public void resetCaseStudy() throws ThinklabException { storylineViews.clear(); currentStoryline = null; /* * reset ROI and all modules */ userModel.clearAnalysis(); /* * ask the user model to give us all the modules we have access to. */ userModel.initializeModules(); moduleViews.clear(); sidebar.resetModules(); createModuleViews(); /* * restore interface */ selectionBar.setVisible(true); selectionBar.idle(false); gazetteer.setValue(""); getBanner().setStoryline(null); ZK.resetComponent(this.storyline); this.storyline.setVisible(false); this.mapwindow.setVisible(true); browserState = 0; sidebar.redisplay(); }
public void onClick$run(Event e) { getVectorLayer().clearFeatures(); shapeShown = false; selectionBar.setVisible(false); /* * 1. prepare info page for case study with area picture, list of possible storylines with explanations, * instructions for use, and pointers to web site where it counts. Also: form to save area for later, * disabled if not logged in. * * 2. Fill in enabled modules with storylines. Only show enabled ones with option to show those that are * not enabled. * * 3. Each storyline badge should bring up main page for storyline when clicked. That should have a main area * for the ES and one for the storyline-specific info. Model should look for the components and get * the descriptions from the concepts. Links to web site wherever necessary. Page has "start" etc on * it. Instead of list of pages, have "Computation is ongoing" or "Computation is waiting" or * "Computation is not active (activate)". When computed. the area becomes the index for the result * pages. * * 4. All possible downloads should be clearly marked on storyline page. */ try { userModel.startAnalysis(); } catch (ThinklabException e1) { throw new ThinklabRuntimeException(e1); } browserState = 1; /* * create view for all storylines and collect in storylineViews map * * show all module storylines in their modules, activate those with > 0 storylines, * and show each model storyline in each module. */ getBanner().setStoryline(userModel.getStoryline()); for (SidebarModule view : moduleViews) { view.display(); } /* * create view for user storyline and display it. The map window becomes invisible until * session reset. */ ZK.resetComponent(this.storyline); storylineViews.clear(); currentStoryline = null; addStorylineView( userModel.getStoryline(), new UserStorylineView(userModel.getStoryline(), this)); this.mapwindow.setVisible(false); this.storyline.setVisible(true); showStoryline(userModel.getStoryline(), null); }
/** * Called by other components to show, and if necessary create, a view for the storyline * corresponding to a given concept. * * @param storyline */ public void showStoryline(Storyline storyline, StorylineControlPanel badge) { if (currentStoryline != null && storyline.equals(currentStoryline)) { return; } if (currentStoryline != null) storylineViews.get(currentStoryline).setVisible(false); if (!storylineViews.containsKey(storyline)) { createStorylineView(storyline, badge); } storylineViews.get(storyline).setVisible(true); currentStoryline = storyline; ZK.resetComponent(this.storyline); this.storyline.appendChild(storylineViews.get(storyline)); }