コード例 #1
ファイル: CastDiagnosticsUtil.java プロジェクト: nanck/kotlin
   * Remember that we are trying to cast something of type {@code supertype} to {@code subtype}.
   * <p>Since at runtime we can only check the class (type constructor), the rest of the subtype
   * should be known statically, from supertype. This method reconstructs all static information
   * that can be obtained from supertype.
   * <p>Example 1: supertype = Collection<String> subtype = List<...> result = List<String>, all
   * arguments are inferred
   * <p>Example 2: supertype = Any subtype = List<...> result = List<*>, some arguments were not
   * inferred, replaced with '*'
  public static TypeReconstructionResult findStaticallyKnownSubtype(
      @NotNull KotlinType supertype, @NotNull TypeConstructor subtypeConstructor) {
    assert !supertype.isMarkedNullable() : "This method only makes sense for non-nullable types";

    // Assume we are casting an expression of type Collection<Foo> to List<Bar>
    // First, let's make List<T>, where T is a type variable
    ClassifierDescriptor descriptor = subtypeConstructor.getDeclarationDescriptor();
    assert descriptor != null : "Can't create default type for " + subtypeConstructor;
    KotlinType subtypeWithVariables = descriptor.getDefaultType();

    // Now, let's find a supertype of List<T> that is a Collection of something,
    // in this case it will be Collection<T>
    KotlinType supertypeWithVariables =
        TypeCheckingProcedure.findCorrespondingSupertype(subtypeWithVariables, supertype);

    final List<TypeParameterDescriptor> variables =

    Map<TypeConstructor, TypeProjection> substitution;
    if (supertypeWithVariables != null) {
      // Now, let's try to unify Collection<T> and Collection<Foo> solution is a map from T to Foo
      TypeUnifier.UnificationResult solution =
              new TypeProjectionImpl(supertype),
              new TypeProjectionImpl(supertypeWithVariables),
              new Predicate<TypeConstructor>() {
                public boolean apply(TypeConstructor typeConstructor) {
                  ClassifierDescriptor descriptor = typeConstructor.getDeclarationDescriptor();
                  return descriptor instanceof TypeParameterDescriptor
                      && variables.contains(descriptor);
      substitution = Maps.newHashMap(solution.getSubstitution());
    } else {
      // If there's no corresponding supertype, no variables are determined
      // This may be OK, e.g. in case 'Any as List<*>'
      substitution = Maps.newHashMapWithExpectedSize(variables.size());

    // If some of the parameters are not determined by unification, it means that these parameters
    // are lost,
    // let's put stars instead, so that we can only cast to something like List<*>, e.g. (a: Any) as
    // List<*>
    boolean allArgumentsInferred = true;
    for (TypeParameterDescriptor variable : variables) {
      TypeProjection value = substitution.get(variable.getTypeConstructor());
      if (value == null) {
        substitution.put(variable.getTypeConstructor(), TypeUtils.makeStarProjection(variable));
        allArgumentsInferred = false;

    // At this point we have values for all type parameters of List
    // Let's make a type by substituting them: List<T> -> List<Foo>
    KotlinType substituted =
        TypeSubstitutor.create(substitution).substitute(subtypeWithVariables, Variance.INVARIANT);

    return new TypeReconstructionResult(substituted, allArgumentsInferred);
コード例 #2
ファイル: TypeUnifierTest.java プロジェクト: homburg/kotlin
  public void setUp() throws Exception {

    ModuleDescriptorImpl module = JetTestUtils.createEmptyModule();
    builtIns = module.getBuiltIns();
    typeResolver = InjectionKt.createContainerForTests(getProject(), module).getTypeResolver();
    x = createTypeVariable("X");
    y = createTypeVariable("Y");
    variables = Sets.newHashSet(x.getTypeConstructor(), y.getTypeConstructor());
コード例 #3
ファイル: OverridingUtil.java プロジェクト: anujk3/kotlin
  private OverrideCompatibilityInfo isOverridableBy(
      @NotNull CallableDescriptor superDescriptor,
      @NotNull CallableDescriptor subDescriptor,
      boolean checkReturnType) {
    if (superDescriptor instanceof FunctionDescriptor) {
      if (!(subDescriptor instanceof FunctionDescriptor))
        return OverrideCompatibilityInfo.memberKindMismatch();
    } else if (superDescriptor instanceof PropertyDescriptor) {
      if (!(subDescriptor instanceof PropertyDescriptor))
        return OverrideCompatibilityInfo.memberKindMismatch();
    } else {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "This type of CallableDescriptor cannot be checked for overridability: "
              + superDescriptor);

