public void testNormalizeSpaceRequiresAtMostOneArguments() throws JaxenException { BaseXPath xpath = new DOMXPath("normalize-space('a', 'a')"); try { xpath.selectNodes(doc); fail("Allowed normalize-space function with two arguments"); } catch (FunctionCallException ex) { assertNotNull(ex.getMessage()); } }
public void testSubstringBeforeFunctionRequiresAtMostTwoArguments() throws JaxenException { BaseXPath xpath = new DOMXPath("substring-before('a', 'a', 'a')"); try { xpath.selectNodes(doc); fail("Allowed substring-before function with three arguments"); } catch (FunctionCallException ex) { assertNotNull(ex.getMessage()); } }
public void testContainsFunctionRequiresAtLeastTwoArguments() throws JaxenException { BaseXPath xpath = new DOMXPath("contains('a')"); try { xpath.selectNodes(doc); fail("Allowed contains function with one argument"); } catch (FunctionCallException ex) { assertNotNull(ex.getMessage()); } }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static Iterator<Node> findNodes( Node node, String xpathquery, Map<String, String> namespaces) { Iterator<Node> it = null; try { BaseXPath expression = getXpath(xpathquery, namespaces); it = expression.selectNodes(node).iterator(); } catch (Exception exe) { } if (it == null) { it = new Vector().iterator(); } return it; }