コード例 #1
   * Generate a list of start keys (one per region). Since we know that the row keys in kiji are
   * byte strings of length 16, we can reliably split them evenly.
   * @param numRegions The number of regions to generate start keys for.
   * @return A list of start keys with size equal to <code>numRegions</code>.
  private static List<HFileKeyValue> generateEvenStartKeys(int numRegions) {
    List<HFileKeyValue> startKeys = new ArrayList<HFileKeyValue>(numRegions);

    // The first key is a special case, it must be empty.

    if (numRegions > 1) {
      byte[][] splitKeys = KijiRowKeySplitter.get().getSplitKeys(numRegions);
      for (byte[] hbaseRowKey : splitKeys) {
    return startKeys;
コード例 #2
   * Generates a split for a given table.
   * @param tableURI URI of the Kiji table to split.
   * @param nsplits Number of splits.
   * @param conf Base Hadoop configuration used to open the Kiji instance.
   * @return a list of split start keys, as HFileKeyValue (with no value, just the keys).
   * @throws IOException on I/O error.
  private static List<HFileKeyValue> makeTableKeySplit(
      KijiURI tableURI, int nsplits, Configuration conf) throws IOException {
    final Kiji kiji = Kiji.Factory.open(tableURI, conf);
    try {
      final KijiTable table = kiji.openTable(tableURI.getTable());
      try {
        if (NUM_SPLITS_AUTO == nsplits) {
          final List<HFileKeyValue> startKeys = Lists.newArrayList();
          for (KijiRegion region : table.getRegions()) {
          return startKeys;

        } else {
          switch (KijiTableLayout.getEncoding(table.getLayout().getDesc().getKeysFormat())) {
            case RAW:
                // The user has explicitly specified how many HFiles to create, but this is not
                // possible when row key hashing is disabled.
                throw new JobConfigurationException(
                        "Table '%s' has row key hashing disabled, so the number of HFile splits must be"
                            + "determined by the number of HRegions in the HTable. "
                            + "Use an HFileMapReduceJobOutput constructor that enables auto splitting.",
            case FORMATTED:
            case HASH:
            case HASH_PREFIX:
                // Those cases are supported:
              throw new RuntimeException(
                  "Unhandled row key encoding: "
                      + KijiTableLayout.getEncoding(table.getLayout().getDesc().getKeysFormat()));
          return generateEvenStartKeys(nsplits);
      } finally {
    } finally {