/** metodo que se encarga de cerrar todas las conexiones que se realizaron en el socket */ public void desconnectar() { try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ServidorHilo.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
// constructor que inicializar el socket y asigna el id al numero de sesión public ServidorHilo(Socket socket, int id) { this.socket = socket; this.idSessio = id; try { dos = new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream()); dis = new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream()); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(ServidorHilo.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }
/** * Class deals with JSON objects serialization and sending requests to REST API endpoint. * * @author Pawel Domas */ public class ApiHandler { /** Default maximum retries number for requests on conference create API endpoint */ private final int CONFERENCE_CREATE_MAX_RETRIES = 8; /** Default maximum retries number for requests on conference create API endpoint */ private final int CONFERENCE_RESOLVE_CONFLICT_RETRIES = 8; /** Default maximum retries number for requests on conference create API endpoint */ private final int CONFERENCE_DELETE_MAX_RETRIES = 13; /** The logger */ private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ApiHandler.class); /** Base URL of the REST API. */ private final String baseUrl; /** Apache HTTP client instance used for communicating with reservation REST API over HTTP */ private final HttpClient httpClient; /** <tt>JSONParser</tt> instance used for parsing JSON. */ private final JSONParser jsonParser = new JSONParser(); /** JSON handler for <tt>Conference</tt> objects. */ private final ConferenceJsonHandler conferenceJson = new ConferenceJsonHandler(); /** JSON handler for error responses. */ private final ErrorJsonHandler errorJson = new ErrorJsonHandler(); /** Maximum retry number for create conference API endpoint */ private final int retriesCreate; /** Maximum retry number for resolve conflict conference API endpoint */ private final int retriesResolveConflict; /** Maximum retry number for delete conference API endpoint */ private final int retriesDelete; /** * Creates new instance of <tt>ApiHandler</tt>. * * @param baseUrl the base URL of REST API. */ public ApiHandler(String baseUrl) { this.baseUrl = baseUrl; this.httpClient = new DefaultHttpClient(); this.retriesCreate = CONFERENCE_CREATE_MAX_RETRIES; this.retriesResolveConflict = CONFERENCE_RESOLVE_CONFLICT_RETRIES; this.retriesDelete = CONFERENCE_DELETE_MAX_RETRIES; } /** Creates new instance of <tt>ApiHandler</tt> with custom HTTP client */ public ApiHandler(String baseUrl, HttpClient httpClient) { this.baseUrl = baseUrl; this.httpClient = httpClient; this.retriesCreate = CONFERENCE_CREATE_MAX_RETRIES; this.retriesResolveConflict = CONFERENCE_RESOLVE_CONFLICT_RETRIES; this.retriesDelete = CONFERENCE_DELETE_MAX_RETRIES; } /** Creates new instance of <tt>ApiHandler</tt> with custom retries numbers for API endpoints */ public ApiHandler( String baseUrl, HttpClient httpClient, int retriesCreate, int retriesResolveConflict, int retriesDelete) { this.baseUrl = baseUrl; this.httpClient = httpClient; this.retriesCreate = retriesCreate; this.retriesDelete = retriesDelete; this.retriesResolveConflict = retriesResolveConflict; } /** * Send Conference POST request to API endpoint which is used for allocating new conferences in * reservation system. * * @param ownerEmail email of new conference owner * @param mucRoomName full name of MUC room that is hosting the conference. * {room_name}@{muc.server.net} * @return <tt>ApiResult</tt> that contains system response. It will contain <tt>Conference</tt> * instance filled with data from the reservation system if everything goes OK. * @throws FaultTolerantRESTRequest.RetryExhaustedException When the number of retries to submit * the request for the conference data is reached * @throws UnsupportedEncodingException When the room data have the encoding that does not play * with UTF8 standard */ public ApiResult createNewConference(String ownerEmail, String mucRoomName) throws FaultTolerantRESTRequest.RetryExhaustedException, UnsupportedEncodingException { Conference conference = new Conference(mucRoomName, ownerEmail, new Date()); HttpPost post = new HttpPost(baseUrl + "/conference"); List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<NameValuePair>(1); Map<String, Object> jsonMap = conference.createJSonMap(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : jsonMap.entrySet()) { nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair(entry.getKey(), String.valueOf(entry.getValue()))); } post.setEntity(new UrlEncodedFormEntity(nameValuePairs, "UTF8")); logger.info("Sending post: " + jsonMap); CreateConferenceResponseParser conferenceResponseParser = new CreateConferenceResponseParser(conference); FaultTolerantRESTRequest faultTolerantRESTRequest = new FaultTolerantRESTRequest(post, conferenceResponseParser, retriesCreate, httpClient); return faultTolerantRESTRequest.submit(); } /** * Sends Conference GET request to the REST API endpoint. Is used to read info about the * conference from the reservation system. * * @param conferenceId the identifier of the conference for which we want to read the data. * @return <tt>ApiResult</tt> which describes the response. It will contain <tt>Conference</tt> if * data has been read successfully. * @throws FaultTolerantRESTRequest.RetryExhaustedException when the number of retries to submit * the request for the conference data is reached */ public ApiResult getConference(Number conferenceId) throws FaultTolerantRESTRequest.RetryExhaustedException { HttpGet get = new HttpGet(baseUrl + "/conference/" + conferenceId); GetConferenceResponseParser conferenceResponseParser = new GetConferenceResponseParser(); FaultTolerantRESTRequest faultTolerantRESTRequest = new FaultTolerantRESTRequest( get, conferenceResponseParser, retriesResolveConflict, httpClient); return faultTolerantRESTRequest.submit(); } /** * Sends conference DELETE request to the REST API endpoint. * * @param conferenceId the identifier of the conference to be destroyed. * @return <tt>ApiResult</tt> that describes the response. Check <tt>ApiResult#statusCode</tt> to * see if it went OK. * @throws FaultTolerantRESTRequest.RetryExhaustedException When the number of retries to submit * the request for the conference data is reached */ public ApiResult deleteConference(Number conferenceId) throws FaultTolerantRESTRequest.RetryExhaustedException { HttpDelete delete = new HttpDelete(baseUrl + "/conference/" + conferenceId); DeleteConferenceResponseParser conferenceResponseParser = new DeleteConferenceResponseParser(); FaultTolerantRESTRequest faultTolerantRESTRequest = new FaultTolerantRESTRequest(delete, conferenceResponseParser, retriesDelete, httpClient); return faultTolerantRESTRequest.submit(); } /** * Parses error response. * * @param response parsed <tt>ErrorResponse</tt> * @return <tt>ErrorResponse</tt> parsed from HTTP content stream. * @throws IOException if any IO issues occur. * @throws ParseException if any issues with JSON parsing occur. */ private ErrorResponse readErrorResponse(HttpResponse response) throws IOException, ParseException { BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent())); jsonParser.parse(rd, errorJson); return errorJson.getResult(); } /** * Parses JSON string returned in HTTP response and converts it to <tt>Conference</tt> instance. * * @param conference <tt>Conference</tt> instance that contains the data returned by API endpoint. * @param response HTTP response returned by the API endpoint. * @return <tt>Conference</tt> instance that contains the data returned by API endpoint. * @throws IOException if any IO problems occur. * @throws ParseException if any problems with JSON parsing occur. */ private Conference readConferenceResponse(Conference conference, HttpResponse response) throws IOException, ParseException { BufferedReader rd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(response.getEntity().getContent())); if (conference != null) { conferenceJson.setForUpdate(conference); } jsonParser.parse(rd, conferenceJson); if (conference == null) { conference = conferenceJson.getResult(); } logger.info("ID: " + conference.getId()); logger.info("PIN: " + conference.getPin()); logger.info("URL: " + conference.getUrl()); logger.info("SIP ID: " + conference.getSipId()); logger.info("START TIME: " + conference.getStartTime()); logger.info("DURATION: " + conference.getDuration()); return conference; } /** This class will be used to parse the response for room deletion reservation callback. */ protected class DeleteConferenceResponseParser extends AbstractRESTResponseParser { /** * @param response The Apache HC client response * @throws org.json.simple.parser.ParseException */ @Override protected void parse(HttpResponse response) throws IOException, ParseException, FaultTolerantRESTRequest.RetryRequestedException { int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (200 == statusCode || 201 == statusCode) { // OK result = new ApiResult(statusCode); } else if ((statusCode >= 400) && (statusCode < 500)) { // Client side error, indicates that the // reservation backend do not want the resubmission ErrorResponse error = readErrorResponse(response); result = new ApiResult(statusCode, error); } else { // Unusual status code, request the retry throw new FaultTolerantRESTRequest.RetryRequestedException(); } } } /** The base class for dealing with conference data JSON response handling */ protected class ReadConferenceResponseParser extends AbstractRESTResponseParser { /** The conference instance that relates to this parti */ protected Conference conference; /** * Parse the room read response received from reservation backend. * * <p>This will request the retry if the response status code differs from 200, 201 or 4xx. * * @param response The Apache HTTP client response * @throws IOException * @throws ParseException * @throws FaultTolerantRESTRequest.RetryRequestedException */ @Override protected void parse(HttpResponse response) throws IOException, ParseException, FaultTolerantRESTRequest.RetryRequestedException { int statusCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); logger.info("STATUS CODE: " + statusCode); if (200 == statusCode || 201 == statusCode) { // OK conference = readConferenceResponse(conference, response); result = new ApiResult(statusCode, conference); } else if ((statusCode >= 400) && (statusCode < 500)) { // Client side error, indicates that the reservation // backend do not want the resubmission ErrorResponse error = readErrorResponse(response); result = new ApiResult(statusCode, error); } else { // Unusual status code, request the retry throw new FaultTolerantRESTRequest.RetryRequestedException(); } } } /** The response parser to use for conflict resolving reservation system callback */ protected class GetConferenceResponseParser extends ReadConferenceResponseParser { /** Instantiate the <tt>GetConferenceResponseParser</tt> */ public GetConferenceResponseParser() { this.conference = null; } } /** The response parser to use for conference creating reservation system callback */ protected class CreateConferenceResponseParser extends ReadConferenceResponseParser { /** * Instantiate the <tt>GetConferenceResponseParser</tt> with a given conference instance * * @param conference the <tt>Conference</tt> instance that is ought to perform communication * callback */ public CreateConferenceResponseParser(Conference conference) { this.conference = conference; } } }