コード例 #1
   * Checks that the requesting user can view survey responses for some collection of users. There
   * may not actually be any responses to read or the responses may need to be made public first.
   * This only guarantees that, if the other users have any public responses that the requesting
   * user is allowed to view them. Therefore, this will pass as long as any of the following are
   * true: <br>
   * <br>
   * - If the user is a supervisor or an author.<br>
   * - If the user is an analyst and the campaign is shared.<br>
   * - If the user is the same as all of the requesting users.<br>
   * <br>
   * If you want to check if a user can read survey responses from every user in a campaign, don't
   * pass in any user usernames.
   * @param campaignId The unique identifier for the campaign.
   * @param requesterUsername The requesting user's username.
   * @param userUsernames The array of usernames of specific users to check if the requesting user
   *     has permission to read their information.
   * @throws ServiceException Thrown if none of the rules are true or there is an error.
  public void requesterCanViewUsersSurveyResponses(
      final String campaignId, final String requesterUsername, final String... userUsernames)
      throws ServiceException {
    try {
      // If the requester is asking about other users.
      if (userUsernames.length != 0) {
        // If the requester is the same as all of the users in question.
        boolean otherUsers = false;
        for (String username : userUsernames) {
          if (!requesterUsername.equals(username)) {
            otherUsers = true;
        if (!otherUsers) {

      List<Campaign.Role> requesterRoles =
          userCampaignQueries.getUserCampaignRoles(requesterUsername, campaignId);

      // If the requester's role list contains supervisor, return.
      if (requesterRoles.contains(Campaign.Role.SUPERVISOR)) {

      // If the requester's role list contains author, return.
      if (requesterRoles.contains(Campaign.Role.AUTHOR)) {

      // If the requester's role list contains analyst,
      if (requesterRoles.contains(Campaign.Role.ANALYST)) {
        Campaign.PrivacyState privacyState = campaignQueries.getCampaignPrivacyState(campaignId);

        if ((privacyState != null) && (Campaign.PrivacyState.SHARED.equals(privacyState))) {

      throw new ServiceException(
          "The user does not have sufficient permissions to read information about other users.");
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
      throw new ServiceException(e);
コード例 #2
   * Verifies that a user is allowed to update a campaign's XML.
   * @param username The username of the user.
   * @param campaignId The campaign's unique identifier.
   * @param id The ID from the new XML.
   * @param name The name from the new XML.
   * @throws ServiceException Thrown if the user isn't allowed to modify the campaign, if the user
   *     is allowed to modify the campaign but responses exist, or if there is an error.
  public void verifyUserCanUpdateCampaignXml(
      final String username, final String campaignId, final String id, final String name)
      throws ServiceException {

    try {
      // Get the user's roles for this campaign.
      List<Campaign.Role> roles = userCampaignQueries.getUserCampaignRoles(username, campaignId);

      // If the user isn't a supervisor or an author, then they aren't
      // allowed to update it.
      if (!(roles.contains(Campaign.Role.SUPERVISOR) || roles.contains(Campaign.Role.AUTHOR))) {

        throw new ServiceException(
            "The user is not allowed to modify the campaign's XML.");

      // If the campaign already has survey responses, then it cannot be
      // updated by anyone.
      if (campaignSurveyResponseQueries.getNumberOfSurveyResponsesForCampaign(campaignId) != 0) {

        throw new ServiceException(
            "Survey responses exist; therefore the XML can no longer be modified.");

      // Check to ensure that the ID of the campaign hasn't changed.
      if (!campaignId.equals(id)) {
        throw new ServiceException(
            "The campaign's ID in the new XML must be the same as the original XML.");

      // Check to ensure that the name of the campaign hasn't changed.
      if (!campaignQueries.getName(campaignId).equals(name)) {
        throw new ServiceException(
            "The campaign's name in the new XML must be the same as the original XML.");
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
      throw new ServiceException(e);
コード例 #3
   * Retrieves the information about a campaign.
   * @param campaignId The campaign's unqiue identifier.
   * @param withClasses Whether or not to populate the campaign with its list of classes.
   * @param withUsers Whether or not to populate the campaign with its list of users and their
   *     respective roles.
   * @return The campaign object with the specified information.
   * @throws ServiceException Thrown if there is an error.
  public Campaign getCampaignInformation(
      final String campaignId, final boolean withClasses, final boolean withUsers)
      throws ServiceException {

    try {
      Campaign result = campaignQueries.findCampaignConfiguration(campaignId);

      if (withClasses) {
        try {
        } catch (DomainException e) {
          throw new ServiceException("There was a problem adding a class.", e);

