コード例 #1
   * Helper method to convert an execution result to a collection
  public Set<Node> nodeSetFromResult(ExecutionResult result, String column) {
    Set<Node> nodes = new HashSet<Node>();

    Iterator<Node> columnIterator = result.columnAs(column);
    IteratorUtil.addToCollection(columnIterator, nodes);

    return nodes;
コード例 #2
  protected List<Usuario> montaLista(ExecutionResult result) {
    Iterator<Node> n_column = result.columnAs("n");
    Usuario usuario = null;
    List<Usuario> usuarios = new ArrayList<>();
    for (Node node : IteratorUtil.asIterable(n_column)) {
      usuario = new Usuario();
      usuario.setNome((String) node.getProperty("nome"));
      usuario.setLogin((String) node.getProperty("login"));

    return usuarios;
コード例 #3
  public static void main(String[] args) {
    GraphDatabaseService db = criaDatabase();

    // 4 é a Maria
    String query =
        "start sdfjhsdkjfhsdk=sfgs n=node(4) match n-[a]->(cidade)<-[r]-(pessoas) where type(r) = \"VIAJOU_PARA\" or type(r) = \"MOROU_EM\" return distinct pessoas";

    ExecutionEngine engine = new ExecutionEngine(db);
    ExecutionResult result = engine.execute(query);

    Iterator<Node> cidades = result.columnAs("pessoas");
    while (cidades.hasNext()) {
      Node cidade = cidades.next();
コード例 #4
  public void find_john_has_seen() {
    ExecutionEngine engine = new ExecutionEngine(graphDb);

    String cql =
        "start user=node:users(name = \"John Johnson\")"
            + "match (user)-[:HAS_SEEN]->(movie)"
            + "return movie;";

    ExecutionResult result = engine.execute(cql);
    logger.info("Execution result:" + result.toString());
    for (Map<String, Object> row : result) {
      logger.info("Row:" + row);
    List<String> columns = result.columns();
    for (String column : columns) {
      logger.info("Column:" + column);
      Iterator<Object> columnValues = result.columnAs(column);
      while (columnValues.hasNext()) {
        logger.info("Value:" + columnValues.next());
コード例 #5
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Starting Graph Database...");
    graphDb =
        new GraphDatabaseFactory()
            .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.node_keys_indexable, "name, uuid")
            .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.relationship_keys_indexable, "name")
            .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.node_auto_indexing, "true")
            .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.relationship_auto_indexing, "true")


    <option value="d70ee717-29ac-4326-9704-1bae1dfade62" name="Sally Sparrow"> … </option>
    <option value="235c5608-b240-438e-975e-6124e9e047f0" name="Jack Harkness"> … </option>
    <option value="79202f6e-eb8d-466a-a523-87757e2ad510" name="Rose Tyler"> … </option>

    ExecutionEngine engine = new ExecutionEngine(graphDb);

    // p, length(p), last(p) order by length(p) asc
    // String findFriendsQuery = "start n=node(*) MATCH p = (owner)-[:FRIEND*1..2]-(friend) where (
    // (n = owner and friend = {userNode} ) OR (n = friend and owner = {userNode})) return distinct
    // p, length(p) order by length(p)";

    String findFriendsQuery =
        "start n=node(*), person=node({userNode}) MATCH p = (person)-[:FRIEND*1..2]-(friend) return distinct p order by length(p)";

    ReadableIndex<Node> autoNodeIndex = graphDb.index().getNodeAutoIndexer().getAutoIndex();

    Map<String, Object> uuids = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        // "235c5608-b240-438e-975e-6124e9e047f0"    // Jack
        // "79202f6e-eb8d-466a-a523-87757e2ad510"           // Rose
        "d70ee717-29ac-4326-9704-1bae1dfade62" // Sally

    Node userNode = autoNodeIndex.get("uuid", uuids.get("uuid")).getSingle();

    Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    params.put("userNode", userNode);

    ExecutionResult result = engine.execute(findFriendsQuery, params);
    Iterator<Path> friendNodes = result.columnAs("p");

    while (friendNodes.hasNext()) {

      Path path = friendNodes.next();

