コード例 #1
ファイル: CPAAlgorithm.java プロジェクト: bntam/BE-PUM
 * The main CPA worklist algorithm.
 * @author Johannes Kinder
public class CPAAlgorithm implements Algorithm {

  private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CPAAlgorithm.class);

  private final Program program;
  private final StateTransformerFactory transformerFactory;
  private final ConfigurableProgramAnalysis cpa;
  private final ReachedSet reached;
  private final AbstractReachabilityTree art;
  private final Worklist<AbstractState> worklist;

  private final boolean failFast;

  private long statesVisited;
  private boolean completed = false;
  private volatile boolean stop = false;

   * Instantiates a new CPA algorithm with a forward location analysis, a default forward
   * transformer factory and worklist suitable for an analysis of a complete and already
   * reconstructed control flow automaton.
   * @param program The program object
   * @param cpas The list of analyses to be performed
  public static CPAAlgorithm createForwardAlgorithm(
      Program program, ConfigurableProgramAnalysis... cpas) {
    ConfigurableProgramAnalysis cpa = new CompositeProgramAnalysis(new LocationAnalysis(), cpas);
    return new CPAAlgorithm(
        program, cpa, new CFATransformerFactory(program.getCFA()), new FastSet<AbstractState>());

   * Instantiates a new CPA algorithm with a backward location analysis, a default backward
   * transformer factory and worklist suitable for an analysis of a complete and already
   * reconstructed control flow automaton.
   * @param program The program object
   * @param cpas The list of backward analyses to be performed
  public static CPAAlgorithm createBackwardAlgorithm(
      Program program, ConfigurableProgramAnalysis... cpas) {
    ConfigurableProgramAnalysis cpa =
        new CompositeProgramAnalysis(new BackwardLocationAnalysis(), cpas);
    return new CPAAlgorithm(
        new ReverseCFATransformerFactory(program.getCFA()),
        new FastSet<AbstractState>());

  public CPAAlgorithm(
      Program program,
      ConfigurableProgramAnalysis cpa,
      StateTransformerFactory transformerFactory,
      Worklist<AbstractState> worklist) {
    this(program, cpa, transformerFactory, worklist, false);

  public CPAAlgorithm(
      Program program,
      ConfigurableProgramAnalysis cpa,
      StateTransformerFactory transformerFactory,
      Worklist<AbstractState> worklist,
      boolean failFast) {
    this.program = program;
    this.cpa = cpa;
    this.transformerFactory = transformerFactory;
    this.worklist = worklist;
    this.failFast = failFast;

    if (Options.errorTrace.getValue() || Options.asmTrace.getValue())
      art = new AbstractReachabilityTree();
    else art = null;
    reached = new ReachedSet();

   * After a run of the algorithm, returns the set of reached states.
   * @return the set of reached (and kept) states.
  public ReachedSet getReachedStates() {
    return reached;

  public AbstractReachabilityTree getART() {
    return art;

  public long getNumberOfStatesVisited() {
    return statesVisited;

  /** Returns whether the algorithm terminated normally. */
  public boolean isCompleted() {
    return completed;

   * Returns whether the algorithm had to make unsound assumptions. Always true for analyses on
   * complete CFAs.
   * @return true if the analysis required unsound assumptions.
  public boolean isSound() {
    if (transformerFactory instanceof ResolvingTransformerFactory) {
      return ((ResolvingTransformerFactory) transformerFactory).isSound();
    } else {
      return true;

  public void run() {
    Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
    // Jakstab Algorithm
    System.out.println("Starting CPA algorithm.");
    AbstractState start = cpa.initStartState(transformerFactory.getInitialLocation());
    if (art != null) art.setRoot(start);

    // Set up precisions
    Precision precision = cpa.initPrecision(transformerFactory.getInitialLocation(), null);
    Map<Location, Precision> precisionMap = new HashMap<Location, Precision>();
    precisionMap.put(start.getLocation(), precision);

    int steps = 0;
    statesVisited = 0;
    final int stepThreshold = 1000;
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long lastSteps = 0;
    long lastTime = 0;
    while (!worklist.isEmpty() && !stop && (!failFast || isSound())) {

      if (++steps == stepThreshold) {

        // Helps limit memory usage
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long gcTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;
        logger.debug("Time for GC: " + gcTime + "ms");

        now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long duration = Math.max(1, now - lastTime);
        long speed = (1000L * (statesVisited - lastSteps) / duration);
        // speed = Math.min(speed, 1000);

            "*** Reached "
                + reached.size()
                + " states, processed "
                + statesVisited
                + " states after "
                + (now - startTime)
                + "ms, at "
                + speed
                + " states/second"
                + (transformerFactory instanceof ResolvingTransformerFactory
                    ? ", " + program.getInstructionCount() + " instructions."
                    : "."));

                "    Allocated heap memory: %.2f MByte",
                (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / (1024.0 * 1024.0)));

        steps = 0;

        // StatsPlotter.plot((now - startTime) + "\t" + statesVisited
        // +"\t" + program.getInstructionCount() + "\t" + gcTime + "\t"
        // + speed);

        lastSteps = statesVisited;
        lastTime = now;

        if (Options.timeout.getValue() > 0
            && (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > Options.timeout.getValue() * 1000)) {
          logger.error("Timeout after " + Options.timeout.getValue() + "s!");
          stop = true;

      // We need the state before precision refinement for building the
      // ART
      AbstractState unadjustedState = worklist.pick();

       * if (unadjustedState.getLocation().getAddress().toString().equals(
       * "0x00401189") //||
       * unadjustedState.getLocation().getAddress().toString
       * ().equals("0x0040119b") ||
       * unadjustedState.getLocation().getAddress
       * ().toString().equals("0x00401078") ||
       * unadjustedState.getLocation(
       * ).getAddress().toString().equals("0x0040100a") )
       * System.out.println("Debug " +
       * unadjustedState.getLocation().getAddress().toString());

      precision = precisionMap.get(unadjustedState.getLocation());

      Pair<AbstractState, Precision> pair = cpa.prec(unadjustedState, precision, reached);

      // Warning: The refined a is not stored in "reached", only used for
      // successor calculation
      AbstractState a = pair.getLeft();

       * CompositeState a1 = (CompositeState) a; BasedNumberValuation a2 =
       * (BasedNumberValuation)a1.getComponent(1); if
       * (a2.getStore().isTop()) System.out.println("Debug TOP Value");

      precision = pair.getRight();
      precisionMap.put(a.getLocation(), precision);

      // logger.debug("Picked from worklist: " + a.getIdentifier());

      // getTransformers() and post() might throw exceptions
      try {
        // For each outgoing edge
        // if (a.isTop())
        // System.out.println("Debug TOP");

         * if
         * (a.getLocation().getAddress().toString().equals("0x004106cd")
         * ||
         * (a.getLocation().getAddress().toString().equals("0x00410498")
         * && a.getLocation().getIndex() >= 0))
         * System.out.println("Debug Transformer Factory:" +
         * a.getLocation().getAddress().toString());

        // Set<CFAEdge> s = transformerFactory.getTransformers(a);
        // System.out.println("Debug Transformer Factory:" +
        // a.getLocation().getAddress().toString());
        for (CFAEdge cfaEdge : transformerFactory.getTransformers(a)) {

          Precision targetPrecision = precisionMap.get(cfaEdge.getTarget());
          if (targetPrecision == null) {
            targetPrecision = cpa.initPrecision(cfaEdge.getTarget(), cfaEdge.getTransformer());
            precisionMap.put(cfaEdge.getTarget(), targetPrecision);

          // Prefix everything by current location for easier
          // debugging
          // Logger.setGlobalPrefix(cfaEdge.getSource().toString());
          // if
          // (cfaEdge.getSource().getAddress().toString().equals("0x00401027")
          // &&
          // cfaEdge.getTarget().getAddress().toString().equals("0x0040102e"))
          // System.out.println("Debug Edge");
          // Calculate the set of abstract successors
          Set<AbstractState> successors = cpa.post(a, cfaEdge, targetPrecision);

          if (successors.isEmpty()) {
            logger.debug("No successors along edge " + cfaEdge + ", reached halt?");

          // logger.debug("via edge " + cfaEdge.toString() + " " +
          // successors.size() + " successors.");

          // Process every successor
          for (AbstractState succ : successors) {
            // logger.debug("Processing new post state: " +
            // succ.getIdentifier());

            // Try to merge the new state with an existing one
            Set<AbstractState> statesToRemove = new FastSet<AbstractState>();
            Set<AbstractState> statesToAdd = new FastSet<AbstractState>();

            for (AbstractState r : reached.where(0, ((CompositeState) succ).getComponent(0))) {
              AbstractState merged = cpa.merge(succ, r, targetPrecision);
              if (!merged.equals(r)) {
                // logger.debug("Merge of " +
                // succ.getIdentifier() + " and " +
                // r.getIdentifier() + " produced new state " +
                // merged.getIdentifier());

            // replace the old state in worklist and reached with
            // the merged version
            for (AbstractState r : statesToRemove) {
              // art.remove(r);

            for (AbstractState r : statesToAdd) {
              // Only add r to the worklist if it hasn't been
              // reached yet
              if (reached.add(r)) {
                if (art != null) art.addChild(unadjustedState, r);

            // if not stopped add to worklist
            if (!cpa.stop(succ, reached, targetPrecision)
                || this.program.checkSMPos(((CompositeState) succ).getLocation().getAddress())) {
              if (art != null) art.addChild(unadjustedState, succ);
          // end for each outgoing edge
      } catch (StateException e) {
        if (e.getState() == null) {
        if (art != null && !unadjustedState.equals(e.getState()))
          art.addChild(unadjustedState, e.getState());
        throw e;
    long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (endTime - startTime > 0) {
          "Processed "
              + statesVisited
              + " states at "
              + (1000L * statesVisited / (endTime - startTime))
              + " states/second");
              "Allocated heap memory: %.2f MByte",
              (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / (1024.0 * 1024.0)));

    completed = worklist.isEmpty();

  public void stop() {
    logger.fatal(Characters.starredBox("Interrupt! Stopping CPA Algorithm!"));
    stop = true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: CPAAlgorithm.java プロジェクト: bntam/BE-PUM
 public void stop() {
   logger.fatal(Characters.starredBox("Interrupt! Stopping CPA Algorithm!"));
   stop = true;
コード例 #3
ファイル: CPAAlgorithm.java プロジェクト: bntam/BE-PUM
  public void run() {
    Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
    // Jakstab Algorithm
    System.out.println("Starting CPA algorithm.");
    AbstractState start = cpa.initStartState(transformerFactory.getInitialLocation());
    if (art != null) art.setRoot(start);

    // Set up precisions
    Precision precision = cpa.initPrecision(transformerFactory.getInitialLocation(), null);
    Map<Location, Precision> precisionMap = new HashMap<Location, Precision>();
    precisionMap.put(start.getLocation(), precision);

    int steps = 0;
    statesVisited = 0;
    final int stepThreshold = 1000;
    long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    long lastSteps = 0;
    long lastTime = 0;
    while (!worklist.isEmpty() && !stop && (!failFast || isSound())) {

      if (++steps == stepThreshold) {

        // Helps limit memory usage
        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long gcTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - now;
        logger.debug("Time for GC: " + gcTime + "ms");

        now = System.currentTimeMillis();
        long duration = Math.max(1, now - lastTime);
        long speed = (1000L * (statesVisited - lastSteps) / duration);
        // speed = Math.min(speed, 1000);

            "*** Reached "
                + reached.size()
                + " states, processed "
                + statesVisited
                + " states after "
                + (now - startTime)
                + "ms, at "
                + speed
                + " states/second"
                + (transformerFactory instanceof ResolvingTransformerFactory
                    ? ", " + program.getInstructionCount() + " instructions."
                    : "."));

                "    Allocated heap memory: %.2f MByte",
                (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / (1024.0 * 1024.0)));

        steps = 0;

        // StatsPlotter.plot((now - startTime) + "\t" + statesVisited
        // +"\t" + program.getInstructionCount() + "\t" + gcTime + "\t"
        // + speed);

        lastSteps = statesVisited;
        lastTime = now;

        if (Options.timeout.getValue() > 0
            && (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime > Options.timeout.getValue() * 1000)) {
          logger.error("Timeout after " + Options.timeout.getValue() + "s!");
          stop = true;

      // We need the state before precision refinement for building the
      // ART
      AbstractState unadjustedState = worklist.pick();

       * if (unadjustedState.getLocation().getAddress().toString().equals(
       * "0x00401189") //||
       * unadjustedState.getLocation().getAddress().toString
       * ().equals("0x0040119b") ||
       * unadjustedState.getLocation().getAddress
       * ().toString().equals("0x00401078") ||
       * unadjustedState.getLocation(
       * ).getAddress().toString().equals("0x0040100a") )
       * System.out.println("Debug " +
       * unadjustedState.getLocation().getAddress().toString());

      precision = precisionMap.get(unadjustedState.getLocation());

