/** * It parses the feature typelist tag * * @param parser * @throws IOException * @throws XmlPullParserException */ private void parseFeatureTypeListTag(KXmlParser parser) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { int currentTag; boolean end = false; parser.require(KXmlParser.START_TAG, null, CapabilitiesTags.WFS_FEATURETYPELIST); currentTag = parser.next(); while (!end) { switch (currentTag) { case KXmlParser.START_TAG: if (parser.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(CapabilitiesTags.WFS_FEATURETYPE) == 0) { // Parse the namespaces... parseNamespaces(parser); WFSFeature1_0_0 feature = new WFSFeature1_0_0(); feature.parse(parser); features.put(feature.getName(), feature); } break; case KXmlParser.END_TAG: if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.WFS_FEATURETYPELIST) == 0) end = true; break; case KXmlParser.TEXT: break; } if (!end) { currentTag = parser.next(); } } }
/** Parses the Request tag */ private void parseRequestTag(KXmlParser parser) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { int currentTag; boolean end = false; parser.require(KXmlParser.START_TAG, null, CapabilitiesTags.REQUEST); currentTag = parser.next(); while (!end) { switch (currentTag) { case KXmlParser.START_TAG: if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.GETCAPABILITIES) == 0) { parserDcpType(parser, WFSOperation.GETCAPABILITIES); } else if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.WFS_DESCRIBEFEATURETYPE) == 0) { parserDcpType(parser, WFSOperation.DESCRIBEFEATURETYPE); } else if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.WFS_GETFEATURE) == 0) { parserDcpType(parser, WFSOperation.GETFEATURE); } else if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.WFS_LOCKFEATURE) == 0) { parserDcpType(parser, WFSOperation.LOCKFEATURE); } else if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.WFS_TRANSACTION) == 0) { parserDcpType(parser, WFSOperation.TRANSACTION); } break; case KXmlParser.END_TAG: if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.REQUEST) == 0) end = true; break; case KXmlParser.TEXT: break; } if (!end) { currentTag = parser.next(); } } }
private void parseCapabilityTag(KXmlParser parser) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { int currentTag; boolean end = false; parser.require(KXmlParser.START_TAG, null, CapabilitiesTags.CAPABILITY); currentTag = parser.next(); while (!end) { switch (currentTag) { case KXmlParser.START_TAG: if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.REQUEST) == 0) { parseRequestTag(parser); } else if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.EXCEPTION) == 0) { // TODO Parse exception tags... parser.skipSubTree(); } else if ((parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.VENDORSPECIFICCAPABILITIES) == 0) || (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.USERDEFINEDSYMBOLIZATION) == 0)) { parser.skipSubTree(); } break; case KXmlParser.END_TAG: if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.CAPABILITY) == 0) end = true; break; case KXmlParser.TEXT: break; } if (!end) { currentTag = parser.next(); } } }
/** Parses the Service Information */ private void parseServiceTag(KXmlParser parser) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { int currentTag; boolean end = false; parser.require(KXmlParser.START_TAG, null, CapabilitiesTags.SERVICE); currentTag = parser.next(); while (!end) { switch (currentTag) { case KXmlParser.START_TAG: if (parser.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(CapabilitiesTags.NAME) == 0) { serviceInfo.name = parser.nextText(); } else if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.WFS_TITLE) == 0) { serviceInfo.title = parser.nextText(); } else if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.WFS_ABSTRACT) == 0) { serviceInfo.abstr = parser.nextText(); } else if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.ONLINERESOURCE) == 0) { serviceInfo.online_resource = parser.nextText(); } break; case KXmlParser.END_TAG: if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.SERVICE) == 0) end = true; break; case KXmlParser.TEXT: break; } if (!end) { currentTag = parser.next(); } } }
