private void load(String pkg) { try { URL infourl = Application.getRessourceURL(JD_CONTROLLING_RECONNECT_PLUGINS + pkg + "/info.json"); if (infourl == null) { LogController.CL().finer("Could not load Reconnect Plugin " + pkg); return; } ReconnectPluginInfo plgInfo = JSonStorage.restoreFromString( IO.readURLToString(infourl), new TypeRef<ReconnectPluginInfo>() {}, null); if (plgInfo == null) { LogController.CL().finer("Could not load Reconnect Plugin (no info.json)" + pkg); return; } Class<?> clazz = getClass() .getClassLoader() .loadClass( JD_CONTROLLING_RECONNECT_PLUGINS.replace("/", ".") + pkg + "." + plgInfo.getClassName()); for (RouterPlugin plg : plugins) { if (plg.getClass() == clazz) { LogController.CL().finer("Dupe found: " + pkg); return; } } plugins.add((RouterPlugin) clazz.newInstance()); } catch (Throwable e) { LogController.CL().log(e); } }
/** * Create a new i nstance of AuthenticationController. This is a singleton class. Access the only * existing instance by using {@link #getInstance()}. */ private AuthenticationController() { logger = LogController.getInstance().getLogger(AuthenticationController.class.getName()); config = JsonConfig.create(AuthenticationControllerSettings.class); CopyOnWriteArrayList<AuthenticationInfo> list = cleanup(config.getList()); if (list == null) { list = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<AuthenticationInfo>(); } this.list = list; ShutdownController.getInstance() .addShutdownEvent( new ShutdownEvent() { @Override public void onShutdown(final ShutdownRequest shutdownRequest) { config.setList(AuthenticationController.this.list); } @Override public long getMaxDuration() { return 0; } @Override public String toString() { return "ShutdownEvent: Save AuthController"; } }); }
/** * Create a new instance of RecollController. This is a singleton class. Access the only existing instance by using * {@link #getInstance()}. */ private RecollController() { logger = LogController.getInstance().getLogger(getClass().getName()); queue = new Queue("RecollQueue") { }; }
public void errLog(Throwable e, Browser br, CrawledLink link) { LogSource errlogger = LogController.getInstance().getLogger("PluginErrors"); try { errlogger.severe("CrawlerPlugin out of date: " + this + " :" + getVersion()); errlogger.severe("URL was: " + link.getURL()); if (e != null) { errlogger.log(e); } } finally { errlogger.close(); } }
ExtractionController( ExtractionExtension extractionExtension, Archive archiv, IExtraction extractor) { this.archive = archiv; logger = LogController.CL(false); logger.setAllowTimeoutFlush(false);"Extraction of" + archive); this.extractor = extractor; extractionProgress = new ExtractionProgress(this, 0, 0, null); extractor.setArchiv(archiv); extractor.setExtractionController(this); extension = extractionExtension; extractor.setLogger(logger); passwordList = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<String>(); archive.onControllerAssigned(this); }
protected AbstractStreamFactory() { logger = LogController.getInstance().getLogger(getClass().getName()); exceptions = new ArrayList<Throwable>(); this.closer = new DelayedRunnable(EXECUTER, 5 * 1000l) { @Override public void delayedrun() { synchronized (activeStreams) { if (activeStreams.size() > 0) return; System.out.println("CLOSED " + AbstractStreamFactory.this); close(); } } }; }
private void save(List<LazyHostPlugin> save, final AtomicLong lastFolderModification) { if (save != null) { LOCK.writeLock(); final File cache = Application.getTempResource(getCache()); try { LazyHostPluginCache.write(save, cache, lastFolderModification); } catch (final Throwable e) { final LogSource log = LogController.CL(false); log.log(e); log.close(); cache.delete(); } finally { LOCK.writeUnlock(); FileCreationManager.getInstance() .delete(Application.getTempResource(TMP_INVALIDPLUGINS), null); } } }
public static Icon getIcon(final String name, final ExtensionsFilterInterface extension) { Icon newIcon = null; final String ext = Files.getExtension(name); if (CrossSystem.isWindows() && ext != null) { try { newIcon = CrossSystem.getMime().getFileIcon(ext, 16, 16); } catch (Throwable e) { LogController.CL().log(e); } } if (newIcon == null) { String iconID = null; if (extension != null && extension.getIconID() != null) { iconID = extension.getIconID(); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(iconID)) { iconID = "file"; } newIcon = NewTheme.I().getIcon(iconID, 16); } return newIcon; }
