Result getResult(Session session) { switch (type) { case StatementTypes.SIGNAL: case StatementTypes.RESIGNAL: // todo case StatementTypes.ITERATE: case StatementTypes.LEAVE: case StatementTypes.RETURN: case StatementTypes.CONDITION: return this.getResultValue(session); case StatementTypes.ASSIGNMENT: { Object[] variables = variable.getType() == SchemaObject.PARAMETER ? session.sessionContext.routineArguments : session.sessionContext.routineVariables; try { Object o = expression.getValue(session, variable.getDataType()); variables[variableIndex] = o; return Result.updateZeroResult; } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e); } } default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, ""); } }
public String getNameString() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT: return Tokens.T_TINYINT; case Types.SQL_SMALLINT: return Tokens.T_SMALLINT; case Types.SQL_INTEGER: return Tokens.T_INTEGER; case Types.SQL_BIGINT: return Tokens.T_BIGINT; case Types.SQL_REAL: return Tokens.T_REAL; case Types.SQL_FLOAT: return Tokens.T_FLOAT; case Types.SQL_DOUBLE: return Tokens.T_DOUBLE; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC: return Tokens.T_NUMERIC; case Types.SQL_DECIMAL: return Tokens.T_DECIMAL; default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
public static NumberType getNumberType(int type, long precision, int scale) { switch (type) { case Types.SQL_INTEGER: return SQL_INTEGER; case Types.SQL_SMALLINT: return SQL_SMALLINT; case Types.SQL_BIGINT: return SQL_BIGINT; case Types.TINYINT: return TINYINT; case Types.SQL_REAL: case Types.SQL_DOUBLE: return SQL_DOUBLE; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC: case Types.SQL_DECIMAL: return new NumberType(type, precision, scale); default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
boolean hasColumnOnly(int colIndex) { switch (constType) { case CHECK: return rangeVariable.usedColumns[colIndex] && ArrayUtil.countTrueElements(rangeVariable.usedColumns) == 1; case PRIMARY_KEY: case UNIQUE: return core.mainCols.length == 1 && core.mainCols[0] == colIndex; case MAIN: return core.mainCols.length == 1 && core.mainCols[0] == colIndex && core.mainTable == core.refTable; case FOREIGN_KEY: return core.refCols.length == 1 && core.refCols[0] == colIndex && core.mainTable == core.refTable; default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Constraint"); } }
public boolean isNegative(Object a) throws HsqlException { if (a == null) { return false; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL: case Types.SQL_FLOAT: case Types.SQL_DOUBLE: { double ad = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); return ad < 0; } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC: case Types.SQL_DECIMAL: return ((BigDecimal) a).signum() < 0; case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SQL_SMALLINT: case Types.SQL_INTEGER: return ((Number) a).intValue() < 0; case Types.SQL_BIGINT: return ((Number) a).longValue() < 0; default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
static int getExpressionType(int tokenT) { int type = expressionTypeMap.get(tokenT, -1); if (type == -1) { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Parser"); } return type; }
public void resetAccessorKeys(Index[] keys) { if (indexList.length == 0 || indexList[0] == null || accessorList[0] == null) { indexList = keys; accessorList = new CachedObject[indexList.length]; return; } throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "RowStoreAVLDisk"); }
public Object add(Object a, Object b, Type otherType) throws HsqlException { if (a == null || b == null) { return null; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL: case Types.SQL_FLOAT: case Types.SQL_DOUBLE: { double ad = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); double bd = ((Number) b).doubleValue(); return ValuePool.getDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(ad + bd)); // return new Double(ad + bd); } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC: case Types.SQL_DECIMAL: { a = convertToDefaultType(null, a); b = convertToDefaultType(null, b); BigDecimal abd = (BigDecimal) a; BigDecimal bbd = (BigDecimal) b; return abd.add(bbd); } case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SQL_SMALLINT: case Types.SQL_INTEGER: { int ai = ((Number) a).intValue(); int bi = ((Number) b).intValue(); return ValuePool.getInt(ai + bi); } case Types.SQL_BIGINT: { long longa = ((Number) a).longValue(); long longb = ((Number) b).longValue(); return ValuePool.getLong(longa + longb); } default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
