private void redirectToBuildPage(StaplerResponse res, Run build) { if (build != null) { try { res.sendRedirect2(Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl() + build.getUrl()); } catch (IOException e) { try { res.sendRedirect2(Jenkins.getInstance().getRootUrl() + build.getBuildStatusUrl()); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } }
public void doIndex(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException { List<Ancestor> l = req.getAncestors(); for (int i = l.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Ancestor a = l.get(i); if (a.getObject() instanceof SearchableModelObject) { SearchableModelObject smo = (SearchableModelObject) a.getObject(); SearchIndex index = smo.getSearchIndex(); String query = req.getParameter("q"); if (query != null) { SuggestedItem target = find(index, query); if (target != null) { // found rsp.sendRedirect2(a.getUrl() + target.getUrl()); return; } } } } // no exact match. show the suggestions rsp.setStatus(SC_NOT_FOUND); req.getView(this, "search-failed.jelly").forward(req, rsp); }
public static View create(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, ViewGroup owner) throws FormException, IOException, ServletException { String requestContentType = req.getContentType(); if (requestContentType == null) throw new Failure("No Content-Type header set"); boolean isXmlSubmission = requestContentType.startsWith("application/xml") || requestContentType.startsWith("text/xml"); String name = req.getParameter("name"); checkGoodName(name); if (owner.getView(name) != null) throw new FormException(Messages.Hudson_ViewAlreadyExists(name), "name"); String mode = req.getParameter("mode"); if (mode == null || mode.length() == 0) { if (isXmlSubmission) { View v; v = createViewFromXML(name, req.getInputStream()); v.owner = owner; rsp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); return v; } else throw new FormException(Messages.View_MissingMode(), "mode"); } // create a view View v = all().findByName(mode).newInstance(req, req.getSubmittedForm()); v.owner = owner; // redirect to the config screen rsp.sendRedirect2(req.getContextPath() + '/' + v.getUrl() + v.getPostConstructLandingPage()); return v; }
/** * Deletes this item. * Note on the funny name: for reasons of historical compatibility, this URL is {@code /doDelete} * since it predates {@code <l:confirmationLink>}. {@code /delete} goes to a Jelly page * which should now be unused by core but is left in case plugins are still using it. */ @CLIMethod(name="delete-job") @RequirePOST public void doDoDelete( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp ) throws IOException, ServletException, InterruptedException { delete(); if (rsp != null) // null for CLI rsp.sendRedirect2(req.getContextPath()+"/"+getParent().getUrl()); }
/** * Redirects the index page to the last result. * * @param request Stapler request * @param response Stapler response * @throws IOException in case of an error */ public void doIndex(final StaplerRequest request, final StaplerResponse response) throws IOException { AbstractBuild<?, ?> build = getLastFinishedBuild(); if (build != null) { response.sendRedirect2(String.format("../%d/%s", build.getNumber(), resultUrl)); } }
/** Web method to handle the approval action submitted by the user. */ public void doApprove( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, @AncestorInPath PromotionProcess promotionProcess, @AncestorInPath AbstractBuild<?, ?> build) throws IOException, ServletException { JSONObject formData = req.getSubmittedForm(); if (canApprove(promotionProcess, build)) { List<ParameterValue> paramValues = new ArrayList<ParameterValue>(); if (parameterDefinitions != null && !parameterDefinitions.isEmpty()) { JSONArray a = JSONArray.fromObject(formData.get("parameter")); for (Object o : a) { JSONObject jo = (JSONObject) o; String name = jo.getString("name"); ParameterDefinition d = getParameterDefinition(name); if (d == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such parameter definition: " + name); paramValues.add(d.createValue(req, jo)); } } approve(build, promotionProcess, paramValues); } rsp.sendRedirect2("../../../.."); }
public void doGraph(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException { if (ChartUtil.awtProblemCause != null) { rsp.sendRedirect2(req.getContextPath() + DEFAULT_IMAGE); return; } getGraph().doPng(req, rsp); }
/** Deletes this view. */ public synchronized void doDoDelete(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException { requirePOST(); checkPermission(DELETE); owner.deleteView(this); rsp.sendRedirect2(req.getContextPath() + "/" + owner.getUrl()); }
