@Test public void unavailableMenuTest() { log.info("unavailable regex menu test"); try { RegexMatcher[] regexMatchers = {new RegexMatcher("Win.*"), new RegexMatcher("Prefz.*")}; WithTextMatchers m = new WithTextMatchers(regexMatchers); new ShellMenu(m.getMatchers()); fail("exception should be thrown"); } catch (SWTLayerException e) { // do nothing } }
@Test public void regexMenuTest() { log.info("regex menu test"); try { RegexMatcher[] regexMatchers = {new RegexMatcher("Win.*"), new RegexMatcher("Pref.*")}; WithTextMatchers m = new WithTextMatchers(regexMatchers); new ShellMenu(m.getMatchers()); } catch (SWTLayerException e) { fail("there should be no exception"); } }