public String convertToString(Object a) { if (a == null) { return null; } switch (this.typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SQL_SMALLINT: case Types.SQL_INTEGER: case Types.SQL_BIGINT: return a.toString(); case Types.SQL_REAL: case Types.SQL_DOUBLE: double value = ((Double) a).doubleValue(); // todo - java 5 format change if (value == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { return "-1E0/0"; } if (value == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { return "1E0/0"; } if (Double.isNaN(value)) { return "0E0/0E0"; } String s = Double.toString(value); // ensure the engine treats the value as a DOUBLE, not DECIMAL if (s.indexOf('E') < 0) { s = s.concat("E0"); } return s; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC: case Types.SQL_DECIMAL: return JavaSystem.toString((BigDecimal) a); default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
StatementSession(int type, HsqlName[] readNames, HsqlName[] writeNames) { super(type); this.isTransactionStatement = true; this.readTableNames = readNames; writeTableNames = writeNames; switch (type) { case StatementTypes.TRANSACTION_LOCK_TABLE: group = StatementTypes.X_HSQLDB_TRANSACTION; break; default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "StatementCommand"); } }
boolean hasColumn(int colIndex) { switch (constType) { case CHECK: return rangeVariable.usedColumns[colIndex]; case PRIMARY_KEY: case UNIQUE: case MAIN: return ArrayUtil.find(core.mainCols, colIndex) != -1; case FOREIGN_KEY: return ArrayUtil.find(core.refCols, colIndex) != -1; default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Constraint"); } }
private static BigDecimal convertToDecimal(Object a) { if (a instanceof BigDecimal) { return (BigDecimal) a; } else if (a instanceof Integer || a instanceof Long) { return BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number) a).longValue()); } else if (a instanceof Double) { double value = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); if (Double.isInfinite(value) || Double.isNaN(value)) { return null; } return new BigDecimal(value); } else { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
public int displaySize() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_DECIMAL: case Types.SQL_NUMERIC: if (scale == 0) { if (precision == 0) { return 646456995; // precision + "-.".length()} } return (int) precision + 1; } if (precision == scale) { return (int) precision + 3; } return (int) precision + 2; case Types.SQL_FLOAT: case Types.SQL_REAL: case Types.SQL_DOUBLE: return 23; // String.valueOf(-Double.MAX_VALUE).length(); case Types.SQL_BIGINT: return 20; // decimal precision + "-".length(); case Types.SQL_INTEGER: return 11; // decimal precision + "-".length(); case Types.SQL_SMALLINT: return 6; // decimal precision + "-".length(); case Types.TINYINT: return 4; // decimal precision + "-".length(); default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
/** Returns decimal precision for NUMERIC/DECIMAL. Returns binary precision for other parts. */ public int getPrecision() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SQL_SMALLINT: case Types.SQL_INTEGER: case Types.SQL_BIGINT: return typeWidth; case Types.SQL_REAL: case Types.SQL_FLOAT: case Types.SQL_DOUBLE: return 64; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC: case Types.SQL_DECIMAL: return (int) precision; default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
public String getJDBCClassName() { switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SQL_SMALLINT: case Types.SQL_INTEGER: case Types.SQL_BIGINT: return "java.lang.Integer"; case Types.SQL_REAL: case Types.SQL_FLOAT: case Types.SQL_DOUBLE: return "java.lang.Double"; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC: case Types.SQL_DECIMAL: return "java.math.BigDecimal"; default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