/** * Parses the legendURL tag. * * @param parser * @throws IOException * @throws XmlPullParserException */ protected void parseLegendURL(KXmlParser parser) throws IOException, XmlPullParserException { int currentTag; boolean end = false; parser.require(KXmlParser.START_TAG, null, CapabilitiesTags.LEGENDURL); String value = new String(); legendURL = new LegendURL(); // First of all set whether the layer is Queryable reading the // attribute. value = parser.getAttributeValue("", CapabilitiesTags.WIDTH); if (value != null) { legendURL.width = Integer.parseInt(value); } value = parser.getAttributeValue("", CapabilitiesTags.HEIGHT); if (value != null) { legendURL.height = Integer.parseInt(value); } currentTag = parser.nextTag(); while (!end) { switch (currentTag) { case KXmlParser.START_TAG: if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.FORMAT) == 0) { legendURL.format = parser.nextText(); } else if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.ONLINERESOURCE) == 0) { value = parser.getAttributeValue("", CapabilitiesTags.XLINK_TYPE); if (value != null) legendURL.onlineResource_type = value; value = parser.getAttributeValue("", CapabilitiesTags.XLINK_HREF); if (value != null) legendURL.onlineResource_href = value; } break; case KXmlParser.END_TAG: if (parser.getName().compareTo(CapabilitiesTags.LEGENDURL) == 0) end = true; break; case KXmlParser.TEXT: break; } if (!end) { currentTag = parser.next(); } } parser.require(KXmlParser.END_TAG, null, CapabilitiesTags.LEGENDURL); }
/** * Comprueba si un fichero VRT esta en correcto estado, en caso contrario lanza una excepcion * indicando el tipo de error en la apertura. * * @param file * @throws FileOpenVRTException */ private void checkFileVRT(File file) throws FileOpenVRTException { KXmlParser parser = new KXmlParser(); FileReader fileReader = null; try { fileReader = new FileReader(file); parser.setInput(fileReader); parser.nextTag(); parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "VRTDataset"); while (parser.nextTag() != XmlPullParser.END_TAG) { parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "VRTRasterBand"); String name; while (parser.nextTag() != XmlPullParser.END_TAG) { parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, null); boolean relativePath = false; for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("relativetoVRT") && parser.getAttributeValue(i).equals("1")) relativePath = true; } name = parser.getName(); String nameFile = parser.nextText(); if (name.equals("SourceFilename")) { if (relativePath) nameFile = file.getParent() + File.separator + nameFile; File tryFile = new File(nameFile); if (!tryFile.exists()) throw new FileOpenVRTException( PluginServices.getText(this, "no_existe_fichero") + " " + nameFile); } parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, name); } parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, "VRTRasterBand"); } parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_TAG, null, "VRTDataset"); parser.next(); parser.require(XmlPullParser.END_DOCUMENT, null, null); } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { throw new FileOpenVRTException( PluginServices.getText(this, "el_fichero") + " " + file.getName().toString() + " " + PluginServices.getText(this, "esta_formato_desconocido")); } catch (IOException e) { throw new FileOpenVRTException( PluginServices.getText(this, "no_puede_abrir_fichero") + " " + file.getName().toString()); } finally { if (fileReader != null) try { fileReader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } }
public Feed parse(final InputStream inputStream) throws FeedParserException, IOException { final Feed feed = new Feed(); final KXmlParser parser = new KXmlParser(); try { parser.setInput(new InputStreamReader(inputStream)); parser.nextTag(); parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "rss"); parser.nextTag(); parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "channel"); parser.nextTag(); parseChannel(feed, parser); } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { throw new FeedParserException(e.getMessage(), e); } return feed; }
