public List<ClasspathItemWrapper> dependsOn(final boolean tests) { if (tests) { if (myTestDependsOn != null) { return myTestDependsOn; } } else if (myDependsOn != null) { return myDependsOn; } final List<ClasspathItemWrapper> result = new ArrayList<ClasspathItemWrapper>(); for (ClasspathItem cpi : myModule.getClasspath(ClasspathKind.compile(tests))) { if (cpi instanceof Module) { result.add(getModule(((Module) cpi).getName())); } else if (cpi instanceof Library) { result.add(new LibraryWrapper((Library) cpi)); } else { result.add(new GenericClasspathItemWrapper(cpi)); } } if (tests) { myTestDependsOn = result; } else { myDependsOn = result; } return result; }
private static List<String> generateClasspath(CompileContext context, ModuleChunk chunk) { final Set<String> cp = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); // groovy_rt.jar // IMPORTANT! must be the first in classpath cp.add(ClasspathBootstrap.getResourcePath(GroovyCompilerWrapper.class).getPath()); for (File file : context .getProjectPaths() .getClasspathFiles(chunk, ClasspathKind.compile(context.isCompilingTests()), false)) { cp.add(FileUtil.toCanonicalPath(file.getPath())); } for (File file : context .getProjectPaths() .getClasspathFiles(chunk, ClasspathKind.runtime(context.isCompilingTests()), false)) { cp.add(FileUtil.toCanonicalPath(file.getPath())); } return new ArrayList<String>(cp); }
public List<String> getClassPath(final ClasspathKind kind) { final List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); result.add(getOutputPath()); if (kind.isTestsIncluded()) { result.add(getTestOutputPath()); } return result; }
public void makeModules(final Collection<Module> initial, final Flags flags) { if (myHistory == null && !flags.tests()) { clean(); } new Logger(flags) { @Override public void log(final PrintStream stream) { stream.println("Request to make modules:"); logMany(stream, initial); stream.println("End of request"); } }.log(); final ClasspathKind kind = ClasspathKind.compile(flags.tests()); final Set<Module> modules = new HashSet<Module>(); final Set<String> marked = new HashSet<String>(); final Map<String, Boolean> visited = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(); final Set<String> frontier = new HashSet<String>(); final Map<String, Set<String>> reversedDependencies = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); final DotPrinter printer = new DotPrinter(flags.logStream()); printer.header(); for (Module m : myProject.getModules().values()) { final String mName = m.getName(); printer.node(mName); for (ClasspathItem cpi : m.getClasspath(kind)) { if (cpi instanceof Module) { final String name = ((Module) cpi).getName(); printer.edge(name, mName); Set<String> sm = reversedDependencies.get(name); if (sm == null) { sm = new HashSet<String>(); reversedDependencies.put(name, sm); } sm.add(mName); } } } printer.footer(); // Building "upper" subgraph printer.header(); new Object() { public void run(final Collection<Module> initial) { if (initial == null) return; for (Module module : initial) { final String mName = module.getName(); if (marked.contains(mName)) continue; printer.node(mName); final List<Module> dep = new ArrayList<Module>(); for (ClasspathItem cpi : module.getClasspath(kind)) { if (cpi instanceof Module && !marked.contains(((Module) cpi).getName())) { printer.edge(((Module) cpi).getName(), mName); dep.add((Module) cpi); } } if (dep.size() == 0) { frontier.add(mName); } marked.add(mName); run(dep); } } }.run(initial); printer.footer(); // Traversing "upper" subgraph and collecting outdated modules and their descendants new Object() { public void run(final Collection<String> initial, final boolean force) { if (initial == null) return; for (String moduleName : initial) { if (!marked.contains(moduleName)) continue; final Boolean property = visited.get(moduleName); if (property == null || !property && force) { final boolean outdated = getModule(moduleName).isOutdated(flags.tests(), myHistory); if (force || outdated) { visited.put(moduleName, true); modules.add(myProject.getModules().get(moduleName)); run(reversedDependencies.get(moduleName), true); } else { if (property == null) { visited.put(moduleName, false); } run(reversedDependencies.get(moduleName), false); } } } } }.run(frontier, flags.force()); new Logger(flags) { @Override public void log(PrintStream stream) { stream.println("Propagated modules:"); logMany(stream, modules); stream.println("End of propagated"); } }.log(); if (modules.size() == 0 && !flags.force()) { System.out.println("All requested modules are up-to-date."); return; } final BusyBeaver beaver = new BusyBeaver(myProjectBuilder); myProjectBuilder.buildStart(); if (flags.tests()) { modules, new Flags() { public boolean tests() { return false; } public boolean incremental() { return flags.incremental(); } public boolean force() { return flags.force(); } public PrintStream logStream() { return flags.logStream(); } }); }, flags); myProjectBuilder.buildStop(); for (Module mod : modules) { getModule(mod.getName()).updateOutputStatus(); } }
