private void createOneVWTrucker( int i, Coord origin, Coord destination, String mode, String fromToPrefix) { Id<Person> personId = Id.createPersonId(fromToPrefix + i); Person person = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createPerson(personId); Plan plan = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createPlan(); Activity source = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createActivityFromCoord("source", origin); double rand = random.nextDouble() * 18 * 60 * 60; source.setEndTime(rand); plan.addActivity(source); Leg outboundTrip = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createLeg(mode); plan.addLeg(outboundTrip); Activity delivery = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createActivityFromCoord("delivery", destination); delivery.setMaximumDuration(3600); plan.addActivity(delivery); Leg inboundTrip = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createLeg(mode); plan.addLeg(inboundTrip); Activity source2 = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createActivityFromCoord("source", origin); plan.addActivity(source2); person.addPlan(plan); scenario .getPopulation() .getPersonAttributes() .putAttribute(person.getId().toString(), "subpopulation", "noRep"); scenario.getPopulation().addPerson(person); }
public FreeFloatingParkingPersonDriverAgentImpl( final Person person, final Plan plan, final Netsim simulation, final Scenario scenario, final MatsimServices controler, ParkingModuleWithFreeFloatingCarSharing parkingModule) { this.person = person; this.simulation = simulation; this.controler = controler; this.plan = plan; this.scenario = scenario; this.parkingModule = parkingModule; beelineFactor = ((PlansCalcRouteConfigGroup) scenario.getConfig().getModule("planscalcroute")) .getBeelineDistanceFactors() .get("walk"); walkSpeed = (((PlansCalcRouteConfigGroup) controler.getConfig().getModule("planscalcroute")) .getTeleportedModeSpeeds() .get("walk")); List<? extends PlanElement> planElements = this.plan.getPlanElements(); if (planElements.size() > 0) { this.currentPlanElementIndex = 0; Activity firstAct = (Activity) planElements.get(0); this.currentLinkId = firstAct.getLinkId(); this.state = MobsimAgent.State.ACTIVITY; calculateAndSetDepartureTime(firstAct); } throw new RuntimeException( "Should this class still be in use? I think there is a delegated version of this, isn't there? " + "This one here causes additional refactoring work. kai, feb'16"); }
@Override public void handleAgentLeg(AgentWithParking aem) { Id personId = aem.getPerson().getId(); boolean endOfLegReached = aem.endOfLegReached(); if (endOfLegReached) { if (!parkingFound.contains(personId)) { parkingFound.add(personId); DebugLib.traceAgent(personId); Activity nextAct = (Activity) aem.getPerson() .getSelectedPlan() .getPlanElements() .get(aem.getPlanElementIndex() + 3); Id parkingId = AgentWithParking.parkingManager.getFreePrivateParking( nextAct.getFacilityId(), nextAct.getType()); if (isInvalidParking(aem, parkingId)) { parkingId = AgentWithParking.parkingManager.getClosestParkingFacilityNotOnLink( nextAct.getCoord(), aem.getInvalidLinkForParking()); } parkVehicleAndLogSearchTime(aem, personId, parkingId); } } else { super.handleAgentLeg(aem); } }
private void assignDistanceBinsPerPerson(DesiredDurationPerson desiredDurationPerson) { Id personId = desiredDurationPerson.getPersonId(); PlanImpl plan = (PlanImpl) this.plans.getPersons().get(personId).getSelectedPlan(); List<? extends PlanElement> actslegs = plan.getPlanElements(); for (int j = 0; j < actslegs.size(); j = j + 2) { final Activity act = (Activity) actslegs.get(j); if (act.getType().startsWith("leisure")) { final LegImpl leg = (LegImpl) actslegs.get(j + 1); if (leg.getMode().equals(this.mode)) { int randomDistance = (int) Math.round( this.distanceBins.getRandomDistance( desiredDurationPerson.planContainsLeisurePriorToWork())); String newActType = act.getType() + "_" + randomDistance; act.setType(newActType); // minimum duration is 30 min! -> else division by zero while scoring plan.getPerson() .getDesires() .putActivityDuration( newActType, Math.max(30 * 60, desiredDurationPerson.getDuration())); // for plot this.durationDistanceBins.addVal(desiredDurationPerson.getDuration(), randomDistance); } } } }
