@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Test public void testAdditionalParameters() { Map<String, Object> requestParameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); requestParameters.put("node", "root"); requestParameters.put("foo", "foo"); requestParameters.put("today", ISODateTimeFormat.date().print(new LocalDate())); List<Node> nodes = (List<Node>) ControllerUtil.sendAndReceive( mockMvc, "remoteProviderTreeLoad", "method2", new TypeReference<List<Node>>() { /* nothinghere */ }, requestParameters); String appendix = ":foo;" + new LocalDate().toString(); assertThat(nodes) .hasSize(5) .containsSequence( new Node("n1", "Node 1" + appendix, false), new Node("n2", "Node 2" + appendix, false), new Node("n3", "Node 3" + appendix, false), new Node("n4", "Node 4" + appendix, false), new Node("n5", "Node 5" + appendix, false)); requestParameters = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); requestParameters.put("node", "root"); requestParameters.put("today", ISODateTimeFormat.date().print(new LocalDate().plusDays(10))); nodes = (List<Node>) ControllerUtil.sendAndReceive( mockMvc, "remoteProviderTreeLoad", "method2", new TypeReference<List<Node>>() { /* nothinghere */ }, requestParameters); appendix = ":defaultValue;" + new LocalDate().plusDays(10).toString(); assertThat(nodes) .hasSize(5) .containsSequence( new Node("n1", "Node 1" + appendix, false), new Node("n2", "Node 2" + appendix, false), new Node("n3", "Node 3" + appendix, false), new Node("n4", "Node 4" + appendix, false), new Node("n5", "Node 5" + appendix, false)); }
/** Gson TypeAdapter for Joda LocalDate type */ class LocalDateTypeAdapter extends TypeAdapter<LocalDate> { private final DateTimeFormatter formatter = ISODateTimeFormat.date(); @Override public void write(JsonWriter out, LocalDate date) throws IOException { if (date == null) { out.nullValue(); } else { out.value(formatter.print(date)); } } @Override public LocalDate read(JsonReader in) throws IOException { switch (in.peek()) { case NULL: in.nextNull(); return null; default: String date = in.nextString(); return formatter.parseLocalDate(date); } } }
/** * @param isNullable isNullable * @param earliest lower boundary date * @param latest upper boundary date * @param onlyBusinessDays only business days * @return a list of boundary dates */ public List<String> positiveCase( boolean isNullable, String earliest, String latest, boolean onlyBusinessDays) { List<String> values = new LinkedList<>(); if (earliest.equalsIgnoreCase(latest)) { values.add(earliest); if (isNullable) { values.add(""); } return values; } DateTimeFormatter parser = ISODateTimeFormat.date(); DateTime earlyDate = parser.parseDateTime(earliest); DateTime lateDate = parser.parseDateTime(latest); String earlyDay = parser.print(earlyDate); String nextDay = getNextDay(earlyDate.toString().substring(0, 10), onlyBusinessDays); String prevDay = getPreviousDay(lateDate.toString().substring(0, 10), onlyBusinessDays); String lateDay = parser.print(lateDate); values.add(earlyDay); values.add(nextDay); values.add(prevDay); values.add(lateDay); if (isNullable) { values.add(""); } return values; }
public final class DateMidnightSerializer extends JodaSerializerBase<DateMidnight> { static final DateTimeFormatter format = ISODateTimeFormat.date(); public DateMidnightSerializer() { super(DateMidnight.class); } @Override public void serialize(DateMidnight dt, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { if (provider.isEnabled(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS)) { // same as with other date-only values jgen.writeStartArray(); jgen.writeNumber(dt.year().get()); jgen.writeNumber(dt.monthOfYear().get()); jgen.writeNumber(dt.dayOfMonth().get()); jgen.writeEndArray(); } else { jgen.writeString(format.print(dt)); } } @Override public JsonNode getSchema(SerializerProvider provider, java.lang.reflect.Type typeHint) { return createSchemaNode( provider.isEnabled(SerializationFeature.WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS) ? "array" : "string", true); } }
/** * Grab random holiday from the equivalence class that falls between the two dates * * @param earliest the earliest date parameter as defined in the model * @param latest the latest date parameter as defined in the model * @return a holiday that falls between the dates */ public String getRandomHoliday(String earliest, String latest) { String dateString = ""; DateTimeFormatter parser = ISODateTimeFormat.date(); DateTime earlyDate = parser.parseDateTime(earliest); DateTime lateDate = parser.parseDateTime(latest); List<Holiday> holidays = new LinkedList<>(); int min = Integer.parseInt(earlyDate.toString().substring(0, 4)); int max = Integer.parseInt(lateDate.toString().substring(0, 4)); int range = max - min + 1; int randomYear = (int) (Math.random() * range) + min; for (Holiday s : EquivalenceClassTransformer.HOLIDAYS) { holidays.add(s); } Collections.shuffle(holidays); for (Holiday holiday : holidays) { dateString = convertToReadableDate(holiday.forYear(randomYear)); if (toDate(dateString).after(toDate(earliest)) && toDate(dateString).before(toDate(latest))) { break; } } return dateString; }
