コード例 #1
 public void UseInstanceOfJSONParser(String str) {
   try {
     // Faster way: Reuse instance of JSONParser
     // String s = "[0,{\"1\":{\"2\":{\"3\":{\"4\":[5,{\"6\":7}]}}}}]";
     String s = str;
     JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
     Object obj = parser.parse(s);
     JSONArray array = (JSONArray) obj;
   } catch (ParseException ex) {
     Logger.getLogger(DecodeResearch.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
コード例 #2
  public void UseJSONValueStaticMethod(String str) {
    // it's a convenient way:use jsonvalue
    // String s = "[0,{\"1\":{\"2\":{\"3\":{\"4\":[5,{\"6\":7}]}}}}]";
    String s = str;
    Object obj = JSONValue.parse(s);
    JSONArray array = (JSONArray) obj;

    JSONObject obj2 = (JSONObject) array.get(1);

    s = "{\"a\":23}";
    obj = JSONValue.parse(s);

    s = "[5,0]";
    obj = JSONValue.parse(s);
コード例 #3
  /** @see HttpServlet#doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) */
  protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {

    response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "nocache");
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    StringWriter result = new StringWriter();

    // get received JSON data from request
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(request.getInputStream()));
    String postData = "";
    if (br != null) {
      postData = br.readLine();

    try {
      JSONObject json = (JSONObject) new JSONParser().parse(postData);
      JSONObject resultObj = new JSONObject();
      JSONArray list = new JSONArray();
      List<Tracking> trackingList = new ArrayList<Tracking>();

      // get the website list
      if (json.get("type").equals("websiteslist")) {
        trackingList = trackingDao.websiteList(pool);
        for (Tracking item : trackingList) {
      // render report
      else if (json.get("type").equals("submit")) {
        if (json.get("criteria").equals("date")) {
          // render repoty by date
          trackingList = trackingDao.getListByDate(pool, json.get("date").toString());
        } else if (json.get("criteria").equals("daterange")) {
          // render repoty by date range
          trackingList =
                  pool, json.get("fromdate").toString(), json.get("todate").toString());
        } else if (json.get("criteria").equals("website")) {
          // render repoty by website
          String website = (json.get("website") == null ? "" : json.get("website").toString());
          trackingList = trackingDao.getListByWebsite(pool, website);

        for (Tracking item : trackingList) {
          JSONObject trackingObj = new JSONObject();
          trackingObj.put("date", item.getDate());
          trackingObj.put("website", item.getWebsite());
          trackingObj.put("visit", item.getVisit());
      resultObj.put("result", list);
      // finally output the json string
    } catch (ParseException | SQLException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
コード例 #4
  public Map getTaskMapBatch(String objectId) throws Exception {

    Map map = new HashMap();

    String apiURL = "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/1.34/adhoc";

    String requestJSON =
            + "\"task\" : \"/task?query=(ObjectID%20=%20"
            + objectId
            + ")&fetch=true\","
            + "\"userstory\" : \"/hierarchicalrequirement?query=(ObjectID%20=%20${task.WorkProduct.ObjectID})&fetch=FormattedID\","
            + "\"timeentryitem\":\"/timeentryitem?query=(Task.ObjectID%20=%20"
            + objectId
            + ")&fetch=Values\","
            + "\"timespent\":\"${timeentryitem.Values.Hours}\""
            + "}";

    log.info("apiURL=" + apiURL);
    log.info("requestJSON=" + requestJSON);

    String responseJSON = postRallyXML(apiURL, requestJSON);

    // log.info("responseJSON="+responseJSON);

    // Map jsonMap=JsonUtil.jsonToMap(responseJSON);
    JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
    Map jsonMap = (Map) parser.parse(responseJSON);

    // log.info("jsonMap="+jsonMap);

    String taskObjId = "";
    String taskFormattedId = "";
    String taskName = "";
    String estimate = "";
    String toDo = "";
    String taskState = "";
    String taskOwner = "";
    String userstoryFormattedId = "";