public void plans2Shape(Population population, String outputFile) { SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder typeBuilder = new SimpleFeatureTypeBuilder(); typeBuilder.setName("shape"); typeBuilder.add("geometry", Point.class); typeBuilder.add("id", String.class); typeBuilder.add("actType", String.class); SimpleFeatureBuilder builder = new SimpleFeatureBuilder(typeBuilder.buildFeatureType()); List<SimpleFeature> features = new ArrayList<SimpleFeature>(); for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { for (PlanElement pe : person.getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Activity) { Activity act = (Activity) pe; Coord coord = act.getCoord(); SimpleFeature feature = builder.buildFeature( null, new Object[] { new GeometryFactory().createPoint(new Coordinate(coord.getX(), coord.getY())), person.getId().toString(), act.getType() }); features.add(feature); } } } ShapeFileWriter.writeGeometries(features, outputFile); }
private void createDemand() { Population pop = sc.getPopulation(); PopulationFactory fact = pop.getFactory(); for (int i = 1; i <= 400; i++) { Person p = fact.createPerson(Id.createPersonId(i)); Plan plan = fact.createPlan(); p.addPlan(plan); Leg leg = fact.createLeg(; Activity home; Activity work; if (i % 2 == 0) { // o --d1 home = fact.createActivityFromCoord("o1", lo.getCoord()); home.setEndTime(7 * 3600 + i); work = fact.createActivityFromCoord("d1", ld1.getCoord()); } else /*if(i%2==0)*/ { // o --d2 home = fact.createActivityFromCoord("o1", lo.getCoord()); home.setEndTime(7 * 3600 + i); work = fact.createActivityFromCoord("d2", ld2.getCoord()); } plan.addActivity(home); plan.addLeg(leg); plan.addActivity(work); pop.addPerson(p); } new PopulationWriter(pop).write(outputDir + "/input/input_plans.xml.gz"); }
protected void handleAct(final double time) { Activity act = (Activity) this.plan.getPlanElements().get(this.index); if (this.index == 0) { this.firstActTime = time; } else if (this.index == this.lastActIndex) { String lastActType = act.getType(); if (lastActType.equals(((Activity) this.plan.getPlanElements().get(0)).getType())) { // the first Act and the last Act have the same type this.score += calcActScore(this.lastTime, this.firstActTime + 24 * 3600, act); // SCENARIO_DURATION } else { if (scoreActs) { log.warn( "The first and the last activity do not have the same type. The correctness of the scoring function can thus not be guaranteed."); // score first activity Activity firstAct = (Activity) this.plan.getPlanElements().get(0); this.score += calcActScore(0.0, this.firstActTime, firstAct); // score last activity this.score += calcActScore(this.lastTime, 24 * 3600, act); // SCENARIO_DURATION } } } else { this.score += calcActScore(this.lastTime, time, act); } this.index++; }
private void createOneTransitTrucker( int i, Coord origin, Coord destination, String mode, String fromToPrefix) { Id<Person> personId = Id.createPersonId(fromToPrefix + i); Person person = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createPerson(personId); Plan plan = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createPlan(); Activity cargo = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createActivityFromCoord("cargo", origin); int rand = random.nextInt(18 * 60 * 60) + 1; cargo.setEndTime(rand); plan.addActivity(cargo); Leg outboundTrip = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createLeg(mode); plan.addLeg(outboundTrip); Activity cargod = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createActivityFromCoord("cargoD", destination); cargod.setMaximumDuration(3600); plan.addActivity(cargod); Leg inBundTrip = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createLeg(mode); plan.addLeg(inBundTrip); Activity cargo2 = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createActivityFromCoord("cargo", origin); plan.addActivity(cargo2); person.addPlan(plan); scenario .getPopulation() .getPersonAttributes() .putAttribute(person.getId().toString(), "subpopulation", "noRep"); scenario.getPopulation().addPerson(person); }
