@Override public TripRouter instantiateAndConfigureTripRouter(RoutingContext routingContext) { TripRouter instance = this.delegateFactory.instantiateAndConfigureTripRouter(routingContext); Network network = this.scenario.getNetwork(); PopulationFactory populationFactory = this.scenario.getPopulation().getFactory(); ModeRouteFactory modeRouteFactory = ((PopulationFactoryImpl) populationFactory).getModeRouteFactory(); MultiModalConfigGroup multiModalConfigGroup = (MultiModalConfigGroup) scenario.getConfig().getModule(MultiModalConfigGroup.GROUP_NAME); Set<String> simulatedModes = CollectionUtils.stringToSet(multiModalConfigGroup.getSimulatedModes()); for (String mode : simulatedModes) { if (instance.getRegisteredModes().contains(mode)) { log.warn("A routing algorithm for " + mode + " is already registered. It is replaced!"); } TravelTime travelTime = this.multimodalTravelTimes.get(mode); if (travelTime == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "No travel time object was found for mode " + mode + "! Aborting."); } Network subNetwork = multimodalSubNetworks.get(mode); if (subNetwork == null) { subNetwork = NetworkImpl.createNetwork(); Set<String> restrictions = new HashSet<>(); restrictions.add(mode); TransportModeNetworkFilter networkFilter = new TransportModeNetworkFilter(network); networkFilter.filter(subNetwork, restrictions); this.multimodalSubNetworks.put(mode, subNetwork); } /* * We cannot use the travel disutility object from the routingContext since it * has not been created for the modes used here. */ TravelDisutility travelDisutility = this.travelDisutilityFactory.createTravelDisutility( travelTime, scenario.getConfig().planCalcScore()); LeastCostPathCalculator routeAlgo = this.leastCostPathCalculatorFactory.createPathCalculator( subNetwork, travelDisutility, travelTime); RoutingModule legRouterWrapper = DefaultRoutingModules.createNetworkRouter(mode, populationFactory, subNetwork, routeAlgo); instance.setRoutingModule(mode, legRouterWrapper); } return instance; }
@StringSetter("modes") private void setStringModes(final String modes) { this.modes = CollectionUtils.stringToSet(modes); }
/** * This class creates facilities for each zone. Available activity options for each facilities are * defined based on information from a file containing zonal attributes. * * <p>So far, no information related to buildings in the zones is available. Therefore, random * coordinates within each zone are drawn. The number of buildings is defined by a config parameter. * For each of this coordinates, a facility is created and attached to the nearest link with a valid * link type. By default, e.g. highways are ignored for this assignment. * * <p>If a more detailed network is available, this class can be simply re-run to create a new * mapping from facilities to links. * * <p>Note that zonal shp file has to use WGS 84 coordinates! * * @author cdobler */ public class FacilitiesCreator { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(FacilitiesCreator.class); public static String ttaActivityType = "tta"; public static String TAZObjectAttributesName = "taz"; /* * For each taz, we also have a unique index. In contrast to the taz values, * the indices are enumerated from 0 onwards. The order of the indices equals * the order of the taz values. */ public static String indexObjectAttributesName = "index"; private static String ITM = "EPSG:2039"; // network coding String private static String basePath = ""; private static String networkFile = ""; private static String zonalAttributesFile = ""; private static String zonalSHPFile = ""; private static String facilitiesFile = ""; private static String facilitiesAttributesFile = ""; private static String f2lFile = ""; private static int facilitiesPerZone = 100; private static double capacity = 1000000.0; private static Set<String> validLinkTypes = CollectionUtils.stringToSet("4,5,6"); private static String separator = ","; private static Random random = MatsimRandom.getLocalInstance(); private static GeometryFactory geometryFactory = new GeometryFactory(); private static CoordinateTransformation fromWGS84CoordinateTransformation = new GeotoolsTransformation("WGS84", ITM); private