@Test public void testWithConversion() throws IOException { DateTime today = new DateTime(); Map<String, Object> resultMap = (Map<String, Object>) ControllerUtil.sendAndReceive( controller, "remoteProviderSimple", "method14", a( ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime().print(today), "normalParameter", ISODateTimeFormat.date().print(today), "99.9%"), Map.class); assertThat(resultMap.get("endDate")).isEqualTo(today.getMillis()); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); List<Object> expectedValue = mapper.readValue(mapper.writeValueAsString(today.toLocalDate()), List.class); Object actualValue = resultMap.get("jodaLocalDate"); assertThat((List<Object>) resultMap.get("jodaLocalDate")).isEqualTo(expectedValue); assertThat(resultMap.get("percent")).isEqualTo(0.999); assertThat(resultMap.get("normalParameter")).isEqualTo("normalParameter"); assertThat(resultMap.get("remoteAddr")).isEqualTo(""); }
/** * Takes a date, and retrieves the next business day * * @param dateString the date * @param onlyBusinessDays only business days * @return a string containing the next business day */ public String getNextDay(String dateString, boolean onlyBusinessDays) { DateTimeFormatter parser = ISODateTimeFormat.date(); DateTime date = parser.parseDateTime(dateString).plusDays(1); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(date.toDate()); if (onlyBusinessDays) { if (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == 1 || cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == 7 || isHoliday(date.toString().substring(0, 10))) { return getNextDay(date.toString().substring(0, 10), true); } else { return parser.print(date); } } else { return parser.print(date); } }
/** * Convert the holiday format from EquivalenceClassTransformer into a date format * * @param holiday the date * @return a date String in the format yyyy-MM-dd */ public String convertToReadableDate(Holiday holiday) { DateTimeFormatter parser = ISODateTimeFormat.date(); if (holiday.isInDateForm()) { String month = Integer.toString(holiday.getMonth()).length() < 2 ? "0" + holiday.getMonth() : Integer.toString(holiday.getMonth()); String day = Integer.toString(holiday.getDayOfMonth()).length() < 2 ? "0" + holiday.getDayOfMonth() : Integer.toString(holiday.getDayOfMonth()); return holiday.getYear() + "-" + month + "-" + day; } else { /* * 5 denotes the final occurrence of the day in the month. Need to find actual * number of occurrences */ if (holiday.getOccurrence() == 5) { holiday.setOccurrence( numOccurrences(holiday.getYear(), holiday.getMonth(), holiday.getDayOfWeek())); } DateTime date = parser.parseDateTime(holiday.getYear() + "-" + holiday.getMonth() + "-" + "01"); Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(date.toDate()); int count = 0; while (count < holiday.getOccurrence()) { if (calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == holiday.getDayOfWeek()) { count++; if (count == holiday.getOccurrence()) { break; } } date = date.plusDays(1); calendar.setTime(date.toDate()); } return date.toString().substring(0, 10); } }
/** * @param isNullable isNullable * @param earliest lower boundary date * @param latest upper boundary date * @return a list of boundary dates */ public List<String> negativeCase(boolean isNullable, String earliest, String latest) { List<String> values = new LinkedList<>(); DateTimeFormatter parser = ISODateTimeFormat.date(); DateTime earlyDate = parser.parseDateTime(earliest); DateTime lateDate = parser.parseDateTime(latest); String prevDay = parser.print(earlyDate.minusDays(1)); String nextDay = parser.print(lateDate.plusDays(1)); values.add(prevDay); values.add(nextDay); values.add( nextDay.substring(5, 7) + "-" + nextDay.substring(8, 10) + "-" + nextDay.substring(0, 4)); values.add(getRandomHoliday(earliest, latest)); if (!isNullable) { values.add(""); } return values; }
/** * Given a year, month, and day, find the number of occurrences of that day in the month * * @param year the year * @param month the month * @param day the day * @return the number of occurrences of the day in the month */ public int numOccurrences(int year, int month, int day) { DateTimeFormatter parser = ISODateTimeFormat.date(); DateTime date = parser.parseDateTime(year + "-" + month + "-" + "01"); Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTime(date.toDate()); GregorianChronology calendar = GregorianChronology.getInstance(); DateTimeField field = calendar.dayOfMonth(); int days = 0; int count = 0; int num = field.getMaximumValue(new LocalDate(year, month, day, calendar)); while (days < num) { if (cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_WEEK) == day) { count++; } date = date.plusDays(1); cal.setTime(date.toDate()); days++; } return count; }
public class CassandraRecordSink implements RecordSink { private static final DateTimeFormatter DATE_FORMATTER = ISODateTimeFormat.date().withZoneUTC(); private final int fieldCount; private final CassandraSession cassandraSession; private final String insertQuery; private final List<Object> values; private final String schemaName; private final List<Type> columnTypes; private int field = -1; @Inject public CassandraRecordSink(CassandraOutputTableHandle handle, CassandraSession cassandraSession) { this.fieldCount = requireNonNull(handle, "handle is null").getColumnNames().size(); this.cassandraSession = requireNonNull(cassandraSession, "cassandraSession is null"); schemaName = handle.getSchemaName(); StringBuilder queryBuilder = new StringBuilder( String.format("INSERT INTO \"%s\".