private void updateWalkTimeTmpVariables( String legMod, Id personId, Plan executedPlan, int planElementIndex, double valueA, double valueB) { if (isPlanElementDuringDay(personId, planElementIndex)) { if (legMod.equals(TransportMode.walk)) { Activity previousAct = (Activity) executedPlan.getPlanElements().get(planElementIndex - 1); Leg previousLeg = (Leg) executedPlan.getPlanElements().get(planElementIndex - 2); if (previousAct.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("parking") && previousLeg.getMode().equals( { firstParkingWalkTmp.put(personId, valueA); } Activity nextAct = (Activity) executedPlan.getPlanElements().get(planElementIndex + 1); Leg nextLeg = (Leg) executedPlan.getPlanElements().get(planElementIndex + 2); if (nextAct.getType().equalsIgnoreCase("parking") && nextLeg.getMode().equals( { secondParkingWalkTmp.put(personId, valueB); } } } }
private void handleLastActivity(EventsToScore eventsToScore, Fixture f, Activity activity) { eventsToScore.handleEvent( new ActivityStartEvent( activity.getStartTime(), f.person.getId(), activity.getLinkId(), activity.getFacilityId(), activity.getType())); }
@Test public void testActivityAttributesIO() { final Population population = PopulationUtils.createPopulation(ConfigUtils.createConfig()); final Person person = population.getFactory().createPerson(Id.createPersonId("Donald Trump")); population.addPerson(person); final Plan plan = population.getFactory().createPlan(); person.addPlan(plan); final Activity act = population.getFactory().createActivityFromCoord("speech", new Coord(0, 0)); plan.addActivity(act); act.getAttributes().putAttribute("makes sense", false); act.getAttributes().putAttribute("length", 1895L); final String file = utils.getOutputDirectory() + "/population.xml"; new PopulationWriter(population).writeV6(file); final Scenario readScenario = ScenarioUtils.createScenario(ConfigUtils.createConfig()); new PopulationReader(readScenario).readFile(file); final Person readPerson = readScenario.getPopulation().getPersons().get(Id.createPersonId("Donald Trump")); final Activity readAct = (Activity) readPerson.getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements().get(0); Assert.assertEquals( "Unexpected boolean attribute in " + readAct.getAttributes(), act.getAttributes().getAttribute("makes sense"), readAct.getAttributes().getAttribute("makes sense")); Assert.assertEquals( "Unexpected Long attribute in " + readAct.getAttributes(), act.getAttributes().getAttribute("length"), readAct.getAttributes().getAttribute("length")); }
public static Set<Coord> getCoords(Population population) { Set<Coord> coords = new HashSet<Coord>(); for (Person person : population.getPersons().values()) { Plan plan = person.getPlans().get(0); Activity act = (Activity) plan.getPlanElements().get(0); Coord c = act.getCoord(); coords.add(c); } return coords; }
@Override public void handleAgentLeg(AgentWithParking aem) { Activity nextAct = (Activity) aem.getPerson().getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements().get(aem.getPlanElementIndex() + 3); if (GeneralLib.getDistance( getCurrentLink(aem).getCoord(), network.getLinks().get(nextAct.getLinkId()).getCoord()) < distanceToDestinationForStartingRandomSearch) { throughAwayRestOfRoute(aem); } super.handleAgentLeg(aem); }