public void parseConfigurationFile(InputStream in) throws IOException { KXmlParser parser = new KXmlParser(); try { parser.setInput(in, "SJIS"); parser.nextTag(); parser.require(XmlPullParser.START_TAG, null, "page"); currentPage = new Page(); while (parser.nextTag() == XmlPullParser.START_TAG) { String tagName = parser.getName(); System.out.println(tagName); if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("line")) currentPage.add(createLine(parser)); else if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("box")) currentPage.add(createBox(parser)); else if (tagName.equalsIgnoreCase("image")) currentPage.add(createPicture(parser)); // 何故かここでもnextTagしないとうまく動かない。 parser.nextTag(); } } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Lee una paleta del fichero xml de paletas y la carga en la tabla del panel. * * @param palettesPath Camino al fichero de paletas predefinidas. * @param paletteName Nombre de paleta a cargar desde el fichero xml. * @return Nombre de la paleta */ public static String loadPalette( String palettesBasePath, String paletteFileName, ArrayList items) { updateVersion(palettesBasePath); items.clear(); File palettesFile = new File(palettesBasePath + File.separator + paletteFileName); if (!palettesFile.exists()) return null; try { String paletteName = ""; ArrayList rows = new ArrayList(); KXmlParser parser = new KXmlParser(); FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(palettesBasePath + File.separator + paletteFileName); InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(in, "UTF8"); parser.setInput(reader); int tag = parser.nextTag(); parser.require(KXmlParser.START_TAG, null, "ColorTable"); for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("name")) { paletteName = parser.getAttributeValue(i); } } tag = parser.nextTag(); while (!((tag == KXmlParser.END_TAG) && (parser.getName().equals("ColorTable")))) { try { if (tag == KXmlParser.START_TAG) { if (parser.getName().equals("Color")) { ColorItem colorItem = new ColorItem(); int a = 255; for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("value")) { colorItem.setValue(Double.parseDouble((String) parser.getAttributeValue(i))); ColorItem aux = getColorItem(rows, Double.parseDouble((String) parser.getAttributeValue(i))); if (aux != null) a = aux.getColor().getAlpha(); } if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("name")) { colorItem.setNameClass((String) parser.getAttributeValue(i)); } if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("rgb")) { String rgb = parser.getAttributeValue(i); int r = Integer.valueOf(rgb.substring(0, rgb.indexOf(","))).intValue(); int g = Integer.valueOf(rgb.substring(rgb.indexOf(",") + 1, rgb.lastIndexOf(","))) .intValue(); int b = Integer.valueOf(rgb.substring(rgb.lastIndexOf(",") + 1, rgb.length())) .intValue(); colorItem.setColor(new Color(r, g, b, a)); } if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("interpolated")) { colorItem.setInterpolated( Double.parseDouble((String) parser.getAttributeValue(i))); } } rows.add(colorItem); continue; } if (parser.getName().equals("Alpha")) { ColorItem colorItem = new ColorItem(); for (int i = 0; i < parser.getAttributeCount(); i++) { if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("value")) { colorItem.setValue(Double.parseDouble((String) parser.getAttributeValue(i))); ColorItem aux = getColorItem(rows, Double.parseDouble((String) parser.getAttributeValue(i))); if (aux != null) { colorItem.setNameClass(aux.getNameClass()); colorItem.setInterpolated(aux.getInterpolated()); colorItem.setColor( new Color( aux.getColor().getRed(), aux.getColor().getGreen(), aux.getColor().getBlue(), colorItem.getColor().getAlpha())); } } if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("alpha")) { int a = Integer.parseInt(parser.getAttributeValue(i)); colorItem.setColor( new Color( colorItem.getColor().getRed(), colorItem.getColor().getGreen(), colorItem.getColor().getBlue(), a)); } if (parser.getAttributeName(i).equals("interpolated")) { colorItem.setInterpolated( Double.parseDouble((String) parser.getAttributeValue(i))); } } rows.add(colorItem); continue; } } } finally { tag = parser.nextTag(); } } for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) items.add(rows.get(i)); reader.close(); return paletteName; } catch (FileNotFoundException fnfEx) { fnfEx.printStackTrace(); } catch (XmlPullParserException xmlEx) { System.out.println( "El fichero de paletas predeterminadas no tiene la estructura correcta:\n " + xmlEx.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { } return null; }
