public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length < 2) { System.out.println("Syntax: <> <>"); return; } SeekableByteChannel input = readableChannel(new File(args[0])); MP4Demuxer demuxer = new MP4Demuxer(input); SeekableByteChannel output = writableChannel(new File(args[1])); MP4Muxer muxer = MP4Muxer.createMP4Muxer(output, Brand.MOV); AbstractMP4DemuxerTrack inVideo = demuxer.getVideoTrack(); VideoSampleEntry entry = (VideoSampleEntry) inVideo.getSampleEntries()[0]; int width = entry.getWidth(); int height = entry.getHeight(); ProresToProxy toProxy = new ProresToProxy(width, height, 65536); FramesMP4MuxerTrack outVideo = muxer.addTrack(TrackType.VIDEO, (int) inVideo.getTimescale()); TrackHeaderBox th = inVideo.getBox().getTrackHeader(); System.out.println(toProxy.getFrameSize()); int frame = 0; long from = System.currentTimeMillis(); long last = from; MP4Packet pkt = null; while ((pkt = (MP4Packet) inVideo.nextFrame()) != null) { ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.allocate(pkt.getData().remaining()); toProxy.transcode(pkt.getData(), out); out.flip(); outVideo.addFrame(MP4Packet.createMP4PacketWithData(pkt, out)); frame++; long cur = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (cur - last > 5000) { System.out.println(((1000 * frame) / (cur - from)) + " fps"); last = cur; } } entry.setMediaType("apco"); outVideo.addSampleEntry(entry); muxer.writeHeader(); output.close(); input.close(); }
public void flattern(MovieBox movie, File video) throws IOException { Platform.deleteFile(video); SeekableByteChannel out = null; try { out = writableChannel(video); flatternChannel(movie, out); } finally { if (out != null) out.close(); } }
public static void main1(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length < 2) { System.out.println("Syntax: self <ref movie> <out movie>"); System.exit(-1); } File outFile = new File(args[1]); Platform.deleteFile(outFile); SeekableByteChannel input = null; try { input = readableChannel(new File(args[0])); MovieBox movie = MP4Util.parseMovieChannel(input); new Flattern().flattern(movie, outFile); } finally { if (input != null) input.close(); } }
public static void main1(String[] args) throws Exception { if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println( "Syntax: cut [-command arg]...[-command arg] [-self] <movie file>\n" + "\tCreates a reference movie out of the file and applies a set of changes specified by the commands to it."); System.exit(-1); } List<Slice> slices = new ArrayList<Slice>(); List<String> sliceNames = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean selfContained = false; int shift = 0; while (true) { if ("-cut".equals(args[shift])) { String[] pt = StringUtils.splitS(args[shift + 1], ":"); slices.add(new Slice(parseInt(pt[0]), parseInt(pt[1]))); if (pt.length > 2) sliceNames.add(pt[2]); else sliceNames.add(null); shift += 2; } else if ("-self".equals(args[shift])) { ++shift; selfContained = true; } else break; } File source = new File(args[shift]); SeekableByteChannel input = null; SeekableByteChannel out = null; List<SeekableByteChannel> outs = new ArrayList<SeekableByteChannel>(); try { input = readableChannel(source); MovieBox movie = createRefMovie(input, "file://" + source.getCanonicalPath()); List<MovieBox> slicesMovs; if (!selfContained) { out = writableChannel( new File( source.getParentFile(), JCodecUtil2.removeExtension(source.getName()) + "")); slicesMovs = new Cut().cut(movie, slices); MP4Util.writeMovie(out, movie); } else { out = writableChannel( new File( source.getParentFile(), JCodecUtil2.removeExtension(source.getName()) + "")); slicesMovs = new Cut().cut(movie, slices); new Strip().strip(movie); new Flattern().flatternChannel(movie, out); } saveSlices(slicesMovs, sliceNames, source.getParentFile()); } finally { if (input != null) input.close(); if (out != null) out.close(); for (SeekableByteChannel o : outs) { o.close(); } } }