private void createPreview( int t, File file, String m_name, String b_name, boolean back, boolean next) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String titel = createTitle(m_name); sb.append(getHeader(o.getGallerieTitle() + " - " + titel, false)); sb.append(" <table>\n"); sb.append(" <tr>\n"); sb.append(" <td>\n"); if (back) sb.append(" <h1><a href=\"image" + (t - 1) + ".html\"><</a></h1>\n"); else sb.append(" \n"); sb.append(" </td>\n"); sb.append(" <td style=\"width: 460px;\">\n"); sb.append( " <a href=\"../big/" + b_name + "\" title=\"" + titel + "\"><img src=\"" + m_name + "\" alt=\"" + titel + "\" /></a>\n"); sb.append(" </td>\n"); sb.append(" <td>\n"); if (next) sb.append(" <h1><a href=\"image" + (t + 1) + ".html\">></a></h1>\n"); else sb.append(" \n"); sb.append(" </td>\n"); sb.append(" </tr>\n"); sb.append(" </table>\n"); sb.append(getFooter()); try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(file, "image" + t + ".html")); fos.write(sb.toString().getBytes()); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
private void createCSS() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("html, body {\n"); sb.append(" height: 100%;\n"); sb.append(" padding: 0;\n"); sb.append(" margin: 0;\n"); sb.append("}\n"); sb.append("body {\n"); sb.append(" font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; \n"); sb.append( " background-color: rgb(" + o.getBackground_r() + "," + o.getBackground_g() + "," + o.getBackground_b() + "); \n"); sb.append(" font-size: 12pt; \n"); sb.append( " color: rgb(" + o.getForeground_r() + "," + o.getForeground_g() + "," + o.getForeground_b() + "); \n "); sb.append(" text-align:center; \n"); sb.append("}\n"); sb.append("h1 {\n"); sb.append(" font-size: 23pt; \n"); sb.append(" text-align:center; \n"); sb.append("}\n"); sb.append("img {\n"); sb.append(" border: 0px;\n"); sb.append("}\n"); sb.append("table {\n"); sb.append(" margin-left: auto;\n"); sb.append(" margin-right: auto;\n"); sb.append("}\n"); sb.append("a { \n"); sb.append(" font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; \n"); sb.append( " color: rgb(" + o.getForeground_r() + "," + o.getForeground_g() + "," + o.getForeground_b() + "); \n"); sb.append(" text-decoration: none;\n"); sb.append("}\n"); sb.append("td {\n"); sb.append(" width: 165px;\n"); sb.append( " background-color: rgb(" + o.getBackground_r() + "," + o.getBackground_g() + "," + o.getBackground_b() + "); \n "); sb.append( " border: solid 2px rgb(" + o.getForeground_r() + "," + o.getForeground_g() + "," + o.getForeground_b() + ");\n"); sb.append(" padding: 0;\n"); sb.append(" vertical-align: middle;\n"); sb.append(" text-align: center;\n"); sb.append("}\n"); sb.append(".next {\n"); sb.append(" text-align: center;\n"); sb.append(" font-size: 23pt; \n"); sb.append("}\n"); try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(directory, "styles.css")); fos.write(sb.toString().getBytes()); fos.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** @param main the main class */ public TableGalerie(Main main) { super(); o = Options.getInstance(); = new File(o.getOutput_dir_gallerie()); this.m = main; if (m.list.getSelectedValues().size() == 0) this.images = m.list.getPictures(); else if (m.list.getSelectedValues().size() > 0 && m.list.getSelectedValues().size() < m.list.getPictures().length) { int response = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog( m.list, m.mes.getString("Generator.23"), m.mes.getString("Generator.24"), JOptionPane.YES_NO_CANCEL_OPTION); switch (response) { case JOptionPane.YES_OPTION: Vector<File> vf = m.list.getSelectedValues(); this.images = new File[vf.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.images.length; i++) this.images[i] = vf.get(i); ; break; // generate only the selected images case JOptionPane.NO_OPTION: this.images = m.list.getPictures(); break; // generate the whole directory case JOptionPane.CANCEL_OPTION: return; // do nothing case JOptionPane.CLOSED_OPTION: return; // do nothing } } else { Vector<File> vf = m.list.getSelectedValues(); this.images = new File[vf.