/** @todo - review usage to see if range enforcement / java type conversion is necessary */ public Object convertToTypeLimits(Object a) throws HsqlException { if (a == null) { return null; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SQL_SMALLINT: case Types.SQL_INTEGER: case Types.SQL_BIGINT: return a; case Types.SQL_REAL: case Types.SQL_FLOAT: case Types.SQL_DOUBLE: return a; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC: case Types.SQL_DECIMAL: BigDecimal dec = (BigDecimal) a; if (scale != dec.scale()) { dec = dec.setScale(scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN); } int valuePrecision = JavaSystem.precision(dec); if (valuePrecision > precision) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return dec; default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
StatementSession(int type, Expression[] args) { super(type); this.expressions = args; isTransactionStatement = false; switch (type) { case StatementTypes.SET_PATH: case StatementTypes.SET_TIME_ZONE: case StatementTypes.SET_NAMES: case StatementTypes.SET_ROLE: case StatementTypes.SET_SCHEMA: case StatementTypes.SET_CATALOG: case StatementTypes.SET_SESSION_AUTHORIZATION: case StatementTypes.SET_COLLATION: group = StatementTypes.X_SQL_SESSION; break; default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "StateemntCommand"); } }
boolean hasColumnPlus(int colIndex) { switch (constType) { case CHECK: return rangeVariable.usedColumns[colIndex] && ArrayUtil.countTrueElements(rangeVariable.usedColumns) > 1; case PRIMARY_KEY: case UNIQUE: return core.mainCols.length != 1 && ArrayUtil.find(core.mainCols, colIndex) != -1; case MAIN: return ArrayUtil.find(core.mainCols, colIndex) != -1 && (core.mainCols.length != 1 || core.mainTable != core.refTable); case FOREIGN_KEY: return ArrayUtil.find(core.refCols, colIndex) != -1 && (core.mainCols.length != 1 || core.mainTable == core.refTable); default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Constraint"); } }
public int compareToZero(Object a) throws HsqlException { if (a == null) { return 0; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL: case Types.SQL_FLOAT: case Types.SQL_DOUBLE: { double ad = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); return ad == 0 ? 0 : ad < 0 ? -1 : 1; } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC: case Types.SQL_DECIMAL: return ((BigDecimal) a).signum(); case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SQL_SMALLINT: case Types.SQL_INTEGER: { int ai = ((Number) a).intValue(); return ai == 0 ? 0 : ai < 0 ? -1 : 1; } case Types.SQL_BIGINT: { long al = ((Number) a).longValue(); return al == 0 ? 0 : al < 0 ? -1 : 1; } default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
public NumberType(int type, long precision, int scale) { super(Types.SQL_NUMERIC, type, precision, scale); switch (type) { case Types.TINYINT: typeWidth = TINYINT_WIDTH; break; case Types.SQL_SMALLINT: typeWidth = SMALLINT_WIDTH; break; case Types.SQL_INTEGER: typeWidth = INTEGER_WIDTH; break; case Types.SQL_BIGINT: typeWidth = BIGINT_WIDTH; break; case Types.SQL_REAL: case Types.SQL_FLOAT: case Types.SQL_DOUBLE: typeWidth = DOUBLE_WIDTH; break; case Types.SQL_NUMERIC: case Types.SQL_DECIMAL: typeWidth = DECIMAL_WIDTH; break; default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
Expression readDateTimeIntervalLiteral() { int pos = getPosition(); switch (token.tokenType) { case Tokens.DATE: { read(); if (token.tokenType != Tokens.X_VALUE || token.dataType.typeCode != Types.SQL_CHAR) { break; } String s = token.tokenString; read(); Object date = scanner.newDate(s); return new ExpressionValue(date, Type.SQL_DATE); } case Tokens.TIME: { read(); if (token.tokenType != Tokens.X_VALUE || token.dataType.typeCode != Types.SQL_CHAR) { break; } String s = token.tokenString; read(); TimeData value = scanner.newTime(s); Type dataType = scanner.dateTimeType; return new ExpressionValue(value, dataType); } case Tokens.TIMESTAMP: { read(); if (token.tokenType != Tokens.X_VALUE || token.dataType.typeCode != Types.SQL_CHAR) { break; } String s = token.tokenString; read(); Object date = scanner.newTimestamp(s); Type dataType = scanner.dateTimeType; return new ExpressionValue(date, dataType); } case Tokens.INTERVAL: { boolean minus = false; read(); if (token.tokenType == Tokens.MINUS) { read(); minus = true; } else if (token.tokenType == Tokens.PLUS) { read(); } if (token.tokenType != Tokens.X_VALUE || token.dataType.typeCode != Types.SQL_CHAR) { break; } String s = token.tokenString; read(); IntervalType dataType = readIntervalType(); Object interval = scanner.newInterval(s, dataType); dataType = (IntervalType) scanner.dateTimeType; if (minus) { interval = dataType.negate(interval); } return new ExpressionValue(interval, dataType); } default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "Parser"); } rewind(pos); return null; }
