コード例 #1
   * Test method for {@link edu.ncsu.csc216.cash_register.CashRegister#processPurchase(int,
   * edu.ncsu.csc216.cash_register.CurrencyCollection)}. Tests processPurchase method Tests
   * determine if the balance of the register changes by the appropriate amount. Test also
   * determines if an IllegalArgumentException is thrown if payment is less than the purhcase
   * amount.
  public void testProcessPurchase() {
    // purchase amount is 10 dollars
    int purchaseAmount = 1000;
    // currency collection payment
    CurrencyCollection payment = new CurrencyCollection(0);
    // Add 1 ten dollar bill to the payment currency collection
    payment.modifyDenomination(CurrencyCollection.TEN_VALUE, 1);
    // process purchase with payment given
    register.processPurchase(purchaseAmount, payment);
    // test if payment amount (1000) was added to the balance (36410)
    assertEquals(37410, register.getCurrentBalance());

    // test illegal argument exception by not paying with enough money
    // Creates new currency collection
    CurrencyCollection payment2 = new CurrencyCollection(0);
    // Add the payment of one five dollar bill to the collection
    payment2.modifyDenomination(CurrencyCollection.FIVE_VALUE, 1);
    // try to process purchase with payment amount
    try {
      register.processPurchase(purchaseAmount, payment2);
      fail(); // should never get here
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
      // check the payment was returned and the balance was not added to the register
      assertEquals(37410, register.getCurrentBalance());
コード例 #2
  * Test method for {@link edu.ncsu.csc216.cash_register.CashRegister#processRefund(int)}. Tests
  * processRefund method Tests determine if the appropriate refund amount is taken out of the
  * register balance.
 public void testProcessRefund() {
   // purchase amount is 5 dollars
   int refundAmount = 500;
   // Subtracts refund amount from the register
   // test if amount (500) was subtracted from balance (36410)
   assertEquals(35910, register.getCurrentBalance());
コード例 #3
  * Test method for {@link edu.ncsu.csc216.cash_register.CashRegister#getCurrentBalance()}. Tests
  * getCurrentBalance method Test determines if the current balance of the register is what it is
  * assigned to.
 public void testGetCurrentBalance() {
   assertEquals(36410, register.getCurrentBalance());