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < this.images.length; i++) this.images[i] = vf.get(i); } // print main info try { m.jOutputDoc.remove(0, m.jOutputDoc.getLength()); m.jOutputDoc.insertString( m.jOutputDoc.getLength(), images.length + m.mes.getString("Generator.28") + images[0].getParent() + m.mes.getString("Generator.29") + o.getQuality() + m.mes.getString("Generator.30") + ls + ls, m.outputAtr); m.text.setCaretPosition(m.jOutputDoc.getLength()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println( images.length + m.mes.getString("Generator.31") + images[0].getPath().toString() + m.mes.getString("Generator.32") + o.getQuality() + m.mes.getString("Generator.33") + ls + ls); } String p_titel = images.length + m.mes.getString("Generator.28") + this.images[0].getParentFile().getPath() + m.mes.getString("Generator.29") + (o.getQuality() * 100) + m.mes.getString("Generator.30"); m.p_monitor = new ProgressMonitor(m, p_titel, m.mes.getString("Generator.10"), 0, this.images.length + 1); m.p_monitor.setMillisToPopup(1); m.p_monitor.setProgress(1); Thread t = new Thread() { public void run() { m.status.setStatusOn(); createCSS(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(getHeader(o.getGallerieTitle(), true)); sb.append(" <table>\n"); // generate the 3 images small, medium, big File small = new File(directory, "small"); File medium = new File(directory, "medium"); File big = new File(directory, "big"); try { small.mkdir(); medium.mkdir(); big.mkdir(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } int j = 0; int count = 0; int page = 0; int max = images.length; int x = o.getGallerieHeigth() * o.getGallerieWidth(); int lastPage = (int) Math.ceil((double) images.length / (double) x); File out_s; File out_m; File out_b; ArrayList<Element> elements = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (int i = 0; i < images.length; i++) { try { m.jOutputDoc.insertString( m.jOutputDoc.getLength(), m.mes.getString("Generator.10"), m.outputAtr); m.jOutputDoc.insertString(m.jOutputDoc.getLength(), images[i].getName(), m.fileAtr); m.jOutputDoc.insertString(m.jOutputDoc.getLength(), "\t . . ", m.outputAtr); m.text.setCaretPosition(m.jOutputDoc.getLength()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print( m.mes.getString("Generator.10") + images[i].getName() + "\t . . . "); } j++; count++; // generate small image out_s = new File(small, images[i].getName()); elements.add(new Element(i, images[i], 159, 119, small)); try { m.jOutputDoc.insertString(m.jOutputDoc.getLength(), ". ", m.outputAtr); m.text.setCaretPosition(m.jOutputDoc.getLength()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print(". . . "); } // generate medium image out_m = new File(medium, images[i].getName()); elements.add(new Element(i, images[i], 450, 338, medium)); try { m.jOutputDoc.insertString(m.jOutputDoc.getLength(), ". ", m.outputAtr); m.text.setCaretPosition(m.jOutputDoc.getLength()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print(". . . "); } // generate big image out_b = new File(big, images[i].getName()); elements.add(new Element(i, images[i], o.getHmax(), o.getVmax(), big)); if (i == 0) createPreview(i, medium, out_m.getName(), out_b.getName(), false, true); else if (i == (images.length - 1)) createPreview(i, medium, out_m.getName(), out_b.getName(), true, false); else createPreview(i, medium, out_m.getName(), out_b.getName(), true, true); try { m.jOutputDoc.insertString(m.jOutputDoc.getLength(), ". ", m.outputAtr); m.text.setCaretPosition(m.jOutputDoc.getLength()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.print(". . . "); } // ROW BEGIN if (j == 