コード例 #1
ファイル: JQGridView.java プロジェクト: JJvDijk/molgenis_apps
  /** Create a properly-configured grid with default settings, on first load. */
  public void loadTupleTableConfig(Database db, MolgenisRequest request, TupleTable tupleTable)
      throws TableException, IOException {
    final JQGridConfiguration config =
        new JQGridConfiguration(getId(), "Name", tupleTableBuilder.getUrl(), "test", tupleTable);

    final String jqJsonConfig = new Gson().toJson(config);
コード例 #2
ファイル: JQGridView.java プロジェクト: JJvDijk/molgenis_apps
   * Function to build a datastructure filled with rows from a {@link TupleTable}, to be serialised
   * by Gson and displayed from there by a jqGrid.
   * @param rowCount The number of rows to select.
   * @param totalPages The total number of pages of data (ie. dependent on size of dataset and nr.
   *     of rows per page)
   * @param page The selected page.
   * @param table The Tupletable from which to read the data.
   * @return
  public static JQGridResult buildJQGridResults(
      final int rowCount, final int totalPages, final int page, final TupleTable table)
      throws TableException {
    final JQGridResult result = new JQGridResult(page, totalPages, rowCount);
    for (final Tuple row : table.getRows()) {
      System.out.println("check: " + row);
      final LinkedHashMap<String, String> rowMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();

      final List<String> fieldNames = row.getFieldNames();
      for (final String fieldName : fieldNames) {
        final String rowValue = !row.isNull(fieldName) ? row.getString(fieldName) : "null";
        rowMap.put(fieldName, rowValue); // TODO encode to HTML
    return result;
コード例 #3
ファイル: JQGridView.java プロジェクト: JJvDijk/molgenis_apps
   * Render a particular subset of data from a {@link TupleTable} to a particular {@link Renderer}.
   * @param request The request encoding the particulars of the rendering to be done.
   * @param postData The selected page (only relevant for {@link JQGridRenderer} rendering)
   * @param totalPages The total number of pages (only relevant for {@link JQGridRenderer}
   *     rendering)
   * @param tupleTable The table from which to render the data.
  private void renderData(
      MolgenisRequest request, JQGridPostData postData, int totalPages, final TupleTable tupleTable)
      throws TableException {

    String strViewType = request.getString("viewType");
    if (StringUtils.isEmpty(strViewType)) {
      strViewType = "JQ_GRID";

    try {
      final ViewFactory viewFactory = new ViewFactoryImpl();
      final Renderers.Renderer view = viewFactory.createView(strViewType);
      view.export(request, request.getString("caption"), tupleTable, totalPages, postData.page);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      throw new TableException(e);
コード例 #4
ファイル: JQGridView.java プロジェクト: JJvDijk/molgenis_apps
   * Handle a particular {@link MolgenisRequest}, and render into an {@link OutputStream}.
   * Particulars handled:
   * <ul>
   *   <li>Wrap the desired data source in the appropriate instantiation of {@link TupleTable}.
   *   <li>Determine which {@link Operation} the request is asking to handle.
   *   <li>Apply proper sorting and filter rules.
   *   <li>Select the appropriate view towards which to export/render.
   *   <li>Select and render the data.
   * </ul>
   * @param db The database to connect to
   * @param request The {@link MolgenisRequest} tuple that encodes the request to handle
   * @param out The {@link OutputStream} to render to.
  public void handleRequest(Database db, Tuple request, OutputStream out)
      throws HandleRequestDelegationException {
    try {
      final TupleTable tupleTable = tupleTableBuilder.create(db, request);
      final Operation operation =
              ? Operation.valueOf(request.getString(OPERATION))
              : Operation.RENDER_DATA;

      switch (operation) {
        case LOAD_CONFIG:
          loadTupleTableConfig(db, (MolgenisRequest) request, tupleTable);
        case LOAD_TREE:
          // risky: we give it all columns which would fail if there
          // are many
          final String treeNodes = JQueryUtil.getDynaTreeNodes(tupleTable.getAllColumns());
          ((MolgenisRequest) request).getResponse().getOutputStream().print(treeNodes);
        case RENDER_DATA:
          final List<QueryRule> rules = new ArrayList<QueryRule>();

          // parse the request into post data
          final JQGridPostData postData = new JQGridPostData(request);

          // convert any filters to query rules
          final List<QueryRule> filterRules = createQueryRulesFromJQGridRequest(postData.filters);

          if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(filterRules)) {
            if (tupleTable instanceof FilterableTupleTable) {
              ((FilterableTupleTable) tupleTable).setFilters(rules);

          final int rowCount = tupleTable.getCount();
          final int totalPages = (int) Math.ceil(rowCount / postData.rows);

          // update page
          postData.page = Math.min(postData.page, totalPages);
          final int offset = Math.max((postData.page - 1) * postData.rows, 0);

          final String exportSelection = request.getString("exportSelection");
          if (!StringUtils.equalsIgnoreCase(exportSelection, "ALL")) {
            // data.rows == limit
            // data.rows * data.page

          if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(postData.sidx) && tupleTable instanceof FilterableTupleTable) {
            final Operator sortOperator =
                StringUtils.equals(postData.sord, "asc")
                    ? QueryRule.Operator.SORTASC
                    : QueryRule.Operator.SORTDESC;
            rules.add(new QueryRule(sortOperator, postData.sidx));

          if (tupleTable instanceof FilterableTupleTable) {
            ((FilterableTupleTable) tupleTable).setFilters(rules);

          renderData(((MolgenisRequest) request), postData, totalPages, tupleTable);
    } catch (final Exception e) {
      throw new HandleRequestDelegationException(e);