public void getMemberTask(long code) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException { System.out.println("**in get member task func"); String[] temp = TaskManager.getInstance().getTasksByUser(code); int tasknum = UserManager.getInstance().getLoginUserByHashcode(code).getUserTask().size(); for (int i = 0; i < tasknum; i++) { TaskId[i] = temp[0 + 5 * i]; ThisId[i] = temp[1 + 5 * i]; ThatId[i] = temp[2 + 5 * i]; time[i] = temp[3 + 5 * i]; IfRun[i] = temp[4 + 5 * i]; } }
public void createTask( long authCode, String taskname, String taskDscrip, String thisDscrip, String thisType, String thatDscrip, String thatType, boolean repeat) throws SQLException, ClassNotFoundException { /** thisType: time-after, thisDscrip: thatDscrip: */ System.out.println( authCode + taskname + taskDscrip + thisDscrip + thisType + thatDscrip + thatType + repeat); This event = null; That action = null; String thisTypeString = ""; String thatTypeString = ""; String thisParams = ""; String thatParams = ""; CommonUser currentUser = UserManager.getInstance().getLoginUserByHashcode(authCode); String[] thisPara = thisDscrip.split("#&#"); String[] thatPara = thatDscrip.split("#&#"); if (thisType.equals("time-after")) { String time[] = thisPara[0].split("-"); event = new TimeEvent(time[0], time[1], time[2], time[3], time[4]); System.out.println(time[0] + "," + time[1] + "," + time[2] + "," + time[3] + "," + time[4]); thisTypeString = "EVENT-time-after"; thisParams = thisParams + thisPara[0]; } else if (thisType.equals("weibo-update")) { event = new GetWeiboEvent(thisPara[0], null, thisPara[1]); thisTypeString = "EVENT-weibo-get"; thisParams = thisParams + thisPara[0]; } else if (thisType.equals("email-receive")) { try { event = new MailEvent(currentUser); thisTypeString = "EVENT-mail-receive"; } catch (MessagingException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } if (thatType.equals("weibo-update")) { CommonContent content = new CommonContent(); ChannelUser weiboUser = new ChannelUser(); weiboUser.setUsername(thatPara[0]); weiboUser.setPassword(thatPara[1]); UserManager.getInstance().addChannel(authCode, "weibo", weiboUser); System.out.println(thatPara[0] + "," + thatPara[1]); content.setTextString(thatPara[2]); action = new UpdateWeiboAction(currentUser, content); thatTypeString = "ACTION-weibo-update"; thatParams = thatParams + thatPara[2]; System.out.println("***IN, thatParams :" + thatParams); } else if (thatType.equals("gmail-send")) { CommonContent content = new CommonContent(); ChannelUser mailUser = new ChannelUser(); mailUser.setUsername(thatPara[0]); mailUser.setPassword(thatPara[1]); UserManager.getInstance().addChannel(authCode, "mail", mailUser); content.setTextString(thatPara[2]); action = new SendMailAction(currentUser, content, thatPara[3]); thatTypeString = "ACTION-mail-send"; thatParams = thatParams + thatPara[2] + "|" + thatPara[3]; } System.out.println("A NEW TASK: thisType: " + thisTypeString + "thatType: " + thatTypeString); long taskId = TaskManager.getInstance() .insertTask( authCode, taskname, event, thisTypeString, thisParams, action, thatTypeString, thatParams, repeat); // TaskManager.getInstance().startTask(taskId); }
public int getTaskCountByAuthcode(long authcode) { taskCount = 3; /*need to add the impl to get the count of the task*/ int tasknum = UserManager.getInstance().getLoginUserByHashcode(authcode).getUserTask().size(); return tasknum; }