private CodeFrame newCodeFrame(CodeHolder ch, String title) { CodeFrame cf = new CodeFrame(ch, "{0}", title); // $NON-NLS-1$ cf.addInternalFrameListener(ifl); LGM.mdi.add(cf); LGM.mdi.addZChild(this, cf); return cf; }
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { super.actionPerformed(e); Object s = e.getSource(); if (s == loadFile) { loadFromFile(); return; } if (s == saveFile) { saveToFile(); return; } if (s == bDef || s == bGlobLoc || s == bInit || s == bClean) { if (s == bDef) { if (cfDef == null) cfDef = newCodeFrame( sDef, Messages.getString("EnigmaSettingsFrame.CODE_TITLE_DEFINITIONS")); // $NON-NLS-1$ cfDef.toTop(); } if (s == bGlobLoc) { if (cfDef == null) cfGlobLoc = newCodeFrame( sGlobLoc, Messages.getString( "EnigmaSettingsFrame.CODE_TITLE_GLOBAL_LOCALS")); //$NON-NLS-1$ cfGlobLoc.toTop(); } if (s == bInit) { if (cfInit == null) cfInit = newCodeFrame( sInit, Messages.getString( "EnigmaSettingsFrame.CODE_TITLE_INITIALIZATION")); //$NON-NLS-1$ cfInit.toTop(); } if (s == bClean) { if (cfClean == null) cfClean = newCodeFrame( sClean, Messages.getString("EnigmaSettingsFrame.CODE_TITLE_CLEANUP")); // $NON-NLS-1$ cfClean.toTop(); } return; } String targSys = targets.get(s); if (targSys != null) { if (changing) return; JComboBox changedSystem = (JComboBox) s; TargetSelection changedSelection = (TargetSelection) changedSystem.getSelectedItem(); // Update author and description if (changedSystem.hasFocus()) { tfAuth.setText(changedSelection.auth); taDesc.setText(changedSelection.desc); } // repopulate the boxes userPicks.put(targSys, changedSelection); changedSystem.setFont(changedSystem.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD)); populateTargets(); // now trample the other cancelled selections changing = true; for (Entry<JComboBox, String> systems : targets.entrySet()) if (systems.getKey() != changedSystem && userPicks.get(systems.getValue()) == null) systems.getKey().setSelectedIndex(0); changing = false; } }