public void processClassReferences(ClassNode node) { ClassWrapper wrapper = node.wrapper; // int major_version = wrapper.getClassStruct().major_version; // int minor_version = wrapper.getClassStruct().minor_version; // // if(major_version > 48 || (major_version == 48 && minor_version > 0)) { // // version 1.5 or above // return; // } if (wrapper.getClassStruct().isVersionGE_1_5()) { // version 1.5 or above return; } // find the synthetic method Class class$(String) if present HashMap<ClassWrapper, MethodWrapper> mapClassMeths = new HashMap<ClassWrapper, MethodWrapper>(); mapClassMethods(node, mapClassMeths); if (mapClassMeths.isEmpty()) { return; } HashSet<ClassWrapper> setFound = new HashSet<ClassWrapper>(); processClassRec(node, mapClassMeths, setFound); if (!setFound.isEmpty()) { for (ClassWrapper wrp : setFound) { StructMethod mt = mapClassMeths.get(wrp).methodStruct; wrp.getHiddenMembers().add(InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(mt.getName(), mt.getDescriptor())); } } }
private static boolean hideConstructor( ClassWrapper wrapper, boolean init, boolean throwsExceptions, int paramCount) { if (!init || throwsExceptions || paramCount > 0 || !DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.HIDE_DEFAULT_CONSTRUCTOR)) { return false; } int count = 0; for (StructMethod mt : wrapper.getClassStruct().getMethods()) { if (CodeConstants.INIT_NAME.equals(mt.getName())) { if (++count > 1) { return false; } } } return true; }
private void invokeProcessors(ClassNode node) { ClassWrapper wrapper = node.getWrapper(); StructClass cl = wrapper.getClassStruct(); InitializerProcessor.extractInitializers(wrapper); InitializerProcessor.hideInitalizers(wrapper); if (node.type == ClassNode.CLASS_ROOT && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_CLASS_1_4)) { ref14processor.processClassReferences(node); } if (cl.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_ENUM) && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_ENUM)) { EnumProcessor.clearEnum(wrapper); } if (DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_ASSERTIONS)) { AssertProcessor.buildAssertions(node); } }
private static String isClass14Invocation( Exprent exprent, ClassWrapper wrapper, MethodWrapper meth) { if (exprent.type == Exprent.EXPRENT_FUNCTION) { FunctionExprent fexpr = (FunctionExprent) exprent; if (fexpr.getFuncType() == FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_IIF) { if (fexpr.getLstOperands().get(0).type == Exprent.EXPRENT_FUNCTION) { FunctionExprent headexpr = (FunctionExprent) fexpr.getLstOperands().get(0); if (headexpr.getFuncType() == FunctionExprent.FUNCTION_EQ) { if (headexpr.getLstOperands().get(0).type == Exprent.EXPRENT_FIELD && headexpr.getLstOperands().get(1).type == Exprent.EXPRENT_CONST && ((ConstExprent) headexpr.getLstOperands().get(1)) .getConstType() .equals(VarType.VARTYPE_NULL)) { FieldExprent field = (FieldExprent) headexpr.getLstOperands().get(0); ClassNode fieldnode = DecompilerContext.getClassProcessor() .getMapRootClasses() .get(field.getClassname()); if (fieldnode != null && fieldnode.classStruct.qualifiedName.equals( wrapper.getClassStruct().qualifiedName)) { // source class StructField fd = wrapper .getClassStruct() .getField( field.getName(), field.getDescriptor().descriptorString); // FIXME: can be null! why?? if (fd != null && fd.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_STATIC) && (fd.isSynthetic() || DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.SYNTHETIC_NOT_SET))) { if (fexpr.getLstOperands().get(1).type == Exprent.EXPRENT_ASSIGNMENT && fexpr.getLstOperands().get(2).equals(field)) { AssignmentExprent asexpr = (AssignmentExprent) fexpr.getLstOperands().get(1); if (asexpr.getLeft().equals(field) && asexpr.getRight().type == Exprent.EXPRENT_INVOCATION) { InvocationExprent invexpr = (InvocationExprent) asexpr.getRight(); if (invexpr.getClassname().equals(wrapper.getClassStruct().qualifiedName) && invexpr.getName().equals(meth.methodStruct.getName()) && invexpr .getStringDescriptor() .equals(meth.methodStruct.getDescriptor())) { if (invexpr.getLstParameters().get(0).type == Exprent.EXPRENT_CONST) { wrapper .getHiddenMembers() .add( InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey( fd.getName(), fd.getDescriptor())); // hide synthetic field return ((ConstExprent) invexpr.getLstParameters().get(0)) .getValue() .toString(); } } } } } } } } } } } return null; }
