コード例 #1
  public static void dijkstra(
      ListenableUndirectedWeightedGraph<String, DefaultWeightedEdge> g,
      String initNode,
      String endNode) {

    // Variable creation/assignment
    int loopCnt = 0; // Keep count of loops
    String currNode = initNode; // always starts as initial node

    Set<String> allVerts = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    allVerts = g.vertexSet(); // All vertices in the graph

    Set<DefaultWeightedEdge> allEdges = new LinkedHashSet<DefaultWeightedEdge>();
    allEdges = g.edgeSet(); // All edges in the graph

    Set<String> visited = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); // List of visited vertices
    Set<String> unvisited = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); // List of unvisited vertices
    for (String v : allVerts)
    // adding the rest of the nodes to unvisited set
      if (v != initNode) {

    Map<String, Double> vertVals = new HashMap<String, Double>();
    for (String v : allVerts)
    // setting a value of INFINITY to all vertices.
      vertVals.put(v, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);

    vertVals.put(initNode, 0.0); // Setting the initial node value to 0
    visited.add(initNode); // adding initial node to visited set
    List<String> path = new ArrayList<String>();
    path.add(initNode); // adding initial node to path
    // END Variable creation/assignment

    System.out.println("Result " + resultNum + ":");

    while (!visited.contains(endNode) && loopCnt < 1000000) {


      for (DefaultWeightedEdge e : allEdges)
      // Set weight values for neighbors of current node
        if (g.getEdgeSource(e) == currNode
            && g.getEdgeWeight(e) < (vertVals.get(g.getEdgeTarget(e)) + vertVals.get(currNode))
            && !visited.contains(g.getEdgeTarget(e)))
        // if the edge comes from the currentNode AND the value of that edges target is greater than
        // the distance to the current node AND the target hasn't been visited
              g.getEdgeWeight(e) + vertVals.get(currNode)); // Update value of that vertex
        } else if (g.getEdgeTarget(e) == currNode
            && g.getEdgeWeight(e) < (vertVals.get(g.getEdgeSource(e)) + vertVals.get(currNode))
            && !visited.contains(g.getEdgeSource(e)))
        // if the edge comes to the currentNode AND the value of that edges source is greater than
        // the distance from the starting node to the current node AND the source hasn't been
        // visited
              g.getEdgeWeight(e) + vertVals.get(currNode)); // Update value of that vertex

      Double lowest =
          Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; // used to find lowest of the current neighbor vertices
      String n = ""; // temporary string for storing vertex names

      for (DefaultWeightedEdge e : allEdges)
      // finding the lowest of the current neighbor vertices to set to currentNode
        if (g.getEdgeSource(e) == currNode
            && g.getEdgeWeight(e) < lowest
            && !visited.contains(g.getEdgeTarget(e)))
        // if the edge comes from the currentNode AND it's the smallest vertex value that has not
        // been visited and .
          lowest = g.getEdgeWeight(e);
          n = g.getEdgeTarget(e);
        } else if (g.getEdgeTarget(e) == currNode
            && g.getEdgeWeight(e) < lowest
            && !visited.contains(g.getEdgeSource(e))) {
          lowest = g.getEdgeWeight(e);
          n = g.getEdgeSource(e);
      if (n != "") {
        currNode = n;
      } else {
        currNode = path.get(path.size() - 2);

    System.out.println("Shortest Path: " + path);
    System.out.println("Cost: " + vertVals.get(endNode));