/** Loads the list of lazy load groups from the xml element. */ private void loadLazyLoadGroupsXml(Element element) throws DeploymentException { Element lazyLoadGroupsElement = MetaData.getOptionalChild(element, "lazy-load-groups"); // If no info, we're done. Default work was already done in constructor. if (lazyLoadGroupsElement == null) { return; } // only allowed for cmp 2.x if (isCMP1x) { throw new DeploymentException("lazy-load-groups is only allowed for CMP 2.x"); } // get the fields Iterator loadGroupNames = MetaData.getChildrenByTagName(lazyLoadGroupsElement, "load-group-name"); while (loadGroupNames.hasNext()) { String loadGroupName = MetaData.getElementContent((Element) loadGroupNames.next()); if (!loadGroupName.equals("*") && !loadGroups.containsKey(loadGroupName)) { throw new DeploymentException( "Lazy load group not found: " + "load-group-name=" + loadGroupName); } lazyLoadGroups.add(loadGroupName); } }
/** Loads the load groups of cmp fields from the xml element */ private void loadLoadGroupsXml(Element element) throws DeploymentException { Element loadGroupsElement = MetaData.getOptionalChild(element, "load-groups"); if (loadGroupsElement == null) { // no info, default work already done in constructor return; } // only allowed for cmp 2.x if (isCMP1x) { throw new DeploymentException("load-groups are only allowed " + "for CMP 2.x"); } // load each group Iterator groups = MetaData.getChildrenByTagName(loadGroupsElement, "load-group"); while (groups.hasNext()) { Element groupElement = (Element) groups.next(); // get the load-group-name String loadGroupName = MetaData.getUniqueChildContent(groupElement, "load-group-name"); if (loadGroups.containsKey(loadGroupName)) { throw new DeploymentException( "Load group already defined: " + " load-group-name=" + loadGroupName); } if (loadGroupName.equals("*")) { throw new DeploymentException( "The * load group is automatically " + "defined and can't be overriden"); } ArrayList group = new ArrayList(); // add each field Iterator fields = MetaData.getChildrenByTagName(groupElement, "field-name"); while (fields.hasNext()) { String fieldName = MetaData.getElementContent((Element) fields.next()); // check if the field is a cmp field that it is not a pk memeber JDBCCMPFieldMetaData field = getCMPFieldByName(fieldName); if (field != null && field.isPrimaryKeyMember()) { throw new DeploymentException( "Primary key fields can not be" + " a member of a load group: " + " load-group-name=" + loadGroupName + " field-name=" + fieldName); } group.add(fieldName); } loadGroups.put(loadGroupName, Collections.unmodifiableList(group)); } }
/** * Constructs a JDBCJBossQLQueryMetaData with JBossQL declared in the jboss-ql elemnt and is * invoked by the specified method. */ public JDBCJBossQLQueryMetaData( boolean resultTypeMappingLocal, Element element, Method method, JDBCReadAheadMetaData readAhead, Class compiler, boolean lazyResultSetLoading) throws DeploymentException { this.method = method; this.readAhead = readAhead; jbossQL = MetaData.getElementContent(element); if (jbossQL == null || jbossQL.trim().length() == 0) { throw new DeploymentException("jboss-ql element is empty"); } this.resultTypeMappingLocal = resultTypeMappingLocal; this.compiler = compiler; this.lazyResultSetLoading = lazyResultSetLoading; }
// XmlLoadable implementation ---------------------------------------------- public void importXml(Element element) throws DeploymentException { // This one is mandatory String p = MetaData.getElementContent(MetaData.getUniqueChild(element, "cache-policy")); try { Class cls = SecurityActions.getContextClassLoader().loadClass(p); Constructor ctor = cls.getConstructor(new Class[] {AbstractInstanceCache.class}); m_cache = (CachePolicy) ctor.newInstance(new Object[] {this}); } catch (Exception x) { throw new DeploymentException("Can't create cache policy", x); } Element policyConf = MetaData.getOptionalChild(element, "cache-policy-conf"); if (policyConf != null) { if (m_cache instanceof XmlLoadable) { try { ((XmlLoadable) m_cache).importXml(policyConf); } catch (Exception x) { throw new DeploymentException("Can't import policy configuration", x); } } } }