public void classLambdaToJava( ClassNode node, TextBuffer buffer, Exprent method_object, int indent, BytecodeMappingTracer origTracer) { ClassWrapper wrapper = node.getWrapper(); if (wrapper == null) { return; } boolean lambdaToAnonymous = DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.LAMBDA_TO_ANONYMOUS_CLASS); ClassNode outerNode = (ClassNode) DecompilerContext.getProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_CLASS_NODE); DecompilerContext.setProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_CLASS_NODE, node); BytecodeMappingTracer tracer = new BytecodeMappingTracer(origTracer.getCurrentSourceLine()); try { StructClass cl = wrapper.getClassStruct(); DecompilerContext.getLogger().startWriteClass(node.simpleName); if (node.lambdaInformation.is_method_reference) { if (!node.lambdaInformation.is_content_method_static && method_object != null) { // reference to a virtual method buffer.append(method_object.toJava(indent, tracer)); } else { // reference to a static method buffer.append( ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName( new VarType(node.lambdaInformation.content_class_name, false))); } buffer.append("::"); buffer.append(node.lambdaInformation.content_method_name); } else { // lambda method StructMethod mt = cl.getMethod(node.lambdaInformation.content_method_key); MethodWrapper methodWrapper = wrapper.getMethodWrapper(mt.getName(), mt.getDescriptor()); MethodDescriptor md_content = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(node.lambdaInformation.content_method_descriptor); MethodDescriptor md_lambda = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(node.lambdaInformation.method_descriptor); if (!lambdaToAnonymous) { buffer.append('('); boolean firstParameter = true; int index = node.lambdaInformation.is_content_method_static ? 0 : 1; int start_index = md_content.params.length - md_lambda.params.length; for (int i = 0; i < md_content.params.length; i++) { if (i >= start_index) { if (!firstParameter) { buffer.append(", "); } String parameterName = methodWrapper.varproc.getVarName(new VarVersionPair(index, 0)); buffer.append( parameterName == null ? "param" + index : parameterName); // null iff decompiled with errors firstParameter = false; } index += md_content.params[i].stackSize; } buffer.append(") ->"); } buffer.append(" {").appendLineSeparator(); tracer.incrementCurrentSourceLine(); methodLambdaToJava(node, wrapper, mt, buffer, indent + 1, !lambdaToAnonymous, tracer); buffer.appendIndent(indent).append("}"); addTracer(cl, mt, tracer); } } finally { DecompilerContext.setProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_CLASS_NODE, outerNode); } DecompilerContext.getLogger().endWriteClass(); }
private boolean methodToJava( ClassNode node, StructMethod mt, TextBuffer buffer, int indent, BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) { ClassWrapper wrapper = node.getWrapper(); StructClass cl = wrapper.getClassStruct(); MethodWrapper methodWrapper = wrapper.getMethodWrapper(mt.getName(), mt.getDescriptor()); boolean hideMethod = false; int start_index_method = buffer.length(); MethodWrapper outerWrapper = (MethodWrapper) DecompilerContext.getProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_METHOD_WRAPPER); DecompilerContext.setProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_METHOD_WRAPPER, methodWrapper); try { boolean isInterface = cl.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_INTERFACE); boolean isAnnotation = cl.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_ANNOTATION); boolean isEnum = cl.