static CoordinateTransformation toWGS84CoordinateTransformation = new GeotoolsTransformation(ITM, "WGS84"); public static void main(String[] args) { try { if (args.length > 0) { String file = args[0]; Map<String, String> parameterMap = new XMLParameterParser().parseFile(file); String value; value = parameterMap.remove("basePath"); if (value != null) basePath = value; value = parameterMap.remove("networkFile"); if (value != null) networkFile = value; value = parameterMap.remove("zonalAttributesFile"); if (value != null) zonalAttributesFile = value; value = parameterMap.remove("separator"); if (value != null) separator = value; value = parameterMap.remove("zonalSHPFile"); if (value != null) zonalSHPFile = value; value = parameterMap.remove("facilitiesFile"); if (value != null) facilitiesFile = value; value = parameterMap.remove("facilitiesAttributesFile"); if (value != null) facilitiesAttributesFile = value; value = parameterMap.remove("f2lFile"); if (value != null) f2lFile = value; value = parameterMap.remove("facilitiesPerZone"); if (value != null) facilitiesPerZone = Integer.parseInt(value); value = parameterMap.remove("validLinkTypes"); if (value != null) validLinkTypes = CollectionUtils.stringToSet(value); for (String key : parameterMap.keySet()) log.warn("Found parameter " + key + " which is not handled!"); } else { log.error("No input config file was given. Therefore cannot proceed. Aborting!"); return; } log.info("loading network ..."); Config config = ConfigUtils.createConfig(); config.network().setInputFile(basePath + networkFile); Scenario scenario = ScenarioUtils.loadScenario(config); log.info("done.\n"); log.info("loading zonal attributes ..."); boolean skipHeader = true; Map<Integer, Emme2Zone> zonalAttributes = new Emme2ZonesFileParser(basePath + zonalAttributesFile, separator).readFile(skipHeader); log.info("done.\n"); log.info("loading zonal shp file ..."); // use a TreeMap to be deterministic Map<Integer, SimpleFeature> zonalShapes = new TreeMap<Integer, SimpleFeature>(); for (SimpleFeature feature : ShapeFileReader.getAllFeatures(basePath + zonalSHPFile)) { zonalShapes.put((Integer) feature.getAttribute(3), feature); } log.info("done.\n"); log.info("identify nodes outside the model area ..."); Set<Id<Node>> externalNodes = getExternalNodes(scenario, zonalShapes); log.info("\tfound " + externalNodes.size() + " nodes outside the mapped area"); log.info("done.\n"); /* * We have to create tta activities BEFORE filtering the network. They might also start * and end at highways. We do not know their real start and end positions. The coordinate * we know might only be the place where the agents enter the modeled area, which will * probably be by using a highway. */ log.info("creating external facilities for tta activities ..."); createExternalFacilities(scenario, externalNodes); log.info("done.\n"); /* * Before creating the internal facilities, we can perform the links filtering. */ log.info("removing links from network where no facilities should be attached to ..."); List<Id<Link>> linksToRemove = new ArrayList<Id<Link>>(); for (Link link : scenario.getNetwork().getLinks().values()) { String type = ((LinkImpl) link).getType(); if (!validLinkTypes.contains(type)) linksToRemove.add(link.getId()); } log.info("\tfound " + linksToRemove.size() + " links which do not match the criteria"); for (Id<Link> linkId : linksToRemove) ((NetworkImpl) scenario.getNetwork()).removeLink(linkId); log.info( "\tprocessed network contains " + scenario.getNetwork().getLinks().size() + " valid links"); log.info("done.\n"); log.info("creating internal facilities ..."); createInternalFacilities(scenario, zonalAttributes, zonalShapes); log.info("done.\n"); log.info("writing facilities to links mapping to a file ..."); createAndWriteF2LMapping(scenario); log.info("done.\n"); log.info( "writing " + scenario.getActivityFacilities().getFacilities().size() + " facilities to a file ..."); FacilitiesWriter facilitiesWriter = new FacilitiesWriter(scenario.getActivityFacilities()); facilitiesWriter.write(basePath + facilitiesFile); new ObjectAttributesXmlWriter(scenario.getActivityFacilities().getFacilityAttributes()) .writeFile(basePath + facilitiesAttributesFile); log.info("done.