/** * Constructs entity meta data with the data contained in the entity xml element from a * jbosscmp-jdbc xml file. Optional values of the xml element that are not present are loaded from * the defalutValues parameter. * * @param jdbcApplication the application in which this entity is defined * @param element the xml Element which contains the metadata about this entity * @param defaultValues the JDBCEntityMetaData which contains the values for optional elements of * the element * @throws DeploymentException if the xml element is not semantically correct */ public JDBCEntityMetaData( JDBCApplicationMetaData jdbcApplication, Element element, JDBCEntityMetaData defaultValues) throws DeploymentException { // store passed in application... application in defaultValues may // be different because jdbcApplication is imutable this.jdbcApplication = jdbcApplication; // set default values entityName = defaultValues.getName(); entityClass = defaultValues.getEntityClass(); primaryKeyClass = defaultValues.getPrimaryKeyClass(); isCMP1x = defaultValues.isCMP1x; primaryKeyFieldName = defaultValues.getPrimaryKeyFieldName(); homeClass = defaultValues.getHomeClass(); remoteClass = defaultValues.getRemoteClass(); localHomeClass = defaultValues.getLocalHomeClass(); localClass = defaultValues.getLocalClass(); queryFactory = new JDBCQueryMetaDataFactory(this); if (isCMP1x) { abstractSchemaName = (defaultValues.getAbstractSchemaName() == null ? entityName : defaultValues.getAbstractSchemaName()); } else { abstractSchemaName = defaultValues.getAbstractSchemaName(); } // datasource name String dataSourceNameString = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "datasource"); if (dataSourceNameString != null) { dataSourceName = dataSourceNameString; } else { dataSourceName = defaultValues.getDataSourceName(); } // get the datasource mapping for this datasource (optional, but always // set in standardjbosscmp-jdbc.xml) String datasourceMappingString = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "datasource-mapping"); if (datasourceMappingString != null) { datasourceMappingName = datasourceMappingString; datasourceMapping = jdbcApplication.getTypeMappingByName(datasourceMappingString); if (datasourceMapping == null) { throw new DeploymentException( "Error in jbosscmp-jdbc.xml : " + "datasource-mapping " + datasourceMappingString + " not found"); } } else if (defaultValues.datasourceMappingName != null && defaultValues.datasourceMapping != null) { datasourceMappingName = null; datasourceMapping = defaultValues.datasourceMapping; } else { datasourceMappingName = null; datasourceMapping = obtainTypeMappingFromLibrary(dataSourceName); } // get table name String tableStr = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "table-name"); if (tableStr != null) { tableName = tableStr; } else { tableName = defaultValues.getDefaultTableName(); } // create table? If not provided, keep default. String createStr = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "create-table"); if (createStr != null) { createTable = Boolean.valueOf(createStr).booleanValue(); } else { createTable = defaultValues.getCreateTable(); } // remove table? If not provided, keep default. String removeStr = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "remove-table"); if (removeStr != null) { removeTable = Boolean.valueOf(removeStr).booleanValue(); } else { removeTable = defaultValues.getRemoveTable(); } // alter table? If not provided, keep default. String alterStr = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "alter-table"); if (alterStr != null) { alterTable = Boolean.valueOf(alterStr).booleanValue(); } else { alterTable = defaultValues.getAlterTable(); } // get the SQL command to execute after table creation Element posttc = MetaData.getOptionalChild(element, "post-table-create"); if (posttc != null) { Iterator it = MetaData.getChildrenByTagName(posttc, "sql-statement"); tablePostCreateCmd = new ArrayList(); while (it.hasNext()) { Element etmp = (Element) it.next(); tablePostCreateCmd.add(MetaData.getElementContent(etmp)); } } else { tablePostCreateCmd = defaultValues.getDefaultTablePostCreateCmd(); } // read-only String readOnlyStr = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "read-only"); if (readOnlyStr != null) { readOnly = Boolean.valueOf(readOnlyStr).booleanValue(); } else { readOnly = defaultValues.isReadOnly(); } // read-time-out String readTimeOutStr = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "read-time-out"); if (readTimeOutStr != null) { try { readTimeOut = Integer.parseInt(readTimeOutStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DeploymentException( "Invalid number format in " + "read-time-out '" + readTimeOutStr + "': " + e); } } else { readTimeOut = defaultValues.getReadTimeOut(); } String sForUpStr = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "row-locking"); if (sForUpStr != null) { rowLocking = !isReadOnly() && (Boolean.valueOf(sForUpStr).booleanValue()); } else { rowLocking = defaultValues.hasRowLocking(); } // primary key constraint? If not provided, keep default. String pkStr = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "pk-constraint"); if (pkStr != null) { primaryKeyConstraint = Boolean.valueOf(pkStr).booleanValue(); } else { primaryKeyConstraint = defaultValues.hasPrimaryKeyConstraint(); } // list-cache-max String listCacheMaxStr = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "list-cache-max"); if (listCacheMaxStr != null) { try { listCacheMax = Integer.parseInt(listCacheMaxStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DeploymentException( "Invalid number format in read-" + "ahead list-cache-max '" + listCacheMaxStr + "': " + e); } if (listCacheMax < 0) { throw new DeploymentException( "Negative value for read ahead " + "list-cache-max '" + listCacheMaxStr + "'."); } } else { listCacheMax = defaultValues.getListCacheMax(); } // fetch-size String fetchSizeStr = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "fetch-size"); if (fetchSizeStr != null) { try { fetchSize = Integer.parseInt(fetchSizeStr); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { throw new DeploymentException( "Invalid number format in " + "fetch-size '" + fetchSizeStr + "': " + e); } if (fetchSize < 0) { throw new DeploymentException( "Negative value for fetch size " + "fetch-size '" + fetchSizeStr + "'."); } } else { fetchSize = defaultValues.getFetchSize(); } String compiler = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "ql-compiler"); if (compiler == null) { qlCompiler = defaultValues.qlCompiler; } else { try { qlCompiler = GetTCLAction.getContextClassLoader().loadClass(compiler); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new DeploymentException("Failed to load compiler implementation: " + compiler); } } // throw runtime exceptions ? If not provided, keep default. String throwRuntimeExceptionsStr = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "throw-runtime-exceptions"); if (throwRuntimeExceptionsStr != null) { throwRuntimeExceptions = Boolean.valueOf(throwRuntimeExceptionsStr).booleanValue(); } else { throwRuntimeExceptions = defaultValues.getThrowRuntimeExceptions(); } // // cmp fields // // update all existing queries with the new read ahead value for (Iterator cmpFieldIterator = defaultValues.cmpFields.iterator(); cmpFieldIterator.hasNext(); ) { JDBCCMPFieldMetaData cmpField = new JDBCCMPFieldMetaData(this, (JDBCCMPFieldMetaData) cmpFieldIterator.next()); cmpFields.add(cmpField); cmpFieldsByName.put(cmpField.getFieldName(), cmpField); } // apply new configurations to the cmpfields for (Iterator i = MetaData.getChildrenByTagName(element, "cmp-field"); i.hasNext(); ) { Element cmpFieldElement = (Element) i.next(); String fieldName = MetaData.getUniqueChildContent(cmpFieldElement, "field-name"); JDBCCMPFieldMetaData oldCMPField = (JDBCCMPFieldMetaData) cmpFieldsByName.get(fieldName); if (oldCMPField == null) { throw new DeploymentException("CMP field not found : fieldName=" + fieldName); } JDBCCMPFieldMetaData cmpFieldMetaData = new JDBCCMPFieldMetaData(this, cmpFieldElement, oldCMPField); // replace the old cmp meta data with the new cmpFieldsByName.put(fieldName, cmpFieldMetaData); int index = cmpFields.indexOf(oldCMPField); cmpFields.remove(oldCMPField); cmpFields.add(index, cmpFieldMetaData); } // unknown primary key field if (primaryKeyClass == java.lang.Object.class) { Element upkElement = MetaData.getOptionalChild(element, "unknown-pk"); if (upkElement != null) { // assume now there is only one upk field JDBCCMPFieldMetaData oldUpkField = null; for (Iterator iter = cmpFields.