Result getResult(Session session) { boolean startTransaction = false; if (this.isExplain) { return Result.newSingleColumnStringResult("OPERATION", describe(session)); } switch (type) { // cursor case StatementTypes.ALLOCATE_CURSOR: case StatementTypes.ALLOCATE_DESCRIPTOR: return Result.updateZeroResult; // case StatementTypes.COMMIT_WORK: { try { boolean chain = parameters != null; session.commit(chain); return Result.updateZeroResult; } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e, sql); } } case StatementTypes.DEALLOCATE_DESCRIPTOR: case StatementTypes.DEALLOCATE_PREPARE: return Result.updateZeroResult; case StatementTypes.DISCONNECT: session.close(); return Result.updateZeroResult; // case StatementTypes.DYNAMIC_CLOSE: case StatementTypes.DYNAMIC_DELETE_CURSOR: case StatementTypes.DYNAMIC_FETCH: case StatementTypes.DYNAMIC_OPEN: // case StatementTypes.FETCH: case StatementTypes.FREE_LOCATOR: case StatementTypes.GET_DESCRIPTOR: case StatementTypes.HOLD_LOCATOR: // case StatementTypes.OPEN: case StatementTypes.PREPARABLE_DYNAMIC_DELETE_CURSOR: case StatementTypes.PREPARABLE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE_CURSOR: case StatementTypes.PREPARE: return Result.updateZeroResult; case StatementTypes.TRANSACTION_LOCK_TABLE: { return Result.updateZeroResult; } case StatementTypes.RELEASE_SAVEPOINT: { String savepoint = (String) parameters[0]; try { session.releaseSavepoint(savepoint); return Result.updateZeroResult; } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e, sql); } } case StatementTypes.ROLLBACK_WORK: { boolean chain = ((Boolean) parameters[0]).booleanValue(); session.rollback(chain); return Result.updateZeroResult; } case StatementTypes.ROLLBACK_SAVEPOINT: { String savepoint = (String) parameters[0]; try { session.rollbackToSavepoint(savepoint); return Result.updateZeroResult; } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e, sql); } } case StatementTypes.SAVEPOINT: { String savepoint = (String) parameters[0]; session.savepoint(savepoint); return Result.updateZeroResult; } case StatementTypes.SET_CATALOG: { String name; try { name = (String) expressions[0].getValue(session); name = (String) Type.SQL_VARCHAR.trim(session, name, ' ', true, true); if (session.database.getCatalogName().name.equals(name)) { return Result.updateZeroResult; } return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_3D000), sql); } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e, sql); } } case StatementTypes.SET_CONNECTION: case StatementTypes.SET_CONSTRAINT: case StatementTypes.SET_DESCRIPTOR: return Result.updateZeroResult; case StatementTypes.SET_TIME_ZONE: { Object value = null; if (expressions[0].getType() == OpTypes.VALUE && expressions[0].getConstantValueNoCheck(session) == null) { session.timeZoneSeconds = session.sessionTimeZoneSeconds; return Result.updateZeroResult; } try { value = expressions[0].getValue(session); } catch (HsqlException e) { } if (value instanceof Result) { Result result = (Result) value; if (result.isData()) { Object[] data = (Object[]) result.getNavigator().getNext(); boolean single = !result.getNavigator().next(); if (single && data != null && data[0] != null) { value = data[0]; result.getNavigator().close(); } else { result.getNavigator().close(); return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22009), sql); } } else { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22009), sql); } } else { if (value == null) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22009), sql); } } long seconds = ((IntervalSecondData) value).getSeconds(); if (-DTIType.timezoneSecondsLimit <= seconds && seconds <= DTIType.timezoneSecondsLimit) { session.timeZoneSeconds = (int) seconds; return Result.updateZeroResult; } return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22009), sql); } case StatementTypes.SET_NAMES: return Result.updateZeroResult; case StatementTypes.SET_PATH: return Result.updateZeroResult; case StatementTypes.SET_ROLE: { String name; Grantee role = null; try { name = (String) expressions[0].getValue(session); if (name != null) { name = (String) Type.SQL_VARCHAR.trim(session, name, ' ', true, true); role = session.database.granteeManager.getRole(name); } } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0P000), sql); } if (session.isInMidTransaction()) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_25001), sql); } if (role == null) { session.setRole(null); } if (session.getGrantee().hasRole(role)) { session.setRole(role); return Result.updateZeroResult; } else { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_0P000), sql); } } case StatementTypes.SET_SCHEMA: { String name; HsqlName schema; try { if (expressions == null) { name = ((HsqlName) parameters[0]).name; } else { name = (String) expressions[0].getValue(session); } name = (String) Type.SQL_VARCHAR.trim(session, name, ' ', true, true); schema = session.database.schemaManager.getSchemaHsqlName(name); session.setSchema(; return Result.updateZeroResult; } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e, sql); } } case StatementTypes.SET_SESSION_AUTHORIZATION: { if (session.isInMidTransaction()) { return Result.newErrorResult(Error.error(ErrorCode.X_25001), sql); } try { String user; String password = null; user = (String) expressions[0].getValue(session); user = (String) Type.SQL_VARCHAR.trim(session, user, ' ', true, true); if (expressions[1] != null) { password = (String) expressions[1].getValue(session); } User userObject; if (password == null) { userObject = session.database.userManager.get(user); } else { userObject = session.database.getUserManager().getUser(user, password); } if (userObject == null) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_28501); } sql = userObject.getConnectUserSQL(); if (userObject == session.getGrantee()) { return Result.updateZeroResult; } if (session.getGrantee().canChangeAuthorisation()) { session.setUser((User) userObject); session.setRole(null); session.resetSchema(); return Result.updateZeroResult; } /** @todo may need different error code */ throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_28000); } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e, sql); } } case StatementTypes.SET_SESSION_CHARACTERISTICS: { try { if (parameters[0] != null) { boolean readonly = ((Boolean) parameters[0]).booleanValue(); session.setReadOnlyDefault(readonly); } if (parameters[1] != null) { int level = ((Integer) parameters[1]).intValue(); session.setIsolationDefault(level); } return Result.updateZeroResult; } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e, sql); } } case StatementTypes.SET_COLLATION: return Result.updateZeroResult; case StatementTypes.SET_TRANSFORM_GROUP: return Result.updateZeroResult; case StatementTypes.START_TRANSACTION: startTransaction = true; // fall through case StatementTypes.SET_TRANSACTION: { try { if (parameters[0] != null) { boolean readonly = ((Boolean) parameters[0]).booleanValue(); session.setReadOnly(readonly); } if (parameters[1] != null) { int level = ((Integer) parameters[1]).intValue(); session.setIsolation(level); } if (startTransaction) { session.startTransaction(); } return Result.updateZeroResult; } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e, sql); } } // case StatementTypes.SET_SESSION_AUTOCOMMIT: { boolean mode = ((Boolean) parameters[0]).booleanValue(); try { session.setAutoCommit(mode); return Result.updateZeroResult; } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e, sql); } } case StatementTypes.DECLARE_VARIABLE: { ColumnSchema variable = (ColumnSchema) parameters[0]; try { session.sessionContext.addSessionVariable(variable); return Result.updateZeroResult; } catch (HsqlException e) { return Result.newErrorResult(e, sql); } } case StatementTypes.SET_SESSION_RESULT_MAX_ROWS: { int size = ((Integer) parameters[0]).intValue(); session.setSQLMaxRows(size); return Result.updateZeroResult; } case StatementTypes.SET_SESSION_RESULT_MEMORY_ROWS: { int size = ((Integer) parameters[0]).intValue(); session.setResultMemoryRowCount(size); return Result.updateZeroResult; } default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "CompiledStateemntCommand"); } }
public Object negate(Object a) throws HsqlException { if (a == null) { return null; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL: case Types.SQL_FLOAT: case Types.SQL_DOUBLE: { double ad = -((Number) a).doubleValue(); return ValuePool.getDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(ad)); } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC: case Types.SQL_DECIMAL: return ((BigDecimal) a).negate(); case Types.TINYINT: { int value = ((Number) a).intValue(); if (value == Byte.MIN_VALUE) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return ValuePool.getInt(-value); } case Types.SQL_SMALLINT: { int value = ((Number) a).intValue(); if (value == Short.MIN_VALUE) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return ValuePool.getInt(-value); } case Types.SQL_INTEGER: { int value = ((Number) a).intValue(); if (value == Integer.MIN_VALUE) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return ValuePool.getInt(-value); } case Types.SQL_BIGINT: { long value = ((Number) a).longValue(); if (value == Long.MIN_VALUE) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22003); } return ValuePool.getLong(-value); } default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