      if (withUsers) {
        List<String> campaignUsernames = userCampaignQueries.getUsersInCampaign(campaignId);

        for (String campaignUsername : campaignUsernames) {
          List<Campaign.Role> userRoles =
              userCampaignQueries.getUserCampaignRoles(campaignUsername, campaignId);

          for (Campaign.Role userRole : userRoles) {
            try {
              result.addUser(campaignUsername, userRole);
            } catch (DomainException e) {
              throw new ServiceException("There was a problem adding a user.", e);

      return result;
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
      throw new ServiceException(e);
コード例 #4
   * Gathers the requested information about a campaign. This will be at least its name, description
   * (possibly null), running state, privacy state, creation timestamp, and all of the requesting
   * user's roles in the campaign.<br>
   * <br>
   * The extras include the campaign's XML, all of the users associated with the campaign and their
   * roles, and all of the classes associated with the campaign.
   * @param username The username of the user whose roles in the campaign are desired.
   * @param campaignIds The IDs for the campaigns whose information is desired.
   * @param withExtras A flag to indicate if the extra information should be included in each
   *     Campaign object.
   * @return A map of campaigns and their information to the list of roles for this user in the
   *     campaign.
   * @throws ServiceException Thrown if there is an error.
  public Map<Campaign, List<Campaign.Role>> getCampaignAndUserRolesForCampaigns(
      final String username, final Collection<String> campaignIds, final boolean withExtras)
      throws ServiceException {

    try {
      Map<Campaign, List<Campaign.Role>> result = new HashMap<Campaign, List<Campaign.Role>>();

      for (String campaignId : campaignIds) {
        // Create the Campaign object with the campaign's ID.
        Campaign campaign = campaignQueries.getCampaignInformation(campaignId);

        // Get the user's roles.
        List<Campaign.Role> roles = userCampaignQueries.getUserCampaignRoles(username, campaignId);

        // If we are supposed to get the extra information as well.
        if (withExtras) {

          // Add the classes that are associated with the campaign.
          try {
          } catch (DomainException e) {
            throw new ServiceException("There was a problem adding a class.", e);

          // Add the users and their roles to the campaign.

        // Add the user's roles.
        result.put(campaign, roles);

      return result;
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
      throw new ServiceException(e);
コード例 #5
   * Gathers the information about the classes that match the criteria based on the user's
   * permissions. If the requesting user is an admin, they will see all campaigns; otherwise, they
   * will only see the campaigns to which they belong.
   * @param username The requesting user's username. This parameter is required.
   * @param campaignIds A list of campaign unique identifiers. This is optional and may be null. It
   *     limits the results to only those campaigns to which the user belongs.
   * @param classIds A list of class unique identifiers. This is optional and may be null. It limits
   *     the results to only those campaigns that are associated with any class in this list.
   * @param nameTokens A collection of token strings which limit the results to only those campaigns
   *     whose name contains at least one of the tokens.
   * @param descriptionTokens A collection of token strings which limit the results to only those
   *     campaigns that have a description and whose description contains at least one of the
   *     tokens.
   * @param startDate A date that limits the results to only those campaigns that were created on or
   *     after this date.
   * @param endDate A date that limits the results to only those campaigns that were created on or
   *     before this date.
   * @param privacyState A campaign privacy state the limits the results to only those campaigns
   *     that have this privacy state.
   * @param runningState A campaign running state that limits the results to only those campaigns
   *     that have this running state.
   * @param role A campaign role which limits the results to only those campaigns where the
   *     requesting user has this role in the campaign.
   * @param withClasses Whether or not to aggregate all of the classes associated with this
   *     campaign.
   * @param withUsers Whether or not to aggregate all of the users and their respective roles for
   *     this campaign.
   * @return A map of Campaign objects to the requesting user's respective roles.
   * @throws ServiceException There was an error.
  public Map<Campaign, Collection<Campaign.Role>> getCampaignInformation(
      final String username,
      final Collection<String> campaignIds,
      final Collection<String> classIds,
      final Collection<String> nameTokens,
      final Collection<String> descriptionTokens,
      final DateTime startDate,
      final DateTime endDate,
      final Campaign.PrivacyState privacyState,
      final Campaign.RunningState runningState,
      final Campaign.Role role,
      final boolean withClasses,
      final boolean withUsers)
      throws ServiceException {

    try {
      QueryResultsList<Campaign> queryResult =
      List<Campaign> campaignResults = queryResult.getResults();

      Map<Campaign, Collection<Campaign.Role>> result =
          new HashMap<Campaign, Collection<Campaign.Role>>(campaignResults.size());

      for (Campaign campaign : campaignResults) {
        result.put(campaign, userCampaignQueries.getUserCampaignRoles(username, campaign.getId()));

        if (withClasses) {
          try {
          } catch (DomainException e) {
            throw new ServiceException("There was a problem adding the classes.", e);

        if (withUsers) {
          // Add the users and their roles to the campaign.