\n"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } // Create Facilities inside the simulated area. private static void createInternalFacilities( Scenario scenario, Map<Integer, Emme2Zone> zonalAttributes, Map<Integer, SimpleFeature> zonalShapes) { // create indices for the zones Map<Integer, Integer> indices = new HashMap<Integer, Integer>(); int index = 0; for (Integer taz : zonalShapes.keySet()) { indices.put(taz, index); index++; } NetworkImpl network = (NetworkImpl) scenario.getNetwork(); ActivityFacilities activityFacilities = scenario.getActivityFacilities(); ObjectAttributes facilitiesAttributes = activityFacilities.getFacilityAttributes(); ActivityFacilitiesFactory factory = activityFacilities.getFactory(); for (Entry<Integer, SimpleFeature> entry : zonalShapes.entrySet()) { int taz = entry.getKey(); SimpleFeature feature = entry.getValue(); Geometry geometry = (Geometry) feature.getDefaultGeometry(); List<Coord> coordinates = getRandomCoordinatesInZone(facilitiesPerZone, geometry, random); int i = 0; for (Coord coord : coordinates) { Id<ActivityFacility> id = Id.create(taz + "_" + i, ActivityFacility.class); ActivityFacility facility = factory.createActivityFacility(id, coord); createAndAddActivityOptions(scenario, facility, zonalAttributes.get(taz)); activityFacilities.addActivityFacility(facility); Link link = network.getNearestLinkExactly(coord); ((ActivityFacilityImpl) facility).setLinkId(link.getId()); i++; // Also add a tta activity to all facilities. ActivityOption activityOption = factory.createActivityOption(ttaActivityType); activityOption.addOpeningTime(new OpeningTimeImpl(0 * 3600, 24 * 3600)); activityOption.setCapacity(capacity); facility.addActivityOption(activityOption); facilitiesAttributes.putAttribute(id.toString(), TAZObjectAttributesName, taz); facilitiesAttributes.putAttribute( id.toString(), indexObjectAttributesName, indices.get(taz)); } } } // Create external Facilities that are used by transit traffic agents. private static void createExternalFacilities(Scenario scenario, Set<Id<Node>> externalNodes) { ActivityFacilities activityFacilities = scenario.getActivityFacilities(); ActivityFacilitiesFactory factory = activityFacilities.getFactory(); /* * We check for all OutLinks of all external nodes if they already host a facility. If not, * a new facility with a tta ActivityOption will be created and added. */ for (Id<Node> id : externalNodes) { Node externalNode = scenario.getNetwork().getNodes().get(id); for (Link externalLink : externalNode.getOutLinks().values()) { ActivityFacility facility = activityFacilities.getFacilities().get(externalLink.getId()); // if already a facility exists we have nothing left to do if (facility != null) continue; /* * No Facility exists at that link therefore we create and add a new one. */ double fromX = externalLink.getFromNode().getCoord().getX(); double fromY = externalLink.getFromNode().getCoord().getY(); double toX = externalLink.getToNode().getCoord().getX(); double toY = externalLink.getToNode().getCoord().getY(); double dX = toX - fromX; double dY = toY - fromY; double length = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(dX, 2) + Math.pow(dY, 2)); double centerX = externalLink.getCoord().getX(); double centerY = externalLink.getCoord().getY(); /* * Unit vector that directs with an angle of 90° away from the link. */ double unitVectorX = dY / length; double unitVectorY = -dX / length; Coord coord = new Coord(centerX + unitVectorX, centerY + unitVectorY); facility = activityFacilities .getFactory() .createActivityFacility( Id.create(externalLink.getId().toString(), ActivityFacility.class), coord); activityFacilities.addActivityFacility(facility); ((ActivityFacilityImpl) facility).setLinkId(externalLink.getId()); ActivityOption activityOption = factory.createActivityOption(ttaActivityType); activityOption.addOpeningTime(new OpeningTimeImpl(0 * 3600, 24 * 3600)); activityOption.setCapacity(capacity); facility.addActivityOption(activityOption); } } } /* * Creates and adds the possible activities to the facility. The capacities * have to defined elsewhere... * * home / no (Activity) / 0 .. 