void write(RowOutputInterface out) throws IOException { out.writeInt(type); out.writeInt(columnCount); switch (type) { case UPDATE_RESULT_METADATA: case SIMPLE_RESULT_METADATA: { for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { out.writeType(columnTypes[i].typeCode); } return; } case GENERATED_INDEX_METADATA: { for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { out.writeInt(colIndexes[i]); } return; } case GENERATED_NAME_METADATA: { for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { out.writeString(columnLabels[i]); } return; } case PARAM_METADATA: for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { writeDataType(out, columnTypes[i]); out.writeString(columnLabels[i]); out.writeByte(encodeParamColumnAttrs(i)); } return; case RESULT_METADATA: { out.writeInt(extendedColumnCount); for (int i = 0; i < extendedColumnCount; i++) { if (columnTypes[i] == null) { ColumnBase column = columns[i]; columnTypes[i] = column.getDataType(); } writeDataType(out, columnTypes[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { ColumnBase column = columns[i]; out.writeString(columnLabels[i]); out.writeString(column.getCatalogNameString()); out.writeString(column.getSchemaNameString()); out.writeString(column.getTableNameString()); out.writeString(column.getNameString()); out.writeByte(encodeTableColumnAttrs(column)); } if (columnCount != extendedColumnCount) { for (int i = 0; i < colIndexes.length; i++) { out.writeInt(colIndexes[i]); } } return; } default: { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "ResultMetaData"); } } }
public int compare(Object a, Object b) { if (a == b) { return 0; } if (a == null) { return -1; } if (b == null) { return 1; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SQL_SMALLINT: case Types.SQL_INTEGER: { if (b instanceof Integer) { int ai = ((Number) a).intValue(); int bi = ((Number) b).intValue(); return (ai > bi) ? 1 : (bi > ai ? -1 : 0); } else if (b instanceof Double) { double ai = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); double bi = ((Number) b).doubleValue(); return (ai > bi) ? 1 : (bi > ai ? -1 : 0); } else if (b instanceof BigDecimal) { BigDecimal ad = convertToDecimal(a); int i = ad.compareTo((BigDecimal) b); return (i == 0) ? 0 : (i < 0 ? -1 : 1); } } // fall through case Types.SQL_BIGINT: { if (b instanceof Long) { long longa = ((Number) a).longValue(); long longb = ((Number) b).longValue(); return (longa > longb) ? 1 : (longb > longa ? -1 : 0); } else if (b instanceof Double) { BigDecimal ad = BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number) a).longValue()); BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(((Double) b).doubleValue()); int i = ad.compareTo(bd); return (i == 0) ? 0 : (i < 0 ? -1 : 1); } else if (b instanceof BigDecimal) { BigDecimal ad = BigDecimal.valueOf(((Number) a).longValue()); int i = ad.compareTo((BigDecimal) b); return (i == 0) ? 0 : (i < 0 ? -1 : 1); } } // fall through case Types.SQL_REAL: case Types.SQL_FLOAT: case Types.SQL_DOUBLE: { // todo big-decimal etc double ad = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); double bd = ((Number) b).doubleValue(); return (ad > bd) ? 1 : (bd > ad ? -1 : 0); } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC: case Types.SQL_DECIMAL: { BigDecimal bd = convertToDecimal(b); int i = ((BigDecimal) a).compareTo(bd); return (i == 0) ? 0 : (i < 0 ? -1 : 1); } default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
