コード例 #1
ファイル: JSONML.java プロジェクト: nexelem/JSON-java
   * Parse XML values and store them in a JSONArray.
   * @param x The XMLTokener containing the source string.
   * @param arrayForm true if array form, false if object form.
   * @param ja The JSONArray that is containing the current tag or null if we are at the outermost
   *     level.
   * @param keepStrings Don't type-convert text nodes and attibute values
   * @return A JSONArray if the value is the outermost tag, otherwise null.
   * @throws JSONException
  private static Object parse(XMLTokener x, boolean arrayForm, JSONArray ja, boolean keepStrings)
      throws JSONException {
    String attribute;
    char c;
    String closeTag = null;
    int i;
    JSONArray newja = null;
    JSONObject newjo = null;
    Object token;
    String tagName = null;

    // Test for and skip past these forms:
    //      <!-- ... -->
    //      <![  ... ]]>
    //      <!   ...   >
    //      <?   ...  ?>

    while (true) {
      if (!x.more()) {
        throw x.syntaxError("Bad XML");
      token = x.nextContent();
      if (token == XML.LT) {
        token = x.nextToken();
        if (token instanceof Character) {
          if (token == XML.SLASH) {

            // Close tag </

            token = x.nextToken();
            if (!(token instanceof String)) {
              throw new JSONException("Expected a closing name instead of '" + token + "'.");
            if (x.nextToken() != XML.GT) {
              throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped close tag");
            return token;
          } else if (token == XML.BANG) {

            // <!

            c = x.next();
            if (c == '-') {
              if (x.next() == '-') {
              } else {
            } else if (c == '[') {
              token = x.nextToken();
              if (token.equals("CDATA") && x.next() == '[') {
                if (ja != null) {
              } else {
                throw x.syntaxError("Expected 'CDATA['");
            } else {
              i = 1;
              do {
                token = x.nextMeta();
                if (token == null) {
                  throw x.syntaxError("Missing '>' after '<!'.");
                } else if (token == XML.LT) {
                  i += 1;
                } else if (token == XML.GT) {
                  i -= 1;
              } while (i > 0);
          } else if (token == XML.QUEST) {

            // <?

          } else {
            throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");

          // Open tag <

        } else {
          if (!(token instanceof String)) {
            throw x.syntaxError("Bad tagName '" + token + "'.");
          tagName = (String) token;
          newja = new JSONArray();
          newjo = new JSONObject();
          if (arrayForm) {
            if (ja != null) {
          } else {
            newjo.put("tagName", tagName);
            if (ja != null) {
          token = null;
          for (; ; ) {
            if (token == null) {
              token = x.nextToken();
            if (token == null) {
              throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");
            if (!(token instanceof String)) {

            // attribute = value

            attribute = (String) token;
            if (!arrayForm && ("tagName".equals(attribute) || "childNode".equals(attribute))) {
              throw x.syntaxError("Reserved attribute.");
            token = x.nextToken();
            if (token == XML.EQ) {
              token = x.nextToken();
              if (!(token instanceof String)) {
                throw x.syntaxError("Missing value");
              newjo.accumulate(attribute, keepStrings ? token : XML.stringToValue((String) token));
              token = null;
            } else {
              newjo.accumulate(attribute, "");
          if (arrayForm && newjo.length() > 0) {

          // Empty tag <.../>

          if (token == XML.SLASH) {
            if (x.nextToken() != XML.GT) {
              throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");
            if (ja == null) {
              if (arrayForm) {
                return newja;
              } else {
                return newjo;

