コード例 #1
   * Sorts the receiver according to the order induced by the specified comparator. All elements in
   * the range must be <i>mutually comparable</i> by the specified comparator (that is,
   * <tt>c.compare(e1, e2)</tt> must not throw a <tt>ClassCastException</tt> for any elements
   * <tt>e1</tt> and <tt>e2</tt> in the range).
   * <p>The sorting algorithm is a tuned quicksort, adapted from Jon L. Bentley and M. Douglas
   * McIlroy's "Engineering a Sort Function", Software-Practice and Experience, Vol. 23(11) P.
   * 1249-1265 (November 1993). This algorithm offers n*log(n) performance on many data sets that
   * cause other quicksorts to degrade to quadratic performance.
   * @param from the index of the first element (inclusive) to be sorted.
   * @param to the index of the last element (inclusive) to be sorted.
   * @param c the comparator to determine the order of the receiver.
   * @throws ClassCastException if the array contains elements that are not <i>mutually
   *     comparable</i> using the specified comparator.
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <tt>fromIndex &gt; toIndex</tt>
   * @throws ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if <tt>fromIndex &lt; 0</tt> or <tt>toIndex &gt;
   *     a.length</tt>
   * @see Comparator
   * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException index is out of range ( <tt>size()&gt;0 && (from&lt;0 ||
   *     from&gt;to || to&gt;=size())</tt> ).
  public void quickSortFromTo(int from, int to, UuidComparatorBI c) {
    int mySize = size();
    checkRangeFromTo(from, to, mySize);

    long[] myElements = elements();
    UuidSorting.quickSort(myElements, from, to + 1, c);
コード例 #2
   * Sorts the specified range of the receiver into ascending order.
   * <p>The sorting algorithm is a modified mergesort (in which the merge is omitted if the highest
   * element in the low sublist is less than the lowest element in the high sublist). This algorithm
   * offers guaranteed n*log(n) performance, and can approach linear performance on nearly sorted
   * lists.
   * <p><b>You should never call this method unless you are sure that this particular sorting
   * algorithm is the right one for your data set.</b> It is generally better to call
   * <tt>sort()</tt> or <tt>sortFromTo(...)</tt> instead, because those methods automatically choose
   * the best sorting algorithm.
   * @param from the index of the first element (inclusive) to be sorted.
   * @param to the index of the last element (inclusive) to be sorted.
   * @exception IndexOutOfBoundsException index is out of range ( <tt>size()&gt;0 && (from&lt;0 ||
   *     from&gt;to || to&gt;=size())</tt> ).
  public void mergeSortFromTo(int from, int to) {
    int mySize = size();
    checkRangeFromTo(from, to, mySize);

    long[] myElements = elements();
    Sorting.mergeSort(myElements, from, to + 1);