コード例 #1
 private static String certificateToString(CardVerifiableCertificate certificate) {
   try {
     if (certificate == null) {
       return "null";
     StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();
     CardVerifiableCertificate cert = (CardVerifiableCertificate) certificate;
     result.append("subject: ");
     result.append("issuer: ");
     result.append("Not before: " + cert.getNotBefore() + "\n");
     result.append("Not after: " + cert.getNotAfter() + "\n");
     return result.toString();
   } catch (Exception ex) {
     return "null";
コード例 #2
ファイル: PassportService.java プロジェクト: johnyauyo/JMRTD
   * Perform TA (Terminal Authentication) part of EAC (version 1). For details see TR-03110 ver.
   * 1.11. In short, we feed the sequence of terminal certificates to the card for verification, get
   * a challenge from the card, sign it with terminal private key, and send back to the card for
   * verification.
   * @param caReference reference issuer
   * @param terminalCertificates terminal certificate chain
   * @param terminalKey terminal private key
   * @param taAlg algorithm
   * @param chipAuthenticationResult the chip authentication result
   * @param documentNumber the document number
   * @return the challenge from the card
   * @throws CardServiceException on error
  public synchronized TerminalAuthenticationResult doTA(
      CVCPrincipal caReference,
      List<CardVerifiableCertificate> terminalCertificates,
      PrivateKey terminalKey,
      String taAlg,
      ChipAuthenticationResult chipAuthenticationResult,
      String documentNumber)
      throws CardServiceException {
    try {
      if (terminalCertificates == null || terminalCertificates.size() < 1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
            "Need at least 1 certificate to perform TA, found: " + terminalCertificates);

      byte[] caKeyHash = chipAuthenticationResult.getKeyHash();
      /* The key hash that resulted from CA. */
      if (caKeyHash == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("CA key hash is null");

      /* FIXME: check that terminalCertificates holds a (inverted, i.e. issuer before subject) chain. */

      /* Check if first cert is/has the expected CVCA, and remove it from chain if it is the CVCA. */
      CardVerifiableCertificate firstCert = terminalCertificates.get(0);
      Role firstCertRole = firstCert.getAuthorizationTemplate().getRole();
      if (Role.CVCA.equals(firstCertRole)) {
        CVCPrincipal firstCertHolderReference = firstCert.getHolderReference();
        if (caReference != null && !caReference.equals(firstCertHolderReference)) {
          throw new CardServiceException(
              "First certificate holds wrong authority, found "
                  + firstCertHolderReference.getName()
                  + ", expected "
                  + caReference.getName());
        if (caReference == null) {
          caReference = firstCertHolderReference;
      CVCPrincipal firstCertAuthorityReference = firstCert.getAuthorityReference();
      if (caReference != null && !caReference.equals(firstCertAuthorityReference)) {
        throw new CardServiceException(
            "First certificate not signed by expected CA, found "
                + firstCertAuthorityReference.getName()
                + ",  expected "
                + caReference.getName());
      if (caReference == null) {
        caReference = firstCertAuthorityReference;

      /* Check if the last cert is an IS cert. */
      CardVerifiableCertificate lastCert =
          terminalCertificates.get(terminalCertificates.size() - 1);
      Role lastCertRole = lastCert.getAuthorizationTemplate().getRole();
      if (!Role.IS.equals(lastCertRole)) {
        throw new CardServiceException(
            "Last certificate in chain ("
                + lastCert.getHolderReference().getName()
                + ") does not have role IS, but has role "
                + lastCertRole);
      CardVerifiableCertificate terminalCert = lastCert;

      /* Have the MRTD check our chain. */
      for (CardVerifiableCertificate cert : terminalCertificates) {
        try {
          CVCPrincipal authorityReference = cert.getAuthorityReference();

          /* Step 1: MSE:SetDST */
          /* Manage Security Environment: Set for verification: Digital Signature Template,
           * indicate authority of cert to check.
          byte[] authorityRefBytes =
              Util.wrapDO((byte) 0x83, authorityReference.getName().getBytes("ISO-8859-1"));
          sendMSESetDST(wrapper, authorityRefBytes);

          /* Cert body is already in TLV format. */
          byte[] body = cert.getCertBodyData();

          /* Signature not yet in TLV format, prefix it with tag and length. */
          byte[] signature = cert.getSignature();
          ByteArrayOutputStream sigOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
          TLVOutputStream tlvSigOut = new TLVOutputStream(sigOut);
          signature = sigOut.toByteArray();

          /* Step 2: PSO:Verify Certificate */
          sendPSOExtendedLengthMode(wrapper, body, signature);
        } catch (CardServiceException cse) {
          throw cse;
        } catch (Exception e) {
          /* FIXME: Does this mean we failed to authenticate? -- MO */
          throw new CardServiceException(e.getMessage());

      if (terminalKey == null) {
        throw new CardServiceException("No terminal key");

      /* Step 3: MSE Set AT */
      CVCPrincipal holderRef = terminalCert.getHolderReference();
      byte[] holderRefBytes = Util.wrapDO((byte) 0x83, holderRef.getName().getBytes("ISO-8859-1"));
      /* Manage Security Environment: Set for external authentication: Authentication Template */
      sendMSESetATExtAuth(wrapper, holderRefBytes);

      /* Step 4: send get challenge */
      byte[] rPICC = sendGetChallenge(wrapper);

      /* Step 5: external authenticate. */
      /* FIXME: idPICC should be public key in case of PACE. See BSI TR 03110 v2.03 4.4. */
      byte[] idPICC = new byte[documentNumber.length() + 1];
          documentNumber.getBytes("ISO-8859-1"), 0, idPICC, 0, documentNumber.length());
      idPICC[idPICC.length - 1] = (byte) MRZInfo.checkDigit(documentNumber);

      ByteArrayOutputStream dtbs = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
      byte[] dtbsBytes = dtbs.toByteArray();

      String sigAlg = terminalCert.getSigAlgName();
      if (sigAlg == null) {
        throw new IllegalStateException(
            "ERROR: Could not determine signature algorithm for terminal certificate "
                + terminalCert.getHolderReference().getName());
      Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(sigAlg);
      byte[] signedData = sig.sign();
      if (sigAlg.toUpperCase().endsWith("ECDSA")) {
        int keySize =
            ((org.bouncycastle.jce.interfaces.ECPrivateKey) terminalKey)
                / 8;
        signedData = Util.getRawECDSASignature(signedData, keySize);
      sendMutualAuthenticate(wrapper, signedData);
      return new TerminalAuthenticationResult(
    } catch (CardServiceException cse) {
      throw cse;
    } catch (Exception e) {
      throw new CardServiceException(e.toString());