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_ENUM) && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_ENUM); boolean isDeprecated = mt.getAttributes().containsKey("Deprecated"); boolean clinit = false, init = false, dinit = false; MethodDescriptor md = MethodDescriptor.parseDescriptor(mt.getDescriptor()); int flags = mt.getAccessFlags(); if ((flags & CodeConstants.ACC_NATIVE) != 0) { flags &= ~CodeConstants .ACC_STRICT; // compiler bug: a strictfp class sets all methods to strictfp } if (CodeConstants.CLINIT_NAME.equals(mt.getName())) { flags &= CodeConstants .ACC_STATIC; // ignore all modifiers except 'static' in a static initializer } if (isDeprecated) { appendDeprecation(buffer, indent); } if (interceptor != null) { String oldName = interceptor.getOldName( cl.qualifiedName + " " + mt.getName() + " " + mt.getDescriptor()); appendRenameComment(buffer, oldName, MType.METHOD, indent); } boolean isSynthetic = (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0 || mt.getAttributes().containsKey("Synthetic"); boolean isBridge = (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_BRIDGE) != 0; if (isSynthetic) { appendComment(buffer, "synthetic method", indent); } if (isBridge) { appendComment(buffer, "bridge method", indent); } appendAnnotations(buffer, mt, indent); buffer.appendIndent(indent); appendModifiers(buffer, flags, METHOD_ALLOWED, isInterface, METHOD_EXCLUDED); if (isInterface && mt.containsCode()) { // 'default' modifier (Java 8) buffer.append("default "); } String name = mt.getName(); if (CodeConstants.INIT_NAME.equals(name)) { if (node.type == ClassNode.CLASS_ANONYMOUS) { name = ""; dinit = true; } else { name = node.simpleName; init = true; } } else if (CodeConstants.CLINIT_NAME.equals(name)) { name = ""; clinit = true; } GenericMethodDescriptor descriptor = null; if (DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_GENERIC_SIGNATURES)) { StructGenericSignatureAttribute attr = (StructGenericSignatureAttribute) mt.getAttributes().getWithKey("Signature"); if (attr != null) { descriptor = GenericMain.parseMethodSignature(attr.getSignature()); if (descriptor != null) { int actualParams = md.params.length; List<VarVersionPair> sigFields = methodWrapper.signatureFields; if (sigFields != null) { actualParams = 0; for (VarVersionPair field : methodWrapper.signatureFields) { if (field == null) { actualParams++; } } } else if (isEnum && init) actualParams -= 2; if (actualParams != descriptor.params.size()) { String message = "Inconsistent generic signature in method " + mt.getName() + " " + mt.getDescriptor() + " in " + cl.qualifiedName; DecompilerContext.getLogger().writeMessage(message, IFernflowerLogger.Severity.WARN); descriptor = null; } } } } boolean throwsExceptions = false; int paramCount = 0; if (!clinit && !dinit) { boolean thisVar = !mt.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_STATIC); if (descriptor != null && !descriptor.fparameters.isEmpty()) { appendTypeParameters(buffer, descriptor.fparameters, descriptor.fbounds); buffer.append(' '); } if (!init) { if (descriptor != null) { buffer.append(GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(descriptor.ret)); } else { buffer.append(ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(md.ret)); } buffer.append(' '); } buffer.append(toValidJavaIdentifier(name)); buffer.append('('); // parameters List<VarVersionPair> signFields = methodWrapper.signatureFields; int lastVisibleParameterIndex = -1; for (int i = 0; i < md.params.length; i++) { if (signFields == null || signFields.get(i) == null) { lastVisibleParameterIndex = i; } } boolean firstParameter = true; int index = isEnum && init ? 3 : thisVar ? 1 : 0; boolean hasDescriptor = descriptor != null; int start = isEnum && init && !hasDescriptor ? 2 : 0; int params = hasDescriptor ? descriptor.params.size() : md.params.length; for (int i = start; i < params; i++) { if (hasDescriptor || (signFields == null || signFields.get(i) == null)) { if (!firstParameter) { buffer.append(", "); } appendParameterAnnotations(buffer, mt, paramCount); if (methodWrapper.varproc.getVarFinal(new VarVersionPair(index, 0)) == VarTypeProcessor.VAR_EXPLICIT_FINAL) { buffer.append("final "); } if (descriptor != null) { GenericType parameterType = descriptor.params.get(i); boolean isVarArg = (i == lastVisibleParameterIndex && mt.