/** * Creates a {@link TopLevelItem} from the submission of the '/lib/hudson/newFromList/formList' or * throws an exception if it fails. */ public synchronized TopLevelItem createTopLevelItem(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException { acl.checkPermission(Job.CREATE); TopLevelItem result; String requestContentType = req.getContentType(); if (requestContentType == null) throw new Failure("No Content-Type header set"); boolean isXmlSubmission = requestContentType.startsWith("application/xml") || requestContentType.startsWith("text/xml"); String name = req.getParameter("name"); if (name == null) throw new Failure("Query parameter 'name' is required"); { // check if the name looks good Jenkins.checkGoodName(name); name = name.trim(); if (parent.getItem(name) != null) throw new Failure(Messages.Hudson_JobAlreadyExists(name)); } String mode = req.getParameter("mode"); if (mode != null && mode.equals("copy")) { String from = req.getParameter("from"); // resolve a name to Item Item src = null; if (!from.startsWith("/")) src = parent.getItem(from); if (src == null) src = Jenkins.getInstance().getItemByFullName(from); if (src == null) { if (Util.fixEmpty(from) == null) throw new Failure("Specify which job to copy"); else throw new Failure("No such job: " + from); } if (!(src instanceof TopLevelItem)) throw new Failure(from + " cannot be copied"); result = copy((TopLevelItem) src, name); } else { if (isXmlSubmission) { result = createProjectFromXML(name, req.getInputStream()); rsp.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_OK); return result; } else { if (mode == null) throw new Failure("No mode given"); // create empty job and redirect to the project config screen result = createProject(Items.all().findByName(mode), name, true); } } rsp.sendRedirect2(redirectAfterCreateItem(req, result)); return result; }
/** Debug command to attach to a running instance. */ public void doAttach(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, @QueryParameter String id) throws ServletException, IOException, AmazonClientException { checkPermission(PROVISION); SlaveTemplate t = getTemplates().get(0); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); StreamTaskListener listener = new StreamTaskListener(sw); EC2AbstractSlave node = t.attach(id, listener); Hudson.getInstance().addNode(node); rsp.sendRedirect2(req.getContextPath() + "/computer/" + node.getNodeName()); }
public void doRespondingTimeGraph(StaplerRequest request, StaplerResponse response) throws IOException { PerformanceReportPosition performanceReportPosition = new PerformanceReportPosition(); request.bindParameters(performanceReportPosition); String performanceReportNameFile = performanceReportPosition.getPerformanceReportPosition(); if (performanceReportNameFile == null) { if (getPerformanceReportList().size() == 1) { performanceReportNameFile = getPerformanceReportList().get(0); } else { return; } } if (ChartUtil.awtProblemCause != null) { // not available. send out error message response.sendRedirect2(request.getContextPath() + "/images/headless.png"); return; } DataSetBuilder<String, NumberOnlyBuildLabel> dataSetBuilderAverage = new DataSetBuilder<String, NumberOnlyBuildLabel>(); List<?> builds = getProject().getBuilds(); List<Integer> buildsLimits = getFirstAndLastBuild(request, builds); int nbBuildsToAnalyze = builds.size(); for (Iterator<?> iterator = builds.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { AbstractBuild<?, ?> currentBuild = (AbstractBuild<?, ?>); if (nbBuildsToAnalyze <= buildsLimits.get(1) && buildsLimits.get(0) <= nbBuildsToAnalyze) { NumberOnlyBuildLabel label = new NumberOnlyBuildLabel(currentBuild); PerformanceBuildAction performanceBuildAction = currentBuild.getAction(PerformanceBuildAction.class); if (performanceBuildAction == null) { continue; } PerformanceReport performanceReport = performanceBuildAction .getPerformanceReportMap() .getPerformanceReport(performanceReportNameFile); if (performanceReport == null) { nbBuildsToAnalyze--; continue; } dataSetBuilderAverage.add( performanceReport.getMedian(), Messages.ProjectAction_Median(), label); dataSetBuilderAverage.add( performanceReport.getAverage(), Messages.ProjectAction_Average(), label); dataSetBuilderAverage.add( performanceReport.get90Line(), Messages.ProjectAction_Line90(), label); } nbBuildsToAnalyze--; } ChartUtil.generateGraph( request, response, createRespondingTimeChart(, 400, 200); }
