コード例 #1
  @Transactional(rollbackFor = {Throwable.class})
  public StatusInfo deleteTermCascaded(String termId, ContextInfo context)
      throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException,
          OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException {
    StatusInfo statusInfo = new StatusInfo();

    // retrieve all the sub term ids of the give term
    List<String> subTermIds =
            termId, AtpServiceConstants.ATP_ATP_RELATION_INCLUDES_TYPE_KEY, context);
    if (subTermIds != null && !subTermIds.isEmpty()) {
      for (String subTermId : subTermIds) {
        deleteTermCascaded(subTermId, context);

    // delete the associated keydates
    deleteKeyDatesbyTermId(termId, context);
    // delete the associated exam period
    deleteExamPeriodByTermId(termId, context);
    // delete term/subterm
    acalService.deleteTerm(termId, context);
    return statusInfo;
コード例 #2
  @Transactional(rollbackFor = {Throwable.class})
  public StatusInfo deleteCalendarCascaded(String academicCalendarId, ContextInfo context)
      throws DoesNotExistException, InvalidParameterException, MissingParameterException,
          OperationFailedException, PermissionDeniedException {
    AcademicCalendarInfo acalInfo = acalService.getAcademicCalendar(academicCalendarId, context);
    StatusInfo statusInfo = new StatusInfo();

    // if the calendar in official state, not to delete anything
    if (StringUtils.equals(acalInfo.getStateKey(), AtpServiceConstants.ATP_OFFICIAL_STATE_KEY)) {
      throw new OperationFailedException(
          "Calendar of the state official can't be deleted - Calendar id:" + academicCalendarId);
    List<String> termIds = getTermIdsForAcademicCalendar(academicCalendarId, context);
    if (termIds != null && !termIds.isEmpty()) {
      for (String termId : termIds) {
        deleteTermCascaded(termId, context);

    // delete calendar
    acalService.deleteAcademicCalendar(academicCalendarId, context);
    return statusInfo;
コード例 #3
  public StatusInfo makeTermOfficialCascaded(String termId, ContextInfo contextInfo)
      throws PermissionDeniedException, MissingParameterException, InvalidParameterException,
          OperationFailedException, DoesNotExistException {
    StatusInfo statusInfo = new StatusInfo();

    // KSENROLL-7251 Implement a new servies process ot change the state of the Academic Calendar
    // from draft to official
    TermInfo termInfo = acalService.getTerm(termId, contextInfo);
    if (AtpServiceConstants.ATP_OFFICIAL_STATE_KEY.equals(termInfo.getStateKey())) {
      // If official, then should have already cascaded.
      return statusInfo;
    // Assumes state propagation not wired in yet.
    Map<String, TermInfo> termIdToTermInfoProcessed = new HashMap<String, TermInfo>();
    Map<String, TermInfo> termIdToTermInfoToBeProcessed = new HashMap<String, TermInfo>();
    Set<String> parentTermIds = new HashSet<String>();
    termIdToTermInfoToBeProcessed.put(termId, termInfo); // Put initial term
    while (!termIdToTermInfoToBeProcessed.keySet().isEmpty()) {
      String nextTermId = termIdToTermInfoToBeProcessed.keySet().iterator().next();
      TermInfo nextTerm = termIdToTermInfoToBeProcessed.get(nextTermId);
      if (termIdToTermInfoProcessed.keySet().contains(nextTermId)) {
        // Skip over ones we've seen
      // Change the state
          nextTermId, AtpServiceConstants.ATP_OFFICIAL_STATE_KEY, contextInfo);
      // Change the state of the associated exam period
          nextTermId, AtpServiceConstants.ATP_OFFICIAL_STATE_KEY, contextInfo);
      termIdToTermInfoProcessed.put(nextTermId, nextTerm); // Add to processed
      termIdToTermInfoToBeProcessed.remove(nextTermId); // No longer needs processing, so remove
      // Now visit all parents
      List<TermInfo> terms = acalService.getContainingTerms(nextTermId, contextInfo);
      if (terms.isEmpty()) {
        // Assume only parent terms are connected to calendars
        // Given a tree like structure, there should only ever be one parentTermId in the list
      } else {
        for (TermInfo term : terms) {
          if (!termIdToTermInfoProcessed.keySet().contains(term.getId())
              && AtpServiceConstants.ATP_DRAFT_STATE_KEY.equals(term.getStateKey())) {
            // Only add if still draft and not yet processed
            termIdToTermInfoToBeProcessed.put(term.getId(), term);
    // Access calendar
    Map<String, AcademicCalendarInfo> idToCalendar = new HashMap<String, AcademicCalendarInfo>();
    for (String parentTermId : parentTermIds) {
      List<AcademicCalendarInfo> cals =
          acalService.getAcademicCalendarsForTerm(parentTermId, contextInfo);
      for (AcademicCalendarInfo cal : cals) {
        idToCalendar.put(cal.getId(), cal);
    // Now iterate over all calendars and make them official
    for (Map.Entry<String, AcademicCalendarInfo> entry : idToCalendar.entrySet()) {
      if (AtpServiceConstants.ATP_DRAFT_STATE_KEY.equals(entry.getValue().getStateKey())) {
        // Only set it if it's still draft
            entry.getKey(), AtpServiceConstants.ATP_OFFICIAL_STATE_KEY, contextInfo);
    return statusInfo;