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_VARARGS) && parameterType.arrayDim > 0); if (isVarArg) { parameterType = parameterType.decreaseArrayDim(); } String typeName = GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(parameterType); if (ExprProcessor.UNDEFINED_TYPE_STRING.equals(typeName) && DecompilerContext.getOption( IFernflowerPreferences.UNDEFINED_PARAM_TYPE_OBJECT)) { typeName = ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(VarType.VARTYPE_OBJECT); } buffer.append(typeName); if (isVarArg) { buffer.append("..."); } } else { VarType parameterType = md.params[i]; boolean isVarArg = (i == lastVisibleParameterIndex && mt.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_VARARGS) && parameterType.arrayDim > 0); if (isVarArg) { parameterType = parameterType.decreaseArrayDim(); } String typeName = ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(parameterType); if (ExprProcessor.UNDEFINED_TYPE_STRING.equals(typeName) && DecompilerContext.getOption( IFernflowerPreferences.UNDEFINED_PARAM_TYPE_OBJECT)) { typeName = ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(VarType.VARTYPE_OBJECT); } buffer.append(typeName); if (isVarArg) { buffer.append("..."); } } buffer.append(' '); String parameterName = methodWrapper.varproc.getVarName(new VarVersionPair(index, 0)); buffer.append( parameterName == null ? "param" + index : parameterName); // null iff decompiled with errors firstParameter = false; paramCount++; } index += md.params[i].stackSize; } buffer.append(')'); StructExceptionsAttribute attr = (StructExceptionsAttribute) mt.getAttributes().getWithKey("Exceptions"); if ((descriptor != null && !descriptor.exceptions.isEmpty()) || attr != null) { throwsExceptions = true; buffer.append(" throws "); for (int i = 0; i < attr.getThrowsExceptions().size(); i++) { if (i > 0) { buffer.append(", "); } if (descriptor != null && !descriptor.exceptions.isEmpty()) { GenericType type = descriptor.exceptions.get(i); buffer.append(GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(type)); } else { VarType type = new VarType(attr.getExcClassname(i, cl.getPool()), true); buffer.append(ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(type)); } } } } tracer.incrementCurrentSourceLine(buffer.countLines(start_index_method)); if ((flags & (CodeConstants.ACC_ABSTRACT | CodeConstants.ACC_NATIVE)) != 0) { // native or abstract method (explicit or interface) if (isAnnotation) { StructAnnDefaultAttribute attr = (StructAnnDefaultAttribute) mt.getAttributes().getWithKey("AnnotationDefault"); if (attr != null) { buffer.append(" default "); buffer.append( attr.getDefaultValue() .toJava(indent + 1, new BytecodeMappingTracer())); // dummy tracer } } buffer.append(';'); buffer.appendLineSeparator(); tracer.incrementCurrentSourceLine(); } else { if (!clinit && !dinit) { buffer.append(' '); } // We do not have line information for method start, lets have it here for now StructLineNumberTableAttribute lineNumberTable = (StructLineNumberTableAttribute) mt.getAttributes().getWithKey(StructGeneralAttribute.ATTRIBUTE_LINE_NUMBER_TABLE); if (lineNumberTable != null && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.USE_DEBUG_LINE_NUMBERS)) { buffer.setCurrentLine(lineNumberTable.getFirstLine() - 1); } buffer.append('{').appendLineSeparator(); tracer.incrementCurrentSourceLine(); RootStatement root = wrapper.getMethodWrapper(mt.getName(), mt.getDescriptor()).root; if (root != null && !methodWrapper.decompiledWithErrors) { // check for existence try { int startLine = tracer.getCurrentSourceLine(); TextBuffer code = root.toJava(indent + 1, tracer); hideMethod = (clinit || dinit || hideConstructor(wrapper, init, throwsExceptions, paramCount)) && code.length() == 0; if (!hideMethod && lineNumberTable != null && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.USE_DEBUG_LINE_NUMBERS)) { mapLines(code, lineNumberTable, tracer, startLine); } buffer.append(code); } catch (Throwable ex) { DecompilerContext.getLogger() .writeMessage( "Method " + mt.getName() + " " + mt.getDescriptor() + " couldn't be written.", ex); methodWrapper.decompiledWithErrors = true; } } if (methodWrapper.decompiledWithErrors) { buffer.appendIndent(indent + 1); buffer.append("// $FF: Couldn't be decompiled"); buffer.appendLineSeparator(); tracer.incrementCurrentSourceLine(); } if (root != null) { tracer.addMapping(root.getDummyExit().bytecode); } buffer.appendIndent(indent).append('}').appendLineSeparator(); tracer.incrementCurrentSourceLine(); } } finally { DecompilerContext.setProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_METHOD_WRAPPER, outerWrapper); } // save total lines // TODO: optimize // tracer.setCurrentSourceLine(buffer.countLines(start_index_method)); return !hideMethod; }
private void writeClassDefinition(ClassNode node, TextBuffer buffer, int indent) { if (node.type == ClassNode.CLASS_ANONYMOUS) { buffer.append(" {").appendLineSeparator(); return; } ClassWrapper wrapper = node.getWrapper(); StructClass cl = wrapper.getClassStruct(); int flags = node.type == ClassNode.CLASS_ROOT ? cl.getAccessFlags() : node.access; boolean isDeprecated = cl.getAttributes().containsKey("Deprecated"); boolean isSynthetic = (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0 || cl.getAttributes().containsKey("Synthetic"); boolean isEnum = DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_ENUM) && (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_ENUM) != 0; boolean isInterface = (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_INTERFACE) != 0; boolean isAnnotation = (flags & CodeConstants.ACC_ANNOTATION) != 0; if (isDeprecated) { appendDeprecation(buffer, indent); } if (interceptor != null) { String oldName = interceptor.getOldName(cl.qualifiedName); appendRenameComment(buffer, oldName, MType.CLASS, indent); } if (isSynthetic) { appendComment(buffer, "synthetic class", indent); } appendAnnotations(buffer, cl, indent); buffer.appendIndent(indent); if (isEnum) { // remove abstract and final flags (JLS 8.9 Enums) flags &= ~CodeConstants.ACC_ABSTRACT; flags &= ~CodeConstants.ACC_FINAL; } appendModifiers(buffer, flags, CLASS_ALLOWED, isInterface, CLASS_EXCLUDED); if (isEnum) { buffer.append("enum "); } else if (isInterface) { if (isAnnotation) { buffer.append('@'); } buffer.append("interface "); } else { buffer.append("class "); } GenericClassDescriptor descriptor = null; if (DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_GENERIC_SIGNATURES)) { StructGenericSignatureAttribute attr = (StructGenericSignatureAttribute) cl.getAttributes().getWithKey("Signature"); if (attr != null) { descriptor = GenericMain.parseClassSignature(attr.getSignature()); } } buffer.append(node.simpleName); if (descriptor != null && !descriptor.fparameters.isEmpty()) { appendTypeParameters(buffer, descriptor.fparameters, descriptor.fbounds); } buffer.append(' '); if (!isEnum && !isInterface && cl.superClass != null) { VarType supertype = new VarType(cl.superClass.getString(), true); if (!VarType.VARTYPE_OBJECT.equals(supertype)) { buffer.append("extends "); if (descriptor != null) { buffer.append(GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(descriptor.superclass)); } else { buffer.append(ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(supertype)); } buffer.append(' '); } } if (!isAnnotation) { int[] interfaces = cl.getInterfaces(); if (interfaces.length > 0) { buffer.append(isInterface ? "extends " : "implements "); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.length; i++) { if (i > 0) { buffer.append(", "); } if (descriptor != null) { buffer.append(GenericMain.getGenericCastTypeName(descriptor.superinterfaces.get(i))); } else { buffer.append(ExprProcessor.getCastTypeName(new VarType(cl.getInterface(i), true))); } } buffer.append(' '); } } buffer.append('{').appendLineSeparator(); }
