private void parseGroupBy(String context, QueryMetric queryMetric, JsonArray groupBys) throws QueryException, BeanValidationException { for (int J = 0; J < groupBys.size(); J++) { String groupContext = "group_by[" + J + "]"; JsonObject jsGroupBy = groupBys.get(J).getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement nameElement = jsGroupBy.get("name"); if (nameElement == null || nameElement.getAsString().isEmpty()) throw new BeanValidationException( new SimpleConstraintViolation(groupContext, "must have a name"), context); String name = nameElement.getAsString(); GroupBy groupBy = m_groupByFactory.createGroupBy(name); if (groupBy == null) throw new BeanValidationException( new SimpleConstraintViolation(groupContext + "." + name, "invalid group_by name"), context); deserializeProperties(context + "." + groupContext, jsGroupBy, name, groupBy); validateObject(groupBy, context + "." + groupContext); groupBy.setStartDate(queryMetric.getStartTime()); queryMetric.addGroupBy(groupBy); } }
private void parseAggregators( String context, QueryMetric queryMetric, JsonArray aggregators, DateTimeZone timeZone) throws QueryException, BeanValidationException { for (int J = 0; J < aggregators.size(); J++) { JsonObject jsAggregator = aggregators.get(J).getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement name = jsAggregator.get("name"); if (name == null || name.getAsString().isEmpty()) throw new BeanValidationException( new SimpleConstraintViolation("aggregators[" + J + "]", "must have a name"), context); String aggContext = context + ".aggregators[" + J + "]"; String aggName = name.getAsString(); Aggregator aggregator = m_aggregatorFactory.createAggregator(aggName); if (aggregator == null) throw new BeanValidationException( new SimpleConstraintViolation(aggName, "invalid aggregator name"), aggContext); // If it is a range aggregator we will default the start time to // the start of the query. if (aggregator instanceof RangeAggregator) { RangeAggregator ra = (RangeAggregator) aggregator; ra.setStartTime(queryMetric.getStartTime()); } if (aggregator instanceof TimezoneAware) { TimezoneAware ta = (TimezoneAware) aggregator; ta.setTimeZone(timeZone); } if (aggregator instanceof GroupByAware) { GroupByAware groupByAware = (GroupByAware) aggregator; groupByAware.setGroupBys(queryMetric.getGroupBys()); } deserializeProperties(aggContext, jsAggregator, aggName, aggregator); validateObject(aggregator, aggContext); queryMetric.addAggregator(aggregator); } }