/** Deletes this user from Hudson. */ public void doDoDelete(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException { requirePOST(); checkPermission(Hudson.ADMINISTER); if (id.equals(Hudson.getAuthentication().getName())) { rsp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Cannot delete self"); return; } delete(); rsp.sendRedirect2("../.."); }
/** Generates the graph that shows the coverage trend up to this report. */ public void doGraph(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException { if (ChartUtil.awtProblemCause != null) { // not available. send out error message rsp.sendRedirect2(req.getContextPath() + "/images/headless.png"); return; } Calendar t = owner.getTimestamp(); if (req.checkIfModified(t, rsp)) { return; // up to date } JFreeChart chart = new CoverageChart(this).createChart(); ChartUtil.generateGraph(req, rsp, chart, 500, 200); }
/** * Returns the configured trend graph. * * @param request Stapler request * @param response Stapler response * @return the trend graph */ public Graph getTrendGraph(final StaplerRequest request, final StaplerResponse response) { GraphConfigurationView configuration = createUserConfiguration(request); if (configuration.hasMeaningfulGraph()) { return configuration.getGraphRenderer(getUrlName()); } else { BuildResultGraph graphType = configuration.getGraphType(); try { response.sendRedirect2(request.getContextPath() + graphType.getExampleImage()); } catch (IOException exception) { LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "Can't create graph: " + graphType, exception); } return null; } }
/** * @param req StaplerRequest * @param rsp StaplerResponse to redirect with * @throws IOException if redirection goes wrong */ public void doCreate(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws Exception { validateAdmin(); SeleniumGlobalConfiguration conf = req.bindJSON(SeleniumGlobalConfiguration.class, req.getSubmittedForm()); if (null == conf.getName() || conf.getName().trim().equals("")) { throw new Failure("You must specify a name for the configuration"); } if (PluginImpl.getPlugin().hasGlobalConfiguration(conf.getName())) { throw new Failure( "The configuration name you have chosen is already taken, please choose a unique name."); } PluginImpl.getPlugin().getGlobalConfigurations().add(conf); PluginImpl.getPlugin().save(); rsp.sendRedirect2("configurations"); }
/** Accepts the update to the node configuration. */ @RequirePOST public void doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException, FormException { checkPermission(CONFIGURE); String name = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(req.getSubmittedForm().getString("name")); Jenkins.checkGoodName(name); Node node = getNode(); if (node == null) { throw new ServletException("No such node " + nodeName); } Node result = node.reconfigure(req, req.getSubmittedForm()); replaceBy(result); // take the user back to the slave top page. rsp.sendRedirect2("../" + result.getNodeName() + '/'); }
/** * Accepts submission from the configuration page. * * <p>Subtypes should override the {@link #submit(StaplerRequest)} method. */ public final synchronized void doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException, FormException { checkPermission(CONFIGURE); requirePOST(); submit(req); description = Util.nullify(req.getParameter("description")); filterExecutors = req.getParameter("filterExecutors") != null; filterQueue = req.getParameter("filterQueue") != null; rename(req.getParameter("name")); getProperties().rebuild(req, req.getSubmittedForm(), getApplicablePropertyDescriptors()); save(); rsp.sendRedirect2("../" + name); }
public static View create(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, ViewGroup owner) throws FormException, IOException, ServletException { String name = req.getParameter("name"); checkGoodName(name); if (owner.getView(name) != null) throw new FormException(Messages.Hudson_ViewAlreadyExists(name), "name"); String mode = req.getParameter("mode"); if (mode == null || mode.length() == 0) throw new FormException(Messages.View_MissingMode(), "mode"); // create a view View v = all().findByName(mode).newInstance(req, req.getSubmittedForm()); v.owner = owner; // redirect to the config screen rsp.sendRedirect2(req.getContextPath() + '/' + v.getUrl() + v.getPostConstructLandingPage()); return v; }