1) sb.append(" <tr>\n"); // TABLE CELL String titel = createTitle(out_s.getName()); sb.append( " <td><a href=\"medium/image" + i + ".html\" title=\"" + titel + "\"><img src=\"small/" + out_s.getName() + "\" alt=\"" + titel + "\" /></a></td>\n"); // ROW END if (j == o.getGallerieWidth()) { sb.append(" </tr>\n"); j = 0; } else if (j < o.getGallerieWidth() && i == (max - 1)) { // create empty td and complete row for (int k = 0; k < (o.getGallerieWidth() - j); k++) { sb.append(" <td> </td>\n"); } sb.append(" </tr>\n"); j = 0; } // end of page if (count == x || i == (max - 1)) { count = 0; page++; sb.append(" <tr>\n"); sb.append( " <td colspan=\"" + o.getGallerieWidth() + "\" style=\"width: 100%; background-color: rgb(" + o.getBackground_r() + "," + o.getBackground_g() + "," + o.getBackground_b() + "); vertical-align: top;\">\n"); if (lastPage > 1) { if (page == 1) sb.append( " <a href=\"index" + (page + 1) + ".html\" class=\"next\">>></a>\n"); else if (page == lastPage) { if (page == 2) sb.append(" <a href=\"index.html\" class=\"next\"><<</a>\n"); else sb.append( " <a href=\"index" + (page - 1) + ".html\" class=\"next\"><<</a>\n"); } else { if (page == 2) sb.append( " <div class=\"next\"><a href=\"index.html\" class=\"next\"><<</a> | <a href=\"index" + (page + 1) + ".html\" class=\"next\">>></a></div>\n"); else sb.append( " <div class=\"next\"><a href=\"index" + (page - 1) + ".html\" class=\"next\"><<</a> | <a href=\"index" + (page + 1) + ".html\" class=\"next\">>></a></div>\n"); } } else { sb.append(" \n"); } sb.append(" </td>\n"); sb.append(" </tr>\n"); sb.append(" </table>\n"); sb.append(getFooter()); try { String index = "index.html"; if (page > 1) index = "index" + page + ".html"; FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(new File(directory, index)); fos.write(sb.toString().getBytes()); fos.close(); if ((i + 1) == max) { try { m.jOutputDoc.insertString( m.jOutputDoc.getLength(), m.mes.getString("Generator.40") + ls, m.readyAtr); m.text.setCaretPosition(m.jOutputDoc.getLength()); m.jOutputDoc.insertString( m.jOutputDoc.getLength(), ls + images.length + m.mes.getString("Generator.44") + o.getOutput_dir_gallerie() + m.mes.getString("Generator.45") + ls, m.readyAtr); m.text.setCaretPosition(m.jOutputDoc.getLength()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(m.mes.getString("Generator.40")); } break; } } catch (Exception e) { } if (i < (max - 1)) { sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(getHeader(o.getGallerieTitle(), true)); sb.append(" <table>\n"); } } // end of page // print ready info try { m.jOutputDoc.insertString( m.jOutputDoc.getLength(), m.mes.getString("Generator.40") + ls, m.readyAtr); m.text.setCaretPosition(m.jOutputDoc.getLength()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(m.mes.getString("Generator.40")); } } // end of for loop try { m.jOutputDoc.insertString( m.jOutputDoc.getLength(), ls + images.length + m.mes.getString("Generator.44") + o.getOutput_dir_gallerie() + m.mes.getString("Generator.45") + ls, m.readyAtr); m.text.setCaretPosition(m.jOutputDoc.getLength()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(ls + images.length + m.mes.getString("Generator.46") + ls); } Element[] els = new Element[elements.size()]; Producer producer = new Producer(m, elements.toArray(els), ""); Thread producerThread = new Thread(producer); int cpus = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); Thread consumerThreads[] = new Thread[cpus]; for (int i = 0; i < cpus; i++) { consumerThreads[i] = new Thread(new Consumer(producer, m, false, null)); } producerThread.start(); for (int i = 0; i < cpus; i++) { consumerThreads[i].start(); } try { producerThread.join(); for (int i = 0; i < cpus; i++) { consumerThreads[i].join(); } } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { } m.status.setStatusOff(); m.p_monitor.close(); } }; t.start(); }