protected void transformXML(File[] files) { int number = 0; try { SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder(); for (int f = 0; f < files.length; f++) { int fn = f + 1; // split by treatment Document doc =[f]); Element root = doc.getRootElement(); List<Element> treatments = XPath.selectNodes(root, "/tax:taxonx/tax:taxonxBody/tax:treatment"); // detach all but one treatments from doc ArrayList<Element> saved = new ArrayList<Element>(); for (int t = 1; t < treatments.size(); t++) { Element e = treatments.get(t); doc.removeContent(e); e.detach(); saved.add(e); } // now doc is a template to create other treatment files // root.detach(); formatDescription( (Element) XPath.selectSingleNode(root, "/tax:taxonx/tax:taxonxBody/tax:treatment"), ".//tax:div[@type='description']", ".//tax:p", fn, 0); root.detach(); writeTreatment2Transformed(root, fn, 0); + "", fn + "_0.xml"); // list the file on GUI here getDescriptionFrom(root, fn, 0); // replace treatement in doc with a new treatment in saved Iterator<Element> it = saved.iterator(); int count = 1; while (it.hasNext()) { Element e =; Element body = root.getChild("taxonxBody", root.getNamespace()); Element treatment = (Element) XPath.selectSingleNode(root, "/tax:taxonx/tax:taxonxBody/tax:treatment"); // in treatment/div[@type="description"], replace <tax:p> tag with <description // pid="1.txtp436_1.txt"> int index = body.indexOf(treatment); e = formatDescription(e, ".//tax:div[@type='description']", ".//tax:p", fn, count); body.setContent(index, e); // write each treatment as a file in the target/transfromed folder // write description text in the target/description folder root.detach(); writeTreatment2Transformed(root, fn, count); + "", fn + "_" + count + ".xml"); // list the file on GUI here getDescriptionFrom(root, fn, count); count++; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); LOGGER.error("Type4Transformer : error.", e); } }
/** * Used for editing : swaps 2 elements. * * @param el1 * @param el2 * @throws Exception */ protected void swapElements(Element el1, Element el2) throws Exception { Element parent = el1.getParentElement(); if (parent == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No parent element for swapping"); } int index1 = parent.indexOf(el1); if (index1 == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element 1 not found for swapping"); } int index2 = parent.indexOf(el2); if (index2 == -1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Element 2 not found for swapping"); } Element el1Spare = (Element) el1.clone(); parent.setContent(index1, (Element) el2.clone()); parent.setContent(index2, el1Spare); }
private void doit() throws JDOMException, IOException, SAXException, ParserConfigurationException, TransformerConfigurationException, TransformerException { Document CATALOG_DOCUMENT = FileIO.readDocumentFromLocalFile(CATALOG_FILE); List l = XPath.newInstance( "//resource[contains(@type,'exmaralda') and descendant::exmaralda-coma[@type='local']]") .selectNodes(CATALOG_DOCUMENT); for (Object o : l) { Element resourceElement = (Element) o; Element comaCorpusElement = (Element) XPath.newInstance("descendant::exmaralda-coma[@type='local']") .selectSingleNode(resourceElement); String url = comaCorpusElement.getAttributeValue("url").substring(7); System.out.println("Processing " + url); COMACorpus comaCorpus = new COMACorpus(); comaCorpus.readCorpus(new File(url), true); // resourceElement.removeChildren("annotation"); HashSet<String> annotationNames = comaCorpus.getAnnotationNames(); for (String annotationName : annotationNames) { if (XPath.newInstance("descendant::annotation[@category='" + annotationName + "']") .selectSingleNode(resourceElement) == null) { Element annotationElement = new Element("annotation"); annotationElement.setAttribute("category", annotationName); int index = resourceElement.indexOf( (Element) XPath.newInstance("descendant::short-description[last()]") .selectSingleNode(resourceElement)); resourceElement.addContent(index + 1, annotationElement); } } FileIO.writeDocumentToLocalFile(CATALOG_FILE, CATALOG_DOCUMENT); } }
/** * For Ajax Editing : removes an element from a metadata ([del] link). * * @param dbms * @param session * @param id * @param ref * @param parentRef * @return * @throws Exception */ public synchronized Element deleteElementEmbedded( Dbms dbms, UserSession session, String id, String ref, String parentRef) throws Exception { String schema = dataManager.getMetadataSchema(dbms, id); // --- get metadata from session Element md = getMetadataFromSession(session, id); // --- locate the geonet:info element and clone for later re-use Element info = (Element) (md.getChild(Edit.RootChild.INFO, Edit.NAMESPACE)).clone(); md.removeChild(Edit.RootChild.INFO, Edit.NAMESPACE); // --- get element to remove EditLib editLib = dataManager.getEditLib(); Element el = editLib.findElement(md, ref); if (el == null) throw new IllegalStateException(MSG_ELEMENT_NOT_FOUND_AT_REF + ref); String uName = el.getName(); Namespace ns = el.getNamespace(); Element parent = el.getParentElement(); Element result = null; if (parent != null) { int me = parent.indexOf(el); // --- check and see whether the element to be deleted is the last one of its kind Filter elFilter = new ElementFilter(uName, ns); if (parent.getContent(elFilter).size() == 1) { // --- get geonet child element with attribute name = unqualified name Filter chFilter = new ElementFilter(Edit.RootChild.CHILD, Edit.NAMESPACE); List children = parent.getContent(chFilter); for (int i = 0; i < children.size(); i++) { Element ch = (Element) children.get(i); String name = ch.getAttributeValue("name"); if (name != null && name.equals(uName)) { result = (Element) ch.clone(); break; } } // -- now delete the element as requested parent.removeContent(me); // --- existing geonet child element not present so create it and insert it // --- where the last element was deleted if (result == null) { result = editLib.createElement(schema, el, parent); parent.addContent(me, result); } result.setAttribute(Edit.ChildElem.Attr.PARENT, parentRef); result.addContent(info); } // --- if not the last one then just delete it else { parent.removeContent(me); } } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Element at ref = " + ref + " doesn't have a parent"); } // if we don't need a child then create a geonet:null element if (result == null) { result = new Element(Edit.RootChild.NULL, Edit.NAMESPACE); result.addContent(info); } // --- reattach the info element to the metadata md.addContent((Element) info.clone()); // --- store the metadata in the session again setMetadataIntoSession(session, (Element) md.clone(), id); return result; }
/** * Add content before or after an element. * * @param sibling an element with a parent. * @param toAdd the content to add alongside <code>sibling</code>. * @param after <code>true</code> to add it after <code>sibling</code>. */ public static void insertSiblings( final Element sibling, final Collection<? extends Content> toAdd, final boolean after) { final Element parentElement = sibling.getParentElement(); final int index = parentElement.indexOf(sibling); parentElement.addContent(after ? index + 1 : index, toAdd); }