          "processing result in candidateFriendNodes: "
              + path.startNode().getProperty("name")
              + " -- "
              + path.endNode().getProperty("name")
              + " (length: "
              + path.length()
              + " )");
コード例 #6
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    System.out.println("Starting Graph Database...");
    graphDb =
        new GraphDatabaseFactory()
            .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.node_keys_indexable, "name, uuid")
            .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.relationship_keys_indexable, "name")
            .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.node_auto_indexing, "true")
            .setConfig(GraphDatabaseSettings.relationship_auto_indexing, "true")


    <option value="d70ee717-29ac-4326-9704-1bae1dfade62" name="Sally Sparrow"> … </option>
    <option value="235c5608-b240-438e-975e-6124e9e047f0" name="Jack Harkness"> … </option>
    <option value="79202f6e-eb8d-466a-a523-87757e2ad510" name="Rose Tyler"> … </option>

    ExecutionEngine engine = new ExecutionEngine(graphDb);

    // find Address nodes that aren't me, and aren't already my friend
    // String findCandidateFriendsQuery = "start n=node(*) MATCH n:Address-[r?:FRIEND]->friend where
    // n.name <> {name} and ( r is null or friend.name <> {name}) return n";

    // String findCandidateFriendsQuery = "start n=node(*) match n, (owner)-[r?:FRIEND]-(friend)
    // where ( NOT (id(n) IN [0])) AND n.uuid! <> {uuid} and ( NOT ( id( owner ) IN [0] ) )  and (
    // NOT ( id( friend ) IN [0] ) )   "
    // 								+ " and (  ( (owner.uuid <> {uuid} and friend = n) and (friend.uuid <> {uuid} and
    // owner = n) ) or (r is null ) )  return distinct n";

    // String findCandidateFriendsQuery = "start n=node(*) match n, (owner)-[r?:FRIEND]-(friend)
    // where ( NOT (id(n) IN [0])) AND n.uuid! <> {uuid} and ( NOT ( id( owner ) IN [0] ) )  and (
    // NOT ( id( friend ) IN [0] ) )   "
    //						+ " and (r is null AND n = owner and friend.uuid = {uuid} ) and (r is null AND n =
    // friend and owner.uuid = {uuid} ) or (r is null and (n <> owner and n <> friend)) return n";

    // ( (r is null) or ( ( n = friend and owner.uuid <> {uuid} ) or (n = owner and friend.uuid <>
    // {uuid} ) ) )

    String findCandidateFriendsQuery =
        "start n=node(*), person=node({personNode})  match (n)-[r?:FRIEND]->(person), (person)-[f?:FRIEND]->(n) where NOT (id(n) IN [0]) and (r is null and f is null ) and n <> person return n";

    Map<String, Object> uuids = new HashMap<String, Object>();
        //  "235c5608-b240-438e-975e-6124e9e047f0"    // Jack
        // "79202f6e-eb8d-466a-a523-87757e2ad510"            // Rose
        // "d70ee717-29ac-4326-9704-1bae1dfade62"    // Sally
        "9d0cd66a-29e7-4fac-850b-de94b2d0a171" // Bracewell

    ReadableIndex<Node> autoNodeIndex = graphDb.index().getNodeAutoIndexer().getAutoIndex();
    Node personNode = autoNodeIndex.get("uuid", uuids.get("uuid")).getSingle();

    Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<String, Object>();
    params.put("personNode", personNode);

    ExecutionResult result = engine.execute(findCandidateFriendsQuery, params);
    Iterator<Node> candidateFriendNodes = result.columnAs("n");

    /*  Iterator<Node> tempNodes = result.columnAs("friend");
    while( tempNodes.hasNext() )
    	Node tempNode = tempNodes.next();
    	if( tempNode == null )
    		System.out.println( "WTF - how can this be null???");
    	System.out.println( "(temp) name: " + tempNode.getProperty("name"));

    while (candidateFriendNodes.hasNext()) {

      Node candidateFriendNode = candidateFriendNodes.next();

      try {
            "processing result in candidateFriendNodes: "
                + candidateFriendNode.getProperty("name"));
      } catch (Exception e) {