/** * Returns a SQL type "wide" enough to represent the result of the expression.<br> * A type is "wider" than the other if it can represent all its numeric values.<br> * Arithmetic operation terms are promoted to a type that can represent the resulting values and * avoid incorrect results. * * <p>FLOAT/REAL/DOUBLE used in an operation results in the same type, regardless of the type of * the other operand. When the result or the expression is converted to the type of the target * column for storage, an exception is thrown if the resulting value cannot be stored in the * column * * <p>Types narrower than INTEGER (int) are promoted to INTEGER. The order of promotion is as * follows * * <p>INTEGER, BIGINT, NUMERIC/DECIMAL * * <p>TINYINT and SMALLINT in any combination return INTEGER<br> * TINYINT/SMALLINT/INTEGER and INTEGER return BIGINT<br> * TINYINT/SMALLINT/INTEGER and BIGINT return NUMERIC/DECIMAL<br> * BIGINT and BIGINT return NUMERIC/DECIMAL<br> * REAL/FLOAT/DOUBLE and any type return REAL/FLOAT/DOUBLE<br> * NUMERIC/DECIMAL any type other than REAL/FLOAT/DOUBLE returns NUMERIC/DECIMAL<br> * In the case of NUMERIC/DECIMAL returned, the result precision is always large enough to express * any value result, while the scale depends on the operation:<br> * For ADD/SUBTRACT/DIVIDE, the scale is the larger of the two<br> * For MULTIPLY, the scale is the sum of the two scales<br> */ public Type getCombinedType(Type other, int operation) throws HsqlException { if (other.typeCode == Types.SQL_ALL_TYPES) { other = this; } switch (operation) { case OpTypes.ADD: break; case OpTypes.MULTIPLY: if (other.isIntervalType()) { return other.getCombinedType(this, OpTypes.MULTIPLY); } break; case OpTypes.DIVIDE: case OpTypes.SUBTRACT: default: // all derivatives of equality ops or comparison ops return getAggregateType(other); } // resolution for ADD and MULTIPLY only if (!other.isNumberType()) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_42562); } if (typeWidth == DOUBLE_WIDTH || ((NumberType) other).typeWidth == DOUBLE_WIDTH) { return Type.SQL_DOUBLE; } int sum = typeWidth + ((NumberType) other).typeWidth; if (sum <= INTEGER_WIDTH) { return Type.SQL_INTEGER; } if (sum <= BIGINT_WIDTH) { return Type.SQL_BIGINT; } int newScale; long newDigits; switch (operation) { // case OpCodes.DIVIDE : // case OpCodes.SUBTRACT : case OpTypes.ADD: newScale = scale > other.scale ? scale : other.scale; newDigits = precision - scale > other.precision - other.scale ? precision - scale : other.precision - other.scale; newDigits++; break; case OpTypes.MULTIPLY: newDigits = precision - scale + other.precision - other.scale; newScale = scale + other.scale; break; default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } return getNumberType(Types.SQL_DECIMAL, newScale + newDigits, newScale); }
public Object divide(Object a, Object b) throws HsqlException { if (a == null || b == null) { return null; } switch (typeCode) { case Types.SQL_REAL: case Types.SQL_FLOAT: case Types.SQL_DOUBLE: { double ad = ((Number) a).doubleValue(); double bd = ((Number) b).doubleValue(); if (bd == 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22012); } return ValuePool.getDouble(Double.doubleToLongBits(ad / bd)); } case Types.SQL_NUMERIC: case Types.SQL_DECIMAL: { a = convertToDefaultType(null, a); b = convertToDefaultType(null, b); BigDecimal abd = (BigDecimal) a; BigDecimal bbd = (BigDecimal) b; int scale = abd.scale() > bbd.scale() ? abd.scale() : bbd.scale(); if (bbd.signum() == 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22012); } return abd.divide(bbd, scale, BigDecimal.ROUND_DOWN); } case Types.TINYINT: case Types.SQL_SMALLINT: case Types.SQL_INTEGER: { int ai = ((Number) a).intValue(); int bi = ((Number) b).intValue(); if (bi == 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22012); } return ValuePool.getInt(ai / bi); } case Types.SQL_BIGINT: { long al = ((Number) a).longValue(); long bl = ((Number) b).longValue(); if (bl == 0) { throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_22012); } return ValuePool.getLong(al / bl); } default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "NumberType"); } }
