public static IntervalXYDataset createDatasetBar() throws Exception { IntervalXYDataset dataset1 = null; Object[][] chart = null; Object[][] chart_qu = null; TCarRecordDao tdao = new TCarRecordDao(); TimeSeries s1, s2; TimeSeriesCollection dataset = new TimeSeriesCollection(); try { if (type == 0) { // 从DAO层获得数据,以天为统计单位,数据线以天为单位 chart = tdao.getCarRecodebyTimearea_day(timefrom, timeto, 1); chart_qu = tdao.getCarRecodebyTimearea_day(timefrom, timeto, 0); s1 = new TimeSeries("入场柱形", Day.class); s2 = new TimeSeries("出场柱形", Day.class); } else { // 传进DAO层的数据是年月,数据线以月的单位 Date date = java.sql.Date.valueOf(timefrom); Date date_t = java.sql.Date.valueOf(timeto); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String newdate_from = sdf.format(date); String timefrom_temp = newdate_from.substring(0, 7); String newdate_to = sdf.format(date_t); String timeto_temp = newdate_to.substring(0, 7); chart = tdao.getCarRecodebyTimearea_month(timefrom_temp, timeto_temp, 1); chart_qu = tdao.getCarRecodebyTimearea_month(timefrom_temp, timeto_temp, 0); s1 = new TimeSeries("入场柱形", Month.class); s2 = new TimeSeries("出场柱形", Month.class); } s1.clear(); Date d, min_r = null, min_c = null, max_r = null, max_c = null; double h; if (chart != null && chart.length > 0) { // 数据为空的处理 System.out.println("ff"); min_r = (Date) chart[0][1]; max_r = (Date) chart[0][1]; for (int i = 0; i < chart.length; i++) { d = (Date) chart[i][1]; if (d.before(min_r)) min_r = d; if (d.after(max_r)) max_r = d; h = new Double(chart[i][0].toString()); // 添加数据,0是以天为单位,1是以月为单位 if (type == 0) s1.add(new Day(d.getDate(), (d.getMonth() + 1), (d.getYear() + 1900)), h); else s1.add(new Month((d.getMonth() + 1), (d.getYear() + 1900)), h); } dataset.addSeries(s1); } else s1 = null; s2.clear(); if (chart_qu != null && chart_qu.length > 0) { min_c = (Date) chart_qu[0][1]; max_c = (Date) chart_qu[0][1]; for (int i = 0; i < chart_qu.length; i++) { d = (Date) chart_qu[i][1]; if (d.before(min_c)) min_c = d; if (d.after(max_c)) max_c = d; h = new Double(chart_qu[i][0].toString()); if (type == 0) s2.add(new Day(d.getDate(), (d.getMonth() + 1), (d.getYear() + 1900)), h); else s2.add(new Month((d.getMonth() + 1), (d.getYear() + 1900)), h); } dataset.addSeries(s2); } else s2 = null; // 取得有数据的时间段的开始和结束 if (min_c != null && min_r != null) min = min_c.before(min_r) ? min_c : min_r; else if (min_c != null) min = min_c; else if (min_r != null) min = min_r; else min = null; if (max_c != null && max_r != null) max = max_c.before(max_r) ? max_r : max_c; else if (max_c != null) max = max_c; else if (max_r != null) max = max_r; else max = null; int seriesCount = dataset.getSeriesCount(); // 一共有多少个序列,目前为一个 for (int i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++) { int itemCount = dataset.getItemCount(i); // 每一个序列有多少个数据项 for (int j = 0; j < itemCount; j++) { if (highValue_Y < dataset.getYValue(i, j)) { // 取第i个序列中的第j个数据项的最大值 highValue_Y = (int) dataset.getYValue(i, j); } if (minValue_Y > dataset.getYValue(i, j)) { // 取第i个序列中的第j个数据项的最小值 minValue_Y = (int) dataset.getYValue(i, j); } } } dataset1 = dataset; return dataset1; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return dataset1; } }
@Override public Document getXmlContent() { // Create a document that describes the result Document result = DocumentHelper.createDocument(); IPentahoRequestContext requestContext = PentahoRequestContextHolder.getRequestContext(); setXslProperty( "baseUrl", requestContext.getContextPath()); // $NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ setXslProperty( "fullyQualifiedServerUrl", PentahoSystem.getApplicationContext() .getFullyQualifiedServerURL()); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ String mapName = "chart" + AbstractChartComponent.chartCount++; // $NON-NLS-1$ Document chartDefinition = jcrHelper.getSolutionDocument(definitionPath, RepositoryFilePermission.READ); if (chartDefinition == null) { Element errorElement = result.addElement("error"); // $NON-NLS-1$ errorElement .addElement("title") .setText( Messages.getInstance() .getString( "ABSTRACTCHARTEXPRESSION.ERROR_0001_ERROR_GENERATING_CHART")); //$NON-NLS-1$ // //$NON-NLS-2$ String message = Messages.getInstance() .getString( "CHARTS.ERROR_0001_CHART_DEFINIION_MISSING", definitionPath); // $NON-NLS-1$ errorElement.addElement("message").setText(message); // $NON-NLS-1$ error(message); return result; } // create a pie definition from the XML definition dataDefinition = createChart(chartDefinition); if (dataDefinition == null) { Element errorElement = result.addElement("error"); // $NON-NLS-1$ errorElement .addElement("title") .setText( Messages.getInstance() .getString( "ABSTRACTCHARTEXPRESSION.ERROR_0001_ERROR_GENERATING_CHART")); //$NON-NLS-1$ // //$NON-NLS-2$ String message = Messages.getInstance() .getString( "CHARTS.ERROR_0002_CHART_DATA_MISSING", actionPath); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ //$NON-NLS-3$ errorElement.addElement("message").setText(message); // $NON-NLS-1$ // System .out.println( result.asXML() ); return result; } // create an image for the dial using the JFreeChart engine PrintWriter printWriter = new PrintWriter(new StringWriter()); // we'll dispay the title in HTML so that the dial image does not have // to // accommodate it String chartTitle = ""; // $NON-NLS-1$ try { if (width == -1) { width = Integer.parseInt( chartDefinition.selectSingleNode("/chart/width").getText()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } if (height == -1) { height = Integer.parseInt( chartDefinition.selectSingleNode("/chart/height").getText()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } catch (Exception e) { // go with the default } if (chartDefinition.selectSingleNode("/chart/" + AbstractChartComponent.URLTEMPLATE_NODE_NAME) != null) { //$NON-NLS-1$ urlTemplate = chartDefinition .selectSingleNode("/chart/" + AbstractChartComponent.URLTEMPLATE_NODE_NAME) .getText(); //$NON-NLS-1$ } if (chartDefinition.selectSingleNode("/chart/paramName") != null) { // $NON-NLS-1$ paramName = chartDefinition.selectSingleNode("/chart/paramName").getText(); // $NON-NLS-1$ } Element root = result.addElement("charts"); // $NON-NLS-1$ TimeSeriesCollection chartDataDefinition = (TimeSeriesCollection) dataDefinition; if (chartDataDefinition.getSeriesCount() > 0) { // create temporary file names String[] tempFileInfo = createTempFile(); String fileName = tempFileInfo[AbstractChartComponent.FILENAME_INDEX]; String filePathWithoutExtension = tempFileInfo[AbstractChartComponent.FILENAME_WITHOUT_EXTENSION_INDEX]; ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(new StandardEntityCollection()); JFreeChartEngine.saveChart( chartDataDefinition, chartTitle, "", filePathWithoutExtension, width, height, JFreeChartEngine.OUTPUT_PNG, printWriter, info, this); //$NON-NLS-1$ applyOuterURLTemplateParam(); populateInfo(info); Element chartElement = root.addElement("chart"); // $NON-NLS-1$ chartElement.addElement("mapName").setText(mapName); // $NON-NLS-1$ chartElement.addElement("width").setText(Integer.toString(width)); // $NON-NLS-1$ chartElement.addElement("height").setText(Integer.toString(height)); // $NON-NLS-1$ for (int row = 0; row < chartDataDefinition.getSeriesCount(); row++) { for (int column = 0; column < chartDataDefinition.getItemCount(row); column++) { Number value = chartDataDefinition.getY(row, column); Comparable rowKey = chartDataDefinition.getSeriesKey(row); RegularTimePeriod columnKey = chartDataDefinition.getSeries(row).getTimePeriod(column); Element valueElement = chartElement.addElement("value2D"); // $NON-NLS-1$ valueElement.addElement("value").setText(value.toString()); // $NON-NLS-1$ valueElement.addElement("row-key").setText(rowKey.toString()); // $NON-NLS-1$ valueElement.addElement("column-key").setText(columnKey.toString()); // $NON-NLS-1$ } } String mapString = ImageMapUtilities.getImageMap(mapName, info); chartElement.addElement("imageMap").setText(mapString); // $NON-NLS-1$ chartElement.addElement("image").setText(fileName); // $NON-NLS-1$ } return result; }