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) { JDBCCMPFieldMetaData cmpField = (JDBCCMPFieldMetaData) iter.next(); if (cmpField.isUnknownPkField()) { oldUpkField = cmpField; break; } } // IMO, this is a redundant check if (oldUpkField == null) { oldUpkField = new JDBCCMPFieldMetaData(this); } JDBCCMPFieldMetaData upkField = new JDBCCMPFieldMetaData(this, upkElement, oldUpkField); // remove old upk field cmpFieldsByName.remove(oldUpkField.getFieldName()); cmpFieldsByName.put(upkField.getFieldName(), upkField); int oldUpkFieldInd = cmpFields.indexOf(oldUpkField); cmpFields.remove(oldUpkField); cmpFields.add(oldUpkFieldInd, upkField); } } // load-loads loadGroups.putAll(defaultValues.loadGroups); loadLoadGroupsXml(element); // eager-load Element eagerLoadGroupElement = MetaData.getOptionalChild(element, "eager-load-group"); if (eagerLoadGroupElement != null) { String eagerLoadGroupTmp = MetaData.getElementContent(eagerLoadGroupElement); if (eagerLoadGroupTmp != null && eagerLoadGroupTmp.trim().length() == 0) { eagerLoadGroupTmp = null; } if (eagerLoadGroupTmp != null && !eagerLoadGroupTmp.equals("*") && !loadGroups.containsKey(eagerLoadGroupTmp)) { throw new DeploymentException( "Eager load group not found: " + "eager-load-group=" + eagerLoadGroupTmp); } eagerLoadGroup = eagerLoadGroupTmp; } else { eagerLoadGroup = defaultValues.getEagerLoadGroup(); } // lazy-loads lazyLoadGroups.addAll(defaultValues.lazyLoadGroups); loadLazyLoadGroupsXml(element); // read-ahead Element readAheadElement = MetaData.getOptionalChild(element, "read-ahead"); if (readAheadElement != null) { readAhead = new JDBCReadAheadMetaData(readAheadElement, defaultValues.getReadAhead()); } else { readAhead = defaultValues.readAhead; } String value = MetaData.getOptionalChildContent(element, "clean-read-ahead-on-load"); if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { cleanReadAheadOnLoad = true; } else if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { cleanReadAheadOnLoad = false; } else if (value == null) { cleanReadAheadOnLoad = defaultValues.cleanReadAheadOnLoad; } else { throw new DeploymentException( "Failed to deploy " + entityName + ": allowed values for clean-read-ahead-on-load are true and false but got " + value); } // optimistic locking group Element optimisticLockingEl = MetaData.getOptionalChild(element, "optimistic-locking"); if (optimisticLockingEl != null) { optimisticLocking = new JDBCOptimisticLockingMetaData(this, optimisticLockingEl); } else { optimisticLocking = defaultValues.getOptimisticLocking(); } // audit Element auditElement = MetaData.getOptionalChild(element, "audit"); if (auditElement != null) { audit = new JDBCAuditMetaData(this, auditElement); } else { audit = defaultValues.getAudit(); } // queries // update all existing queries with the new read ahead value for (Iterator queriesIterator = defaultValues.queries.values().iterator(); queriesIterator.hasNext(); ) { JDBCQueryMetaData query = JDBCQueryMetaDataFactory.createJDBCQueryMetaData( (JDBCQueryMetaData) queriesIterator.next(), readAhead, qlCompiler); queries.put(query.getMethod(), query); } // apply new configurations to the queries for (Iterator queriesIterator = MetaData.getChildrenByTagName(element, "query"); queriesIterator.hasNext(); ) { Element queryElement = (Element) queriesIterator.next(); Map newQueries = queryFactory.createJDBCQueryMetaData(queryElement, defaultValues.queries, readAhead); // overrides defaults added above queries.putAll(newQueries); } // get the entity command for this entity Element entityCommandEl = MetaData.getOptionalChild(element, "entity-command"); if (entityCommandEl != null) { // command name in xml String entityCommandName = entityCommandEl.getAttribute("name"); // default entity command // The logic to assign the default value: // - if entity-command isn't specified in the entity element, // then it is assigned from the defaults; // - if command name in entity equals command name in defaults // then it is assigned from the defaults // - else try to find a command in entity-commands with the command // name specified in the entity. // if the match is found it'll be the default, else default is null JDBCEntityCommandMetaData defaultEntityCommand = defaultValues.getEntityCommand(); if ((defaultEntityCommand == null) || (!entityCommandName.equals(defaultEntityCommand.getCommandName()))) { defaultEntityCommand = jdbcApplication.getEntityCommandByName(entityCommandName); } if (defaultEntityCommand != null) { entityCommand = new JDBCEntityCommandMetaData(entityCommandEl, defaultEntityCommand); } else { entityCommand = new JDBCEntityCommandMetaData(entityCommandEl); } } else { entityCommand = defaultValues.getEntityCommand(); } }