\"%s\"(", schemaName, handle.getTableName())); queryBuilder.append("id"); for (String columnName : handle.getColumnNames()) { queryBuilder.append(",").append(columnName); } queryBuilder.append(") VALUES (?"); for (int i = 0; i < handle.getColumnNames().size(); i++) { queryBuilder.append(",?"); } queryBuilder.append(")"); insertQuery = queryBuilder.toString(); values = new ArrayList<>(); columnTypes = handle.getColumnTypes(); } @Override public void beginRecord() { checkState(field == -1, "already in record"); field = 0; values.clear(); values.add(UUID.randomUUID()); } @Override public void finishRecord() { checkState(field != -1, "not in record"); checkState(field == fieldCount, "not all fields set"); field = -1; cassandraSession.execute(schemaName, insertQuery, values.toArray()); } @Override public void appendNull() { append(null); } @Override public void appendBoolean(boolean value) { append(value); } @Override public void appendLong(long value) { if (DATE.equals(columnTypes.get(field))) { append(DATE_FORMATTER.print(TimeUnit.DAYS.toMillis(value))); } else if (INTEGER.equals(columnTypes.get(field))) { append(((Number) value).intValue()); } else if (REAL.equals(columnTypes.get(field))) { append(intBitsToFloat((int) value)); } else { append(value); } } @Override public void appendDouble(double value) { append(value); } @Override public void appendString(byte[] value) { append(new String(value, UTF_8)); } @Override public void appendObject(Object value) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } @Override public Collection<Slice> commit() { checkState(field == -1, "record not finished"); // the committer does not need any additional info return ImmutableList.of(); } @Override public void rollback() {} @Override public List<Type> getColumnTypes() { return columnTypes; } private void append(Object value) { checkState(field != -1, "not in record"); checkState(field < fieldCount, "all fields already set"); values.add(value); field++; } }
public final class HiveUtil { public static final String PRESTO_VIEW_FLAG = "presto_view"; private static final String VIEW_PREFIX = "/* Presto View: "; private static final String VIEW_SUFFIX = " */"; private static final DateTimeFormatter HIVE_DATE_PARSER = ISODateTimeFormat.date().withZoneUTC(); private static final DateTimeFormatter HIVE_TIMESTAMP_PARSER; private static final Pattern SUPPORTED_DECIMAL_TYPE = Pattern.compile(DECIMAL_TYPE_NAME + "\\((\\d+),(\\d+)\\)"); private static final int DECIMAL_PRECISION_GROUP = 1; private static final int DECIMAL_SCALE_GROUP = 2; private static final String BIG_DECIMAL_POSTFIX = "BD"; static { DateTimeParser[] timestampWithoutTimeZoneParser = { DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-M-d").getParser(), DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-M-d H:m").getParser(), DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-M-d H:m:s").getParser(), DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-M-d H:m:s.SSS").getParser(), DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-M-d H:m:s.SSSSSSS").getParser(), DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-M-d H:m:s.SSSSSSSSS").getParser(), }; DateTimePrinter timestampWithoutTimeZonePrinter = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS").getPrinter(); HIVE_TIMESTAMP_PARSER = new DateTimeFormatterBuilder() .append(timestampWithoutTimeZonePrinter, timestampWithoutTimeZoneParser) .toFormatter() .withZoneUTC(); } private HiveUtil() {} public static RecordReader<?, ?> createRecordReader( Configuration configuration, Path path, long start, long length, Properties schema, List<HiveColumnHandle> columns) { // determine which hive columns we will read List<HiveColumnHandle> readColumns = ImmutableList.copyOf(filter(columns, column -> column.getColumnType() == REGULAR)); List<Integer> readHiveColumnIndexes = ImmutableList.copyOf(transform(readColumns, HiveColumnHandle::getHiveColumnIndex)); // Tell hive the columns we would like to read, this lets hive optimize reading column oriented // files setReadColumns(configuration, readHiveColumnIndexes); InputFormat<?, ?> inputFormat = getInputFormat(configuration, schema, true); JobConf jobConf = new JobConf(configuration); FileSplit fileSplit = new FileSplit(path, start, length, (String[]) null); // propagate serialization configuration to getRecordReader schema .stringPropertyNames() .stream() .filter(name -> name.startsWith("serialization.")) .forEach(name -> jobConf.set(name, schema.getProperty(name))); try { return retry() .stopOnIllegalExceptions() .run( "createRecordReader", () -> inputFormat.getRecordReader(fileSplit, jobConf, Reporter.NULL)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new PrestoException( HIVE_CANNOT_OPEN_SPLIT, format( "Error opening Hive split %s (offset=%s, length=%s) using %s: %s", path, start, length, getInputFormatName(schema), e.getMessage()), e); } } public static void setReadColumns( Configuration configuration, List<Integer> readHiveColumnIndexes) { configuration.set(READ_COLUMN_IDS_CONF_STR, Joiner.on(',').join(readHiveColumnIndexes)); configuration.setBoolean(READ_ALL_COLUMNS, false); } static InputFormat<?, ?> getInputFormat( Configuration configuration, Properties schema, boolean symlinkTarget) { String inputFormatName = getInputFormatName(schema); try { JobConf jobConf = new JobConf(configuration); Class<? extends InputFormat<?, ?>> inputFormatClass = getInputFormatClass(jobConf, inputFormatName); if (symlinkTarget && (inputFormatClass == SymlinkTextInputFormat.class)) { // symlink targets are always TextInputFormat inputFormatClass = TextInputFormat.class; } return ReflectionUtils.newInstance(inputFormatClass, jobConf); } catch (ClassNotFoundException | RuntimeException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create input format " + inputFormatName, e); } } @SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "RedundantCast"}) private static Class<? extends InputFormat<?, ?