@Override protected void iterate() { ReferenceVectorGuidedPopulation population = getPopulation(); Population offspring = new Population(); int populationSize = population.size(); // update the scaling factor for computing the angle-penalized distance population.setScalingFactor(Math.min(generation / (double) maxGeneration, 1.0)); // create a random permutation of the population indices List<Integer> indices = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < populationSize; i++) { indices.add(i); } PRNG.shuffle(indices); // add an extra entry so the number of indices is even if (indices.size() % 2 == 1) { indices.add(indices.get(0)); } // generate the offspring for (int i = 0; i < indices.size(); i += 2) { Solution[] parents = new Solution[] {population.get(indices.get(i)), population.get(indices.get(i + 1))}; Solution[] children = variation.evolve(parents); offspring.addAll(children); } evaluateAll(offspring); // select the survivors population.addAll(offspring); population.truncate(); // periodically normalize the reference vectors if ((generation > 0) && (generation % adaptFrequency == 0)) { population.adapt(); } generation++; }
@Override protected void iterate() { Population offspring = new Population(); int populationSize = population.size(); while (offspring.size() < populationSize) { Solution[] parents = selection.select(variation.getArity(), population); Solution[] children = variation.evolve(parents); offspring.addAll(children); } evaluateAll(offspring); population.addAll(offspring); fitnessEvaluator.evaluate(population); while (population.size() > populationSize) { int worstIndex = findWorstIndex(); fitnessEvaluator.removeAndUpdate(population, worstIndex); } }
@Override protected void iterate() { // mating and selection to generate offspring Population offspring = new Population(); int populationSize = population.size(); while (offspring.size() < numberOfOffspring) { Solution[] parents = selection.select(variation.getArity(), population); Solution[] children = variation.evolve(parents); offspring.addAll(children); } // evaluate the offspring evaluateAll(offspring); // evaluate the fitness of the population and offspring offspring.addAll(population); fitnessEvaluator.evaluate(offspring); // perform environmental selection to downselect the next population population.clear(); population.addAll(truncate(offspring, populationSize)); }