コード例 #1
  /** Tests the shallow equals and copy methods. */
  public void testEquals() {
    Citation citation = Citations.EPSG;
    final PropertyAccessor accessor = createPropertyAccessor(citation);
    assertFalse(accessor.shallowEquals(citation, Citations.GEOTIFF, true));
    assertFalse(accessor.shallowEquals(citation, Citations.GEOTIFF, false));
    assertTrue(accessor.shallowEquals(citation, Citations.EPSG, false));

    citation = new CitationImpl();
    assertTrue(accessor.shallowCopy(Citations.EPSG, citation, true));
    assertFalse(accessor.shallowEquals(citation, Citations.GEOTIFF, true));
    assertFalse(accessor.shallowEquals(citation, Citations.GEOTIFF, false));
    assertTrue(accessor.shallowEquals(citation, Citations.EPSG, false));

    final int index = accessor.indexOf("identifiers");
    final Object source = accessor.get(index, Citations.EPSG);
    final Object target = accessor.get(index, citation);
    assertNotSame(source, target);
    assertEquals(source, target);

    assertSame(target, accessor.set(index, citation, null));
    final Object value = accessor.get(index, citation);
    assertTrue(((Collection) value).isEmpty());

    try {
      accessor.shallowCopy(citation, Citations.EPSG, true);
      fail("Citations.EPSG should be unmodifiable.");
    } catch (UnmodifiableMetadataException e) {
      // This is the expected exception.
コード例 #2
 /** Tests the get method. */
 public void testGet() {
   Citation citation = Citations.EPSG;
   final PropertyAccessor accessor = createPropertyAccessor(citation);
   final int index = accessor.indexOf("identifiers");
   assertTrue(index >= 0);
   final Object identifiers = accessor.get(index, citation);
コード例 #3
  /** Tests the set method. */
  public void testSet() {
    Citation citation = new CitationImpl();
    final PropertyAccessor accessor = createPropertyAccessor(citation);

    // Tries with ISBN, which expect a String.
    Object value = "Random number";
    int index = accessor.indexOf("ISBN");
    assertTrue(index >= 0);
    assertNull(accessor.set(index, citation, value));
    assertSame(value, accessor.get(index, citation));
    assertSame(value, citation.getISBN());

    // Tries with the title. Automatic conversion from String to InternationalString expected.
    index = accessor.indexOf("title");
    assertTrue(index >= 0);
    assertNull(accessor.set(index, citation, "A random title"));
    value = accessor.get(index, citation);
    assertTrue(value instanceof InternationalString);
    assertEquals("A random title", value.toString());
    assertSame(value, citation.getTitle());

    // Tries with an element to be added in a collection.
    index = accessor.indexOf("alternateTitle");
    assertTrue(index >= 0);

    value = accessor.get(index, citation);
    assertTrue(value instanceof Collection);
    assertTrue(((Collection) value).isEmpty());

    value = accessor.set(index, citation, "An other title");
    assertTrue(value instanceof Collection);
    assertEquals(1, ((Collection) value).size());

    value = accessor.set(index, citation, "Yet an other title");
    assertTrue(value instanceof Collection);
    assertEquals(2, ((Collection) value).size());