    // Get task info
    JSONObject taskMap = (JSONObject) jsonMap.get("task");
    JSONArray taskArray = (JSONArray) taskMap.get("Results");
    if (taskArray != null && taskArray.size() > 0) {
      JSONObject taskInfo = (JSONObject) taskArray.get(0);
      // log.info("taskMap="+taskMap);
      // log.info("taskInfo="+taskInfo);

      taskObjId = (taskInfo.get("ObjectID")).toString();
      taskFormattedId = (taskInfo.get("FormattedID")).toString();
      taskState = (taskInfo.get("State")).toString();

      Object taskNameObj = taskInfo.get("Name");
      taskName = taskNameObj == null ? "" : taskNameObj.toString();

      Object estimateObject = taskInfo.get("Estimate");
      estimate = estimateObject == null ? "" : estimateObject.toString();

      Object toDoObject = taskInfo.get("ToDo");
      toDo = toDoObject == null ? "" : toDoObject.toString();

      JSONObject ownerMap = (JSONObject) taskInfo.get("Owner");
      log.info("ownerMap=" + ownerMap);
      if (ownerMap != null) {
        taskOwner = (String) ownerMap.get("_refObjectName");
        if (taskOwner == null) {
          taskOwner = "";

    // Get user story info
    JSONObject userstoryMap = (JSONObject) jsonMap.get("userstory");
    JSONArray userstoryArray = (JSONArray) userstoryMap.get("Results");
    if (userstoryArray != null && userstoryArray.size() > 0) {
      JSONObject userstoryInfo = (JSONObject) userstoryArray.get(0);

      userstoryFormattedId = (userstoryInfo.get("FormattedID")).toString();
      log.info("userstoryFormattedId=" + userstoryFormattedId);

    // Calculate timeSpent
    JSONArray timeSpentList = (JSONArray) jsonMap.get("timespent");
    log.info("timeSpentList=" + timeSpentList);

    double timeSpent = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < timeSpentList.size(); i++) {
      String timeSpentString = (String) timeSpentList.get(i);

      if (timeSpentString != null) {
        timeSpent += Double.parseDouble(timeSpentString);

    map.put("type", "task");
    map.put("formattedId", taskFormattedId);
    map.put("usId", userstoryFormattedId);
    map.put("name", taskName);
    map.put("taskStatus", taskState);
    map.put("owner", taskOwner);
    map.put("taskEstimateTotal", estimate);
    map.put("taskRemainingTotal", toDo);
    map.put("taskTimeSpentTotal", "" + timeSpent);

    return map;
コード例 #5
  public Map getUserStoryTaskMap(String timeEntryItemRef) throws Exception {
    Map taskMap = new HashMap();

    String[] objectIdArr = timeEntryItemRef.split("/");
    String objectId = objectIdArr[objectIdArr.length - 1];

    log.info("objectId=" + objectId);

    String apiURL = "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/1.34/adhoc";

    String requestJSON =
            + "\"timeentryitem\" : \"/timeentryitem?query=(ObjectID%20=%20"
            + objectId
            + ")&fetch=true\","
            + "\"task\" : \"/task?query=(ObjectID%20=%20${timeentryitem.Task.ObjectID})&fetch=true\","
            + "\"userstory\" : \"/hierarchicalrequirement?query=(ObjectID%20=%20${task.WorkProduct.ObjectID})&fetch=true\","
            + "\"defect\" : \"/defect?query=(ObjectID%20=%20${task.WorkProduct.ObjectID})&fetch=true\""
            + "}";

    log.info("apiURL=" + apiURL);
    log.info("requestJSON=" + requestJSON);

    String responseJSON = postRallyXML(apiURL, requestJSON);

    // Bypass"%;" to avoid exception
    responseJSON = responseJSON.replace("%;", ";");
    responseJSON = responseJSON.replace("%", "");

    Map jsonMap = JsonUtil.jsonToMap(responseJSON);

    String usRef = "";
    String usName = "";
    String usFormattedId = "";
    String usPlanEstimate = "";
    String usTaskEstimateTotal = "";
    String usTaskRemainingTotal = "";
    String usState = "";
    String usOwner = "";