public void classToJava( ClassNode node, TextBuffer buffer, int indent, BytecodeMappingTracer tracer) { ClassNode outerNode = (ClassNode) DecompilerContext.getProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_CLASS_NODE); DecompilerContext.setProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_CLASS_NODE, node); int startLine = tracer != null ? tracer.getCurrentSourceLine() : 0; BytecodeMappingTracer dummy_tracer = new BytecodeMappingTracer(startLine); try { // last minute processing invokeProcessors(node); ClassWrapper wrapper = node.getWrapper(); StructClass cl = wrapper.getClassStruct(); DecompilerContext.getLogger().startWriteClass(cl.qualifiedName); // write class definition int start_class_def = buffer.length(); writeClassDefinition(node, buffer, indent); // // count lines in class definition the easiest way // startLine = buffer.substring(start_class_def).toString().split(lineSeparator, // -1).length - 1; boolean hasContent = false; // fields boolean enumFields = false; dummy_tracer.incrementCurrentSourceLine(buffer.countLines(start_class_def)); for (StructField fd : cl.getFields()) { boolean hide = fd.isSynthetic() && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.REMOVE_SYNTHETIC) || wrapper .getHiddenMembers() .contains(InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(fd.getName(), fd.getDescriptor())); if (hide) continue; boolean isEnum = fd.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_ENUM) && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.DECOMPILE_ENUM); if (isEnum) { if (enumFields) { buffer.append(',').appendLineSeparator(); dummy_tracer.incrementCurrentSourceLine(); } enumFields = true; } else if (enumFields) { buffer.append(';'); buffer.appendLineSeparator(); buffer.appendLineSeparator(); dummy_tracer.incrementCurrentSourceLine(2); enumFields = false; } fieldToJava(wrapper, cl, fd, buffer, indent + 1, dummy_tracer); // FIXME: insert real tracer hasContent = true; } if (enumFields) { buffer.append(';').appendLineSeparator(); dummy_tracer.incrementCurrentSourceLine(); } // FIXME: fields don't matter at the moment startLine += buffer.countLines(start_class_def); // methods for (StructMethod mt : cl.getMethods()) { boolean hide = mt.isSynthetic() && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.REMOVE_SYNTHETIC) || mt.hasModifier(CodeConstants.ACC_BRIDGE) && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.REMOVE_BRIDGE) || wrapper .getHiddenMembers() .contains(InterpreterUtil.makeUniqueKey(mt.getName(), mt.getDescriptor())); if (hide) continue; int position = buffer.length(); int storedLine = startLine; if (hasContent) { buffer.appendLineSeparator(); startLine++; } BytecodeMappingTracer method_tracer = new BytecodeMappingTracer(startLine); boolean methodSkipped = !methodToJava(node, mt, buffer, indent + 1, method_tracer); if (!methodSkipped) { hasContent = true; addTracer(cl, mt, method_tracer); startLine = method_tracer.getCurrentSourceLine(); } else { buffer.setLength(position); startLine = storedLine; } } // member classes for (ClassNode inner : node.nested) { if (inner.type == ClassNode.CLASS_MEMBER) { StructClass innerCl = inner.classStruct; boolean isSynthetic = (inner.access & CodeConstants.ACC_SYNTHETIC) != 0 || innerCl.isSynthetic() || inner.namelessConstructorStub; boolean hide = isSynthetic && DecompilerContext.getOption(IFernflowerPreferences.REMOVE_SYNTHETIC) || wrapper.getHiddenMembers().contains(innerCl.qualifiedName); if (hide) continue; if (hasContent) { buffer.appendLineSeparator(); startLine++; } BytecodeMappingTracer class_tracer = new BytecodeMappingTracer(startLine); classToJava(inner, buffer, indent + 1, class_tracer); startLine = buffer.countLines(); hasContent = true; } } buffer.appendIndent(indent).append('}'); if (node.type != ClassNode.CLASS_ANONYMOUS) { buffer.appendLineSeparator(); } } finally { DecompilerContext.setProperty(DecompilerContext.CURRENT_CLASS_NODE, outerNode); } DecompilerContext.getLogger().endWriteClass(); }