        // Get and apply the masks for this campaign.
                null, null, null, null, username, campaign.getId()));

      return result;
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
      throw new ServiceException(e);
コード例 #6
   * Generates a List of unique identifiers for campaigns based on the parameters. The List is based
   * on the 'campaignIds' parameter unless it is null in which case the List is based on all
   * campaigns visible to the user. All parameters except 'request' and 'username' are optional and
   * each will filter the resulting List of campaign identifiers.<br>
   * <br>
   * <br>
   * For example, if 'campaignIds' was null as were 'endDate' and 'privacyState', then what would be
   * returned would be the intersection of the following lists:<br>
   * - All of the campaigns to which the user was associated (because 'campaignIds' was null).<br>
   * - All of the campaigns that are associated with any of the classes whose unique identifier was
   * in the 'classIds' list.<br>
   * - All of the campaigns whose creation timestamp was equal to or after 'startDate'<br>
   * - All of the campaigns whose running state equaled 'runningState'.<br>
   * - All of the campaigns to which the user had the campaign role 'role'. <br>
   * <br>
   * Therefore, if a campaign was associated with a user only through a single class, but that class
   * wasn't in the 'classIds' list, then that campaign ID would not be returned even if all of the
   * other parameters matched.
   * @param username The username of the user.
   * @param campaignIds An optional Collection of campaign identifiers from which to base the List.
   *     If this is empty, the resulting List will be empty. If this is null, the base List will be
   *     all campaigns to which the user is associated.
   * @param classIds A Collection of unique identifiers for classes where the resulting list will
   *     only contain campaign identifiers for campaigns that are associated with any of these
   *     classes.
   * @param startDate A Calendar where only campaigns whose creation timestamp is equal to or after
   *     this date.
   * @param endDate A Calendar where only campaigns whose creation timestamp is equal to or before
   *     this date.
   * @param privacyState A campaign privacy state that trims the resulting list of campaigns to only
   *     those that have this privacy state.
   * @param runningState A campaign running state that trims the resulting list of campaigns to only
   *     those that have this running state.
   * @param role A campaign role that trims the resulting list of campaigns to only those where the
   *     user has that role in the campaign.
   * @return A Set of campaign unique identifiers based on the 'campaignIds' parameter and trimmed
   *     by the rest of the parameters.
   * @throws ServiceException Thrown if there is an error.
  public Set<String> getCampaignsForUser(
      final String username,
      final Collection<String> campaignIds,
      final Collection<String> classIds,
      final DateTime startDate,
      final DateTime endDate,
      final Campaign.PrivacyState privacyState,
      final Campaign.RunningState runningState,
      final Campaign.Role role)
      throws ServiceException {

    try {
      Set<String> desiredCampaignIds = new HashSet<String>();

      if (campaignIds == null) {
        // Initializes the list with all of the campaign IDs for the
        // requesting user.
      } else {
        // Initializes the list with the campaign IDs in the query.

      if (desiredCampaignIds.size() == 0) {
        return Collections.emptySet();

      if (classIds != null) {
        // Get all of the campaigns associated with all of the classes in
        // the list.
        for (String classId : classIds) {

        if (desiredCampaignIds.size() == 0) {
          return Collections.emptySet();

      if (startDate != null) {
        // Get all of the campaigns whose creation timestamp is greater
        // than or equal to the start date.

        if (desiredCampaignIds.size() == 0) {
          return Collections.emptySet();

      if (endDate != null) {
        // Get all of the campaigns whose creation timestamp is less than
        // or equal to the end date.

        if (desiredCampaignIds.size() == 0) {
          return Collections.emptySet();

      if (privacyState != null) {
        // Get all of the campaigns with a privacy state of 'privacyState'.

        if (desiredCampaignIds.size() == 0) {
          return Collections.emptySet();

      if (runningState != null) {
        // Get all of the campaigns with a running state of 'runningState'.

        if (desiredCampaignIds.size() == 0) {
          return Collections.emptySet();

      if (role != null) {
        // Get all of the campaigns where the user's role is 'role'.
            userCampaignQueries.getCampaignIdsForUserWithRole(username, role));

        if (desiredCampaignIds.size() == 0) {
          return Collections.emptySet();

      return desiredCampaignIds;
    } catch (DataAccessException e) {
      throw new ServiceException(e);