StatementSession(int type, Object[] args) { super(type); this.parameters = args; isTransactionStatement = false; isLogged = false; switch (type) { // logged by statement case StatementTypes.SET_SCHEMA: group = StatementTypes.X_SQL_SESSION; isLogged = true; break; case StatementTypes.DECLARE_VARIABLE: group = StatementTypes.X_HSQLDB_SESSION; isLogged = true; break; // cursor case StatementTypes.ALLOCATE_CURSOR: group = StatementTypes.X_SQL_DATA; break; case StatementTypes.ALLOCATE_DESCRIPTOR: case StatementTypes.DEALLOCATE_DESCRIPTOR: case StatementTypes.DEALLOCATE_PREPARE: group = StatementTypes.X_DYNAMIC; break; // case StatementTypes.DYNAMIC_DELETE_CURSOR: group = StatementTypes.X_SQL_DATA_CHANGE; break; case StatementTypes.DYNAMIC_CLOSE: case StatementTypes.DYNAMIC_FETCH: case StatementTypes.DYNAMIC_OPEN: group = StatementTypes.X_SQL_DATA; break; // case StatementTypes.OPEN: case StatementTypes.FETCH: case StatementTypes.FREE_LOCATOR: case StatementTypes.GET_DESCRIPTOR: case StatementTypes.HOLD_LOCATOR: group = StatementTypes.X_SQL_DATA; break; // case StatementTypes.PREPARABLE_DYNAMIC_DELETE_CURSOR: case StatementTypes.PREPARABLE_DYNAMIC_UPDATE_CURSOR: case StatementTypes.PREPARE: group = StatementTypes.X_DYNAMIC; break; // logged by session case StatementTypes.DISCONNECT: group = StatementTypes.X_SQL_CONNECTION; break; // case StatementTypes.SET_CONNECTION: case StatementTypes.SET_CONSTRAINT: case StatementTypes.SET_DESCRIPTOR: case StatementTypes.SET_SESSION_CHARACTERISTICS: case StatementTypes.SET_TRANSFORM_GROUP: case StatementTypes.SET_SESSION_RESULT_MAX_ROWS: case StatementTypes.SET_SESSION_RESULT_MEMORY_ROWS: case StatementTypes.SET_SESSION_AUTOCOMMIT: group = StatementTypes.X_HSQLDB_SESSION; break; // logged by session if necessary case StatementTypes.COMMIT_WORK: case StatementTypes.RELEASE_SAVEPOINT: case StatementTypes.ROLLBACK_SAVEPOINT: case StatementTypes.ROLLBACK_WORK: case StatementTypes.SAVEPOINT: case StatementTypes.SET_TRANSACTION: case StatementTypes.START_TRANSACTION: group = StatementTypes.X_SQL_TRANSACTION; break; default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "StatementCommand"); } }
ResultMetaData(RowInputBinary in) throws IOException { type = in.readInt(); columnCount = in.readInt(); switch (type) { case UPDATE_RESULT_METADATA: case SIMPLE_RESULT_METADATA: { columnTypes = new Type[columnCount]; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { int type = in.readType(); columnTypes[i] = Type.getDefaultType(type); } return; } case GENERATED_INDEX_METADATA: { colIndexes = new int[columnCount]; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { colIndexes[i] = in.readInt(); } return; } case GENERATED_NAME_METADATA: { columnLabels = new String[columnCount]; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { columnLabels[i] = in.readString(); } return; } case PARAM_METADATA: { columnTypes = new Type[columnCount]; columnLabels = new String[columnCount]; paramModes = new byte[columnCount]; paramNullable = new byte[columnCount]; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { columnTypes[i] = readDataType(in); columnLabels[i] = in.readString(); decodeParamColumnAttrs(in.readByte(), i); } return; } case RESULT_METADATA: { extendedColumnCount = in.readInt(); columnTypes = new Type[extendedColumnCount]; columnLabels = new String[columnCount]; columns = new ColumnBase[columnCount]; if (columnCount != extendedColumnCount) { colIndexes = new int[columnCount]; } for (int i = 0; i < extendedColumnCount; i++) { Type type = readDataType(in); columnTypes[i] = type; } for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { columnLabels[i] = in.readString(); String catalog = in.readString(); String schema = in.readString(); String table = in.readString(); String name = in.readString(); ColumnBase column = new ColumnBase(catalog, schema, table, name); column.setType(columnTypes[i]); decodeTableColumnAttrs(in.readByte(), column); columns[i] = column; } if (columnCount != extendedColumnCount) { for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { colIndexes[i] = in.readInt(); } } return; } default: { throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, "ResultMetaData"); } } }
public void resolve() throws HsqlException { boolean resolved = false; switch (type) { case StatementTypes.SIGNAL: case StatementTypes.RESIGNAL: break; case StatementTypes.RETURN: if (root.isProcedure()) { // todo better message throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_2F501); } resolved = true; break; case StatementTypes.ITERATE: { StatementCompound statement = parent; while (statement != null) { if (statement.isLoop) { if (label == null) { resolved = true; break; } if (statement.label != null && { resolved = true; break; } } statement = statement.parent; } break; } case StatementTypes.LEAVE: resolved = true; break; case StatementTypes.ASSIGNMENT: resolved = true; break; case StatementTypes.CONDITION: resolved = true; break; default: throw Error.runtimeError(ErrorCode.U_S0500, ""); } if (!resolved) { // todo better message throw Error.error(ErrorCode.X_2F501); } }