private Object getBeanValue(Object bean, String property) { String getterMethodName = ClassUtil.toGetterName(property); Method getterMethod = ClassUtil.getGetterMethod(getterMethodName, bean, null); if (getterMethod == null) { getterMethodName = ClassUtil.toIsGetterName(property); getterMethod = ClassUtil.getGetterMethod(getterMethodName, bean, null); } if (getterMethod != null) { try { return getterMethod.invoke(bean); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Error invoking getter method '" + getterMethodName + "' on Object type '" + bean.getClass().getName() + "'.", e); } } return null; }
private Smooks getExtenededConfigDigester(String configNamespace) { Smooks smooks = extendedConfigDigesters.get(configNamespace); if (smooks == null) { URI namespaceURI; try { namespaceURI = new URI(configNamespace); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new SmooksConfigurationException( "Unable to parse extended config namespace URI '" + configNamespace + "'.", e); } String resourcePath = "/META-INF" + namespaceURI.getPath() + "-smooks.xml"; File resourceFile = new File(resourcePath); String baseURI = resourceFile.getParent().replace('\\', '/'); // Validate the extended config... assertExtendedConfigOK(configNamespace, resourcePath); // Construct the Smooks instance for processing this config namespace... smooks = new Smooks(StandaloneApplicationContext.createNewInstance(false)); setExtentionDigestOn(); try { SmooksResourceConfigurationStore configStore = smooks.getApplicationContext().getStore(); SmooksResourceConfigurationList extConfigList = new SmooksResourceConfigurationList(baseURI); XMLConfigDigester configDigester = new XMLConfigDigester(extConfigList); configDigester.extendedConfigDigesters = extendedConfigDigesters; configDigester.digestConfigRecursively( new InputStreamReader(ClassUtil.getResourceAsStream(resourcePath, classLoader)), baseURI); configStore.addSmooksResourceConfigurationList(extConfigList); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SmooksConfigurationException( "Failed to construct Smooks instance for processing extended configuration resource '" + resourcePath + "'.", e); } finally { setExtentionDigestOff(); } // And add it to the Map of extension digesters... extendedConfigDigesters.put(configNamespace, smooks); } if (classLoader != null) { smooks.setClassLoader(classLoader); } return smooks; }
private Source getNamespaceSource(URI namespace) throws SAXException { String resourcePath = "/META-INF" + namespace.getPath(); InputStream xsdStream = ClassUtil.getResourceAsStream(resourcePath, getClass()); if (xsdStream == null) { throw new SAXException( "Failed to locate XSD resource '" + resourcePath + "' on classpath. Namespace: '" + namespace + "'."); } return new StreamSource(xsdStream); }
private void assertExtendedConfigOK(String configNamespace, String resourcePath) { InputStream resourceStream = ClassUtil.getResourceAsStream(resourcePath, classLoader); if (resourceStream == null) { throw new SmooksConfigurationException( "Unable to locate Smooks digest configuration '" + resourcePath + "' for extended resource configuration namespace '" + configNamespace + "'. This resource must be available on the classpath."); } Document configDoc; try { configDoc = XmlUtil.parseStream(resourceStream); } catch (Exception e) { throw new SmooksConfigurationException( "Unable to parse namespace URI '" + configNamespace + "'.", e); } XsdDOMValidator validator; try { validator = new XsdDOMValidator(configDoc); } catch (SAXException e) { throw new SmooksConfigurationException( "Unable to create XsdDOMValidator instance for extended resource config '" + resourcePath + "'.", e); } String defaultNS = validator.getDefaultNamespace().toString(); if (!XSD_V10.equals(defaultNS) && !XSD_V11.equals(defaultNS)) { throw new SmooksConfigurationException( "Extended resource configuration '" + resourcePath + "' default namespace must be a valid Smooks configuration namespace."); } if (validator.getNamespaces().size() > 1) { throw new SmooksConfigurationException( "Extended resource configuration '" + resourcePath + "' defines configurations from multiple namespaces. This is not permitted. Only use configurations from the base Smooks config namespaces e.g. '" + XSD_V11 + "'."); } }