コード例 #1
  * when only fake uris are provided to mountAny, verify that an exception is received
  * @throws Exception
 @Test(expected = FileSystemException.class)
 public void testMountAnyKo() throws Exception {
   logger.info("*************** testMountAnyKo");
   ArrayList<String> urlsToMount = new ArrayList<String>(fakeFileUrls);
   ConcurrentHashMap<String, FileObject> fileSystems = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, FileObject>();
   VFSMountManagerHelper.mountAny(urlsToMount, fileSystems);
コード例 #2
   * - Insert a valid file vfs root and a valid proactive vfs root in the list of fake uris -
   * verifies that mountAny returns the file system corresponding to the valid uri - do that for all
   * valid uris of the file system server
   * @throws Exception
  public void testMountAnyOk() throws Exception {
    logger.info("*************** testMountAnyOk");
    String[] validUris = server.getVFSRootURLs();

    for (String validUrl : validUris) {
      ConcurrentHashMap<String, FileObject> fileSystems =
          new ConcurrentHashMap<String, FileObject>();
      ArrayList<String> uriToMount = new ArrayList<String>(fakeFileUrls);
      uriToMount.add(spacesDir.toURI().toString()); // adds a valid file uri
      uriToMount.add((int) Math.floor(Math.random() * uriToMount.size()), validUrl);
      VFSMountManagerHelper.mountAny(uriToMount, fileSystems);
      logger.info("Content of map : " + fileSystems.toString());
      Assert.assertTrue("map contains valid Url", fileSystems.containsKey(validUrl));