/** Renames this job. */ @RequirePOST public /* not synchronized. see renameTo() */ void doDoRename( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException { // rename is essentially delete followed by a create checkPermission(CREATE); checkPermission(DELETE); String newName = req.getParameter("newName"); Jenkins.checkGoodName(newName); if (isBuilding()) { // redirect to page explaining that we can't rename now rsp.sendRedirect("rename?newName=" + URLEncoder.encode(newName, "UTF-8")); return; } renameTo(newName); // send to the new job page // note we can't use getUrl() because that would pick up old name in the // Ancestor.getUrl() rsp.sendRedirect2("../" + newName); }
public void doProvision( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, @QueryParameter String templateName) throws Exception {"Azure Cloud: doProvision: start name = " + templateName); checkPermission(PROVISION); if (AzureUtil.isNull(templateName)) { sendError("Azure Cloud: doProvision: Azure Slave template name is missing", req, rsp); return; } final AzureSlaveTemplate slaveTemplate = getAzureSlaveTemplate(templateName); if (slaveTemplate == null) { sendError( "Azure Cloud: doProvision: Azure Slave template configuration is not there for : " + templateName, req, rsp); return; } // 1. Verify template try { "Azure Cloud: doProvision: Verifying template " + slaveTemplate.getTemplateName()); List<String> errors = slaveTemplate.verifyTemplate(); if (errors.size() > 0) { "Azure Cloud: doProvision: template " + slaveTemplate.getTemplateName() + " has validation errors , cannot" + " provision slaves with this configuration " + errors); sendError( "template " + slaveTemplate.getTemplateName() + "has validation errors " + errors, req, rsp); return; } else { "Azure Cloud: provision: template " + slaveTemplate.getTemplateName() + "has no validation errors"); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.severe("Azure Cloud: provision: Exception occurred while validating template " + e); sendError("Exception occurred while validating template " + e); return; } LOGGER.severe("Azure Cloud: doProvision: creating slave "); Computer.threadPoolForRemoting.submit( new Callable<Node>() { public Node call() throws Exception { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") AzureSlave slave = slaveTemplate.provisionSlave(new StreamTaskListener(System.out)); // Get virtual machine properties "Azure Cloud: provision: Getting virtual machine properties for slave " + slave.getNodeName() + " with OS " + slave.getOsType()); slaveTemplate.setVirtualMachineDetails(slave); if (slave.getSlaveLaunchMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("SSH")) { slaveTemplate.waitForReadyRole(slave);"Azure Cloud: provision: Waiting for ssh server to come up"); Thread.sleep(2 * 60 * 1000);"Azure Cloud: provision: ssh server may be up by this time");"Azure Cloud: provision: Adding slave to azure nodes "); Hudson.getInstance().addNode(slave); slave.toComputer().connect(false).get(); } else if (slave.getSlaveLaunchMethod().equalsIgnoreCase("JNLP")) {"Azure Cloud: provision: Checking for slave status"); slaveTemplate.waitForReadyRole(slave); Hudson.getInstance().addNode(slave); // Wait until node is online waitUntilOnline(slave); } return slave; } }); rsp.sendRedirect2(req.getContextPath() + "/computer/"); return; }
/** Delete all disabled modules. */ public void doDoDeleteAllDisabledModules(StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, InterruptedException { checkPermission(DELETE); for (MavenModule m : getDisabledModules(true)) m.delete(); rsp.sendRedirect2("."); }
/** * Serves a file from the file system (Maps the URL to a directory in a file system.) * * @param icon The icon file name, like "folder-open.gif" * @param serveDirIndex True to generate the directory index. False to serve "index.html" * @deprecated as of 1.297 Instead of calling this method explicitly, just return the {@link * DirectoryBrowserSupport} object from the {@code doXYZ} method and let Stapler generate a * response for you. */ public void serveFile( StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp, FilePath root, String icon, boolean serveDirIndex) throws IOException, ServletException, InterruptedException { // handle form submission String pattern = req.getParameter("pattern"); if (pattern == null) pattern = req.getParameter("path"); // compatibility with Hudson<1.129 if (pattern != null) { rsp.sendRedirect2(pattern); return; } String path = getPath(req); if (path.replace('\\', '/').indexOf("/../") != -1) { // don't serve anything other than files in the artifacts dir rsp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); return; } // split