure selectedEl, final PortfolioStructure rootNode, final EPSecurityCallback secCallback) { super(ureq, wControl); this.secCallback = secCallback; tocV = createVelocityContainer("toc"); ePFMgr = (EPFrontendManager) CoreSpringFactory.getBean(EPFrontendManager.class); eSTMgr = (PortfolioStructureDao) CoreSpringFactory.getBean(PortfolioStructureDao.class); this.rootNode = rootNode; final AjaxTreeModel treeModel = buildTreeModel(); treeCtr = new TreeController( ureq, getWindowControl(), translate("toc.root"), treeModel, "myjsCallback"); treeCtr.setTreeSorting(false, false, false); listenTo(treeCtr); tocV.put("tocTree", treeCtr.getInitialComponent()); delButton = LinkFactory.createCustomLink( "deleteButton", DELETE_LINK_CMD, " ", Link.NONTRANSLATED, tocV, this); delButton.setTooltip(translate("deleteButton"), false); delButton.setCustomEnabledLinkCSS("b_delete_icon b_eportfolio_del_link "); tocV.put("deleteButton", delButton); if (selectedEl == null) { treeCtr.selectPath("/" + ROOT_NODE_IDENTIFIER + "/" + rootNode.getKey()); // select map refreshAddElements(ureq, rootNode); } else { final String pagePath = calculatePathByDeepestNode(selectedEl); treeCtr.selectPath("/" + ROOT_NODE_IDENTIFIER + "/" + rootNode.getKey() + pagePath); structureClicked = selectedEl; refreshAddElements(ureq, selectedEl); } putInitialPanel(tocV); }
@Override protected void event(final UserRequest ureq, final Controller source, final Event event) { if (source == dialogCtr_) { if (DialogBoxUIFactory.isYesEvent(event)) { final StatisticUpdateService statisticUpdateManager = getStatisticUpdateManager(); if (statisticUpdateManager == null) {"event: UpdateStatisticsJob configured, but no StatisticManager available"); } else { statisticUpdateManager.updateStatistics(true, getUpdateFinishedCallback()); refreshUIState(); content.put( "updatecontrol", new JSAndCSSComponent("intervall", this.getClass(), null, null, false, null, 3000)); getInitialComponent().setDirty(true); } } } }
/** * Constructor * * @param ureq * @param wControl */ protected CalendarPortletRunController(final UserRequest ureq, final WindowControl wControl) { super(ureq, wControl); calendarVC = createVelocityContainer("calendarPortlet"); showAllLink = LinkFactory.createLink("calendar.showAll", calendarVC, this); ComponentUtil.registerForValidateEvents(calendarVC, this); final Date date = new Date(); final String today = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, ureq.getLocale()).format(date); calendarVC.contextPut("today", today); final TableGuiConfiguration tableConfig = new TableGuiConfiguration(); tableConfig.setTableEmptyMessage(translate("calendar.noEvents")); tableConfig.setDisplayTableHeader(false); tableConfig.setCustomCssClass("b_portlet_table"); tableConfig.setDisplayRowCount(false); tableConfig.setPageingEnabled(false); tableConfig.setDownloadOffered(false); tableController = new TableController(tableConfig, ureq, getWindowControl(), getTranslator()); // dummy header key, won't be used since setDisplayTableHeader is set to // false tableController.addColumnDescriptor( new PortletDateColumnDescriptor("", 0, getTranslator())); tableController.addColumnDescriptor( new DefaultColumnDescriptor( "calendar.subject", 1, CMD_LAUNCH, ureq.getLocale(), ColumnDescriptor.ALIGNMENT_LEFT)); final List events = getMatchingEvents(ureq, wControl); tableController.setTableDataModel(new EventsModel(events)); listenTo(tableController); calendarVC.put("table", tableController.getInitialComponent()); putInitialPanel(this.calendarVC); }
@Override protected void event(final UserRequest ureq, final Controller source, final Event event) { if (source == usersForm) { if (event == Event.DONE_EVENT) { // calc stuff, preview final List existIdents = securityManager.getIdentitiesOfSecurityGroup(securityGroup); oks = new ArrayList<Identity>(); final List<String> anonymous = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> notFounds = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> alreadyIn = new ArrayList<String>(); // get the logins final String inp = usersForm.getLoginsString(); final String[] lines = inp.split("\r?