@Override public final void endActivityAndComputeNextState(final double now) { Activity act = (Activity) this.getPlanElements().get(this.currentPlanElementIndex); this.simulation .getEventsManager() .processEvent( new ActivityEndEvent( now, this.getPerson().getId(), act.getLinkId(), act.getFacilityId(), act.getType())); advancePlan(now); }
private void initializeActivity(Activity act) { this.state = MobsimAgent.State.ACTIVITY; double now = this.getMobsim().getSimTimer().getTimeOfDay(); this.simulation .getEventsManager() .processEvent( new ActivityStartEvent( now, this.getId(), this.currentLinkId, act.getFacilityId(), act.getType())); /* schedule a departure if either duration or endtime is set of the activity. * Otherwise, the agent will just stay at this activity for ever... */ calculateAndSetDepartureTime(act); }
@Test public void testCoord3dIO() { final Population population = PopulationUtils.createPopulation(ConfigUtils.createConfig()); final Person person = population.getFactory().createPerson(Id.createPersonId("Donald Trump")); population.addPerson(person); final Plan plan = population.getFactory().createPlan(); person.addPlan(plan); plan.addActivity(population.getFactory().createActivityFromCoord("speech", new Coord(0, 0))); plan.addActivity( population.getFactory().createActivityFromCoord("tweet", new Coord(0, 0, -100))); final String file = utils.getOutputDirectory() + "/population.xml"; new PopulationWriter(population).writeV6(file); final Scenario readScenario = ScenarioUtils.createScenario(ConfigUtils.createConfig()); new PopulationReader(readScenario).readFile(file); final Person readPerson = readScenario.getPopulation().getPersons().get(Id.createPersonId("Donald Trump")); final Activity readSpeach = (Activity) readPerson.getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements().get(0); final Activity readTweet = (Activity) readPerson.getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements().get(1); Assert.assertFalse( "did not expect Z value in " + readSpeach.getCoord(), readSpeach.getCoord().hasZ()); Assert.assertTrue("did expect T value in " + readTweet.getCoord(), readTweet.getCoord().hasZ()); Assert.assertEquals( "unexpected Z value in " + readTweet.getCoord(), -100, readTweet.getCoord().getZ(), MatsimTestUtils.EPSILON); }
private Activity firstActivity(final Person person, final String type) { final Plan plan = person.getSelectedPlan(); if (plan == null) { return null; } for (PlanElement element : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (element instanceof Activity) { final Activity act = (Activity) element; if (act.getType() != null && act.getType().startsWith(type)) { return act; } } } return null; }
private void replaceDoubtfulLegsByOtherMode() { for (Person p : scenario.getPopulation().getPersons().values()) { for (Plan plan : p.getPlans()) { Leg lastleg = null; Activity lastActivity = null; boolean personb = random.nextBoolean(); for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Activity) { if (lastActivity == null) { lastActivity = (Activity) pe; } else { Coord lastCoord; if (lastActivity.getCoord() != null) { lastCoord = lastActivity.getCoord(); } else { Link lastLink = scenario.getNetwork().getLinks().get(lastActivity.getLinkId()); lastCoord = lastLink.getCoord(); } Coord currentCoord; if (((Activity) pe).getCoord() != null) { currentCoord = ((Activity) pe).getCoord(); } else { currentCoord = scenario.getNetwork().getLinks().get(((Activity) pe).getLinkId()).getCoord(); } double distance = CoordUtils.calcDistance(lastCoord, currentCoord); if (distance > 3000 && lastleg.getMode().equals("walk")) { lastleg.setMode("pt"); } else if (distance > 20000 && lastleg.getMode().equals("bike")) { lastleg.setMode("pt"); } else if (distance < 2000 && (lastleg.getMode().equals("pt"))) { if (personb == true) lastleg.setMode("walk"); else lastleg.setMode("bike"); } lastActivity = (Activity) pe; } } else if (pe instanceof Leg) { lastleg = (Leg) pe; } } } } }