>> getInputFormatClass( JobConf conf, String inputFormatName) throws ClassNotFoundException { // CDH uses different names for Parquet if ("parquet.hive.DeprecatedParquetInputFormat".equals(inputFormatName) || "parquet.hive.MapredParquetInputFormat".equals(inputFormatName)) { return MapredParquetInputFormat.class; } Class<?> clazz = conf.getClassByName(inputFormatName); // TODO: remove redundant cast to Object after IDEA-118533 is fixed return (Class<? extends InputFormat<?, ?>>) (Object) clazz.asSubclass(InputFormat.class); } static String getInputFormatName(Properties schema) { String name = schema.getProperty(FILE_INPUT_FORMAT); checkCondition( name != null, HIVE_INVALID_METADATA, "Table or partition is missing Hive input format property: %s", FILE_INPUT_FORMAT); return name; } public static long parseHiveDate(String value) { long millis = HIVE_DATE_PARSER.parseMillis(value); return TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(millis); } public static long parseHiveTimestamp(String value, DateTimeZone timeZone) { return HIVE_TIMESTAMP_PARSER.withZone(timeZone).parseMillis(value); } static boolean isSplittable(InputFormat<?, ?> inputFormat, FileSystem fileSystem, Path path) { // ORC uses a custom InputFormat but is always splittable if (inputFormat.getClass().getSimpleName().equals("OrcInputFormat")) { return true; } // use reflection to get isSplittable method on FileInputFormat Method method = null; for (Class<?> clazz = inputFormat.getClass(); clazz != null; clazz = clazz.getSuperclass()) { try { method = clazz.getDeclaredMethod("isSplitable", FileSystem.class, Path.class); break; } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignored) { } } if (method == null) { return false; } try { method.setAccessible(true); return (boolean) method.invoke(inputFormat, fileSystem, path); } catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } public static StructObjectInspector getTableObjectInspector(Properties schema) { return getTableObjectInspector(getDeserializer(schema)); } public static StructObjectInspector getTableObjectInspector( @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") Deserializer deserializer) { try { ObjectInspector inspector = deserializer.getObjectInspector(); checkArgument( inspector.getCategory() == Category.STRUCT, "expected STRUCT: %s", inspector.getCategory()); return (StructObjectInspector) inspector; } catch (SerDeException e) { throw Throwables.propagate(e); } } public static List<? extends StructField> getTableStructFields(Table table) { return getTableObjectInspector(getHiveSchema(table)).getAllStructFieldRefs(); } public static boolean isDeserializerClass(Properties schema, Class<?> deserializerClass) { return getDeserializerClassName(schema).equals(deserializerClass.getName()); } public static String getDeserializerClassName(Properties schema) { String name = schema.getProperty(SERIALIZATION_LIB); checkCondition( name != null, HIVE_INVALID_METADATA, "Table or partition is missing Hive deserializer property: %s", SERIALIZATION_LIB); return name; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public static Deserializer getDeserializer(Properties schema) { String name = getDeserializerClassName(schema); Deserializer deserializer = createDeserializer(getDeserializerClass(name)); initializeDeserializer(deserializer, schema); return deserializer; } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static Class<? extends Deserializer> getDeserializerClass(String name) { // CDH uses different names for Parquet if ("parquet.hive.serde.ParquetHiveSerDe".equals(name)) { return ParquetHiveSerDe.class; } try { return Class.forName(name, true, JavaUtils.getClassLoader()).asSubclass(Deserializer.class); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new PrestoException(HIVE_SERDE_NOT_FOUND, "deserializer does not exist: " + name); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new RuntimeException("invalid deserializer class: " + name); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static Deserializer createDeserializer(Class<? extends Deserializer> clazz) { try { return clazz.getConstructor().newInstance(); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new RuntimeException("error creating deserializer: " + clazz.getName(), e); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") private static void initializeDeserializer(Deserializer deserializer, Properties schema) { try { deserializer.initialize(new Configuration(false), schema); } catch (SerDeException e) { throw new RuntimeException( "error initializing deserializer: " + deserializer.getClass().getName()); } } public static boolean isHiveNull(byte[] bytes) { return bytes.length == 2 && bytes[0] == '\\' && bytes[1] == 'N'; } public static NullableValue parsePartitionValue( String partitionName, String value, Type type, DateTimeZone timeZone) { boolean isNull = HIVE_DEFAULT_DYNAMIC_PARTITION.equals(value); if (type instanceof DecimalType) { DecimalType decimalType = (DecimalType) type; if (isNull) { return NullableValue.asNull(decimalType); } if (decimalType.isShort()) { if (value.isEmpty()) { return NullableValue.of(decimalType, 0L); } return NullableValue.of( decimalType, shortDecimalPartitionKey(value, decimalType, partitionName)); } else { if (value.isEmpty()) { return NullableValue.of(decimalType, Decimals.encodeUnscaledValue(BigInteger.ZERO)); } return