\n"); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { final String username = lines[i].trim(); if (!username.equals("")) { // skip empty lines final Identity ident = securityManager.findIdentityByName(username); if (ident == null) { // not found, add to not-found-list notFounds.add(username); } else if (getBaseSecurityEBL().isAnonymous(ident)) { anonymous.add(username); } else { // check if already in group final boolean inGroup = containsIdentity(existIdents, ident); if (inGroup) { // added to warning: already in group alreadyIn.add(ident.getName()); } else { // ok to add -> preview (but filter duplicate entries) if (!containsIdentity(oks, ident)) { oks.add(ident); } } } } } // push table and other infos to velocity removeAsListenerAndDispose(newTableC); newTableC = UserControllerFactory.createTableControllerFor( null, oks, ureq, getWindowControl(), null); listenTo(newTableC); mainVc.put("table", newTableC.getInitialComponent()); mainVc.contextPut("isanonymous", listNames(anonymous)); mainVc.contextPut("notfound", listNames(notFounds)); mainVc.contextPut("alreadyin", listNames(alreadyIn)); mainVc.contextPut("usercount", new Integer(oks.size())); // set table page as next wizard step setNextWizardStep(translate("import.title.finish"), mainVc); } } else if (source == mailCtr) { if (event == Event.DONE_EVENT) { final MultiIdentityChosenEvent multiEvent = new MultiIdentityChosenEvent(this.oks); multiEvent.setMailTemplate(mailCtr.getMailTemplate()); fireEvent(ureq, multiEvent); } } }
/** * @param ureq * @param cpRoot * @param showMenu * @param activateFirstPage */ CPDisplayController( final UserRequest ureq, final WindowControl wControl, final VFSContainer rootContainer, final boolean showMenu, final boolean activateFirstPage, final String initialUri, final OLATResourceable ores) { super(ureq, wControl); this.rootContainer = rootContainer; // wrapper velocity container for page content this.myContent = createVelocityContainer("cpDisplay"); // the cp component, added to the velocity if (!ureq.getUserSession().getRoles().isGuestOnly()) { final SearchServiceUIFactory searchServiceUIFactory = (SearchServiceUIFactory) CoreSpringFactory.getBean(SearchServiceUIFactory.class); searchCtrl = searchServiceUIFactory.createInputController(ureq, wControl, DisplayOption.BUTTON, null); myContent.put("search_input", searchCtrl.getInitialComponent()); } // TODO:gs:a // may add an additional config for disabling, enabling IFrame style or not in CP mode // but always disable IFrame display when in screenreader mode (no matter whether style gets // ugly) if (getWindowControl().getWindowBackOffice().getWindowManager().isForScreenReader()) { cpComponent = new HtmlStaticPageComponent("", rootContainer); cpComponent.addListener(this); myContent.put("cpContent", cpComponent); } else { cpContentCtr = new IFrameDisplayController(ureq, getWindowControl(), rootContainer, null, ores); cpContentCtr.setAllowDownload(true); listenTo(cpContentCtr); myContent.put("cpContent", cpContentCtr.getInitialComponent()); } // even if we do not show the menu, we need to build parse the manifest and // find the first node to display at startup final VFSItem mani = rootContainer.resolve("imsmanifest.xml"); if (mani == null || !(mani instanceof VFSLeaf)) { throw new OLATRuntimeException( "error.manifest.missing", null, this.getClass().getPackage().getName(), "CP " + rootContainer + " has no imsmanifest", null); } // initialize tree model in any case ctm = new CPManifestTreeModel((VFSLeaf) mani); if (showMenu) { // the menu is only initialized when needed. cpTree = new MenuTree("cpDisplayTree"); cpTree.setTreeModel(ctm); cpTree.addListener(this); } LoggingResourceable nodeInfo = null; if (activateFirstPage) { // set content to first accessible child or root node if no children // available TreeNode node = ctm.getRootNode(); if (node == null) { throw new OLATRuntimeException( CPDisplayController.class, "root node of content packaging was null, file:" + rootContainer, null); } while (node != null && !node.isAccessible()) { if (node.getChildCount() > 0) { node = (TreeNode) node.getChildAt(0); } else { node = null; } } if (node != null) { // node.isAccessible final String nodeUri = (String) node.getUserObject(); if (cpContentCtr != null) { cpContentCtr.setCurrentURI(nodeUri); } if (cpComponent != null) { cpComponent.setCurrentURI(nodeUri); } if (showMenu) { cpTree.setSelectedNodeId(node.getIdent()); } // activate the selected node in the menu (skips the root node that is // empty anyway and saves one user click) selNodeId = node.getIdent(); nodeInfo = LoggingResourceable.wrapCpNode(nodeUri); } } else if (initialUri != null) { // set page if (cpContentCtr != null) { cpContentCtr.setCurrentURI(initialUri); } if (cpComponent != null) { cpComponent.setCurrentURI(initialUri); } // update menu final TreeNode newNode = ctm.lookupTreeNodeByHref(initialUri); if (newNode != null) { // user clicked on a link which is listed in the // toc if (cpTree != null) { cpTree.setSelectedNodeId(newNode.getIdent()); } else { selNodeId = newNode.getIdent(); } } nodeInfo = LoggingResourceable.wrapCpNode(initialUri); } // Note: the ores has a typename of ICourse - see // CPCourseNode.createNodeRunConstructorResult // which has the following line: // OresHelper.createOLATResourceableInstance(ICourse.class, // userCourseEnv.getCourseEnvironment().getCourseResourceableId()); // therefore we use OresHelper.calculateTypeName(ICourse.class) here if (ores != null && nodeInfo != null && !OresHelper.calculateTypeName(ICourse.class).equals(ores.getResourceableTypeName())) { addLoggingResourceable(LoggingResourceable.wrap(ores, OlatResourceableType.cp)); ThreadLocalUserActivityLogger.log( LearningResourceLoggingAction.LEARNING_RESOURCE_OPEN, getClass(), nodeInfo); } putInitialPanel(myContent); }
/** * @param ureq * @param wControl * @param rootDir The VFS root directory from which the linkable files should be read * @param uploadRelPath The relative path within the rootDir where uploaded files should be put * into. If NULL, the root Dir is used * @param suffixes Array of allowed file types * @param fileName the path of the file currently edited (in order to compute the correct relative * paths for links), e.g. bla/blu.html or index.html */ public FileLinkChooserController( UserRequest ureq, WindowControl wControl, VFSContainer rootDir, String uploadRelPath, String[] suffixes, String fileName) { super(ureq, wControl); this.fileName = fileName; this.suffixes = suffixes; this.rootDir = rootDir; this.mainVC = createVelocityContainer("filechooser"); // file uploads are relative to the currently edited file String[] dirs = this.fileName.split("/"); VFSContainer fileUploadBase = rootDir; for (String subPath : dirs) { // try to resolve the given file path in the root container VFSItem subFolder = fileUploadBase.resolve(subPath); if (subFolder != null) { if (subFolder instanceof VFSContainer) { // a higher level found, use this one unless a better one is found fileUploadBase = (VFSContainer) subFolder; } else { // it is not a container - leaf reached break; } } else { // resolving was not possible??? stop here break; } } // create directory filter combined with suffix filter String[] dirFilters = {"_courseelementdata"}; VFSItemFilter customFilter = null; VFSItemFilter dirFilter = new VFSItemExcludePrefixFilter(dirFilters); if (suffixes != null) { VFSItemFileTypeFilter typeFilter = new VFSItemFileTypeFilter(suffixes); typeFilter.setCompositeFilter(dirFilter); customFilter = typeFilter; } else { customFilter = dirFilter; } // hide file chooser title, we have our own title fileChooserController = FileChooserUIFactory.createFileChooserControllerWithoutTitle( ureq, getWindowControl(), rootDir, customFilter, true); listenTo(fileChooserController); mainVC.put("stTree", fileChooserController.getInitialComponent()); // convert file endings to mime types as needed by file upload controller Set<String> mimeTypes = null; if (suffixes != null) { mimeTypes = new HashSet<String>(); for (String suffix : suffixes) { String mimeType = WebappHelper.getMimeType("dummy." + suffix); if (mimeType != null) { if (!mimeTypes.contains(mimeType)) mimeTypes.add(mimeType); } } } uploadCtr = new FileUploadController( wControl, fileUploadBase, ureq, (int) FolderConfig.getLimitULKB(), Quota.UNLIMITED, mimeTypes, true); listenTo(uploadCtr); // set specific upload path uploadCtr.setUploadRelPath(uploadRelPath); mainVC.put("uploader", uploadCtr.getInitialComponent()); putInitialPanel(mainVC); }