            // Content, between <...> and </...>

          } else {
            if (token != XML.GT) {
              throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");
            closeTag = (String) parse(x, arrayForm, newja, keepStrings);
            if (closeTag != null) {
              if (!closeTag.equals(tagName)) {
                throw x.syntaxError("Mismatched '" + tagName + "' and '" + closeTag + "'");
              tagName = null;
              if (!arrayForm && newja.length() > 0) {
                newjo.put("childNodes", newja);
              if (ja == null) {
                if (arrayForm) {
                  return newja;
                } else {
                  return newjo;
      } else {
        if (ja != null) {
              token instanceof String
                  ? keepStrings ? token : XML.stringToValue((String) token)
                  : token);
コード例 #2
ファイル: JSONML.java プロジェクト: seamplezeus/sdtkegc
 /*     */ private static JSONArray parse(XMLTokener x, JSONArray ja)
     /*     */ throws JSONException
       /*     */ {
   /*     */ while (true)
   /*     */ {
     /*  63 */ Object t = x.nextContent();
     /*  64 */ if (t == XML.LT) {
       /*  65 */ t = x.nextToken();
       /*  66 */ if ((t instanceof Character))
       /*     */ {
         /*  70 */ if (t == XML.BANG) {
           /*  71 */ char c = x.next();
           /*  72 */ if (c == '-') {
             /*  73 */ if (x.next() == '-') {
               /*  74 */ x.skipPast("-->");
               /*     */ }
             /*  76 */ x.back();
             /*  77 */ }
           if (c == '[') {
             /*  78 */ t = x.nextToken();
             /*  79 */ if ((t.equals("CDATA")) && (x.next() == '[')) {
               /*  80 */ x.nextCDATA();
               /*     */ }
             /*  82 */ throw x.syntaxError("Expected 'CDATA['");
             /*     */ }
           /*     */
           /*  85 */ int i = 1;
           /*     */ do {
             /*  87 */ t = x.nextMeta();
             /*  88 */ if (t == null) /*  89 */ throw x.syntaxError("Missing '>' after '<!'.");
             /*  90 */ if (t == XML.LT) /*  91 */ i++;
             /*  92 */ else if (t == XML.GT) /*  93 */ i--;
             /*     */ }
           /*  95 */ while (i > 0);
           /*     */ }
         /*  97 */ if (t == XML.QUEST)
         /*     */ {
           /* 101 */ x.skipPast("?>");
           /* 102 */ }
         if (t == XML.SLASH)
         /*     */ {
           /* 106 */ t = x.nextToken();
           /* 107 */ if (ja == null) {
             /* 108 */ throw x.syntaxError("Mismatched close tag '" + t + "'");
             /*     */ }
           /* 110 */ if (!t.equals(ja.get(0))) {
             /* 111 */ throw x.syntaxError("Mismatched '" + ja.get(0) + "' and '" + t + "'");
             /*     */ }
           /* 113 */ if (x.nextToken() != XML.GT) {
             /* 114 */ throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped close tag");
             /*     */ }
           /* 116 */ return null;
           /*     */ }
         /* 118 */ throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");
         /*     */ }
       /*     */
       /* 124 */ JSONArray newja = new JSONArray();
       /* 125 */ JSONObject attributes = new JSONObject();
       /* 126 */ if (ja != null) {
         /* 127 */ ja.put(newja);
         /*     */ }
       /* 129 */ newja.put(t);
       /* 130 */ t = null;
       /*     */ while (true) {
         /* 132 */ if (t == null) {
           /* 133 */ t = x.nextToken();
           /*     */ }
         /* 135 */ if (t == null) {
           /* 136 */ throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");
           /*     */ }
         /* 138 */ if (!(t instanceof String))
         /*     */ {
           /*     */ break;
           /*     */ }
         /*     */
         /* 144 */ String s = (String) t;
         /* 145 */ t = x.nextToken();
         /* 146 */ if (t == XML.EQ) {
           /* 147 */ t = x.nextToken();
           /* 148 */ if (!(t instanceof String)) {
             /* 149 */ throw x.syntaxError("Missing value");
             /*     */ }
           /* 151 */ attributes.accumulate(s, t);
           /* 152 */ t = null;
           /*     */ }
         /* 154 */ attributes.accumulate(s, "");
         /*     */ }
       /*     */
       /* 157 */ if (attributes.length() > 0) {
         /* 158 */ newja.put(attributes);
         /*     */ }
       /*     */
       /* 163 */ if (t == XML.SLASH) {
         /* 164 */ if (x.nextToken() != XML.GT) {
           /* 165 */ throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");
           /*     */ }
         /* 167 */ if (ja == null) {
           /* 168 */ return newja;
           /*     */ }
         /*     */
         /*     */ }
       /*     */
       /* 173 */ if (t == XML.GT) {
         /* 174 */ parse(x, newja);
         /* 175 */ if (ja == null) {
           /* 176 */ return newja;
           /*     */ }
         /*     */ }
       /* 179 */ throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");
       /*     */ }
     /*     */
     /* 183 */ if (ja != null) /* 184 */ ja.put(t);
     /*     */ }
   /*     */ }
コード例 #3
ファイル: XML.java プロジェクト: Chirgal/JSON-java
   * Scan the content following the named tag, attaching it to the context.
   * @param x The XMLTokener containing the source string.
   * @param context The JSONObject that will include the new material.
   * @param name The tag name.
   * @return true if the close tag is processed.
   * @throws JSONException
  private static boolean parse(XMLTokener x, JSONObject context, String name) throws JSONException {
    char c;
    int i;
    JSONObject jsonobject = null;
    String string;
    String tagName;
    Object token;