24 * work / work / 8 .. 18 * education / study / 8 .. 18 * shopping / shopping / 9 .. 19 * leisure / other 6 .. 22 * * Mapping from the zones file: * * Cultural Areas -> leisure, work * Education -> education_university, education_highschool, education_elementaryschool, work * Office -> work * Shopping -> leisure, work * Health Institutions -> work, leisure * Urban Cores -> ignore * Religions Character -> ignore * Transportation -> work, leisure (airport, big train stations, etc.) */ private static void createAndAddActivityOptions( Scenario scenario, ActivityFacility facility, Emme2Zone zone) { boolean hasHome = false; boolean hasWork = false; boolean hasEducationUniversity = false; boolean hasEducationHighSchool = false; boolean hasEducationElementarySchool = false; boolean hasShopping = false; boolean hasLeisure = false; hasHome = zone.hasHome(); hasWork = zone.hasWork(); hasEducationUniversity = zone.hasEducationUniversity(); hasEducationHighSchool = zone.hasEducationHighSchool(); hasEducationElementarySchool = zone.hasEducationElementarySchool(); hasShopping = zone.hasShopping(); hasLeisure = zone.hasLeisure(); // if (zone.POPULATION > 0) { hasHome = true; } // if (zone.CULTURAL > 0) { hasLeisure = true; hasWork = true; } // if (zone.EDUCATION == 1) { hasEducationUniversity = true; hasWork = true; } // if (zone.EDUCATION == 2) { hasEducationHighSchool = true; hasWork = true; } // if (zone.EDUCATION == 3) { hasEducationElementarySchool = true; hasWork = true; } // if (zone.OFFICE > 0) { hasWork = true; } // if (zone.SHOPPING > 0) { hasShopping = true; hasWork = true; } // if (zone.HEALTH > 0) { hasLeisure = true; hasWork = true; } // if (zone.TRANSPORTA > 0) { hasLeisure = true; hasWork = true; } // if (zone.EMPL_TOT > 0) { hasWork = true; } // "Other" activities - should be possible in every zone. // hasLeisure = true; // "Shopping" activities - should be possible in every zone. // hasShopping = true; ActivityOption activityOption; ActivityFacilitiesFactory factory = scenario.getActivityFacilities().getFactory(); if (hasHome) { activityOption = factory.createActivityOption("home"); facility.addActivityOption(activityOption); activityOption.addOpeningTime(new OpeningTimeImpl(0 * 3600, 24 * 3600)); activityOption.setCapacity(capacity); } if (hasWork) { activityOption = factory.createActivityOption("work"); facility.addActivityOption(activityOption); activityOption.addOpeningTime(new OpeningTimeImpl(8 * 3600, 18 * 3600)); activityOption.setCapacity(capacity); } if (hasEducationUniversity) { activityOption = factory.createActivityOption("education_university"); facility.addActivityOption(activityOption); activityOption.addOpeningTime(new OpeningTimeImpl(9 * 3600, 18 * 3600)); activityOption.setCapacity(capacity); } if (hasEducationHighSchool) { activityOption = factory.createActivityOption("education_highschool"); facility.addActivityOption(activityOption); activityOption.addOpeningTime(new OpeningTimeImpl(8 * 3600, 16 * 3600)); activityOption.setCapacity(capacity); } if (hasEducationElementarySchool) { activityOption = factory.createActivityOption("education_elementaryschool"); facility.addActivityOption(activityOption); activityOption.addOpeningTime(new OpeningTimeImpl(8 * 3600, 14 * 3600)); activityOption.setCapacity(capacity); } if (hasShopping) { activityOption = factory.createActivityOption("shopping"); facility.addActivityOption(activityOption); activityOption.addOpeningTime(new OpeningTimeImpl(9 * 3600, 19 * 3600)); activityOption.setCapacity(capacity); } if (hasLeisure) { activityOption = factory.createActivityOption("leisure"); facility.addActivityOption(activityOption); activityOption.addOpeningTime(new OpeningTimeImpl(6 * 3600, 22 * 3600)); activityOption.setCapacity(capacity); } } // create f2l mapping file private static void createAndWriteF2LMapping(Scenario scenario) { log.info("creating f2l mapping and write it to a file ..."); try { BufferedWriter bw = IOUtils.getBufferedWriter(basePath + f2lFile); // write Header bw.write("fid" + "\t" + "lid" + "\n"); for (ActivityFacility facility : scenario.getActivityFacilities().getFacilities().values()) { bw.write(facility.getId().toString() + "\t" + facility.getLinkId().toString() + "\n"); } bw.flush(); bw.