    Map usMap = new HashMap();

    // Get user story info
    JSONObject userstoryMap = (JSONObject) jsonMap.get("userstory");
    JSONArray userstoryArray = (JSONArray) userstoryMap.get("Results");
    if (userstoryArray == null || userstoryArray.size() == 0) {
      userstoryMap = (JSONObject) jsonMap.get("defect");
      userstoryArray = (JSONArray) userstoryMap.get("Results");

    if (userstoryArray != null && userstoryArray.size() > 0) {
      JSONObject userstoryInfo = (JSONObject) userstoryArray.get(0);
      // log.info("userstoryInfo="+userstoryInfo);
      usRef = (userstoryInfo.get("_ref")).toString();
      usFormattedId = (userstoryInfo.get("FormattedID")).toString();
      usName = (userstoryInfo.get("Name")).toString();
      usState = (userstoryInfo.get("ScheduleState")).toString();

      if (userstoryInfo.get("PlanEstimate") != null)
        usPlanEstimate = (userstoryInfo.get("PlanEstimate")).toString();

      if (userstoryInfo.get("TaskEstimateTotal") != null)
        usTaskEstimateTotal = (userstoryInfo.get("TaskEstimateTotal")).toString();

      if (userstoryInfo.get("TaskRemainingTotal") != null)
        usTaskRemainingTotal = (userstoryInfo.get("TaskRemainingTotal")).toString();

      JSONObject ownerMap = (JSONObject) userstoryInfo.get("Owner");
      if (ownerMap != null) {
        usOwner = (String) ownerMap.get("_refObjectName");
        if (usOwner == null) {
          usOwner = "";

    Map usDetailMap = new HashMap();

    usDetailMap.put("usFormattedId", usFormattedId);
    usDetailMap.put("usName", usName);
    usDetailMap.put("usPlanEstimate", usPlanEstimate);
    usDetailMap.put("usTaskEstimateTotal", usTaskEstimateTotal);
    usDetailMap.put("usTaskRemainingTotal", usTaskRemainingTotal);
    usDetailMap.put("usOwner", usOwner);
    usDetailMap.put("usState", usState);

    usMap.put(usRef, usDetailMap);

    // log.info("usMap="+usMap);

    String taskObjId = "";
    String taskFormattedId = "";
    String taskName = "";
    String estimate = "";
    String toDo = "";
    String taskState = "";
    String taskOwner = "";
    String projectName = "";
    String iterationName = "";
    String workProductRef = "";

    List taskList = new ArrayList();

    // Get task info
    JSONObject taskJsonMap = (JSONObject) jsonMap.get("task");
    JSONArray taskArray = (JSONArray) taskJsonMap.get("Results");
    if (taskArray != null && taskArray.size() > 0) {

      for (int i = 0; i < taskArray.size(); i++) {

        JSONObject taskInfo = (JSONObject) taskArray.get(0);
        // log.info("taskMap="+taskMap);
        // log.info("taskInfo="+taskInfo);

        taskObjId = (taskInfo.get("ObjectID")).toString();
        taskFormattedId = (taskInfo.get("FormattedID")).toString();
        taskState = (taskInfo.get("State")).toString();

        Object taskNameObj = taskInfo.get("Name");
        taskName = taskNameObj == null ? "" : taskNameObj.toString();

        Object estimateObject = taskInfo.get("Estimate");
        estimate = estimateObject == null ? "" : estimateObject.toString();

        Object toDoObject = taskInfo.get("ToDo");
        toDo = toDoObject == null ? "" : toDoObject.toString();

        JSONObject ownerMap = (JSONObject) taskInfo.get("Owner");
        // log.info("ownerMap="+ownerMap);
        if (ownerMap != null) {
          taskOwner = (String) ownerMap.get("_refObjectName");
          if (taskOwner == null) {
            taskOwner = "";

        JSONObject workProductMap = (JSONObject) taskInfo.get("WorkProduct");
        // log.info("workProductMap="+workProductMap);
        if (workProductMap != null) {
          workProductRef = (String) workProductMap.get("_ref");
          if (workProductRef == null) {
            workProductRef = "";

