private void removePlatforms(AuthzSubject subject, Collection<Platform> platforms) { for (Platform platform : platforms) { try { // removeServers(subject, platform.getServers()); appdefBoss.removePlatform(subject, platform.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to remove platform: " + e, e); } } }
private final void removeServices(AuthzSubject subject, Collection<Service> services) { final StopWatch watch = new StopWatch(); watch.markTimeBegin("removeServices"); final List<Service> svcs = new ArrayList<Service>(services); // can't use iterator for loop here. Since we are modifying the // internal hibernate collection, which this collection is based on, // it will throw a ConcurrentModificationException // This occurs even if you disassociate the Collection by trying // something like new ArrayList(services). Not sure why. for (int i = 0; i < svcs.size(); i++) { try { final Service service = svcs.get(i); appdefBoss.removeService(subject, service.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to remove service: " + e, e); } } watch.markTimeEnd("removeServices"); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Removed " + services.size() + " services"); } }
public ActionForward execute( ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); AddApplicationServicesForm addForm = (AddApplicationServicesForm) form; AppdefEntityID aeid = new AppdefEntityID(addForm.getType().intValue(), addForm.getRid()); HashMap<String, Object> forwardParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(2); forwardParams.put(Constants.ENTITY_ID_PARAM, aeid.getAppdefKey()); forwardParams.put(Constants.ACCORDION_PARAM, "3"); ActionForward forward = checkSubmit(request, mapping, form, forwardParams); if (forward != null) { BaseValidatorForm spiderForm = (BaseValidatorForm) form; if (spiderForm.isCancelClicked() || spiderForm.isResetClicked() || forward.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(Constants.RESET_URL)) { log.trace("removing pending service list"); SessionUtils.removeList(session, Constants.PENDING_APPSVCS_SES_ATTR); } else if (spiderForm.isAddClicked()) { log.trace( "adding to pending service list " + Arrays.asList(addForm.getAvailableServices())); SessionUtils.addToList( session, Constants.PENDING_APPSVCS_SES_ATTR, addForm.getAvailableServices()); } else if (spiderForm.isRemoveClicked()) { log.trace("removing from pending service list"); SessionUtils.removeFromList( session, Constants.PENDING_APPSVCS_SES_ATTR, addForm.getPendingServices()); } return forward; } Integer sessionId = RequestUtils.getSessionId(request); log.trace("getting pending service list"); List<String> uiPendings = SessionUtils.getListAsListStr(session, Constants.PENDING_APPSVCS_SES_ATTR); List<AppdefEntityID> svcList = new ArrayList<AppdefEntityID>(); for (int pRcs = 0; pRcs < uiPendings.size(); pRcs++) { log.debug("uiPendings = " + uiPendings.get(pRcs)); StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(uiPendings.get(pRcs), " "); svcList.add(new AppdefEntityID(tok.nextToken())); } // when we call boss.setApplicationServices(...) our map must // be populated with all of the existing services (and whether // or not they're entry points) as well as our new ones // first, get the existing ones PageControl nullPc = new PageControl(-1, -1); List<AppdefResourceValue> existingServices = appdefBoss.findServiceInventoryByApplication(sessionId.intValue(), aeid.getId(), nullPc); DependencyTree tree = appdefBoss.getAppDependencyTree(sessionId.intValue(), aeid.getId()); for (AppdefResourceValue service : existingServices) { log.debug("service =" + service.getClass().getName()); tree.findAppService(service); svcList.add(service.getEntityId()); } // second, get the new ones // set all added services to be entry points, if they're not to be // entry points and are instead part of a dependency chain, // setting up the dependencies is a separate activity log.trace("adding servicess " + svcList + " for application [" + aeid.getID() + "]"); appdefBoss.setApplicationServices(sessionId.intValue(), aeid.getId(), svcList); log.trace("removing pending service list"); SessionUtils.removeList(session, Constants.PENDING_APPSVCS_SES_ATTR); RequestUtils.setConfirmation(request, "resource.application.inventory.confirm.AddedServices"); return returnSuccess(request, mapping, forwardParams); }