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } log.info("done."); } // iterate over all nodes to find all external nodes private static final Set<Id<Node>> getExternalNodes( Scenario scenario, Map<Integer, SimpleFeature> zonalShapes) { Set<Id<Node>> externalNodes = new TreeSet<Id<Node>>(); for (Node node : scenario.getNetwork().getNodes().values()) { Coord pointCoord = toWGS84CoordinateTransformation.transform(node.getCoord()); Point point = geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(pointCoord.getX(), pointCoord.getY())); SimpleFeature pointZone = null; for (SimpleFeature zone : zonalShapes.values()) { Geometry polygon = (Geometry) zone.getDefaultGeometry(); if (polygon.contains(point)) { pointZone = zone; break; } } // if the point is not contained in any Zone it is an external node. if (pointZone == null) externalNodes.add(node.getId()); } return externalNodes; } private static final List<Coord> getRandomCoordinatesInZone( int numCoordinates, Geometry zoneGeometry, Random random) { /* * Get the bounding box of the geometry. The returned geometry is a polygon with the following points: * (minx, miny), (maxx, miny), (maxx, maxy), (minx, maxy), (minx, miny). */ Geometry envelope = zoneGeometry.getEnvelope(); Coordinate[] coords = envelope.getCoordinates(); double minX = Double.MAX_VALUE; double maxX = Double.MIN_VALUE; double minY = Double.MAX_VALUE; double maxY = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (Coordinate coord : coords) { if (coord.x < minX) minX = coord.x; if (coord.x > maxX) maxX = coord.x; if (coord.y < minY) minY = coord.y; if (coord.y > maxY) maxY = coord.y; } List<Coord> list = new ArrayList<Coord>(); // loop until a valid point was found and is returned while (list.size() < numCoordinates) { double x = minX + random.nextDouble() * (maxX - minX); double y = minY + random.nextDouble() * (maxY - minY); Point point = geometryFactory.createPoint(new Coordinate(x, y)); if (zoneGeometry.contains(point)) list.add(fromWGS84CoordinateTransformation.transform(new Coord(x, y))); } return list; } }
private static void makePopulation( final int nOfPersonFromEachHome, final String networkFilename, final String filename) { Scenario sc = ScenarioUtils.createScenario(ConfigUtils.createConfig()); Population pop = sc.getPopulation(); PopulationFactory pf = pop.getFactory(); Random r = new Random(4711); int pId = 0; double baseX = 1000; double baseY = 1000; for (int i = 0; i < nOfPersonFromEachHome; i++) { pId++; String mode = (r.nextDouble() < 0.50 ? TransportMode.car : TransportMode.pt); Person person = pf.createPerson(Id.create(pId, Person.class)); Plan plan = pf.createPlan(); Coord homeCoord = new Coord( (double) (int) (baseX - 450 + 900 * r.nextDouble()), (double) (int) (baseY - 450 + 900 * r.nextDouble())); fillPlan(plan, mode, r, pf, homeCoord); person.addPlan(plan); pop.addPerson(person); } baseX = 1000; baseY = 4000; for (int i = 0; i < nOfPersonFromEachHome; i++) { pId++; String mode = (r.nextDouble() < 0.50 ? TransportMode.car : TransportMode.pt); Person person = pf.createPerson(Id.create(pId, Person.class)); Plan plan = pf.createPlan(); Coord homeCoord = new Coord( (double) (int) (baseX - 450 + 900 * r.nextDouble()), (double) (int) (baseY - 450 + 900 * r.nextDouble())); fillPlan(plan, mode, r, pf, homeCoord); person.addPlan(plan); pop.addPerson(person); } baseX = 4000; baseY = 4000; for (int i = 0; i < nOfPersonFromEachHome; i++) { pId++; String mode = (r.nextDouble() < 0.50 ? TransportMode.car : TransportMode.pt); Person person = pf.createPerson(Id.create(pId, Person.class)); Plan plan = pf.createPlan(); Coord homeCoord = new Coord( (double) (int) (baseX - 450 + 900.0 * r.nextDouble()), (double) (int) (baseY - 450 + 900.0 * r.nextDouble())); fillPlan(plan, mode, r, pf, homeCoord); person.addPlan(plan); pop.addPerson(person); } new MatsimNetworkReader(sc.getNetwork()).readFile(networkFilename); NetworkImpl carNetwork = NetworkImpl.createNetwork(); new TransportModeNetworkFilter(sc.getNetwork()) .filter(carNetwork, CollectionUtils.stringToSet(TransportMode.car)); new XY2Links(carNetwork, null).run(pop); new