/** * @param request The request from which to extract parameters and perform the authentication * @return The authenticated user token, or null if authentication is incomplete. */ protected Authentication handleAuthorizationCodeResponse( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { String authorizationCode = request.getParameter("code"); HttpSession session = request.getSession(); // check for state, if it doesn't match we bail early String storedState = getStoredState(session); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(storedState)) { String state = request.getParameter("state"); if (!storedState.equals(state)) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "State parameter mismatch on return. Expected " + storedState + " got " + state); } } // look up the issuer that we set out to talk to String issuer = getStoredSessionString(session, ISSUER_SESSION_VARIABLE); // pull the configurations based on that issuer ServerConfiguration serverConfig = servers.getServerConfiguration(issuer); final RegisteredClient clientConfig = clients.getClientConfiguration(serverConfig); MultiValueMap<String, String> form = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>(); form.add("grant_type", "authorization_code"); form.add("code", authorizationCode); form.setAll(authOptions.getTokenOptions(serverConfig, clientConfig, request)); String redirectUri = getStoredSessionString(session, REDIRECT_URI_SESION_VARIABLE); if (redirectUri != null) { form.add("redirect_uri", redirectUri); } // Handle Token Endpoint interaction HttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create() .useSystemProperties() .setDefaultRequestConfig( RequestConfig.custom().setSocketTimeout(httpSocketTimeout).build()) .build(); HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory factory = new HttpComponentsClientHttpRequestFactory(httpClient); RestTemplate restTemplate; if (SECRET_BASIC.equals(clientConfig.getTokenEndpointAuthMethod())) { // use BASIC auth if configured to do so restTemplate = new RestTemplate(factory) { @Override protected ClientHttpRequest createRequest(URI url, HttpMethod method) throws IOException { ClientHttpRequest httpRequest = super.createRequest(url, method); httpRequest .getHeaders() .add( "Authorization", String.format( "Basic %s", Base64.encode( String.format( "%s:%s", UriUtils.encodePathSegment(clientConfig.getClientId(), "UTF-8"), UriUtils.encodePathSegment( clientConfig.getClientSecret(), "UTF-8"))))); return httpRequest; } }; } else { // we're not doing basic auth, figure out what other flavor we have restTemplate = new RestTemplate(factory); if (SECRET_JWT.equals(clientConfig.getTokenEndpointAuthMethod()) || PRIVATE_KEY.equals(clientConfig.getTokenEndpointAuthMethod())) { // do a symmetric secret signed JWT for auth JWTSigningAndValidationService signer = null; JWSAlgorithm alg = clientConfig.getTokenEndpointAuthSigningAlg(); if (SECRET_JWT.equals(clientConfig.getTokenEndpointAuthMethod()) && (alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.HS256) || alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.HS384) || alg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.HS512))) { // generate one based on client secret signer = symmetricCacheService.getSymmetricValidtor(clientConfig.getClient()); } else if (PRIVATE_KEY.equals(clientConfig.getTokenEndpointAuthMethod())) { // needs to be wired in to the bean signer = authenticationSignerService; if (alg == null) { alg = authenticationSignerService.getDefaultSigningAlgorithm(); } } if (signer == null) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Couldn't find required signer service for use with private key auth."); } JWTClaimsSet claimsSet = new JWTClaimsSet(); claimsSet.setIssuer(clientConfig.getClientId()); claimsSet.setSubject(clientConfig.getClientId()); claimsSet.setAudience(Lists.newArrayList(serverConfig.getTokenEndpointUri())); claimsSet.setJWTID(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); // TODO: make this configurable Date exp = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + (60 * 1000)); // auth good for 60 seconds claimsSet.setExpirationTime(exp); Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()); claimsSet.setIssueTime(now); claimsSet.setNotBeforeTime(now); JWSHeader header = new JWSHeader( alg, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, signer.getDefaultSignerKeyId(), null, null); SignedJWT jwt = new SignedJWT(header, claimsSet); signer.signJwt(jwt, alg); form.add("client_assertion_type", "urn:ietf:params:oauth:client-assertion-type:jwt-bearer"); form.add("client_assertion", jwt.serialize()); } else { // Alternatively use form based auth form.add("client_id", clientConfig.getClientId()); form.add("client_secret", clientConfig.getClientSecret()); } } logger.debug("tokenEndpointURI = " + serverConfig.getTokenEndpointUri()); logger.debug("form = " + form); String jsonString = null; try { jsonString = restTemplate.postForObject(serverConfig.getTokenEndpointUri(), form, String.class); } catch (RestClientException e) { // Handle error logger.error("Token Endpoint error response: " + e.getMessage()); throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Unable to obtain Access Token: " + e.getMessage()); } logger.debug("from TokenEndpoint jsonString = " + jsonString); JsonElement jsonRoot = new JsonParser().parse(jsonString); if (!jsonRoot.isJsonObject()) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Token Endpoint did not return a JSON object: " + jsonRoot); } JsonObject tokenResponse = jsonRoot.getAsJsonObject(); if (tokenResponse.get("error") != null) { // Handle error String error = tokenResponse.get("error").getAsString(); logger.error("Token Endpoint returned: " + error); throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Unable to obtain Access Token. Token Endpoint returned: " + error); } else { // Extract the id_token to insert into the // OIDCAuthenticationToken // get out all the token strings String accessTokenValue = null; String idTokenValue = null; String refreshTokenValue = null; if (tokenResponse.has("access_token")) { accessTokenValue = tokenResponse.get("access_token").getAsString(); } else { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Token Endpoint did not return an access_token: " + jsonString); } if (tokenResponse.has("id_token")) { idTokenValue = tokenResponse.get("id_token").getAsString(); } else { logger.error("Token Endpoint did not return an id_token"); throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Token Endpoint did not return an id_token"); } if (tokenResponse.has("refresh_token")) { refreshTokenValue = tokenResponse.get("refresh_token").getAsString(); } try { JWT idToken = JWTParser.parse(idTokenValue); // validate our ID Token over a number of tests ReadOnlyJWTClaimsSet idClaims = idToken.getJWTClaimsSet(); // check the signature JWTSigningAndValidationService jwtValidator = null; Algorithm tokenAlg = idToken.getHeader().getAlgorithm(); Algorithm clientAlg = clientConfig.getIdTokenSignedResponseAlg(); if (clientAlg != null) { if (!clientAlg.equals(tokenAlg)) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Token algorithm " + tokenAlg + " does not match expected algorithm " + clientAlg); } } if (idToken instanceof PlainJWT) { if (clientAlg == null) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Unsigned ID tokens can only be used if explicitly configured in client."); } if (tokenAlg != null && !tokenAlg.equals(Algorithm.NONE)) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Unsigned token received, expected signature with " + tokenAlg); } } else if (idToken instanceof SignedJWT) { SignedJWT signedIdToken = (SignedJWT) idToken; if (tokenAlg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.HS256) || tokenAlg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.HS384) || tokenAlg.equals(JWSAlgorithm.HS512)) { // generate one based on client secret jwtValidator = symmetricCacheService.getSymmetricValidtor(clientConfig.getClient()); } else { // otherwise load from the server's public key jwtValidator = validationServices.getValidator(serverConfig.getJwksUri()); } if (jwtValidator != null) { if (!jwtValidator.validateSignature(signedIdToken)) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Signature validation failed"); } } else { logger.error("No validation service found. Skipping signature validation"); throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Unable to find an appropriate signature validator for ID Token."); } } // TODO: encrypted id tokens // check the issuer if (idClaims.getIssuer() == null) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Id Token Issuer is null"); } else if (!idClaims.getIssuer().equals(serverConfig.getIssuer())) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Issuers do not match, expected " + serverConfig.getIssuer() + " got " + idClaims.getIssuer()); } // check expiration if (idClaims.getExpirationTime() == null) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Id Token does not have required expiration claim"); } else { // it's not null, see if it's expired Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - (timeSkewAllowance * 1000)); if (now.after(idClaims.getExpirationTime())) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Id Token is expired: " + idClaims.getExpirationTime()); } } // check not before if (idClaims.getNotBeforeTime() != null) { Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + (timeSkewAllowance * 1000)); if (now.before(idClaims.getNotBeforeTime())) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Id Token not valid untill: " + idClaims.getNotBeforeTime()); } } // check issued at if (idClaims.getIssueTime() == null) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Id