public void init(List additionalDirectories) { loadPath = RubyArray.newArray(runtime); loadedFeatures = RubyArray.newArray(runtime); loadedFeaturesInternal = Collections.synchronizedList(loadedFeatures); // add all startup load paths to the list first for (Iterator iter = additionalDirectories.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { addPath((String); } // add $RUBYLIB paths RubyHash env = (RubyHash) runtime.getObject().fastGetConstant("ENV"); RubyString env_rubylib = runtime.newString("RUBYLIB"); if (env.has_key_p(env_rubylib).isTrue()) { String rubylib = env.op_aref(runtime.getCurrentContext(), env_rubylib).toString(); String[] paths = rubylib.split(File.pathSeparator); for (int i = 0; i < paths.length; i++) { addPath(paths[i]); } } // wrap in try/catch for security exceptions in an applet if (!Ruby.isSecurityRestricted()) { try { String jrubyHome = runtime.getJRubyHome(); if (jrubyHome != null) { char sep = '/'; String rubyDir = jrubyHome + sep + "lib" + sep + "ruby" + sep; // If we're running in 1.9 compat mode, add Ruby 1.9 libs to path before 1.8 libs if (runtime.is1_9()) { addPath(rubyDir + "site_ruby" + sep + Constants.RUBY1_9_MAJOR_VERSION); addPath(rubyDir + "site_ruby" + sep + "shared"); addPath(rubyDir + "site_ruby" + sep + Constants.RUBY_MAJOR_VERSION); addPath(rubyDir + Constants.RUBY1_9_MAJOR_VERSION); } else { // Add 1.8 libs addPath(rubyDir + "site_ruby" + sep + Constants.RUBY_MAJOR_VERSION); addPath(rubyDir + "site_ruby" + sep + "shared"); addPath(rubyDir + Constants.RUBY_MAJOR_VERSION); } } } catch (SecurityException e) { } } // "." dir is used for relative path loads from a given file, as in require '../foo/bar' if (runtime.getSafeLevel() == 0) { addPath("."); } }
public static final void checkStringSafety(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject value) { RubyString s = value.asString(); if (runtime.getSafeLevel() > 0 && s.isTaint()) { throw runtime.newSecurityError("Unsafe string parameter"); } ByteList bl = s.getByteList(); final byte[] array = bl.unsafeBytes(); final int end = bl.length(); for (int i = bl.begin(); i < end; ++i) { if (array[i] == (byte) 0) { throw runtime.newSecurityError("string contains null byte"); } } }
private IRubyObject defaultTmpDir(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject[] args) { IRubyObject dir = null; if (args.length == 2) { dir = args[1]; } else { // Dir::tmpdir runtime.getLoadService().require("tmpdir"); dir = runtime.getDir().callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), "tmpdir"); } if (runtime.getSafeLevel() > 0 && dir.isTaint()) { dir = runtime.newString(DEFAULT_TMP_DIR); } return dir; }
@Override public IRubyObject close_read(ThreadContext context) { Ruby runtime = context.getRuntime(); if (runtime.getSafeLevel() >= 4 && isTaint()) { throw runtime.newSecurityError("Insecure: can't close"); } if (!openFile.isOpen()) { throw context.getRuntime().newIOError("not opened for reading"); } if (!openFile.isWritable()) { close(); } else { // shutdown read shutdownInternal(context, 0); } return runtime.getNil(); }