    // TODO: check outside of this method
    if (!superDescriptor.getName().equals(subDescriptor.getName())) {
      return OverrideCompatibilityInfo.nameMismatch();

    OverrideCompatibilityInfo receiverAndParameterResult =
        checkReceiverAndParameterCount(superDescriptor, subDescriptor);
    if (receiverAndParameterResult != null) {
      return receiverAndParameterResult;

    List<JetType> superValueParameters = compiledValueParameters(superDescriptor);
    List<JetType> subValueParameters = compiledValueParameters(subDescriptor);

    List<TypeParameterDescriptor> superTypeParameters = superDescriptor.getTypeParameters();
    List<TypeParameterDescriptor> subTypeParameters = subDescriptor.getTypeParameters();

    if (superTypeParameters.size() != subTypeParameters.size()) {
      for (int i = 0; i < superValueParameters.size(); ++i) {
        JetType superValueParameterType = getUpperBound(superValueParameters.get(i));
        JetType subValueParameterType = getUpperBound(subValueParameters.get(i));
        // TODO: compare erasure
        if (!JetTypeChecker.DEFAULT.equalTypes(superValueParameterType, subValueParameterType)) {
          return OverrideCompatibilityInfo.typeParameterNumberMismatch();
      return OverrideCompatibilityInfo.valueParameterTypeMismatch(
          null, null, OverrideCompatibilityInfo.Result.CONFLICT);

    final Map<TypeConstructor, TypeConstructor> matchingTypeConstructors =
        new HashMap<TypeConstructor, TypeConstructor>();
    for (int i = 0, typeParametersSize = superTypeParameters.size(); i < typeParametersSize; i++) {
      TypeParameterDescriptor superTypeParameter = superTypeParameters.get(i);
      TypeParameterDescriptor subTypeParameter = subTypeParameters.get(i);
          superTypeParameter.getTypeConstructor(), subTypeParameter.getTypeConstructor());

    JetTypeChecker.TypeConstructorEquality localEqualityAxioms =
        new JetTypeChecker.TypeConstructorEquality() {
          public boolean equals(@NotNull TypeConstructor a, @NotNull TypeConstructor b) {
            if (equalityAxioms.equals(a, b)) return true;
            TypeConstructor img1 = matchingTypeConstructors.get(a);
            TypeConstructor img2 = matchingTypeConstructors.get(b);
            if (!(img1 != null && img1.equals(b)) && !(img2 != null && img2.equals(a))) {
              return false;
            return true;

    for (int i = 0, typeParametersSize = superTypeParameters.size(); i < typeParametersSize; i++) {
      TypeParameterDescriptor superTypeParameter = superTypeParameters.get(i);
      TypeParameterDescriptor subTypeParameter = subTypeParameters.get(i);

      if (!areTypesEquivalent(
          localEqualityAxioms)) {
        return OverrideCompatibilityInfo.boundsMismatch(superTypeParameter, subTypeParameter);

    for (int i = 0, unsubstitutedValueParametersSize = superValueParameters.size();
        i < unsubstitutedValueParametersSize;
        i++) {
      JetType superValueParameter = superValueParameters.get(i);
      JetType subValueParameter = subValueParameters.get(i);

      if (!areTypesEquivalent(superValueParameter, subValueParameter, localEqualityAxioms)) {
        return OverrideCompatibilityInfo.valueParameterTypeMismatch(
            superValueParameter, subValueParameter, INCOMPATIBLE);

    if (checkReturnType) {
      JetType superReturnType = superDescriptor.getReturnType();
      JetType subReturnType = subDescriptor.getReturnType();

      if (superReturnType != null && subReturnType != null) {
        boolean bothErrors = subReturnType.isError() && superReturnType.isError();
        if (!bothErrors
            && !JetTypeChecker.withAxioms(localEqualityAxioms)
                .isSubtypeOf(subReturnType, superReturnType)) {
          return OverrideCompatibilityInfo.returnTypeMismatch(superReturnType, subReturnType);

    for (ExternalOverridabilityCondition externalCondition : EXTERNAL_CONDITIONS) {
      if (!externalCondition.isOverridable(superDescriptor, subDescriptor)) {
        return OverrideCompatibilityInfo.externalConditionFailed(externalCondition.getClass());

    return OverrideCompatibilityInfo.success();