        JSONObject projectMap = (JSONObject) taskInfo.get("Project");
        // log.info("projectMap="+projectMap);
        if (projectMap != null) {
          projectName = (String) projectMap.get("_refObjectName");
          if (projectName == null) {
            projectName = "";

        JSONObject iterationMap = (JSONObject) taskInfo.get("Iteration");
        // log.info("iterationMap="+iterationMap);
        if (iterationMap != null) {
          iterationName = (String) iterationMap.get("_refObjectName");
          if (iterationName == null) {
            iterationName = "";

        taskMap.put("taskFormattedId", taskFormattedId);
        taskMap.put("taskName", taskName);
        taskMap.put("taskState", taskState);
        taskMap.put("owner", taskOwner);
        taskMap.put("taskEstimate", estimate);
        taskMap.put("taskRemaining", toDo);
        taskMap.put("projectName", projectName);
        taskMap.put("iterationName", iterationName);

        Map map = (Map) usMap.get(workProductRef);
        taskMap.put("usName", map.get("usFormattedId") + " " + map.get("usName"));

        log.info("taskMap=" + taskMap);
      } // for taskArray

    return taskMap;
コード例 #6
  public double getTimeSpentByTask(String taskNo) throws Exception {

    double timeSpent = 0.0D;

    String apiURL = "https://rally1.rallydev.com/slm/webservice/1.34/adhoc";

    String requestJSON =
            + "\"task\" : \"/task?query=(FormattedID%20=%20"
            + taskNo
            + ")&fetch=true\","
            + "\"timeentryitem\":\"/timeentryitem?query=(Task.FormattedID%20=%20"
            + taskNo
            + ")&fetch=Values\","
            + "\"timespent\":\"${timeentryitem.Values.Hours}\""
            + "}";

    log.info("apiURL=" + apiURL);
    log.info("requestJSON=" + requestJSON);

    String responseJSON = postRallyXML(apiURL, requestJSON);

    // log.info("responseJSON="+responseJSON);

    // Map jsonMap=JsonUtil.jsonToMap(responseJSON);
    JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
    Map jsonMap = (Map) parser.parse(responseJSON);


    String taskObjId="";
    String taskFormattedId="";
    String taskName="";
    String estimate="";
    String toDo="";
    String taskState="";
    String taskOwner="";
    String userstoryFormattedId="";

    //Get task info
    JSONObject taskMap=(JSONObject)jsonMap.get("task");
    JSONArray taskArray=(JSONArray)taskMap.get("Results");
    if(taskArray!=null && taskArray.size()>0) {
    	JSONObject taskInfo=(JSONObject)taskArray.get(0);


    	Object taskNameObj=taskInfo.get("Name");
    	taskName=taskNameObj==null ? "" : taskNameObj.toString();

    	Object estimateObject=taskInfo.get("Estimate");
    	estimate=estimateObject==null ? "" : estimateObject.toString();

    	Object toDoObject=taskInfo.get("ToDo");
    	toDo=toDoObject==null ? "" : toDoObject.toString();

    	JSONObject ownerMap=(JSONObject)taskInfo.get("Owner");
    	if(ownerMap!=null) {
    		if(taskOwner==null) {

    //Get user story info
    JSONObject userstoryMap=(JSONObject)jsonMap.get("userstory");
    JSONArray userstoryArray=(JSONArray)userstoryMap.get("Results");
    if(userstoryArray!=null && userstoryArray.size()>0) {
    	JSONObject userstoryInfo=(JSONObject)userstoryArray.get(0);


    // Calculate timeSpent
    JSONArray timeSpentList = (JSONArray) jsonMap.get("timespent");
    log.info("timeSpentList=" + timeSpentList);

    // double timeSpent=0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < timeSpentList.size(); i++) {
      String timeSpentString = (String) timeSpentList.get(i);

      if (timeSpentString != null) {
        timeSpent += Double.parseDouble(timeSpentString);

    return timeSpent;