PopulationWriter(pop, null).write(filename); }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { if (args.length > 0) { String file = args[0]; Map<String, String> parameterMap = new XMLParameterParser().parseFile(file); String value; value = parameterMap.remove("basePath"); if (value != null) basePath = value; value = parameterMap.remove("networkFile"); if (value != null) networkFile = value; value = parameterMap.remove("zonalAttributesFile"); if (value != null) zonalAttributesFile = value; value = parameterMap.remove("separator"); if (value != null) separator = value; value = parameterMap.remove("zonalSHPFile"); if (value != null) zonalSHPFile = value; value = parameterMap.remove("facilitiesFile"); if (value != null) facilitiesFile = value; value = parameterMap.remove("facilitiesAttributesFile"); if (value != null) facilitiesAttributesFile = value; value = parameterMap.remove("f2lFile"); if (value != null) f2lFile = value; value = parameterMap.remove("facilitiesPerZone"); if (value != null) facilitiesPerZone = Integer.parseInt(value); value = parameterMap.remove("validLinkTypes"); if (value != null) validLinkTypes = CollectionUtils.stringToSet(value); for (String key : parameterMap.keySet()) log.warn("Found parameter " + key + " which is not handled!"); } else { log.error("No input config file was given. Therefore cannot proceed. Aborting!"); return; } log.info("loading network ..."); Config config = ConfigUtils.createConfig(); config.network().setInputFile(basePath + networkFile); Scenario scenario = ScenarioUtils.loadScenario(config); log.info("done.\n"); log.info("loading zonal attributes ..."); boolean skipHeader = true; Map<Integer, Emme2Zone> zonalAttributes = new Emme2ZonesFileParser(basePath + zonalAttributesFile, separator).readFile(skipHeader); log.info("done.\n"); log.info("loading zonal shp file ..."); // use a TreeMap to be deterministic Map<Integer, SimpleFeature> zonalShapes = new TreeMap<Integer, SimpleFeature>(); for (SimpleFeature feature : ShapeFileReader.getAllFeatures(basePath + zonalSHPFile)) { zonalShapes.put((Integer) feature.getAttribute(3), feature); } log.info("done.\n"); log.info("identify nodes outside the model area ..."); Set<Id<Node>> externalNodes = getExternalNodes(scenario, zonalShapes); log.info("\tfound " + externalNodes.size() + " nodes outside the mapped area"); log.info("done.\n"); /* * We have to create tta activities BEFORE filtering the network. They might also start * and end at highways. We do not know their real start and end positions. The coordinate * we know might only be the place where the agents enter the modeled area, which will * probably be by using a highway. */ log.info("creating external facilities for tta activities ..."); createExternalFacilities(scenario, externalNodes); log.info("done.\n"); /* * Before creating the internal facilities, we can perform the links filtering. */ log.info("removing links from network where no facilities should be attached to ..."); List<Id<Link>> linksToRemove = new ArrayList<Id<Link>>(); for (Link link : scenario.getNetwork().getLinks().values()) { String type = ((LinkImpl) link).getType(); if (!validLinkTypes.contains(type)) linksToRemove.add(link.getId()); } log.info("\tfound " + linksToRemove.size() + " links which do not match the criteria"); for (Id<Link> linkId : linksToRemove) ((NetworkImpl) scenario.getNetwork()).removeLink(linkId); log.info( "\tprocessed network contains " + scenario.getNetwork().getLinks().size() + " valid links"); log.info("done.\n"); log.info("creating internal facilities ..."); createInternalFacilities(scenario, zonalAttributes, zonalShapes); log.info("done.\n"); log.info("writing facilities to links mapping to a file ..."); createAndWriteF2LMapping(scenario); log.info("done.\n"); log.info( "writing " + scenario.getActivityFacilities().getFacilities().size() + " facilities to a file ..."); FacilitiesWriter facilitiesWriter = new FacilitiesWriter(scenario.getActivityFacilities()); facilitiesWriter.write(basePath + facilitiesFile); new ObjectAttributesXmlWriter(scenario.getActivityFacilities().getFacilityAttributes()) .writeFile(basePath + facilitiesAttributesFile); log.info("done.\n"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }