public void deleteTaskQualityForm(TaskQualityForm taskQualityForm) { try { assignedTaskQualityFormsToOrderElementModel .removeAdvanceAssignmentIfNeeded(taskQualityForm); } catch (ValidationException e) { showInformativeMessage(e.getMessage()); return; } assignedTaskQualityFormsToOrderElementModel .deleteTaskQualityForm(taskQualityForm); reloadTaskQualityForms(); }
/** * Method called when the onUpload event happens. * * @param Media * Media to be imported. */ public void importProject(Media media) { String file = media.getName(); if (checkFileFormat(file)) { if (importCalendars.isChecked()) { try { importCalendar(media.getStreamData(), file); messages.showMessage(Level.INFO, _(file + ": Calendar import successfully!")); } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) { messages.showMessage(Level.ERROR, _("Instance not found.")); } catch (ValidationException e) { messages.showMessage(Level.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } } else if (importTasks.isChecked()) { importProject(media.getStreamData(), file); messages.showMessage(Level.INFO, _(file + ": Task import successfully!")); } else if (importAll.isChecked()) { try { importAll(media.getStreamData(), file); messages.showMessage(Level.INFO, _(file + ": Import successfully!")); } catch (InstanceNotFoundException e) { messages.showMessage(Level.ERROR, _("Instance not found.")); } catch (ValidationException e) { messages.showMessage(Level.ERROR, e.getMessage()); } } else { messages.showMessage(Level.WARNING, _("Select one of the options.")); } } else { messages.showMessage(Level.ERROR, _("The only current supported formats are mpp and planner.")); } }
private void checkIsPersonalTimesheetsTypeOfWorkHours(TypeOfWorkHours type) { Configuration configuration = configurationDAO.getConfiguration(); if (configuration.getPersonalTimesheetsTypeOfWorkHours().getId().equals(type.getId())) { throw ValidationException.invalidValueException( "Cannot delete the type of work hours. It is configured as type of work hours for personal timesheets.", type); } }
/** * Shows invalid values for {@link TaskQualityForm} entities * @param e */ private void showInvalidValues(ValidationException e) { for (InvalidValue invalidValue : e.getInvalidValues()) { Object value = invalidValue.getRootBean(); if (value instanceof TaskQualityForm) { showInvalidValue(invalidValue, (TaskQualityForm) value); } } }
private void checkHasHourCost(TypeOfWorkHours type) { List hoursCost = getSession().createCriteria(HourCost.class).add(Restrictions.eq("type", type)).list(); if (!hoursCost.isEmpty()) { throw ValidationException.invalidValueException( "Cannot delete type of work hours. It is being used at this moment in some cost category.", type); } }
private void checkIsJiraConnectorTypeOfWorkHours(TypeOfWorkHours type) { Connector connector = connectorDAO.findUniqueByName(PredefinedConnectors.JIRA.getName()); if (connector != null) { String name = connector.getPropertiesAsMap().get(PredefinedConnectorProperties.JIRA_HOURS_TYPE); if (name.equals(type.getName())) { throw ValidationException.invalidValueException( "Cannot delete the type of work hours. It is configured as type of work hours for JIRA connector.", type); } } }
private void checkHasWorkReportLine(TypeOfWorkHours type) { List workReportLines = getSession() .createCriteria(WorkReportLine.class) .add(Restrictions.eq("typeOfWorkHours", type)) .list(); if (!workReportLines.isEmpty()) { throw ValidationException.invalidValueException( "Cannot delete type of work hours. It is being used at this moment in some timesheet line.", type); } }
@Override public void checkHasTasks(QualityForm qualityForm) throws ValidationException { Query query = getSession() .createQuery( "FROM TaskQualityForm taskQualityForm JOIN taskQualityForm.qualityForm tq WHERE tq IN (:qualityForms)"); query.setParameterList("qualityForms", Collections.singleton(qualityForm)); if (!query.list().isEmpty()) { throw ValidationException.invalidValue( "Cannot delete quality form. It is being used at this moment by some task.", qualityForm); } }