@Override public void removeChild(TestDescriptor child) { Preconditions.condition( child instanceof EngineAwareTestDescriptor, "TestDescriptors that are added to the root need to be aware of their engines"); testEngines.remove(((EngineAwareTestDescriptor) child).getEngine()); super.removeChild(child); }
@Override public void addChild(TestDescriptor child) { Preconditions.notNull(child, "child must not be null"); child.setParent(this); this.children.add(child); }
protected final void setSource(TestSource source) { this.source = Preconditions.notNull(source, "TestSource must not be null"); }
protected AbstractTestDescriptor(String uniqueId) { this.uniqueId = Preconditions.notBlank(uniqueId, "uniqueId must not be null or empty"); }