private List<Link> createActivityLinks() { List<Link> links = new LinkedList<Link>(); for (Activity act : this.activityList) { if (act.getLinkId() != null && != null) { links.add(; } } if (links.size() == 0) { return null; } else { return links; } }
@Override protected double[] getOpeningInterval(Activity act) { // openInterval has two values // openInterval[0] will be the opening time // openInterval[1] will be the closing time double[] openInterval = new double[] {Time.UNDEFINED_TIME, Time.UNDEFINED_TIME}; boolean foundAct = false; ActivityFacility facility = this.facilities.getFacilities().get(act.getFacilityId()); Iterator<String> facilityActTypeIterator = facility.getActivityOptions().keySet().iterator(); String facilityActType = null; Set<OpeningTime> opentimes = null; while (facilityActTypeIterator.hasNext() && !foundAct) { facilityActType =; if (act.getType().equals(facilityActType)) { foundAct = true; // choose appropriate opentime: // either wed or wkday // if none is given, use undefined opentimes opentimes = facility.getActivityOptions().get(facilityActType).getOpeningTimes(); if (opentimes != null && opentimes.size() > 0) { // ignoring lunch breaks with the following procedure: // if there is only one wed/wkday open time interval, use it // if there are two or more, use the earliest start time and the latest end time openInterval[0] = Double.MAX_VALUE; openInterval[1] = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (OpeningTime opentime : opentimes) { openInterval[0] = Math.min(openInterval[0], opentime.getStartTime()); openInterval[1] = Math.max(openInterval[1], opentime.getEndTime()); } } } } if (!foundAct) { return new double[] {0, Double.MAX_VALUE}; } return openInterval; }
@Override public void run(Person person) { Plan selectedPlan = person.getSelectedPlan(); ArrayList<String> modeChain = new ArrayList<String>(); for (PlanElement pe : selectedPlan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Leg) { Leg leg = (Leg) pe; modeChain.add(leg.getMode()); } } String[] candidate = new String[modeChain.size()]; candidate = modeChain.toArray(candidate); MeisterkConfigGroup meisterkConfigGroup = new MeisterkConfigGroup(); boolean isFeasible = PlanAnalyzeTourModeChoiceSet.isModeChainFeasible( selectedPlan, candidate, meisterkConfigGroup.getChainBasedModes(), PlanomatConfigGroup.TripStructureAnalysisLayerOption.facility, this.facilities,; if (!isFeasible) {"Agent id: " + person.getId()); for (PlanElement pe : selectedPlan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Activity) { Activity act = (Activity) pe;"\t" + act.getFacilityId()); } if (pe instanceof Leg) { Leg leg = (Leg) pe; modeChain.add(leg.getMode());"\t" + leg.getMode()); } } this.numInfeasiblePlans++; } }
private String enrichPlanBySingleLegAndActivity( Coord lastActivityCoord, Plan plan, String oldmode, int maxDur, boolean canChangeMode) { String mode = oldmode; Coord nextDestination; String nextActivity; double duration; double r = random.nextDouble(); if (r < 0.25) { nextActivity = "private"; nextDestination = findClosestCoordFromMapRandomized(lastActivityCoord, residential, 20); duration = 600 + random.nextInt(maxDur); } else if (r < 0.5) { nextActivity = "leisure"; nextDestination = findClosestCoordFromMapRandomized(lastActivityCoord, schools, 5); duration = 600 + random.nextInt(maxDur); } else { nextActivity = "shopping"; nextDestination = findClosestCoordFromMapRandomized(lastActivityCoord, retail, 10); duration = 600 + random.nextInt(maxDur); } Activity next = scenario .getPopulation() .getFactory() .createActivityFromCoord(nextActivity, nextDestination); next.setMaximumDuration(duration); double distance = CoordUtils.calcDistance(nextDestination, lastActivityCoord); if (canChangeMode) { if (distance < 500) { mode = "walk"; } else if (distance < 3000) { if (random.nextBoolean()) mode = "car"; else if (random.nextBoolean()) mode = "bike"; else mode = "pt"; } else { if (random.nextBoolean()) mode = "car"; else mode = "pt"; } } plan.addLeg(scenario.getPopulation().getFactory().createLeg(mode)); plan.addActivity(next); return mode; }