NullableValue.of( decimalType, longDecimalPartitionKey(value, decimalType, partitionName)); } } if (BOOLEAN.equals(type)) { if (isNull) { return NullableValue.asNull(BOOLEAN); } if (value.isEmpty()) { return NullableValue.of(BOOLEAN, false); } return NullableValue.of(BOOLEAN, booleanPartitionKey(value, partitionName)); } if (TINYINT.equals(type)) { if (isNull) { return NullableValue.asNull(TINYINT); } if (value.isEmpty()) { return NullableValue.of(TINYINT, 0L); } return NullableValue.of(TINYINT, tinyintPartitionKey(value, partitionName)); } if (SMALLINT.equals(type)) { if (isNull) { return NullableValue.asNull(SMALLINT); } if (value.isEmpty()) { return NullableValue.of(SMALLINT, 0L); } return NullableValue.of(SMALLINT, smallintPartitionKey(value, partitionName)); } if (INTEGER.equals(type)) { if (isNull) { return NullableValue.asNull(INTEGER); } if (value.isEmpty()) { return NullableValue.of(INTEGER, 0L); } return NullableValue.of(INTEGER, integerPartitionKey(value, partitionName)); } if (BIGINT.equals(type)) { if (isNull) { return NullableValue.asNull(BIGINT); } if (value.isEmpty()) { return NullableValue.of(BIGINT, 0L); } return NullableValue.of(BIGINT, bigintPartitionKey(value, partitionName)); } if (DATE.equals(type)) { if (isNull) { return NullableValue.asNull(DATE); } return NullableValue.of(DATE, datePartitionKey(value, partitionName)); } if (TIMESTAMP.equals(type)) { if (isNull) { return NullableValue.asNull(TIMESTAMP); } return NullableValue.of(TIMESTAMP, timestampPartitionKey(value, timeZone, partitionName)); } if (REAL.equals(type)) { if (isNull) { return NullableValue.asNull(REAL); } if (value.isEmpty()) { return NullableValue.of(REAL, (long) floatToRawIntBits(0.0f)); } return NullableValue.of(REAL, floatPartitionKey(value, partitionName)); } if (DOUBLE.equals(type)) { if (isNull) { return NullableValue.asNull(DOUBLE); } if (value.isEmpty()) { return NullableValue.of(DOUBLE, 0.0); } return NullableValue.of(DOUBLE, doublePartitionKey(value, partitionName)); } if (type instanceof VarcharType) { if (isNull) { return NullableValue.asNull(type); } return NullableValue.of(type, varcharPartitionKey(value, partitionName, type)); } if (isCharType(type)) { if (isNull) { return NullableValue.asNull(type); } return NullableValue.of(type, charPartitionKey(value, partitionName, type)); } throw new PrestoException( NOT_SUPPORTED, format("Unsupported Type [%s] for partition: %s", type, partitionName)); } public static boolean isPrestoView(Table table) { return "true".equals(table.getParameters().get(PRESTO_VIEW_FLAG)); } public static String encodeViewData(String data) { return VIEW_PREFIX + Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(data.getBytes(UTF_8)) + VIEW_SUFFIX; } public static String decodeViewData(String data) { checkCondition( data.startsWith(VIEW_PREFIX), HIVE_INVALID_VIEW_DATA, "View data missing prefix: %s", data); checkCondition( data.endsWith(VIEW_SUFFIX), HIVE_INVALID_VIEW_DATA, "View data missing suffix: %s", data); data = data.substring(VIEW_PREFIX.length()); data = data.substring(0, data.length() - VIEW_SUFFIX.length()); return new String(Base64.getDecoder().decode(data), UTF_8); } public static Optional<DecimalType> getDecimalType(HiveType hiveType) { return getDecimalType(hiveType.getHiveTypeName()); } public static Optional<DecimalType> getDecimalType(String hiveTypeName) { Matcher matcher = SUPPORTED_DECIMAL_TYPE.matcher(hiveTypeName); if (matcher.matches()) { int precision = parseInt(matcher.group(DECIMAL_PRECISION_GROUP)); int scale = parseInt(matcher.group(DECIMAL_SCALE_GROUP)); return Optional.of(createDecimalType(precision, scale)); } else { return Optional.empty(); } } public static boolean isArrayType(Type type) { return type.getTypeSignature().getBase().equals(StandardTypes.ARRAY); } public static boolean isMapType(Type type) { return type.getTypeSignature().getBase().equals(StandardTypes.MAP); } public static boolean isRowType(Type type) { return type.getTypeSignature().getBase().equals(StandardTypes.ROW); } public static boolean isStructuralType(Type type) { String baseName = type.getTypeSignature().getBase(); return baseName.equals(StandardTypes.MAP) || baseName.equals(StandardTypes.ARRAY) || baseName.equals(StandardTypes.ROW); } public static boolean isStructuralType(HiveType hiveType) { return hiveType.getCategory() == Category.LIST || hiveType.getCategory() == Category.MAP || hiveType.getCategory() == Category.STRUCT; } public static boolean booleanPartitionKey(String value, String name) { if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { return true; } if (value.equalsIgnoreCase("false")) { return false; } throw new PrestoException( HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE, format("Invalid partition value '%s' for BOOLEAN partition key: %s", value, name)); } public static long bigintPartitionKey(String value, String name) { try { return parseLong(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new PrestoException( HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE, format("Invalid partition value '%s' for BIGINT partition key: %s", value, name)); } } public static long integerPartitionKey(String value, String name) { try { return parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new PrestoException( HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE, format("Invalid partition value '%s' for INTEGER partition key: %s", value, name)); } } public static long smallintPartitionKey(String