    // Test for and skip past these forms:
    // <!-- ... -->
    // <! ... >
    // <![ ... ]]>
    // <? ... ?>
    // Report errors for these forms:
    // <>
    // <=
    // <<

    token = x.nextToken();

    // <!

    if (token == BANG) {
      c = x.next();
      if (c == '-') {
        if (x.next() == '-') {
          return false;
      } else if (c == '[') {
        token = x.nextToken();
        if ("CDATA".equals(token)) {
          if (x.next() == '[') {
            string = x.nextCDATA();
            if (string.length() > 0) {
              context.accumulate("content", string);
            return false;
        throw x.syntaxError("Expected 'CDATA['");
      i = 1;
      do {
        token = x.nextMeta();
        if (token == null) {
          throw x.syntaxError("Missing '>' after '<!'.");
        } else if (token == LT) {
          i += 1;
        } else if (token == GT) {
          i -= 1;
      } while (i > 0);
      return false;
    } else if (token == QUEST) {

      // <?
      return false;
    } else if (token == SLASH) {

      // Close tag </

      token = x.nextToken();
      if (name == null) {
        throw x.syntaxError("Mismatched close tag " + token);
      if (!token.equals(name)) {
        throw x.syntaxError("Mismatched " + name + " and " + token);
      if (x.nextToken() != GT) {
        throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped close tag");
      return true;

    } else if (token instanceof Character) {
      throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");

      // Open tag <

    } else {
      tagName = (String) token;
      token = null;
      jsonobject = new JSONObject();
      for (; ; ) {
        if (token == null) {
          token = x.nextToken();

        // attribute = value
        if (token instanceof String) {
          string = (String) token;
          token = x.nextToken();
          if (token == EQ) {
            token = x.nextToken();
            if (!(token instanceof String)) {
              throw x.syntaxError("Missing value");
            jsonobject.accumulate(string, JSONObject.stringToValue((String) token));
            token = null;
          } else {
            jsonobject.accumulate(string, "");

        } else if (token == SLASH) {
          // Empty tag <.../>
          if (x.nextToken() != GT) {
            throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");
          if (jsonobject.length() > 0) {
            context.accumulate(tagName, jsonobject);
          } else {
            context.accumulate(tagName, "");
          return false;

        } else if (token == GT) {
          // Content, between <...> and </...>
          for (; ; ) {
            token = x.nextContent();
            if (token == null) {
              if (tagName != null) {
                throw x.syntaxError("Unclosed tag " + tagName);
              return false;
            } else if (token instanceof String) {
              string = (String) token;
              if (string.length() > 0) {
                jsonobject.accumulate("content", JSONObject.stringToValue(string));