protected double[] getOpeningInterval(final Activity act) { ActivityUtilityParameters params = utilParams.get(act.getType()); if (params == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "acttype \"" + act.getType() + "\" is not known in utility parameters."); } double openingTime = params.getOpeningTime(); double closingTime = params.getClosingTime(); // openInterval has two values // openInterval[0] will be the opening time // openInterval[1] will be the closing time double[] openInterval = new double[] {openingTime, closingTime}; return openInterval; }
private boolean judgeByBeeline(final Activity fromAct, final Activity toAct) { if (this.aoiCenter == null) { // we cannot use the bee-line decision if we don't know the alternative aoi-center return false; } Coord fromCoord = fromAct.getCoord(); Coord toCoord = toAct.getCoord(); if (fromCoord == null) { fromCoord =; } if (toCoord == null) { toCoord =; } return (CoordUtils.distancePointLinesegment(fromCoord, toCoord, this.aoiCenter) <= this.aoiRadius); }
/** * Tests if the scoring function correctly handles {@link PersonMoneyEvent}. It generates one * person with one plan having two activities (home, work) and a car-leg in between. It then tests * the scoring function by calling several methods on an instance of the scoring function with the * aforementioned plan. */ @Test public void testAddMoney() { Fixture f = new Fixture(); // score the same plan twice PersonImpl person1 = new PersonImpl(Id.create(1, Person.class)); PlanImpl plan1 = person1.createAndAddPlan(true); Activity act1a = plan1.createAndAddActivity("home", (Id<Link>) null); // , 0, 7.0*3600, 7*3600, false); act1a.setEndTime(f.secondLegStartTime); Leg leg1 = plan1.createAndAddLeg(; // , 7*3600, 100, 7*3600+100); leg1.setDepartureTime(f.secondLegStartTime); leg1.setTravelTime(f.secondLegTravelTime); Route route2 = new GenericRouteImpl(null, null); leg1.setRoute(route2); route2.setDistance(20000.0); Activity act1b = plan1.createAndAddActivity( "work", (Id<Link>) null); // , 7.0*3600+100, Time.UNDEFINED_TIME, Time.UNDEFINED_TIME, false); act1b.setStartTime(f.secondLegStartTime + f.secondLegTravelTime); ScoringFunction sf1 = getScoringFunctionInstance(f, person1); sf1.handleActivity(act1a); sf1.handleLeg(leg1); sf1.handleActivity(act1b); sf1.finish(); double score1 = sf1.getScore(); ScoringFunction sf2 = getScoringFunctionInstance(f, person1); sf2.handleActivity(act1a); sf2.addMoney(1.23); sf2.handleLeg(leg1); sf2.addMoney(-2.46); sf2.handleActivity(act1b); sf2.addMoney(4.86); sf2.addMoney(-0.28); sf2.finish(); double score2 = sf2.getScore(); assertEquals(1.23 - 2.46 + 4.86 - 0.28, score2 - score1, EPSILON); }
/** @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { Header.printHeader(checkShoppingTypes.class.toString(), args); Scenario sc = ScenarioUtils.createScenario(ConfigUtils.createConfig()); MatsimReader pr = new PopulationReader(sc); pr.readFile(args[0]); int s1 = 0; int s2 = 0; int s3 = 0; int s4 = 0; int s5 = 0; for (Id id : sc.getPopulation().getPersons().keySet()) { Plan plan = sc.getPopulation().getPersons().get(id).getSelectedPlan(); for (PlanElement pe : plan.getPlanElements()) { if (pe instanceof Activity) { Activity act = (Activity) pe; String s = act.getType(); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("s1")) { s1++; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("s2")) { s2++; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("s3")) { s3++; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("s4")) { s4++; } else if (s.equalsIgnoreCase("s5")) { s5++; } } } }" s1: " + s1);" s2: " + s2);" s3: " + s3);" s4: " + s4);" s5: " + s5); Header.printFooter(); }