private void addCircles(PixelObject pixelObject, java.util.List<PixelObject> obnew) { if (pixelObject.getArea() < minArea) { return; } int[] bounds = getBounds(pixelObject); int r = 0; if (bounds != null) { r = (bounds[1] - pixelObject.getLocation()[1]) / 2; // System.out.println(r + ":" + bounds[0] + ":" + bounds[1]); // System.out.println(pixelObject.getHeight() / 2); PixelObject object = getCircle(bounds[0], bounds[1] - r, r); if (object != null) { int ratio = object.getHeight() * 100 / object.getWidth(); // BasicWindow.showImage(object.toColoredLetter().getImage(),""+ratio); if (ratio > 90 && ratio < 110) { obnew.add(object); int oldArea = pixelObject.getArea(); // BasicWindow.showImage(object.toColoredLetter().getImage(),""+pixelObject.getArea()); pixelObject.del(object); if (oldArea != pixelObject.getArea()) { addCircles(pixelObject, obnew); } } } } else { LogController.CL().warning("can not detect circle bounds"); // BasicWindow.showImage(pixelObject.toColoredLetter().getImage(),""+pixelObject.getArea()); } }
/** Scans for reconnection plugins */ private void scan() { try { final File[] files = JDUtilities.getResourceFile("reconnect") .listFiles(new JDFileFilter(null, ".reconnect", false)); this.plugins = new ArrayList<RouterPlugin>(); this.plugins.add(DummyRouterPlugin.getInstance()); plugins.add(new ExternBatchReconnectPlugin()); plugins.add(new ExternReconnectPlugin()); plugins.add(new UPNPRouterPlugin()); plugins.add(new LiveHeaderReconnect()); plugins.add(new SpeedPortHybrid()); plugins.add(new EasyBox804()); final java.util.List<URL> urls = new ArrayList<URL>(); if (files != null) { final int length = files.length; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { try { urls.add(files[i].toURI().toURL()); Application.addUrlToClassPath(files[i].toURI().toURL(), getClass().getClassLoader()); } catch (final Throwable e) { LogController.CL().log(e); } } } Enumeration<URL> found = getClass() .getClassLoader() .getResources(ReconnectPluginController.JD_CONTROLLING_RECONNECT_PLUGINS); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(Pattern.quote(JD_CONTROLLING_RECONNECT_PLUGINS) + "(\\w+)/"); while (found.hasMoreElements()) { URL url = found.nextElement(); if (url.getProtocol().equalsIgnoreCase("jar")) { // // jarred addon (JAR) String path = url.getPath(); File jarFile = new File(new URL(path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('!'))).toURI()); JarInputStream jis = null; try { jis = new JarInputStream(new FileInputStream(jarFile)); JarEntry e; while ((e = jis.getNextJarEntry()) != null) { // try { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(e.getName()); while (matcher.find()) { try { String pkg =; load(pkg); System.out.println(pkg); } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } } } finally { try { jis.close(); } catch (final Throwable e) { } } } else { for (File dir : new File(url.toURI()) .listFiles( new FileFilter() { public boolean accept(File pathname) { return pathname.isDirectory(); } })) { File file = new File(dir, "info.json"); if (file.exists()) { load(dir.getName()); } } // } } } catch (Throwable e) { LogController.CL().log(e); } }
public synchronized Map<String, LazyHostPlugin> init() { final LogSource logger = LogController.CL(false);"HostPluginController: init"); logger.setAllowTimeoutFlush(false); logger.setAutoFlushOnThrowable(true); LogController.setRebirthLogger(logger); final long completeTimeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { /* try to load from cache */ long timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (lastKnownPlugins == null || lastModification.get() <= 0) { try { lastKnownPlugins = loadFromCache(lastModification); } catch (Throwable e) { if (lastModification != null) { lastModification.set(-1l); } logger.log(e); logger.severe("@HostPluginController: cache failed!"); } finally { if (lastKnownPlugins != null && lastKnownPlugins.size() > 0) { "@HostPluginController: loadFromCache took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStamp) + "ms for " + lastKnownPlugins.size()); } } } List<LazyHostPlugin> plugins = null; timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { /* do a fresh scan */ plugins = update(logger, lastKnownPlugins, lastModification); } catch (Throwable e) { if (lastModification != null) { lastModification.set(-1l); } logger.log(e); logger.severe("@HostPluginController: update failed!"); } finally { if (plugins != null && plugins.size() > 0) { "@HostPluginController: update took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStamp) + "ms for " + plugins.size()); } } if (plugins == null || plugins.size() == 0) { if (plugins == null) { plugins = new ArrayList<LazyHostPlugin>(); } logger.severe("@HostPluginController: WTF, no plugins!"); } lastKnownPlugins = new ArrayList<LazyHostPlugin>(plugins); timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { if (false) { Collections.sort( plugins, new Comparator<LazyHostPlugin>() { public final boolean smallestCharacter(char a, char b) { return Character.toLowerCase(a) < Character.toLowerCase(b); } public int compare(LazyHostPlugin o1, LazyHostPlugin o2) { char a = o1.getDisplayName().charAt(0); char b = o2.getDisplayName().charAt(0); if (a == b) { return 0; } return smallestCharacter(a, b) ? -1 : 1; } }); } else { Collections.sort( plugins, new Comparator<LazyHostPlugin>() { public int compare(LazyHostPlugin o1, LazyHostPlugin o2) { return o1.getDisplayName().compareTo(o2.getDisplayName()); } }); } } catch (final Throwable e) { logger.log(e); logger.severe("@HostPluginController: sort failed!"); } finally { "@HostPluginController: sort took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStamp) + "ms for " + plugins.size()); } timeStamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); final LinkedHashMap<String, LazyHostPlugin> retMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, LazyHostPlugin>(); LazyHostPlugin fallBackPlugin = null; for (final LazyHostPlugin plugin : plugins) { plugin.setPluginClass(null); plugin.setClassLoader(null); if (fallBackPlugin == null && "UpdateRequired".equalsIgnoreCase(plugin.getDisplayName())) { fallBackPlugin = plugin; this.fallBackPlugin = plugin; continue; } final String pluginID = plugin.getDisplayName().toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); final LazyHostPlugin existingPlugin = retMap.put(pluginID, plugin); if (existingPlugin != null) { if (existingPlugin.getLazyPluginClass().getInterfaceVersion() > plugin.getLazyPluginClass().getInterfaceVersion()) { retMap.put(pluginID, existingPlugin); // logger.finest("@HostPlugin keep:" + existingPlugin.getLazyPluginClass() + ":" + // existingPlugin.getVersion() + // " instead " + plugin.getLazyPluginClass() + ":" + plugin.getVersion()); } else { // logger.finest("@HostPlugin replaced:" + existingPlugin.getLazyPluginClass() + ":" + // existingPlugin.getVersion() + // " with " + plugin.getLazyPluginClass() + ":" + plugin.getVersion()); } } } "@HostPluginController: mapping took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - timeStamp) + "ms for " + plugins.size()); list = retMap; } finally { final Map<String, LazyHostPlugin> llist = list; if (llist != null) { "@HostPluginController: init took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - completeTimeStamp) + "ms for " + llist.size()); } else { "@HostPluginController: init took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - completeTimeStamp)); } LogController.setRebirthLogger(null); validateCache(); final List<LazyHostPlugin> lLastKnownPlugins = lastKnownPlugins; if (lLastKnownPlugins != null) { final AtomicLong lastModification = new AtomicLong(this.lastModification.get()); final Thread saveThread = new Thread("@HostPluginController:save") { public void run() { save(lLastKnownPlugins, lastModification); }; }; saveThread.setDaemon(true); saveThread.start(); } logger.close(); System.gc(); } if (SecondLevelLaunch.HOST_PLUGINS_COMPLETE.isReached()) { SecondLevelLaunch.INIT_COMPLETE.executeWhenReached( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { TaskQueue.getQueue() .add( new QueueAction<Void, RuntimeException>() { @Override protected Void run() throws RuntimeException { LinkCollector.getInstance().checkPluginUpdates(); DownloadController.getInstance().checkPluginUpdates(); AccountController.getInstance().checkPluginUpdates(); HosterRuleController.getInstance().checkPluginUpdates(); return null; } }); } }); } return list; }
/** * Create a new instance of ChallengeResponseController. This is a singleton class. Access the * only existing instance by using {@link #getInstance()}. */ private ChallengeResponseController() { logger = LogController.getInstance().getLogger(getClass().getName()); eventSender = new ChallengeResponseEventSender(logger); }
public <T> SolverJob<T> handle(final Challenge<T> c) throws InterruptedException, SkipException { LogSource logger = LogController.getInstance().getPreviousThreadLogSource(); if (logger == null) { logger = this.logger; }"Log to " + logger.getName());"Handle Challenge: " + c); final ArrayList<ChallengeSolver<T>> solver = createList(c);"Solver: " + solver); if (solver.size() == 0) {"No solver available!"); throw new SkipException(SkipRequest.BLOCK_HOSTER); } final SolverJob<T> job = new SolverJob<T>(this, c, solver); job.setLogger(logger); final Plugin plugin = c.getPlugin(); if (plugin != null) { if (plugin instanceof PluginForHost) { ((PluginForHost) plugin).setLastSolverJob(job); } else if (plugin instanceof PluginForDecrypt) { ((PluginForDecrypt) plugin).setLastSolverJob(job); } } final UniqueAlltimeID jobID = c.getId(); synchronized (activeJobs) { activeJobs.add(job); idToJobMap.put(jobID, job); } try { for (final ChallengeSolver<T> cs : solver) {"Send to solver: " + cs + " " + job); cs.enqueue(job); }"Fire New Job Event"); fireNewJobEvent(job);"Wait"); while (!job.isSolved() && !job.isDone()) { synchronized (job) { if (!job.isSolved() && !job.isDone()) { job.wait(10000); } } } if (job.getSkipRequest() != null) { throw new SkipException(job.getSkipRequest()); } final ResponseList<T> response = job.getResponseAndKill();"All Responses: " + job.getResponses());"Solving Done. Result: " + response); return job; } catch (InterruptedException e) { // for example downloads have been stopped job.kill(); throw e; } finally { try { synchronized (activeJobs) { activeJobs.remove(job); idToJobMap.remove(jobID); } } finally { fireJobDone(job); } } }