@Test public void testProtocolBestMoveCommand() throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); UciProtocol protocol = new UciProtocol( new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()))), new PrintStream(buffer)); // 1. Test ProtocolBestMoveCommand command = new ProtocolBestMoveCommand( new GenericMove(GenericPosition.a2, GenericPosition.a3), new GenericMove(GenericPosition.d3, GenericPosition.e5)); protocol.send(command); // 2. Test command = new ProtocolBestMoveCommand(null, null); protocol.send(command); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer.toByteArray()))); // 1. Test String line = input.readLine(); assertEquals("bestmove a2a3 ponder d3e5", line); // 2. Test line = input.readLine(); assertEquals("bestmove nomove", line); assertNull(input.readLine()); }
/* @Test public void searchContentTest() throws IOException { System.out.println("Search"); textbuddy.searchContent("textfile.txt"); }*/ public boolean testIfFilesAreTheSame(File file1, File file2) { BufferedReader file1Reader = null; BufferedReader file2Reader = null; boolean equals = true; ; try { file1Reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file1)); file2Reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(file2)); String linefromfile1; String linefromfile2; while (((linefromfile1 = file1Reader.readLine()) != null) && ((linefromfile2 = file2Reader.readLine()) != null)) { if (!linefromfile1.equals(linefromfile2)) { equals = false; break; } } } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { try { file1Reader.close(); file2Reader.close(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return equals; }
@Test public void testProtocolInformationCommand() throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); UciProtocol protocol = new UciProtocol( new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()))), new PrintStream(buffer)); ProtocolInformationCommand command = new ProtocolInformationCommand(); command.setDepth(8); command.setMaxDepth(20); command.setCentipawns(400); command.setCurrentMove(new GenericMove(GenericPosition.a2, GenericPosition.a3)); command.setCurrentMoveNumber(30); command.setHash(50); command.setNps(300); command.setTime(3000); command.setNodes(5000); protocol.send(command); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer.toByteArray()))); String line = input.readLine(); assertEquals( "info depth 8 seldepth 20 score cp 400 currmove a2a3 currmovenumber 30 hashfull 50 nps 300 time 3000 nodes 5000", line); assertNull(input.readLine()); }
@Test public void testProtocolInitializeAnswerCommand() throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); UciProtocol protocol = new UciProtocol( new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()))), new PrintStream(buffer)); ProtocolInitializeAnswerCommand command = new ProtocolInitializeAnswerCommand("My Engine", "The Author"); command.addOption(new Option("Hash", "spin", "16", "4", "64", null)); protocol.send(command); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer.toByteArray()))); String line = input.readLine(); assertEquals("id name My Engine", line); line = input.readLine(); assertEquals("id author The Author", line); line = input.readLine(); assertEquals("option name Hash type spin default 16 min 4 max 64", line); line = input.readLine(); assertEquals("uciok", line); assertNull(input.readLine()); }
// @Test public void validateDoubfulRanks() { try { BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(new File("/home/alext/Downloads/NCBI/taxdump/nodes.dmp"))); String line; while ((line = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { String[] split = line.split("\t\\|\t"); if (split[2].equals("forma")) { System.out.println(line); // break; } } bufferedReader.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } catch (IOException e) { e .printStackTrace(); // To change body of catch statement use File | Settings | File // Templates. } }
@Test public void testProtocolReadyAnswerCommand() throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); UciProtocol protocol = new UciProtocol( new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream("".getBytes()))), new PrintStream(buffer)); ProtocolReadyAnswerCommand command = new ProtocolReadyAnswerCommand("does not matter"); protocol.send(command); BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer.toByteArray()))); String line = input.readLine(); assertEquals("readyok", line); assertNull(input.readLine()); }
protected void doService(Socket s) throws IOException { InputStream is = s.getInputStream(); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(is); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(isr); String message = br.readLine(); OutputStream os = s.getOutputStream(); os.write(message.getBytes()); os.flush(); }
private static boolean isAaptPresent() throws Exception { boolean result = true; try { Process proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("aapt"); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(proc.getErrorStream())); String line = null; while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {} } catch (Exception ex) { result = false; } return result; }
public List<String> linesThat(Matcher<? super String> matcher) { try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(this)); try { List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>(); String line; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { if (matcher.matches(line)) { lines.add(line); } } return lines; } finally { reader.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
@Test public void testMachine() throws Exception { if (!isUnix()) return; Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] {"uname", "-m"}); BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); String uname = r.readLine().trim(); String m = uname; assertTrue(m.length() > 0); if (m.matches("i\\d86")) m = "i386"; else if (m.matches("i86pc")) m = "x86"; if (m.equals("i386") && Platform.is64Bits()) m = "x86_64"; assertEquals( "uname = " + uname + ", Platform.getMachine = " + Platform.getMachine(), m, Platform.getMachine()); }
@Test public void testSave() { List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>(); values.add("one"); values.add("two"); values.add("three"); String[] mutex = new String[] {"testArg", "testArg2"}; p.setProgramName("Test"); p.setProgramDescription("Test Program"); p.addArg("one", Arg.DataType.STRING, ""); p.getArg("one").setRestrictedValues(values); p.addArg("two", Arg.DataType.INTEGER, "This is a test."); p.addNamedArg("testArg", Arg.DataType.STRING, "", "test1", 't'); p.addNamedArg("testArg2", Arg.DataType.STRING, "", "three"); p.getArg("testArg2").setRestrictedValues(values); p.addNamedArg("testArg3", Arg.DataType.STRING, "NamedDescrip", "one", 'c'); p.getArg("testArg3").setRestrictedValues(values); p.addMutualExclusion(mutex); p.setNamedArgToRequired("testArg3"); x.save(p, "./build/tmp/testSave.xml"); // read in xml file as string and test against known string String actualXMLOutput = ""; String expectedXLMOutput = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"no\"?><arguments> <programname>Test</programname> <programdescription>Test Program</programdescription> <mutualexclusion>testArg, testArg2</mutualexclusion><positional> <position>1</position> <name>one</name> <type>string</type> <restrictedvalues>one, two, three</restrictedvalues></positional><positional> <position>2</position> <name>two</name> <type>integer</type> <description>This is a test.</description></positional><named> <name>testArg</name> <type>string</type> <shortname>t</shortname> <default>test1</default></named><named> <name>testArg2</name> <type>string</type> <restrictedvalues>one, two, three</restrictedvalues> <default>three</default></named><named> <name>testArg3</name> <type>string</type> <restrictedvalues>one, two, three</restrictedvalues> <description>NamedDescrip</description> <shortname>c</shortname> <required>true</required> <default>one</default></named></arguments>"; String currentLine = null; try { FileReader r = new FileReader("./build/tmp/testSave.xml"); BufferedReader b = new BufferedReader(r); while ((currentLine = b.readLine()) != null) actualXMLOutput += currentLine; b.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } assertEquals(expectedXLMOutput, actualXMLOutput); }