public Builder.ExitCode build(final CompileContext context, ModuleChunk chunk) throws ProjectBuildException { ExitCode exitCode = ExitCode.OK; final Map<File, Module> toCompile = new HashMap<File, Module>(); try { context.processFilesToRecompile( chunk, new FileProcessor() { @Override public boolean apply(Module module, File file, String sourceRoot) throws Exception { final String path = file.getPath(); if (isGroovyFile(path)) { // todo file type check toCompile.put(file, module); } return true; } }); if (toCompile.isEmpty()) { return exitCode; } final Set<String> cp = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); // groovy_rt.jar // IMPORTANT! must be the first in classpath cp.add(ClasspathBootstrap.getResourcePath(GroovyCompilerWrapper.class).getPath()); for (File file : context .getProjectPaths() .getClasspathFiles(chunk, ClasspathKind.compile(context.isCompilingTests()), false)) { cp.add(FileUtil.toCanonicalPath(file.getPath())); } for (File file : context .getProjectPaths() .getClasspathFiles(chunk, ClasspathKind.runtime(context.isCompilingTests()), false)) { cp.add(FileUtil.toCanonicalPath(file.getPath())); } final File tempFile = FileUtil.createTempFile("ideaGroovyToCompile", ".txt", true); final Module representativeModule = chunk.getModules().iterator().next(); File moduleOutputDir = context .getProjectPaths() .getModuleOutputDir(representativeModule, context.isCompilingTests()); final File dir = myForStubs ? FileUtil.createTempDirectory(/*new File("/tmp/stubs/"), */ "groovyStubs", null) : moduleOutputDir; assert dir != null; final Set<String> toCompilePaths = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); for (File file : toCompile.keySet()) { toCompilePaths.add(FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(file.getPath())); } String moduleOutputPath = FileUtil.toCanonicalPath(moduleOutputDir.getPath()); if (!moduleOutputPath.endsWith("/")) { moduleOutputPath += "/"; } Map<String, String> class2Src = buildClassToSourceMap(chunk, context, toCompilePaths, moduleOutputPath); String encoding = "UTF-8"; // todo encoding List<String> patchers = Collections.emptyList(); // todo patchers GroovycOSProcessHandler.fillFileWithGroovycParameters( tempFile, FileUtil.toCanonicalPath(dir.getPath()), toCompilePaths, FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(moduleOutputPath), class2Src, encoding, patchers); if (myForStubs) { JavaBuilder.addTempSourcePathRoot(context, dir); } // todo CompilerUtil.addLocaleOptions() // todo different outputs in a chunk // todo module jdk path final List<String> cmd = ExternalProcessUtil.buildJavaCommandLine( SystemProperties.getJavaHome() + "/bin/java", "org.jetbrains.groovy.compiler.rt.GroovycRunner", Collections.<String>emptyList(), new ArrayList<String>(cp), Arrays.asList( "-Xmx384m" /*, "-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5858"*/), Arrays.<String>asList(myForStubs ? "stubs" : "groovyc", tempFile.getPath())); deleteCorrespondingOutputFiles(context, toCompile); List<GroovycOSProcessHandler.OutputItem> successfullyCompiled = Collections.emptyList(); try { final Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd.toArray(new String[cmd.size()])); GroovycOSProcessHandler handler = new GroovycOSProcessHandler(process, null) { @Override protected void updateStatus(@Nullable String status) { context.processMessage( new ProgressMessage(status == null ? GROOVY_COMPILER_IN_OPERATION : status)); } }; handler.startNotify(); handler.waitFor(); successfullyCompiled = handler.getSuccessfullyCompiled(); final List<CompilerMessage> messages = handler.getCompilerMessages(); for (CompilerMessage message : messages) { context.processMessage(message); } boolean hasMessages = !messages.isEmpty(); final StringBuffer unparsedBuffer = handler.getStdErr(); if (unparsedBuffer.length() != 0) { context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage(BUILDER_NAME, BuildMessage.Kind.INFO, unparsedBuffer.toString())); } final int exitValue = handler.getProcess().exitValue(); if (!hasMessages && exitValue != 0) { context.processMessage( new CompilerMessage( BUILDER_NAME, BuildMessage.Kind.ERROR, "Internal groovyc error: code " + exitValue)); } } finally { if (!myForStubs) { final Mappings delta = context.createDelta(); final List<File> successfullyCompiledFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); if (!successfullyCompiled.isEmpty()) { final Callbacks.Backend callback = delta.getCallback(); for (GroovycOSProcessHandler.OutputItem item : successfullyCompiled) { final String sourcePath = FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(item.sourcePath); final String outputPath = FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(item.outputPath); final RootDescriptor moduleAndRoot = context.getModuleAndRoot(new File(sourcePath)); if (moduleAndRoot != null) { final String moduleName = moduleAndRoot.module.getName().toLowerCase(Locale.US); context .getDataManager() .getSourceToOutputMap(moduleName, moduleAndRoot.isTestRoot) .appendData(sourcePath, outputPath); } callback.associate( outputPath, Callbacks.getDefaultLookup(sourcePath), new ClassReader(FileUtil.loadFileBytes(new File(outputPath)))); successfullyCompiledFiles.add(new File(sourcePath)); } } final boolean needSecondPass = updateMappings(context, delta, chunk, toCompile.keySet(), successfullyCompiledFiles); if (needSecondPass) { exitCode = ExitCode.ADDITIONAL_PASS_REQUIRED; } } } return exitCode; } catch (Exception e) { throw new ProjectBuildException(e); } }