コード例 #1
  public InputStream createFilteredInputStream(ArchivalUnit au, InputStream in, String encoding) {
    NodeFilter[] filters =
        new NodeFilter[] {
          // handled by parent: script, sfxlink, stylesheet


          // toc - first top block ad
          // http://www.birpublications.org/toc/bjr/87/1044
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "class", "literatumAd"),
          // page header: login, register, etc., and journal menu such as
          // subscribe, alerts, ...
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "id", "pageHeader"),
          // page footer
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "id", "pageFooter"),
          // toc - BJR logo image right below pageHeader
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "class", "^widget general-image"),
          // toc, abs, full, ref - menu above breadcrumbs
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "class", "menuXml"),
          // toc - free.gif image tied to an abs
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("img", "src", "free.gif"),
          // toc - access icon container
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttribute("td", "class", "accessIconContainer"),
          // toc - pulldown with sections - may add citedby later
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttribute("div", "class", "publicationTooldropdownContainer"),
          // toc - right column, current issue
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "class", "literatumBookIssueNavigation"),
          // toc, abs - share social media
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "class", "general-bookmark-share"),
          // toc - right column impact factor block - no unique name found
          // ref - this seems unused but may get turned on
          // http://www.birpublications.org/doi/ref/10.1259/bjr.20130571
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttribute("div", "id", "MathJax_Message"),
          // full - section choose pulldown appeared in multiple sections
          // http://www.birpublications.org/doi/full/10.1259/dmfr.20120050
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttribute("div", "class", "sectionJumpTo"),
          // toc, abs, full, text and ref right column - most read
          // http://www.birpublications.org/toc/bjr/88/1052
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "class", "literatumMostReadWidget"),
          // abs - right column all literatumArticleToolsWidget
          // except Download Citation
          // http://www.birpublications.org/doi/abs/10.1259/bjr.20140472
              HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "class", "literatumArticleToolsWidget"),
              HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("a", "href", "/action/showCitFormats\\?")),
    // super.createFilteredInputStream adds bir filter to the baseAtyponFilters
    // and returns the filtered input stream using an array of NodeFilters that
    // combine the two arrays of NodeFilters.
    return super.createFilteredInputStream(au, in, encoding, filters);
コード例 #2
  public InputStream createFilteredInputStream(ArchivalUnit au, InputStream in, String encoding) {
    NodeFilter[] includeNodes =
        new NodeFilter[] {
          // manifest pages
          // <ul> and <li> without attributes (unlike TOC/full/abs/ref breadcrumbs)
          new NodeFilter() {
            public boolean accept(Node node) {
              if (HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("a", "href", "/toc/").accept(node)) {
                Node liParent = node.getParent();
                if (liParent instanceof Bullet) {
                  Bullet li = (Bullet) liParent;
                  Vector liAttr = li.getAttributesEx();
                  if (liAttr != null && liAttr.size() == 1) {
                    Node ulParent = li.getParent();
                    if (ulParent instanceof BulletList) {
                      BulletList ul = (BulletList) ulParent;
                      Vector ulAttr = ul.getAttributesEx();
                      return ulAttr != null && ulAttr.size() == 1;
              } else if (HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("a", "href", "/doi/book/")
                  .accept(node)) {
                // book manifest page has single doi/book ref whose parent is just the <body>
                // element
                // http://emeraldinsight.com/clockss/eisbn/9780080549910
                Node liParent = node.getParent();
                if (liParent instanceof BodyTag) {
                  return true;
              return false;
          // book - landing page main contents chapter list and synopsis)
          // http://emeraldinsight.com/doi/book/10.1108/9780080549910
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "class", "literatumBookDetailsWidget"),
          // toc - contents only
          // http://www.emeraldinsight.com/toc/aaaj/26/8
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "class", "literatumTocWidget"),
          // abs, full, ref - contents only
          // http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/AAAJ-05-2013-1360
              "div", "class", "literatumPublicationContentWidget"),
          // showCitFormats
          // http://www.emeraldinsight.com/action/
          //                      showCitFormats?doi=10.1108%2F09513571311285621
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "class", "downloadCitationsWidget"),
          // showPopup - generated by BaseAtyponHtmlLinkExtractorFactory
          // http://www.emeraldinsight.com/action/showPopup?citid=citart1
          //                          &id=FN_fn1&doi=10.1108%2FAAAJ-02-2012-00947
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("body", "class", "popupBody")

    // handled by parent: script, sfxlink, stylesheet, pdfplus file sise
    // <head> tag, <li> item has the text "Cited by", accessIcon,
    NodeFilter[] excludeNodes =
        new NodeFilter[] {
          // toc, abs, full, ref - Reprints and Permissions
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("a", "class", "rightsLink"),
          // toc - above the first toc entry with Track Citations
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "class", "toc-actions"),
          // abs, full, ref - downloads count
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "class", "downloadsCount"),
          // full - section choose pulldown appeared in multiple sections
          // http://www.emeraldinsight.com/doi/full/10.1108/AAAJ-02-2013-1228
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttribute("div", "class", "sectionJumpTo"),
          // abs, full, ref - Article Options and Tools
              HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "class", "options"),
              HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("a", "href", "/action/showCitFormats\\?")),
          // abs, full, ref - random html - potential problem
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttribute("span", "class", "Z3988"),
          // full, ref - references section - Crossref/ISI/Abstract/Infotrieve
          // separated by a comma. Not easy to remove the comma, so hash out
          // class citation
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttribute("div", "class", "citation"),
          // TOC - in case icon options change
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("div", "class", "icon-key"),
          // on the full/abs/ref pages there are little style definitions that
          HtmlNodeFilters.tagWithAttributeRegex("style", "type", "text/css"),
    return super.createFilteredInputStream(au, in, encoding, includeNodes, excludeNodes);