/** * Crea los ficheros que forman la paleta de color de la version 1.1 a traves de un XML que se le * pasa por parametro * * @param palettesPath */ private static void createVersionFromXML(String palettesBasePath, String xml) { new File(palettesBasePath).mkdir(); KXmlParser parser = new KXmlParser(); StringReader reader = new StringReader(xml); try { parser.setInput(reader); int tag = parser.nextTag(); parser.require(KXmlParser.START_TAG, null, "palettes"); tag = parser.nextTag(); parser.require(KXmlParser.START_TAG, null, "palette_list"); parser.skipSubTree(); parser.require(KXmlParser.END_TAG, null, "palette_list"); tag = parser.nextTag(); while (tag == KXmlParser.START_TAG) { parser.require(KXmlParser.START_TAG, null, "palette"); if (parser.getAttributeCount() == 2) { // Generar nuevo fichero KXmlSerializer parserOutput = new KXmlSerializer(); FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream( palettesBasePath + File.separator + parser.getAttributeValue(0) + ".xml"); parserOutput.setOutput(fileOutputStream, null); parserOutput.startDocument("UTF-8", null); parserOutput.startTag(null, "ColorTable"); parserOutput.attribute(null, "name", parser.getAttributeValue(0)); parserOutput.attribute(null, "version", "1.1"); tag = parser.nextTag(); parser.require(KXmlParser.START_TAG, null, "table"); tag = parser.nextTag(); parserOutput.text("\n"); ArrayList items = new ArrayList(); while (tag == KXmlParser.START_TAG) { parser.require(KXmlParser.START_TAG, null, "entry"); if (parser.getAttributeCount() == 3) { String rgb = parser .getAttributeValue(1) .substring( parser.getAttributeValue(1).indexOf(",") + 1, parser.getAttributeValue(1).length()); int a = Integer.valueOf( parser .getAttributeValue(1) .substring(0, parser.getAttributeValue(1).indexOf(","))) .intValue(); int r = Integer.valueOf(rgb.substring(0, rgb.indexOf(","))).intValue(); int g = Integer.valueOf(rgb.substring(rgb.indexOf(",") + 1, rgb.lastIndexOf(","))) .intValue(); int b = Integer.valueOf(rgb.substring(rgb.lastIndexOf(",") + 1, rgb.length())).intValue(); ColorItem colorItem = new ColorItem(); colorItem.setColor(new Color(r, g, b, a)); colorItem.setInterpolated(50); colorItem.setNameClass(parser.getAttributeValue(0)); colorItem.setValue(Double.parseDouble(parser.getAttributeValue(2))); items.add(colorItem); } tag = parser.nextTag(); parser.require(KXmlParser.END_TAG, null, "entry"); tag = parser.nextTag(); } parser.require(KXmlParser.END_TAG, null, "table"); tag = parser.nextTag(); ColorTable colorTable = new ColorTable(); colorTable.createPaletteFromColorItems(items, true); items = colorTable.getColorItems(); for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { ColorItem colorItem = (ColorItem) items.get(i); parserOutput.startTag(null, "Color"); parserOutput.attribute(null, "value", String.valueOf(colorItem.getValue())); parserOutput.attribute(null, "name", String.valueOf(colorItem.getNameClass())); Color color = colorItem.getColor(); parserOutput.attribute( null, "rgb", String.valueOf(color.getRed() + "," + color.getGreen() + "," + color.getBlue())); parserOutput.attribute( null, "interpolated", String.valueOf(colorItem.getInterpolated())); parserOutput.endTag(null, "Color"); parserOutput.text("\n"); } for (int i = 0; i < items.size(); i++) { ColorItem colorItem = (ColorItem) items.get(i); parserOutput.startTag(null, "Alpha"); parserOutput.attribute(null, "value", String.valueOf(colorItem.getValue())); parserOutput.attribute(null, "alpha", String.valueOf(colorItem.getColor().getAlpha())); parserOutput.attribute( null, "interpolated", String.valueOf(colorItem.getInterpolated())); parserOutput.endTag(null, "Alpha"); parserOutput.text("\n"); } parserOutput.endTag(null, "ColorTable"); parserOutput.text("\n"); parserOutput.endDocument(); // Cerrar nuevo fichero fileOutputStream.close(); } parser.require(KXmlParser.END_TAG, null, "palette"); tag = parser.nextTag(); } parser.require(KXmlParser.END_TAG, null, "palettes"); } catch (XmlPullParserException xmlEx) { System.out.println( "El fichero de paletas predeterminadas no tiene la estructura correcta:\n " + xmlEx.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { } }