/** * Precomputes a template query if it is not already precomputed, returning whether precomputing * was necessary. * * @param t the TemplateQuery to precompute * @return true if the template was not already precomputed * @throws ObjectStoreException if there is a problem precomputing */ public boolean precomputeTemplate(TemplateQuery t) throws ObjectStoreException { List<QueryNode> indexes = new ArrayList<QueryNode>(); Query q = TemplatePrecomputeHelper.getPrecomputeQuery(t, indexes); ObjectStoreInterMineImpl osimi = (ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) os; if (!osimi.isPrecomputed(q, "template")) { osimi.precompute(q, indexes, "template"); return true; } return false; }
/** * Read the UTRs collection of MRNA then set the fivePrimeUTR and threePrimeUTR fields with the * corresponding UTRs. * * @throws Exception if anything goes wrong */ public void createUtrRefs() throws Exception { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Query q = new Query(); q.setDistinct(false); QueryClass qcMRNA = new QueryClass(model.getClassDescriptorByName("MRNA").getType()); q.addFrom(qcMRNA); q.addToSelect(qcMRNA); q.addToOrderBy(qcMRNA); QueryClass qcUTR = new QueryClass(model.getClassDescriptorByName("UTR").getType()); q.addFrom(qcUTR); q.addToSelect(qcUTR); q.addToOrderBy(qcUTR); QueryCollectionReference mrnaUtrsRef = new QueryCollectionReference(qcMRNA, "UTRs"); ContainsConstraint mrnaUtrsConstraint = new ContainsConstraint(mrnaUtrsRef, ConstraintOp.CONTAINS, qcUTR); QueryObjectReference fivePrimeRef = new QueryObjectReference(qcMRNA, "fivePrimeUTR"); ContainsConstraint fivePrimeNullConstraint = new ContainsConstraint(fivePrimeRef, ConstraintOp.IS_NULL); QueryObjectReference threePrimeRef = new QueryObjectReference(qcMRNA, "threePrimeUTR"); ContainsConstraint threePrimeNullConstraint = new ContainsConstraint(threePrimeRef, ConstraintOp.IS_NULL); ConstraintSet cs = new ConstraintSet(ConstraintOp.AND); cs.addConstraint(mrnaUtrsConstraint); cs.addConstraint(fivePrimeNullConstraint); cs.addConstraint(threePrimeNullConstraint); q.setConstraint(cs); ObjectStore os = osw.getObjectStore(); ((ObjectStoreInterMineImpl) os).precompute(q, Constants.PRECOMPUTE_CATEGORY); Results res = os.execute(q, 500, true, true, true); int count = 0; InterMineObject lastMRNA = null; InterMineObject fivePrimeUTR = null; InterMineObject threePrimeUTR = null; osw.beginTransaction(); Class<? extends FastPathObject> fivePrimeUTRCls = model.getClassDescriptorByName("FivePrimeUTR").getType(); Iterator<?> resIter = res.iterator(); while (resIter.hasNext()) { ResultsRow<?> rr = (ResultsRow<?>) resIter.next(); InterMineObject mrna = (InterMineObject) rr.get(0); InterMineObject utr = (InterMineObject) rr.get(1); if (lastMRNA != null && !mrna.getId().equals(lastMRNA.getId())) { // clone so we don't change the ObjectStore cache InterMineObject tempMRNA = PostProcessUtil.cloneInterMineObject(lastMRNA); if (fivePrimeUTR != null) { tempMRNA.setFieldValue("fivePrimeUTR", fivePrimeUTR); fivePrimeUTR = null; } if (threePrimeUTR != null) { tempMRNA.setFieldValue("threePrimeUTR", threePrimeUTR); threePrimeUTR = null; } osw.store(tempMRNA); count++; } if (DynamicUtil.isInstance(utr, fivePrimeUTRCls)) { fivePrimeUTR = utr; } else { threePrimeUTR = utr; } lastMRNA = mrna; } if (lastMRNA != null) { // clone so we don't change the ObjectStore cache InterMineObject tempMRNA = PostProcessUtil.cloneInterMineObject(lastMRNA); tempMRNA.setFieldValue("fivePrimeUTR", fivePrimeUTR); tempMRNA.setFieldValue("threePrimeUTR", threePrimeUTR); osw.store(tempMRNA); count++; } LOG.info( "Stored MRNA " + count + " times (" + count * 2 + " fields set)" + " - took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime) + " ms."); osw.commitTransaction(); // now ANALYSE tables relating to class that has been altered - may be rows added // to indirection tables if (osw instanceof ObjectStoreWriterInterMineImpl) { ClassDescriptor cld = model.getClassDescriptorByName("MRNA"); DatabaseUtil.analyse(((ObjectStoreWriterInterMineImpl) osw).getDatabase(), cld, false); } }