@Override public void endElement(String uri, String localName, String qName) throws SAXException { addElementErrors(); FxNode node = nodeStack.pop(); i(node).endsAt(contentLocator.getEndOffset()).endContent(contentLocator.getElementOffset()); if (node instanceof PropertySetter) { PropertySetter s = (PropertySetter) node; if (s.isImplicit()) { // actually the outer element ends node = nodeStack.pop(); // copy the offset information i(node).endsAt(contentLocator.getEndOffset()).endContent(contentLocator.getElementOffset()); } } String tn = node.getSourceName(); if (!tn.equals(localName)) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } // special hack for parent nodes, which are implicit property setters: FxNode parentNode = nodeStack.peek(); if (parentNode instanceof PropertySetter) { PropertySetter ps = (PropertySetter) parentNode; if (ps.isImplicit() && ps.getContent() == null) { i(ps).endsAt(contentLocator.getEndOffset()).endContent(contentLocator.getEndOffset()); } } if (!nodeStack.isEmpty() && nodeStack.peek().getKind() == Kind.Instance) { current = (FxInstance) nodeStack.peek(); } else { current = null; } }
@NbBundle.Messages({ "ERR_instructionBadPlacement=Bad placement for processing instruction. Must be before all elements." }) @Override public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) throws SAXException { start = contentLocator.getElementOffset(); end = contentLocator.getEndOffset(); addElementErrors(); FxNode node = null; boolean broken = false; if (!isTopLevel() || rootComponent != null) { addError("instruction-bad-placement", ERR_instructionBadPlacement()); broken = true; } if (FX_IMPORT.equals(target)) { node = handleFxImport(data); } else if (FX_LANGUAGE.equals(target)) { node = handleFxLanguage(data); } else if (!"xml".equals(target)) { handleErrorInstruction(target, data); } if (node == null) { return; } i(node).makePI().startAt(start).endsAt(end); if (broken) { accessor.makeBroken(node); } attachChildNode(node); }
private ErrorMark addError(String errCode, String message, Object... params) { int offs = contentLocator.getElementOffset(); ErrorMark m = new ErrorMark(offs, contentLocator.getEndOffset() - offs, errCode, message, params); addError(m); return m; }
@Override public void characterSequence(CharSequence seq) { addElementErrors(); int length = seq.length(); FxNode node = nodeStack.peek(); FxNode addedNode = null; switch (node.getKind()) { case Event: addedNode = handleEventContent(seq); break; case Instance: addedNode = handleInstanceContent(seq); break; case Property: addedNode = handlePropertyContent(seq); break; default: addError( new ErrorMark( contentLocator.getElementOffset(), length, "unexpected-characters", ERR_unexpectedCharacters())); } if (addedNode != null) { i(addedNode).endsAt(contentLocator.getEndOffset()); } }
@NbBundle.Messages({ "# {0} - NS prefix", "ERR_undeclaredElementPrefix=XML namespace prefix ''{0}'' is undeclared" }) @Override public void startElement(String uri, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts) throws SAXException { this.tagName = localName; FxNode newElement; start = contentLocator.getElementOffset(); end = contentLocator.getEndOffset(); addElementErrors(); if (uri == null && !qName.equals(localName)) { // undeclared prefix int prefColon = qName.indexOf(':'); String prefix = qName.substring(0, prefColon); addError("undeclared-prefix", ERR_undeclaredElementPrefix(prefix)); newElement = accessor.createErrorElement(localName); } else if ("".equals(localName)) { newElement = accessor.createErrorElement(localName); } else if (FXML_FX_NAMESPACE.equals(uri)) { newElement = handleFxmlElement(localName, atts); } else { // non-fx namespace, should be either an instance, or a property or an event String eventName = FxXmlSymbols.getEventHandlerName(localName); if (rootComponent == null || FxXmlSymbols.isClassTagName(localName)) { newElement = handleClassTag(localName, atts); } else if (eventName != null) { newElement = handleEventHandlerTag(eventName); } else { newElement = handlePropertyTag(localName, atts); } } if (newElement == null) { throw new IllegalStateException(); } initElement(newElement); FxNode newNode = newElement; // if not broken attempt to attach the Element to a parent if (!newElement.isBroken()) { if (newElement instanceof FxObjectBase) { newNode = attachInstance((FxObjectBase) newElement); } else if (newElement instanceof PropertyValue) { newNode = attachProperty((PropertyValue) newElement); } } attachChildNode(newNode); // process attributes, iff it is an instance. Attribute processing needs the node pushed // on the stack, so it is delayed after attachChildNode if (newNode.getKind() == Kind.Instance) { processInstanceAttributes(atts); } }
/** * Checks that the instance is allowed in this context. May even create e.g. default property * setter etc. Will return true, if the instance can be attached to the parent. */ @NbBundle.Messages({ "# {0} - tag name", "ERR_moreRootElements=Duplicate root element: {0}", "ERR_instanceInMapProperty=Cannot add instances directly to readonly Map", "# {0} - parent tag name", "ERR_parentNotSupportInstance=Instances cannot be added to the parent {0}" }) private FxNode attachInstance(FxObjectBase instance) { String localName = instance.getSourceName(); int off = contentLocator.getElementOffset() + 1; // check the parent, whether it is appropriate to host such a node: FxNode parent = nodeStack.peek(); if (parent.getKind() == Kind.Instance) { // pretend we have a default property PropertySetter s = accessor.createProperty(null, true); i(s).startAt(contentLocator.getElementOffset()); attachChildNode(s); parent = s; } if (parent.getKind() == Kind.Source) { FxObjectBase old = rootComponent; if (old != null) { addError( new ErrorMark( off, contentLocator.getEndOffset() - off, "duplicate-root", ERR_moreRootElements(localName), localName)); accessor.makeBroken(instance); } else if (!(instance instanceof FxInstance)) { // FIXME - report error that fx:reference is not accepted on root element throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } else { rootComponent = (FxInstance) instance; } } else if (parent.getKind() == Kind.Property) { if (parent instanceof MapProperty) { addError( new ErrorMark( off, contentLocator.getEndOffset() - off, "instance-in-map-property", ERR_instanceInMapProperty(), localName)); accessor.makeBroken(instance); } } else if (parent.getKind() == Kind.Element && parent.getSourceName().equals(FxXmlSymbols.FX_DEFINITIONS) && (instance instanceof FxNewInstance)) { instanceDefinitions.add((FxNewInstance) instance); } else { if (parent.getKind() != Kind.Error) { addError( new ErrorMark( off, contentLocator.getEndOffset() - off, "parent-not-support-instance", ERR_parentNotSupportInstance(parent.getSourceName()))); accessor.makeBroken(instance); } } return instance; }
private void initElement(FxNode node) { NodeInfo ni = i(node); ni.startAt(contentLocator.getElementOffset()).startContent(contentLocator.getEndOffset()); ni.setTagName(tagName); }