Token does not have required issued-at claim"); } else { // since it's not null, see if it was issued in the future Date now = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() + (timeSkewAllowance * 1000)); if (now.before(idClaims.getIssueTime())) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Id Token was issued in the future: " + idClaims.getIssueTime()); } } // check audience if (idClaims.getAudience() == null) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Id token audience is null"); } else if (!idClaims.getAudience().contains(clientConfig.getClientId())) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Audience does not match, expected " + clientConfig.getClientId() + " got " + idClaims.getAudience()); } // compare the nonce to our stored claim String nonce = idClaims.getStringClaim("nonce"); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(nonce)) { logger.error("ID token did not contain a nonce claim."); throw new AuthenticationServiceException("ID token did not contain a nonce claim."); } String storedNonce = getStoredNonce(session); if (!nonce.equals(storedNonce)) { logger.error( "Possible replay attack detected! The comparison of the nonce in the returned " + "ID Token to the session " + NONCE_SESSION_VARIABLE + " failed. Expected " + storedNonce + " got " + nonce + "."); throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "Possible replay attack detected! The comparison of the nonce in the returned " + "ID Token to the session " + NONCE_SESSION_VARIABLE + " failed. Expected " + storedNonce + " got " + nonce + "."); } // construct an PendingOIDCAuthenticationToken and return a Authentication object w/the // userId and the idToken PendingOIDCAuthenticationToken token = new PendingOIDCAuthenticationToken( idClaims.getSubject(), idClaims.getIssuer(), serverConfig, idToken, accessTokenValue, refreshTokenValue); Authentication authentication = this.getAuthenticationManager().authenticate(token); return authentication; } catch (ParseException e) { throw new AuthenticationServiceException("Couldn't parse idToken: ", e); } } }
/** * Initiate an Authorization request * * @param request The request from which to extract parameters and perform the authentication * @param response * @throws IOException If an input or output exception occurs */ protected void handleAuthorizationRequest( HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); IssuerServiceResponse issResp = issuerService.getIssuer(request); if (issResp == null) { logger.error("Null issuer response returned from service."); throw new AuthenticationServiceException("No issuer found."); } if (issResp.shouldRedirect()) { response.sendRedirect(issResp.getRedirectUrl()); } else { String issuer = issResp.getIssuer(); if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(issResp.getTargetLinkUri())) { // there's a target URL in the response, we should save this so we can forward to it later session.setAttribute(TARGET_SESSION_VARIABLE, issResp.getTargetLinkUri()); } if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(issuer)) { logger.error("No issuer found: " + issuer); throw new AuthenticationServiceException("No issuer found: " + issuer); } ServerConfiguration serverConfig = servers.getServerConfiguration(issuer); if (serverConfig == null) { logger.error("No server configuration found for issuer: " + issuer); throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "No server configuration found for issuer: " + issuer); } session.setAttribute(ISSUER_SESSION_VARIABLE, serverConfig.getIssuer()); RegisteredClient clientConfig = clients.getClientConfiguration(serverConfig); if (clientConfig == null) { logger.error("No client configuration found for issuer: " + issuer); throw new AuthenticationServiceException( "No client configuration found for issuer: " + issuer); } String redirectUri = null; if (clientConfig.getRegisteredRedirectUri() != null && clientConfig.getRegisteredRedirectUri().size() == 1) { // if there's a redirect uri configured (and only one), use that redirectUri = Iterables.getOnlyElement(clientConfig.getRegisteredRedirectUri()); } else { // otherwise our redirect URI is this current URL, with no query parameters redirectUri = request.getRequestURL().toString(); } session.setAttribute(REDIRECT_URI_SESION_VARIABLE, redirectUri); // this value comes back in the id token and is checked there String nonce = createNonce(session); // this value comes back in the auth code response String state = createState(session); Map<String, String> options = authOptions.getOptions(serverConfig, clientConfig, request); String authRequest = authRequestBuilder.buildAuthRequestUrl( serverConfig, clientConfig, redirectUri, nonce, state, options, issResp.getLoginHint()); logger.debug("Auth Request: " + authRequest); response.sendRedirect(authRequest); } }