private static void fillPlan( final Plan plan, final String mode, final Random r, final PopulationFactory pf, Coord homeCoord) { Activity h1 = pf.createActivityFromCoord("h", homeCoord); h1.setEndTime(7.0 * 3600 + r.nextDouble() * 3600.0); plan.addActivity(h1); Leg leg1 = pf.createLeg(mode); plan.addLeg(leg1); Coord workCoord; if (r.nextDouble() < 0.5) { workCoord = new Coord( (double) (int) (loc1X - 450 + 900.0 * r.nextDouble()), (double) (int) (loc1Y - 450 + 900.0 * r.nextDouble())); } else { workCoord = new Coord( (double) (int) (loc2X - 450 + 900.0 * r.nextDouble()), (double) (int) (loc2Y - 450 + 900.0 * r.nextDouble())); } Activity w = pf.createActivityFromCoord("w", workCoord); w.setEndTime(17.0 * 3600 + r.nextDouble() * 3600.0); plan.addActivity(w); Leg leg2 = pf.createLeg(mode); plan.addLeg(leg2); if (r.nextDouble() < 0.5) { // add shop activity Coord shopCoord; if (r.nextDouble() < 0.5) { shopCoord = new Coord( (double) (int) (loc1X - 450 + 900.0 * r.nextDouble()), (double) (int) (loc1Y - 450 + 900.0 * r.nextDouble())); } else { shopCoord = new Coord( (double) (int) (loc2X - 450 + 900.0 * r.nextDouble()), (double) (int) (loc2Y - 450 + 900.0 * r.nextDouble())); } Activity s = pf.createActivityFromCoord("s", shopCoord); s.setEndTime(w.getEndTime() + r.nextDouble() * 3600.0); plan.addActivity(s); Leg leg3 = pf.createLeg(mode); plan.addLeg(leg3); } Activity h2 = pf.createActivityFromCoord("h", homeCoord); plan.addActivity(h2); }
public double getDestinationScore( Activity act, double fVar, int activityIndex, Id<Person> personId) { double score = 0.0; if (this.scaleEpsilon.isFlexibleType(act.getType())) { /* * The following will not work if activities are inserted or removed during replanning (e.g. ptInteractionActivities). kai/mz, oct'14 */ int actIndex = 2 * activityIndex; // "2": retrofitting; this used to be the PlanElementIndex. One // could probably remove the "2", // but then the test fail because this is equivalent to a different random seed. So more // diligent checking would be needed. if (fVar < 0.0) fVar = this.scaleEpsilon.getEpsilonFactor(act.getType()); score += (fVar * this.getEpsilonAlternative(act.getFacilityId(), personId, actIndex)); score += this.getAttributesScore(act.getFacilityId(), personId); } return score; }
private ActivityFacility getOrigin(Person p) { final Activity act = (Activity) p.getSelectedPlan().getPlanElements().get(0); final Id<ActivityFacility> facilityId = act.getFacilityId(); return facilityId != null ? allFacilities.getFacilities().get(act.getFacilityId()) : new ActivityFacility() { @Override public Map<String, ActivityOption> getActivityOptions() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This is a dummy facility, only link and coord are available."); } @Override public void addActivityOption(ActivityOption option) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This is a dummy facility, only link and coord are available."); } @Override public Id<Link> getLinkId() { return act.getLinkId(); } @Override public Coord getCoord() { return act.getCoord(); } @Override public Map<String, Object> getCustomAttributes() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This is a dummy facility, only link and coord are available."); } @Override public Id<ActivityFacility> getId() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "This is a dummy facility, only link and coord are available."); } }; }
private static Person createPerson(Scenario scenario, Coord home, Coord work, int i) { Random r = MatsimRandom.getRandom(); PopulationFactory f = scenario.getPopulation().getFactory(); Person p = f.createPerson(Id.createPersonId(i)); Plan plan = f.createPlan(); p.addPlan(plan); Activity h1 = f.createActivityFromCoord("home", home); h1.setEndTime(6 * 3600 + r.nextInt(4 * 3600)); Leg leg = f.createLeg("taxibus"); Activity w = f.createActivityFromCoord("work", work); w.setEndTime(12 * 3600 + r.nextInt(6 * 3600)); Leg leg2 = f.createLeg("taxibus"); Activity h2 = f.createActivityFromCoord("home", home); plan.addActivity(h1); plan.addLeg(leg); plan.addActivity(w); plan.addLeg(leg2); plan.addActivity(h2); return p; }