      Pair<AbstractState, Precision> pair = cpa.prec(unadjustedState, precision, reached);

      // Warning: The refined a is not stored in "reached", only used for
      // successor calculation
      AbstractState a = pair.getLeft();

       * CompositeState a1 = (CompositeState) a; BasedNumberValuation a2 =
       * (BasedNumberValuation)a1.getComponent(1); if
       * (a2.getStore().isTop()) System.out.println("Debug TOP Value");

      precision = pair.getRight();
      precisionMap.put(a.getLocation(), precision);

      // logger.debug("Picked from worklist: " + a.getIdentifier());

      // getTransformers() and post() might throw exceptions
      try {
        // For each outgoing edge
        // if (a.isTop())
        // System.out.println("Debug TOP");

         * if
         * (a.getLocation().getAddress().toString().equals("0x004106cd")
         * ||
         * (a.getLocation().getAddress().toString().equals("0x00410498")
         * && a.getLocation().getIndex() >= 0))
         * System.out.println("Debug Transformer Factory:" +
         * a.getLocation().getAddress().toString());

        // Set<CFAEdge> s = transformerFactory.getTransformers(a);
        // System.out.println("Debug Transformer Factory:" +
        // a.getLocation().getAddress().toString());
        for (CFAEdge cfaEdge : transformerFactory.getTransformers(a)) {

          Precision targetPrecision = precisionMap.get(cfaEdge.getTarget());
          if (targetPrecision == null) {
            targetPrecision = cpa.initPrecision(cfaEdge.getTarget(), cfaEdge.getTransformer());
            precisionMap.put(cfaEdge.getTarget(), targetPrecision);

          // Prefix everything by current location for easier
          // debugging
          // Logger.setGlobalPrefix(cfaEdge.getSource().toString());
          // if
          // (cfaEdge.getSource().getAddress().toString().equals("0x00401027")
          // &&
          // cfaEdge.getTarget().getAddress().toString().equals("0x0040102e"))
          // System.out.println("Debug Edge");
          // Calculate the set of abstract successors
          Set<AbstractState> successors = cpa.post(a, cfaEdge, targetPrecision);

          if (successors.isEmpty()) {
            logger.debug("No successors along edge " + cfaEdge + ", reached halt?");

          // logger.debug("via edge " + cfaEdge.toString() + " " +
          // successors.size() + " successors.");

          // Process every successor
          for (AbstractState succ : successors) {
            // logger.debug("Processing new post state: " +
            // succ.getIdentifier());

            // Try to merge the new state with an existing one
            Set<AbstractState> statesToRemove = new FastSet<AbstractState>();
            Set<AbstractState> statesToAdd = new FastSet<AbstractState>();

            for (AbstractState r : reached.where(0, ((CompositeState) succ).getComponent(0))) {
              AbstractState merged = cpa.merge(succ, r, targetPrecision);
              if (!merged.equals(r)) {
                // logger.debug("Merge of " +
                // succ.getIdentifier() + " and " +
                // r.getIdentifier() + " produced new state " +
                // merged.getIdentifier());

            // replace the old state in worklist and reached with
            // the merged version
            for (AbstractState r : statesToRemove) {
              // art.remove(r);

            for (AbstractState r : statesToAdd) {
              // Only add r to the worklist if it hasn't been
              // reached yet
              if (reached.add(r)) {
                if (art != null) art.addChild(unadjustedState, r);

            // if not stopped add to worklist
            if (!cpa.stop(succ, reached, targetPrecision)
                || this.program.checkSMPos(((CompositeState) succ).getLocation().getAddress())) {
              if (art != null) art.addChild(unadjustedState, succ);
          // end for each outgoing edge
      } catch (StateException e) {
        if (e.getState() == null) {
        if (art != null && !unadjustedState.equals(e.getState()))
          art.addChild(unadjustedState, e.getState());
        throw e;
    long endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (endTime - startTime > 0) {
          "Processed "
              + statesVisited
              + " states at "
              + (1000L * statesVisited / (endTime - startTime))
              + " states/second");
              "Allocated heap memory: %.2f MByte",
              (runtime.totalMemory() - runtime.freeMemory()) / (1024.0 * 1024.0)));

    completed = worklist.isEmpty();