private Gene mutateNode(NEATNodeGene mutatee) { double perturbRandVal = perturbRand.nextDouble(); double mutateBias = perturbRand.nextDouble(); NEATNodeGene mutated = mutatee; double newSF = mutatee.sigmoidFactor(); double newBias = mutatee.bias(); if (perturbRandVal < this.pPerturb) { newSF = mutatee.sigmoidFactor() + MathUtils.nextClampedDouble(-perturb, perturb); mutated = new NEATNodeGene( mutated.getInnovationNumber(),, newSF, mutated.getType(), mutated.bias()); } if (mutateBias < this.pMutateBias) { newBias += MathUtils.nextClampedDouble(-biasPerturb, biasPerturb); mutated = new NEATNodeGene( mutated.getInnovationNumber(),, mutated.sigmoidFactor(), mutated.getType(), newBias); } return (mutated); }
private Gene mutateLink(NEATLinkGene mutatee) { double perturbRandVal = perturbRand.nextDouble(); double disableRandVal = disableRand.nextDouble(); double newWeight; NEATLinkGene mutated = mutatee; if (perturbRandVal < this.pPerturb) { if (this.pWeightReplaced > perturbRand.nextDouble()) { newWeight = MathUtils.nextPlusMinusOne(); } else { newWeight = mutatee.getWeight() + MathUtils.nextClampedDouble(-perturb, perturb); } // newWeight = mutatee.getWeight() + MathUtils.nextClampedDouble(-PERTURB, PERTURB); mutated = new NEATLinkGene( mutatee.getInnovationNumber(), mutatee.isEnabled(), mutatee.getFromId(), mutatee.getToId(), newWeight); } if (disableRandVal < this.pToggle) { if (this.featureSelection) { mutated.setEnabled(!mutated.isEnabled()); } } return (mutated); }
private Gene mutateFeature(NEATFeatureGene mutatee) { double perturbRandVal = perturbRand.nextDouble(); Gene mutated = mutatee; if (perturbRandVal < this.pPerturb) { mutated = new NEATFeatureGene( mutatee.getInnovationNumber(), mutatee.geneAsNumber().doubleValue() + MathUtils.nextClampedDouble(-perturb, perturb)); } return (mutated); }
private void mutateAddLink(Chromosome mutatee) { double linkRandVal = linkRand.nextDouble(); NEATNodeGene from; NEATNodeGene to; int rIdx; int i = 0; ArrayList links; ArrayList nodes; Gene[] genes = new Gene[mutatee.size() + 1]; System.arraycopy(mutatee.genes(), 0, genes, 0, mutatee.genes().length); Gene newLink = null; if (linkRandVal < this.pAddLink) { nodes = this.candidateNodes(mutatee.genes()); links = this.candidateLinks(mutatee.genes(), false); // find a new available link while (newLink == null && i < MAX_LINK_ATTEMPTS) { rIdx = linkRand.nextInt(nodes.size()); from = ((NEATNodeGene) nodes.get(rIdx)); rIdx = linkRand.nextInt(nodes.size()); to = ((NEATNodeGene) nodes.get(rIdx)); // TODO Remove if (from.getInnovationNumber() == 2 && to.getInnovationNumber() == 5) { System.out.println("a"); } if (!this.linkIllegal(from, to, links)) { // set it to a random value newLink = InnovationDatabase.database().submitLinkInnovation(,; ((NEATLinkGene) newLink).setWeight(MathUtils.nextPlusMinusOne()); // add link between 2 unconnected nodes genes[genes.length - 1] = newLink; mutatee.updateChromosome(genes); } i++; } } }