value, String name) { try { return parseShort(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new PrestoException( HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE, format("Invalid partition value '%s' for SMALLINT partition key: %s", value, name)); } } public static long tinyintPartitionKey(String value, String name) { try { return parseByte(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new PrestoException( HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE, format("Invalid partition value '%s' for TINYINT partition key: %s", value, name)); } } public static long floatPartitionKey(String value, String name) { try { return floatToRawIntBits(parseFloat(value)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new PrestoException( HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE, format("Invalid partition value '%s' for FLOAT partition key: %s", value, name)); } } public static double doublePartitionKey(String value, String name) { try { return parseDouble(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new PrestoException( HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE, format("Invalid partition value '%s' for DOUBLE partition key: %s", value, name)); } } public static long datePartitionKey(String value, String name) { try { return parseHiveDate(value); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new PrestoException( HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE, format("Invalid partition value '%s' for DATE partition key: %s", value, name)); } } public static long timestampPartitionKey(String value, DateTimeZone zone, String name) { try { return parseHiveTimestamp(value, zone); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new PrestoException( HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE, format("Invalid partition value '%s' for TIMESTAMP partition key: %s", value, name)); } } public static long shortDecimalPartitionKey(String value, DecimalType type, String name) { return decimalPartitionKey(value, type, name).unscaledValue().longValue(); } public static Slice longDecimalPartitionKey(String value, DecimalType type, String name) { return Decimals.encodeUnscaledValue(decimalPartitionKey(value, type, name).unscaledValue()); } private static BigDecimal decimalPartitionKey(String value, DecimalType type, String name) { try { if (value.endsWith(BIG_DECIMAL_POSTFIX)) { value = value.substring(0, value.length() - BIG_DECIMAL_POSTFIX.length()); } BigDecimal decimal = new BigDecimal(value); decimal = decimal.setScale(type.getScale(), ROUND_UNNECESSARY); if (decimal.precision() > type.getPrecision()) { throw new PrestoException( HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE, format( "Invalid partition value '%s' for %s partition key: %s", value, type.toString(), name)); } return decimal; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new PrestoException( HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE, format( "Invalid partition value '%s' for %s partition key: %s", value, type.toString(), name)); } } public static Slice varcharPartitionKey(String value, String name, Type columnType) { Slice partitionKey = Slices.utf8Slice(value); VarcharType varcharType = checkType(columnType, VarcharType.class, "columnType"); if (SliceUtf8.countCodePoints(partitionKey) > varcharType.getLength()) { throw new PrestoException( HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE, format( "Invalid partition value '%s' for %s partition key: %s", value, columnType.toString(), name)); } return partitionKey; } public static Slice charPartitionKey(String value, String name, Type columnType) { Slice partitionKey = trimSpaces(Slices.utf8Slice(value)); CharType charType = checkType(columnType, CharType.class, "columnType"); if (SliceUtf8.countCodePoints(partitionKey) > charType.getLength()) { throw new PrestoException( HIVE_INVALID_PARTITION_VALUE, format( "Invalid partition value '%s' for %s partition key: %s", value, columnType.toString(), name)); } return partitionKey; } public static SchemaTableName schemaTableName(ConnectorTableHandle tableHandle) { return checkType(tableHandle, HiveTableHandle.class, "tableHandle").getSchemaTableName(); } public static List<HiveColumnHandle> hiveColumnHandles( String connectorId, Table table, boolean forceIntegralToBigint) { ImmutableList.Builder<HiveColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.builder(); // add the data fields first columns.addAll(getRegularColumnHandles(connectorId, table, forceIntegralToBigint)); // add the partition keys last (like Hive does) columns.addAll(getPartitionKeyColumnHandles(connectorId, table, forceIntegralToBigint)); // add hidden column columns.add(pathColumnHandle(connectorId)); return columns.build(); } public static List<HiveColumnHandle> getRegularColumnHandles( String connectorId, Table table, boolean forceIntegralToBigint) { ImmutableList.Builder<HiveColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.builder(); int hiveColumnIndex = 0; for (Column field : table.getDataColumns()) { // ignore unsupported types rather than failing HiveType hiveType = field.getType(); if (hiveType.isSupportedType()) { columns.add( new HiveColumnHandle( connectorId, field.getName(), hiveType, hiveType.getTypeSignature(forceIntegralToBigint), hiveColumnIndex, REGULAR)); } hiveColumnIndex++; } return columns.build(); } public static List<HiveColumnHandle> getPartitionKeyColumnHandles( String connectorId, Table table, boolean forceIntegralToBigint) { ImmutableList.Builder<HiveColumnHandle> columns = ImmutableList.builder(); List<Column> partitionKeys = table.getPartitionColumns(); for (Column field : partitionKeys) { HiveType hiveType = field.getType(); if (!hiveType.isSupportedType()) { throw new PrestoException( NOT_SUPPORTED, format( "Unsupported Hive type %s found in partition keys of table %s.