            } else if (token == LT) {
              // Nested element
              if (parse(x, jsonobject, tagName)) {
                if (jsonobject.length() == 0) {
                  context.accumulate(tagName, "");
                } else if (jsonobject.length() == 1 && jsonobject.opt("content") != null) {
                  context.accumulate(tagName, jsonobject.opt("content"));
                } else {
                  context.accumulate(tagName, jsonobject);
                return false;
        } else {
          throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");
コード例 #4
ファイル: XML.java プロジェクト: Yaqiang/sextante
   * Scan the content following the named tag, attaching it to the context.
   * @param x The XMLTokener containing the source string.
   * @param context The JSONObject that will include the new material.
   * @param name The tag name.
   * @return true if the close tag is processed.
   * @throws JSONException
  private static boolean parse(final XMLTokener x, final JSONObject context, final String name)
      throws JSONException {
    char c;
    int i;
    String n;
    JSONObject o = null;
    String s;
    Object t;

    // Test for and skip past these forms:
    //      <!-- ... -->
    //      <!   ...   >
    //      <![  ... ]]>
    //      <?   ...  ?>
    // Report errors for these forms:
    //      <>
    //      <=
    //      <<

    t = x.nextToken();

    // <!

    if (t == BANG) {
      c = x.next();
      if (c == '-') {
        if (x.next() == '-') {
          return false;
      } else if (c == '[') {
        t = x.nextToken();
        if (t.equals("CDATA")) {
          if (x.next() == '[') {
            s = x.nextCDATA();
            if (s.length() > 0) {
              context.accumulate("content", s);
            return false;
        throw x.syntaxError("Expected 'CDATA['");
      i = 1;
      do {
        t = x.nextMeta();
        if (t == null) {
          throw x.syntaxError("Missing '>' after '<!'.");
        } else if (t == LT) {
          i += 1;
        } else if (t == GT) {
          i -= 1;
      } while (i > 0);
      return false;
    } else if (t == QUEST) {

      // <?

      return false;
    } else if (t == SLASH) {

      // Close tag </

      t = x.nextToken();
      if (name == null) {
        throw x.syntaxError("Mismatched close tag" + t);
      if (!t.equals(name)) {
        throw x.syntaxError("Mismatched " + name + " and " + t);
      if (x.nextToken() != GT) {
        throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped close tag");
      return true;

    } else if (t instanceof Character) {
      throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");

      // Open tag <

    } else {
      n = (String) t;
      t = null;
      o = new JSONObject();
      for (; ; ) {
        if (t == null) {
          t = x.nextToken();

        // attribute = value

        if (t instanceof String) {
          s = (String) t;
          t = x.nextToken();
          if (t == EQ) {
            t = x.nextToken();
            if (!(t instanceof String)) {
              throw x.syntaxError("Missing value");
            o.accumulate(s, t);
            t = null;
          } else {
            o.accumulate(s, "");

          // Empty tag <.../>

        } else if (t == SLASH) {
          if (x.nextToken() != GT) {
            throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");
          context.accumulate(n, o);
          return false;

          // Content, between <...> and </...>

        } else if (t == GT) {
          for (; ; ) {
            t = x.nextContent();
            if (t == null) {
              if (n != null) {
                throw x.syntaxError("Unclosed tag " + n);
              return false;
            } else if (t instanceof String) {
              s = (String) t;
              if (s.length() > 0) {
                o.accumulate("content", s);

              // Nested element

            } else if (t == LT) {
              if (parse(x, o, n)) {
                if (o.length() == 0) {
                  context.accumulate(n, "");
                } else if (o.length() == 1 && o.opt("content") != null) {
                  context.accumulate(n, o.opt("content"));
                } else {
                  context.accumulate(n, o);
                return false;
        } else {
          throw x.syntaxError("Misshaped tag");