コード例 #1
   * @param to
   * @param name
   * @return <code>true</code> if the name is equal to the fromName, or if the name represents a
   *     superclass or superinterface of the fromName, <code>false</code> otherwise
  private boolean isAssignableTo(DotName name, Class<?> to) {
    if (to.getName().equals(name.toString())) {
      return true;
    if (OBJECT_NAME.equals(name)) {
      return false; // there's nothing assignable from Object.class except for Object.class

    ClassInfo fromClassInfo = index.getClassByName(name);
    if (fromClassInfo == null) {
      // We reached a class that is not in the index. Let's use reflection.
      final Class<?> clazz = loadClass(name.toString());
      return to.isAssignableFrom(clazz);

    DotName superName = fromClassInfo.superName();

    if (superName != null && isAssignableTo(superName, to)) {
      return true;

    if (fromClassInfo.interfaces() != null) {
      for (DotName interfaceName : fromClassInfo.interfaces()) {
        if (isAssignableTo(interfaceName, to)) {
          return true;
    return false;
コード例 #2
  * Build new {@link Index} with mocked annotations from orm.xml. This method should be only called
  * once per {@org.hibernate.metamodel.source.annotations.xml.mocker.IndexBuilder IndexBuilder}
  * instance.
  * @param globalDefaults Global defaults from <persistence-unit-metadata>, or null.
  * @return Index.
 Index build(EntityMappingsMocker.Default globalDefaults) {
   // merge annotations that not overrided by xml into the new Index
   for (ClassInfo ci : index.getKnownClasses()) {
     DotName name = ci.name();
     if (indexedClassInfoAnnotationsMap.containsKey(name)) {
       // this class has been overrided by orm.xml
     if (ci.annotations() != null && !ci.annotations().isEmpty()) {
       Map<DotName, List<AnnotationInstance>> tmp =
           new HashMap<DotName, List<AnnotationInstance>>(ci.annotations());
       DefaultConfigurationHelper.INSTANCE.applyDefaults(tmp, globalDefaults);
       mergeAnnotationMap(tmp, annotations);
       classes.put(name, ci);
       if (ci.superName() != null) {
         addSubClasses(ci.superName(), ci);
       if (ci.interfaces() != null && ci.interfaces().length > 0) {
         addImplementors(ci.interfaces(), ci);
   return Index.create(annotations, subclasses, implementors, classes);
コード例 #3
 ClassInfo createClassInfo(String className) {
   if (StringHelper.isEmpty(className)) {
     throw new AssertionFailure("Class Name used to create ClassInfo is empty.");
   DotName classDotName = DotName.createSimple(className);
   if (classes.containsKey(classDotName)) {
     // classInfoAnnotationsMap.put( classDotName, new HashMap<DotName,
     // List<AnnotationInstance>>(classes.get( classDotName ).annotations()) );
     return classes.get(classDotName);
   Class clazz = serviceRegistry.getService(ClassLoaderService.class).classForName(className);
   DotName superName = null;
   DotName[] interfaces = null;
   short access_flag;
   ClassInfo annClassInfo = index.getClassByName(classDotName);
   if (annClassInfo != null) {
     superName = annClassInfo.superName();
     interfaces = annClassInfo.interfaces();
     access_flag = annClassInfo.flags();
   } else {
     Class superClass = clazz.getSuperclass();
     if (superClass != null) {
       superName = DotName.createSimple(superClass.getName());
     Class[] classInterfaces = clazz.getInterfaces();
     if (classInterfaces != null && classInterfaces.length > 0) {
       interfaces = new DotName[classInterfaces.length];
       for (int i = 0; i < classInterfaces.length; i++) {
         interfaces[i] = DotName.createSimple(classInterfaces[i].getName());
     access_flag = (short) (clazz.getModifiers() | 0x20); // (modifiers | ACC_SUPER)
   Map<DotName, List<AnnotationInstance>> map = new HashMap<DotName, List<AnnotationInstance>>();
   classInfoAnnotationsMap.put(classDotName, map);
   ClassInfo classInfo = ClassInfo.create(classDotName, superName, access_flag, interfaces, map);
   classes.put(classDotName, classInfo);
   addSubClasses(superName, classInfo);
   addImplementors(interfaces, classInfo);
   return classInfo;