%s", hiveType, table.getDatabaseName(), table.getTableName())); } columns.add( new HiveColumnHandle( connectorId, field.getName(), hiveType, hiveType.getTypeSignature(forceIntegralToBigint), -1, PARTITION_KEY)); } return columns.build(); } public static Slice base64Decode(byte[] bytes) { return Slices.wrappedBuffer(Base64.getDecoder().decode(bytes)); } public static void checkCondition( boolean condition, ErrorCodeSupplier errorCode, String formatString, Object... args) { if (!condition) { throw new PrestoException(errorCode, format(formatString, args)); } } @Nullable public static String annotateColumnComment(Optional<String> comment, boolean partitionKey) { String normalizedComment = comment.orElse("").trim(); if (partitionKey) { if (normalizedComment.isEmpty()) { normalizedComment = "Partition Key"; } else { normalizedComment = "Partition Key: " + normalizedComment; } } return normalizedComment.isEmpty() ? null : normalizedComment; } public static List<String> toPartitionValues(String partitionName) { // mimics Warehouse.makeValsFromName ImmutableList.Builder<String> resultBuilder = ImmutableList.builder(); int start = 0; while (true) { while (start < partitionName.length() && partitionName.charAt(start) != '=') { start++; } start++; int end = start; while (end < partitionName.length() && partitionName.charAt(end) != '/') { end++; } if (start > partitionName.length()) { break; } resultBuilder.add(unescapePathName(partitionName.substring(start, end))); start = end + 1; } return resultBuilder.build(); } public static String getPrefilledColumnValue( HiveColumnHandle columnHandle, HivePartitionKey partitionKey, Path path) { if (partitionKey != null) { return partitionKey.getValue(); } if (isPathColumnHandle(columnHandle)) { return path.toString(); } throw new PrestoException(NOT_SUPPORTED, "unsupported hidden column: " + columnHandle); } public static void closeWithSuppression(RecordCursor recordCursor, Throwable throwable) { requireNonNull(recordCursor, "recordCursor is null"); requireNonNull(throwable, "throwable is null"); try { recordCursor.close(); } catch (RuntimeException e) { // Self-suppression not permitted if (throwable != e) { throwable.addSuppressed(e); } } } }
public JsonElement serialize(LocalDate src, Type typeOfSrc, JsonSerializationContext context) { DateTimeFormatter fmt = ISODateTimeFormat.date(); return new JsonPrimitive(fmt.print(src)); }
public static String getDate() { DateTime dt = new DateTime(); DateTimeFormatter fmt = ISODateTimeFormat.date(); return (fmt.print(dt)); }
public void setCountDate(String countDate) throws ParseException { this.countDate = new Date(new DateTime(countDate).getMillis()); this.countDateString = new DateTime(countDate).toString(ISODateTimeFormat.date()); }
public String getDate() { return ISODateTimeFormat.date().print(getLastUpdated().getTime()) + " " + ISODateTimeFormat.timeNoMillis().print(getLastUpdated().getTime()); }
public class PaPeopleProcessor { private static final String PERSON_URI_PREFIX = "http://people.atlasapi.org/people.pressassociation.com/"; private static final String PA_PERSON_URI_PREFIX = "http://people.atlasapi.org/pressassociation.com/"; private static final String BASE_IMAGE_URL = "http://images.atlas.metabroadcast.com/people.pressassociation.com/"; private final PeopleResolver personResolver; private final PersonWriter personWriter; private final DateTimeFormatter dateTimeFormatter = ISODateTimeFormat.date().withZoneUTC(); public PaPeopleProcessor(PeopleResolver personResolver, PersonWriter personWriter) { this.personResolver = personResolver; this.personWriter = personWriter; } public void process(org.atlasapi.remotesite.pa.profiles.bindings.Person paPerson) { Person person = ingestPerson(paPerson); Optional<Person> existing = personResolver.person(person.getCanonicalUri()); if (!existing.isPresent()) { personWriter.createOrUpdatePerson(person); } else { merge(existing.get(), person); personWriter.createOrUpdatePerson(existing.get()); } } private void merge(Person existing, Person newPerson) { existing.withName(newPerson.name()); existing.setGivenName(newPerson.getGivenName()); existing.setFamilyName(newPerson.getFamilyName()); existing.setGender(newPerson.getGender()); existing.setBirthDate(newPerson.getBirthDate()); existing.setBirthPlace(newPerson.getBirthPlace()); existing.setDescription(newPerson.getDescription()); existing.setQuotes(newPerson.getQuotes()); existing.setPublisher(Publisher.PA_PEOPLE); existing.setImages(newPerson.getImages()); existing.setImage(newPerson.getImage()); } private Person ingestPerson(org.atlasapi.remotesite.pa.profiles.bindings.Person paPerson) { Person person = new Person(); person.setCanonicalUri(PERSON_URI_PREFIX + paPerson.getId()); Name name = paPerson.getName(); // First and Last name are optional in the dtd so check both are // non-null to avoid strange names. if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name.getFirstname()) && !Strings.isNullOrEmpty(name.getLastname())) { person.withName(name.getFirstname() + " " + name.getLastname()); } person.setGivenName(name.getFirstname()); person.setFamilyName(name.getLastname()); person.setGender(paPerson.getGender()); if (paPerson.getBorn() != null) { person.setBirthDate(dateTimeFormatter.parseDateTime(paPerson.getBorn())); } person.setBirthPlace(paPerson.getBornIn()); person.setDescription(paPerson.getEarlyLife() + "\n\n" + paPerson.getCareer()); person.addQuote(paPerson.getQuote()); person.setPublisher(Publisher.PA_PEOPLE); person.setImages(extractImages(paPerson.getPictures())); person.setImage(getPrimary(person.getImages())); setDirectEquivalentToPAPerson(person, paPerson.getId()); return person; } private String getPrimary(Set<Image> images) { for (Image image : images) { if (ImageType.PRIMARY.equals(image.getType())) { return image.getCanonicalUri(); } } return null; } private ImmutableSet<Image> extractImages(Pictures pictures) { return pictures != null ? extractImages(pictures.getPicture()) : ImmutableSet.<Image>of(); } private ImmutableSet<Image> extractImages(List<Picture> pictures) { ImmutableSet.Builder<Image> images = ImmutableSet.builder(); for (Picture picture : pictures) { if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(picture.getvalue())) { images.add(extractImage(picture)); } } return images.build(); } private Image extractImage(Picture picture) { Image image = new Image(BASE_IMAGE_URL + picture.getvalue()); image.setWidth(Ints.tryParse(picture.getWidth())); image.setHeight(Ints.tryParse(picture.getHeight())); image.setType(ImageType.PRIMARY); return image; } /** * PA People are ingested separately from PA biogs people. Therefore we set a direct equivalence * on the PA person if they exist. In the future this will change to an equivalence job so the * equivalence will be asserted at a later stage even if the PA person doesn't exist at the time * when the PA biog person is ingested. * * @param person */ private void setDirectEquivalentToPAPerson(Person person, String id) { Optional<Person> paPerson = personResolver.person(PA_PERSON_URI_PREFIX + id); if (paPerson.isPresent()) { person.setEquivalentTo(ImmutableSet.of(LookupRef.from(paPerson.get()))); } } }
public String getDateStrISO8601NoTime() { DateTimeFormatter fmt = ISODateTimeFormat.date(); ; return fmt.print(date); }
@Test public void shouldFilterLogEntriesOnMultipleCriteria() throws Exception { DocumentModel doc = RestServerInit.getFile(1, session); DateTime firstDate = new DateTime(); DateTime secondDate = firstDate.plusDays(10); List<LogEntry> logEntries = new ArrayList<>(); LogEntry logEntry = auditLogger.newLogEntry(); logEntry.setDocUUID(doc.getRef()); logEntry.setCategory("One"); logEntry.setEventId("firstEvent"); logEntry.setPrincipalName("bender"); logEntry.setEventDate(firstDate.toDate()); logEntries.add(logEntry); logEntry = auditLogger.newLogEntry(); logEntry.setDocUUID(doc.getRef()); logEntry.setCategory("One"); logEntry.setEventId("secondEvent"); logEntry.setPrincipalName("leela"); logEntry.setEventDate(firstDate.toDate()); logEntries.add(logEntry); logEntry = auditLogger.newLogEntry(); logEntry.setDocUUID(doc.getRef()); logEntry.setCategory("One"); logEntry.setEventId("firstEvent"); logEntry.setPrincipalName("leela"); logEntry.setEventDate(secondDate.toDate()); logEntries.add(logEntry); logEntry = auditLogger.newLogEntry(); logEntry.setDocUUID(doc.getRef()); logEntry.setCategory("One"); logEntry.setEventId("thirdEvent"); logEntry.setPrincipalName("leela"); logEntry.setEventDate(secondDate.toDate()); logEntries.add(logEntry); auditLogger.addLogEntries(logEntries); TransactionHelper.commitOrRollbackTransaction(); TransactionHelper.startTransaction(); MultivaluedMap<String, String> queryParams = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); queryParams.putSingle("category", "One"); queryParams.add("principalName", "leela"); ClientResponse response = getResponse( BaseTest.RequestType.GET, "id/" + doc.getId() + "/@" + AuditAdapter.NAME, queryParams); assertEquals(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus()); JsonNode node = mapper.readTree(response.getEntityInputStream()); List<JsonNode> nodes = getLogEntries(node); assertEquals(3, nodes.size()); queryParams = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); queryParams.putSingle("category", "One"); queryParams.add("principalName", "leela"); queryParams.add("eventId", "thirdEvent"); response = getResponse( BaseTest.RequestType.GET, "id/" + doc.getId() + "/@" + AuditAdapter.NAME, queryParams); assertEquals(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus()); node = mapper.readTree(response.getEntityInputStream()); nodes = getLogEntries(node); assertEquals(1, nodes.size()); queryParams = new MultivaluedMapImpl(); queryParams.putSingle("category", "One"); queryParams.add("principalName", "leela"); queryParams.add("eventId", "thirdEvent"); queryParams.add("startEventDate", ISODateTimeFormat.date().print(firstDate.plusDays(1))); queryParams.add("endEventDate", ISODateTimeFormat.date().print(secondDate.minus(1))); response = getResponse( BaseTest.RequestType.GET, "id/" + doc.getId() + "/@" + AuditAdapter.NAME, queryParams); assertEquals(Response.Status.OK.getStatusCode(), response.getStatus()); node = mapper.readTree(response.getEntityInputStream()); nodes = getLogEntries(node); assertEquals(0, nodes.size()); }
public long end() { return ISODateTimeFormat.date().parseDateTime(this.eventEnd).getMillis(); }
private boolean isToday() { return new DateTime(countDate) .toString(ISODateTimeFormat.date()) .equals( new DateTime(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis())).toString(ISODateTimeFormat.date())); }