the path to the base directory portion "abc/def/ghi" which doesn't include any // wildcard, // and the GLOB portion "**/*.xml" (the rest) StringBuilder _base = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder _rest = new StringBuilder(); int restSize = -1; // number of ".." needed to go back to the 'base' level. boolean zip = false; // if we are asked to serve a zip file bundle boolean plain = false; // if asked to serve a plain text directory listing { boolean inBase = true; StringTokenizer pathTokens = new StringTokenizer(path, "/"); while (pathTokens.hasMoreTokens()) { String pathElement = pathTokens.nextToken(); // Treat * and ? as wildcard unless they match a literal filename if ((pathElement.contains("?") || pathElement.contains("*")) && inBase && !(new FilePath(root, (_base.length() > 0 ? _base + "/" : "") + pathElement) .exists())) inBase = false; if (pathElement.equals("*zip*")) { // the expected syntax is foo/bar/*zip*/ // the last '' portion is to causes browses to set a good default file name. // so the 'rest' portion ends here. zip = true; break; } if (pathElement.equals("*plain*")) { plain = true; break; } StringBuilder sb = inBase ? _base : _rest; if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append('/'); sb.append(pathElement); if (!inBase) restSize++; } } restSize = Math.max(restSize, 0); String base = _base.toString(); String rest = _rest.toString(); // this is the base file/directory FilePath baseFile = new FilePath(root, base); if (baseFile.isDirectory()) { if (zip) { rsp.setContentType("application/zip");, rest); return; } if (plain) { rsp.setContentType("text/plain;charset=UTF-8"); OutputStream os = rsp.getOutputStream(); try { for (String kid : baseFile.act(new SimpleChildList())) { os.write(kid.getBytes("UTF-8")); os.write('\n'); } os.flush(); } finally { os.close(); } return; } if (rest.length() == 0) { // if the target page to be displayed is a directory and the path doesn't end with '/', // redirect StringBuffer reqUrl = req.getRequestURL(); if (reqUrl.charAt(reqUrl.length() - 1) != '/') { rsp.sendRedirect2(reqUrl.append('/').toString()); return; } } FileCallable<List<List<Path>>> glob = null; if (rest.length() > 0) { // the rest is Ant glob pattern glob = new PatternScanner(rest, createBackRef(restSize)); } else if (serveDirIndex) { // serve directory index glob = new ChildPathBuilder(); } if (glob != null) { // serve glob req.setAttribute("it", this); List<Path> parentPaths = buildParentPath(base, restSize); req.setAttribute("parentPath", parentPaths); req.setAttribute("backPath", createBackRef(restSize)); req.setAttribute("topPath", createBackRef(parentPaths.size() + restSize)); req.setAttribute("files", baseFile.act(glob)); req.setAttribute("icon", icon); req.setAttribute("path", path); req.setAttribute("pattern", rest); req.setAttribute("dir", baseFile); req.getView(this, "dir.jelly").forward(req, rsp); return; } // convert a directory service request to a single file service request by serving // 'index.html' baseFile = baseFile.child(indexFileName); } // serve a single file if (!baseFile.exists()) { rsp.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); return; } boolean view = rest.equals("*view*"); if (rest.equals("*fingerprint*")) { rsp.forward(Hudson.getInstance().getFingerprint(baseFile.digest()), "/", req); return; } ContentInfo ci = baseFile.act(new ContentInfo()); if (LOGGER.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) LOGGER.fine( "Serving " + baseFile + " with lastModified=" + ci.lastModified + ", contentLength=" + ci.contentLength); InputStream in =; if (view) { // for binary files, provide the file name for download rsp.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline; filename=" + baseFile.getName()); // pseudo file name to let the Stapler set text/plain rsp.serveFile(req, in, ci.lastModified, -1, ci.contentLength, "plain.txt"); } else { rsp.serveFile(req, in, ci.lastModified, -1, ci.contentLength, baseFile.getName()); } }
/** * @param req StaplerRequest * @param rsp StaplerResponse to redirect with * @throws IOException if redirection goes wrong */ public void doAddRedirect(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException { validateAdmin(); rsp.sendRedirect2("add"); }
/** Returns the image that shows the current buildCommand status. */ public void doBuildStatus(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException { rsp.sendRedirect2(req.getContextPath() + "/images/48x48/" + getBuildStatusUrl()); }